A timely replacement of the Renault Logan 1 ball joint will help the driver avoid serious difficulties. Besides, doing it yourself is not so difficult. This article will examine not only the process of changing the Renault Logan ball joint, but also the general symptoms of a malfunction.
What is a ball joint
The element is a hinge that connects the wheel hub with the levers.
- monolithic steel pin: on one side there is a conical part and thread, on the other there is a spherical part;
- rubber boot - prevents dirt from getting inside the ball joint housing;
- a metal body that holds the finger sphere;
- bushings made of polymer materials - softens the friction forces between the finger and the body;
- press nut with rolling - presses the main elements to the body.
There is one ball joint installed on each side of the Renault Logan front suspension. It’s easier to see them by lifting the car on a lift or driving it into a viewing hole.
If the ball joint is not replaced in time, problems will arise with the car's handling and increased wear of other suspension elements, as well as tires. It will be impossible to do a wheel alignment. If during this procedure the service technician points out problems, then the ball joints will probably have to be replaced.
"Symptoms" of a breakdown
First of all, let’s identify all the main signs that could signal that the engine is already faulty.
- The fan starts to rotate very slowly.
- The speeds begin to gradually disappear. Most often, not all of them disappear at once, but some of them disappear separately. Then they fail—they don't work at all.
- There is a wiring smell inside the car.
- Starting up the furnace is fraught with significant difficulties. Consequently, motorists operate it only after they “hit” the lower right dashboard.
- Eventually the engine stops starting altogether. This is the most extreme case. If this malfunction is detected, begin repairs immediately.
To find out for sure that the Renault Megane 2 heater fan is not working, you need to learn a little more about car fan diagnostics.
How to check a ball joint on a Renault Logan
While driving, the ball joint experiences significant loads; as a result of frictional forces, the bushings wear out, and sand and dirt get inside through the damaged boot. The finger begins to dangle in the body. With average wear, the car begins to sway on the road while driving. If it is stronger, knocking, squeaking when turning, and difficulty controlling the steering wheel may appear. While driving, the car does not hold the road well. Increased tire wear is also observed. In the worst case scenario, the ball joint pin could break out of the housing, causing the wheel to separate from the arm. You will have to continue driving on a tow truck.
Diagnostics of SHO
You need to perform a number of actions:
- Place the car on a lift so that the front wheels are hanging in the air. Or use a jack to lift the car by placing wooden blocks under the body.
- Turn the wheels in one direction until they stop. Inspect the anthers: if they are severely damaged, then it is better to replace the ball joint, even if there is no play in the fingers - this will happen soon.
- Without removing the wheel, you need to grab the top and bottom sides. Try gently shaking it up and down. There shouldn't be much chatter. The procedure must be repeated at different steering wheel positions.
- Also, no play should be felt if you place the pry bar between the lever and the pivot pin.
In some cases, other spare parts may be the culprit for problems with the front suspension: wheel bearings, silent blocks. Therefore, a comprehensive inspection is recommended.
It's worth trying to repair the stove fan. Replacing the brushes may be enough to once again enjoy cool air in the Megan 2's cabin.
It is necessary to remove the wiring block on the motor.
(Link to photo source)
Using a thin screwdriver, pry up the three latches and release the heater motor.
The brushes cannot be removed because the ends of the wires are soldered to the stator contacts. It is likely that the brushes have become worn down and have an uneven cut.
There is a need to clean contacts and intercontact gaps from dust and dirt. You can find copper-graphite brushes in hardware stores.
Having trimmed and given the required shape, solder it to the Renault Megane 2 fan. Then install the fan in place.
Choosing a Renault Logan ball joint
Service technicians advise installing original spare parts on the suspension. Causes:
- For parts manufactured at the company's factories, materials are used in accordance with the technologies developed by the designers.
- provides a guarantee for all spare parts purchased in company stores, dealers and service centers.
- The service life of original spare parts is significantly longer than that of analogues.
Reference data: on smooth city roads, ball joints can travel up to 120–140 thousand km. It is important to drive carefully. If operation occurs in an area with poor quality roads, then the service life is reduced by almost half. And when using “left-handed” parts, wear will occur even faster.
Important: since 2013, it has been using ball joints of a new type. Now they have fingers with a lateral rather than a circular groove. The “old” and “new” options can be seen in the photo.
Article numbers for different parts will also be different:
- “Old” sample - 401604793R;
- “New” – 401602523R – differs in the direction of the finger groove.
Number of recommended special tool sleeve-mandrel for installation: R10079.
Ball dimensions on Logan:
- cone size: 18 mm
- outer diameter: 38.3 mm.
If you choose an analogue, then the search must also be carried out based on the corresponding articles.
It is worth considering that ball joints using the Renault Logan repair technology should be changed along with the levers. Therefore, it is not always possible to purchase original spare parts. If you have problems finding it, it is recommended to remove the old part and look for a replacement with it.
There are two manufacturing companies that have proven themselves, both are based in Germany, but Lemforder also has production sites in Romania.
For part 401604793R you can find analogues:
- TRW JBJ721;
- Lemforder 29469 01 or 37809 01.
To replace 401602523R, similar products are produced:
- "Avtovaz" - for Lada Largus;
- "Hofer"
- "Cedar";
- "Belaz".
Analogues from China are also available, but their quality leaves much to be desired.
Motor items
Let's look at which heater fan part numbers can be used for Renault:
RENAULT 7701056965 – original for Renault Megane 2.
Original RENAULT 7701056965 (Link to photo source)
For those who want to save money, analogues of fans are available on the market, for example:
- STELLOX 29-99025-SX – the motor supports a voltage of 12 V;
- PATRON PFN079 – this specimen weighs 1.22 kg;
- ERA 664025 – power 220 W, voltage 12 V;
- NRF 34126 – fan has 47 blades, rotates clockwise;
- NISSENS 87043 – two poles, power 173 W
The listed fans that can be used as a replacement for Renault Megane are named in ascending order of cost from 2 thousand rubles. up to 5 thousand
Replacement Tools and Accