How long does motor oil last? Let’s understand the terms and conditions of storage.


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Issues discussed in the material:

  • How long does motor oil last?
  • What happens after the expiration date
  • Signs of expired motor oil
  • How to properly store motor oil

How long does motor oil last? Garage owners probably asked themselves this question when they discovered a canister of high-quality synthetics purchased a long time ago on sale. At first glance, it may seem that oil can be stored forever in its original packaging and in a dark corner.

However, manufacturers set much shorter expiration dates even with undamaged packaging. Naturally, oil in an open canister will lose its properties even faster, and if temperature changes are added to the influence of air, then the shelf life is reduced to very small values. Next, we will talk about how to store motor oil and what to do if its expiration date has expired.

How long does motor oil last?

It is impossible to give a definitive answer, because the expiration date depends on the condition of the motor oil: it is stored in an opened container or it is still in the original packaging. At the same time, various factors influence the lubricant that is in an open container.

Everything is a little clearer if we are talking about a hermetically sealed canister. In addition, the composition and manufacturers of the product should be taken into account. Most people know that lubricants are semi-synthetic, synthetic and mineral. Approximately, motor oil is stored for as long as stated on the original packaging. Under favorable conditions – approximately 5 years. Such a long period is relevant for certain semi-synthetic products and high-quality synthetic fluids. For mineral ones, if the packaging is not damaged, up to three years, although in reality no more than two.

As soon as lubricant is poured into a car engine, its properties immediately begin to change. It all depends on oxygen, upon contact with which various oxidation reactions occur, which leads to a change or loss of the specific properties of the motor oil.

Manufacturers of engine fluids use an artificial reduction in shelf life. In other words, sometimes you can see on the packaging that synthetics should be used within two to three years.

This position of the manufacturers is quite understandable. After all, everything changes very quickly, and the quality of lubricants must correspond to the updated power units. Those who think that internal combustion engines are not improving are mistaken. Vehicle manufacturing companies use the latest technologies, modern materials and various innovative moves. They force companies producing working fluids to produce products of higher quality, economical and efficient.

Lubricant manufacturers do not need to make a product with a long service life, because it quickly ceases to meet the requirements of car manufacturing companies. That's the whole secret for you. As soon as changes occur in the engine, it means that the structure of the fluid must also be changed.

It doesn’t really matter whether motor oil is stored in a barrel or a canister, the main thing is how long it should be kept in this condition. In any case, if the seal of the container is broken, the lubricating fluid begins to interact with air. Many lubricants, in principle, can remain open for about a year and a half. However, for this to happen, favorable conditions must be created. It is not recommended to use liquid that has been in the garage unsealed for even a couple of weeks.


To maintain proper characteristics, motor fluids must be maintained under certain conditions, otherwise they cease to fully perform their functions and can harm the vehicle’s mechanisms.

How to do it right

Storage rules are not difficult:

  1. The container must be hermetically sealed. This will prevent interaction with air and moisture and slow down the oxidation process.
  2. Place away from direct sunlight.
  3. The room must be provided with ventilation.
  4. The temperature should be maintained at +20...+25 °C, without sudden changes.
  5. The surface must remain at rest and not vibrate, otherwise division into fractions will occur.

A ventilated warehouse is best suited for these purposes.

  1. Cold storage is strictly prohibited.
  2. Open storage is not permitted.

In a plastic bottle

This method of storing in the garage will lead to damage. Transparent plastic will not be able to protect from light and sudden temperature changes.

On the balcony

It is forbidden. Even the original packaging will not save you from heat and frost. After changing several seasons, such lubricant can only be disposed of.

What happens after the oil expires?

Most drivers opt for synthetic, hydrocracking or semi-synthetic motor oils. Car owners assume that as soon as the expiration date expires, the lubricant loses some properties and is no longer suitable for use.

However, this is a rather vague definition. Let's take a more specific look at what is happening to the product structure and why it is changing:

  • Ash content . When considering various product characteristics, car enthusiasts ignore this parameter. Although its meaning is also important. It shows how much flammable components the motor oil contains. The norm is from 1.5 to 2%. If products are stored for a long time, the additives decompose and the amount of ash increases. As a result, the quality of the liquid becomes worse.
  • Viscosity _ This characteristic begins to change over time because the process of additive decomposition begins. In addition, the composition is influenced by air, which gradually seeps into the sealed container, as well as sunlight, decreased temperature, etc. The lubricant can become thicker and more liquid.
  • Additives . Many additives retain their properties for a short time. After the specified period, the lubricant loses the characteristics specified by the manufacturer.

If motor oil is stored for quite a long time, its specific gravity, kinematic viscosity, pour point, etc. change.

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Finished products cannot be stored longer than specified by the manufacturer. Even if all requirements, GOSTs and technological features are met.

Can I use it after it has expired?

You should not succumb to the persuasion of unscrupulous sellers and buy lubricant that has expired. Assurances that the warranty period extends quality characteristics are not true. The conditions of detention are unknown; in addition, the freshness of the lubricant directly affects its properties:

  1. Ash content - indicates the amount of flammable substances in the liquid. Additives break down over time, which increases the amount of ash.
  2. Viscosity changes. The lubricant does not perform a protective function.

Signs of expired motor oil

Various reasons influence how long engine oil is stored after opening. In this case, the time period may not coincide with that specified by the manufacturer. In connection with this circumstance, any driver must understand for himself whether the product is suitable for use or not.

Before using the lubricant for its intended purpose, you need to check it, especially if it has been in the garage or storage room for a long time. So, you need to check:

  1. Presence of sediment in the oil . If it is suitable for use, then there should be no sediment. However, occasionally there may be additives settled at the bottom. For example, in synthetics, you may find sediment in the lubricant you just purchased. Although you need to be careful, if the thickness of the sedimentary layer has increased during storage, we recommend not using this liquid.
  2. Composition for homogeneity . You should pour the engine oil from one container to another and assess the condition of the lubricant. If it flows like water or stretches like jelly, then we do not recommend pouring such a substance into a vehicle.
  3. Appearance . If the lubricating fluid is in good condition, then there are no air bubbles in it, it is uniform in structure and color.

Attention ! Engine oil poured into a vehicle should not be used for more than a year. At the end of this period, synthetic and mineral lubricants lose their properties.

This liquid should not be used for filling into a car; it must be disposed of. However, you cannot simply pour used grease under a bush, because it can harm the environment. In this regard, legal entities are obliged to hand over motor oil that has exhausted its service life to specialized companies for neutralization. Unfortunately, private individuals cannot take advantage of this recycling scheme.

A lubricant that has lost its characteristics or has expired should not be used for its intended purpose. In other words, if you pour such liquid into a car, the engine will experience oil starvation because it will not receive the necessary lubricating components, and then individual components of the engine will begin to break down.

If the engine components are damaged, then you will have to pay for expensive repairs to the power unit.

Quality checking

If you suspect that the oil has expired, you can draw conclusions based on several signs:

  1. Presence of sediment. For synthetic ones, a slight sediment is acceptable. If it is pronounced, then the use of any type of liquid is unacceptable.
  2. Uniformity of structure. To check, you need to pour it into another clean container and observe the process. If the liquid is poured into a homogeneous mass, this indicates suitability. If there are thick inclusions followed by a watery substance, this indicates unsuitability.
  3. Visual inspection. There should be no bubbles or dark color.

How to properly store motor oil

How long motor oil will be stored depends on the place where you have it, as well as on the temperature conditions and the container in which it is poured.

  • In the garage.
    If you meet all the conditions indicated on the packaging (temperature, storage duration), then the lubricant will be stored in the garage without any problems for several years. It happens that you opened a container and used a certain volume of liquid. In this case, it is necessary to quickly find a use for the remaining part.

    If the container is opened, its contents should be stored for no more than 6 months. True, certain brands have an increased shelf life in accordance with the warranty, but it should be remembered that after a year the oxidation process begins in the lubricant. We do not recommend using such a product because it can damage vehicle components.

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    Semi-synthetic fluid does not like frequent temperature changes. For such lubrication, equal heating of the air is required, that is, you need a room with a constant temperature and without access to direct sunlight.

  • In a canister.
    According to the instructions, in a canister that has not been opened, motor oil can be stored for about five years, maintaining a temperature regime of up to +20 ° C. If you have significant supplies of lubricant and you are going to find a use for them in the near future, then you should check whether the caps on the containers are tightly tightened and the storage conditions.

    There are manufacturers who guarantee that their synthetic product, even if it is in an already opened container, can not change its properties for five years. What is important here is what is included in the product and whether international quality standards have been met.

    The packaging will help you understand how long motor oil can be stored and under what conditions it should be stored.

    For the most part, the grease from the started container is completely used within a year. However, you should not make large stocks of this product.

    Manufacturers of products do not recommend pouring it from the “original” container into another container, because oxygen will combine with the lubricant and the shelf life guaranteed by the manufacturers will decrease.

  • In the car.
    You should not keep a canister of liquid in a car, because it is quite problematic to create the conditions necessary for proper storage, that is, maintaining the required temperature and humidity.

    The air in the car is usually warm, and in the summer it can even be hot. This temperature regime negatively affects the properties of motor oil.

    If the machine is actively used, then, in addition to temperature fluctuations, there are also different levels of humidity. In rainy weather it is naturally higher. On a hot day - lower. Each parameter affects synthetic motor oil, mostly negatively.

    Try to use the most optimal places for storage, and leave the vehicle as a last resort.

  • in winter.
    Car enthusiasts are wondering whether it is permissible to leave lubricant in the winter in a garage that does not have heating, which means it is quite cold there.

    Experts say that this can be done if you follow a few simple rules:

    The temperature near the container should be constant, no sudden changes . The liquid should not be allowed to freeze, as it will then lose its properties.

    Check the traffic jams . Air should not get inside the canister, otherwise oxidation may occur. Ideally, the container should be sealed.

    Before using lubricant that has been in a cold room for a long time, shake it. The liquid will mix and there will be no sediment.

  • In stock.
    Here, mineral liquid is stored in accordance with requirements that must be strictly followed, because large batches of products are stored there, and not a single product.

    Firstly, the temperature must be constant. It is necessary to read the manufacturer's recommendations indicated on the packaging.

    Secondly, humidity is maintained at the same level.

    Thirdly, old canisters of liquid are stored in one place, and new ones in another. You also need to constantly check the expiration date and remove those that are already out of date.

    The ideal warehouse is a dark and cool room.

  • On the balcony
    You don't have a garage, but you have a balcony. The question arises how long motor oil can be stored there. Nothing new. The conditions stated on the packaging must be met. Moreover, this is a place in the apartment where in a certain season the air condition is almost always stable: both temperature and humidity. You just need to make sure that the sun's rays do not fall on the container with the liquid.

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How long does motor oil last: opinions of car owners

  1. Nuances of terminology. “You know that the expiration date is written as the period during which motor oil is stored. In other words, the container must be sealed. When they opened it and began to connect with oxygen, then the storage time became shorter. The lubricant begins to lose its properties, additives precipitate. Do you want to put this substance in your car?”
  2. Where it deteriorates faster.
    “You can store it for 6 months, nothing will happen if the motor oil is recently manufactured. It is much more likely to lose its characteristics in an internal combustion engine rather than in a container, because high temperature promotes faster coking and lint formation.”
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  3. Storage conditions.
    “If motor oil is stored at home, then you can refill it safely even after 5 years. Of course, provided that the temperature remains constant. It is clearly stated on the packaging that the guaranteed shelf life is five years in any case.”
  4. Can it be stored open?
    “I think the difference between open and closed containers is how much oxygen is in the engine oil and how the lubricant is stored in the future. If the canister is poorly closed or completely open, and is constantly stirred (if it is in the car), then after six months it can no longer be used.”
  5. What to do with expired oil.
    “If the liquid is not suitable for a car, then you can find another use for it. For example, use it to clean rust on tools, hinges, etc.”


Requirements for motor lubricants are regulated by a number of state standards:

  1. GOST 17479.1-2015 “Motor oils. Classification and designation." The principles of division into groups and decoding of alphanumeric codes are given. Sets the rule for use immediately after opening, the maximum period is 5 years.
  2. GOST 12337-84 “Motor oils for diesel engines. Technical specifications establish quality requirements and test methods.”
  3. GOST 10541-78 “Universal motor oils and for automobile carburetor engines. Technical Specifications" contains brands, requirements, and acceptance rules.

Determination of low-quality products

To identify low-quality motor oil, the first thing you need to do is find the date of manufacture and shelf life on the packaging. It is important to understand that we are talking about a packaged product.

But even when the expiration date has not yet expired, constant monitoring can provoke a loss of its chemical and physical properties.

In addition, there is another category of product - counterfeit. It is no less dangerous than an expired product. It can be determined both in the laboratory and at home.

To identify a counterfeit yourself, you will need a blank sheet of paper. Then you need to do the following:

  1. Pour machine oil onto the sheet.
  2. Hold the paper at a slight slope.
  3. Wait until the product spreads over the surface of the paper and check the result.

If the oil is of normal quality, there should be no dark spots left on the sheet of paper. Their presence indicates the use of low-quality additives that can harm the engine.

Visually, the liquid should be amber in color . A dark color means the oil is of low quality or that the liquid has been processed.

Poor quality oil can be returned only after examination in a laboratory. As a result of this procedure, experts will issue an opinion.

An examination will also be required if the expiration date has not expired and the consumer qualities of the oil have been lost as a result of improper storage.


No matter how much they talk about the shelf life of motor oil, the fresher the motor fluid, the higher its quality indicators. After all, no one will say in what conditions the oil was stored. Therefore, when purchasing, always determine the production time of the lubricant. This condition must be observed not only when purchasing motor oils. Transmission fluids age in a similar way. Subject to these simple conditions, you will drive your car for a long time and safely.

Some features of storing various motor lubricants

Mineral oils are of petroleum origin. They are most suitable for used car engines because they have high viscosity compared to other types of lubricants. But in terms of shelf life (3 years), “mineral water” is inferior to them.

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Synthetic oil is of chemical origin. It is obtained by the interaction of hydrocarbons and ethers. Synthetics can withstand elevated temperatures without problems, so they are well suited for cars that experience heavy loads. Can be stored for up to 5 years if closed canisters are used.

“Semi-synthetics” are obtained by mixing “mineral water” and “synthetics” in a ratio of 1 to 1 or 7 to 3. The result is a motor lubricant with a wide range of applications and an affordable price. Can be stored for about 4 years.

Motor oils are available in winter, summer and all-season types. Winter ones are low-viscosity, so they remain on lubricated surfaces even at sub-zero temperatures. Their labels contain the letter W, and the number in front of it is the permissible sub-zero temperature.

And finally

It is not by chance that manufacturers set expiration dates for motor materials. This is how they inform car enthusiasts about when the oil is guaranteed to provide stable operation, and when it starts to “throw out” tricks. Therefore, if you nevertheless took a risk and filled the hood with expired oil, and the results turned out to be negative, then you should blame yourself first of all. Sometimes it is better to spend more money and preserve the “health” of the car than, having saved once, to look for parts for an expensive overhaul.

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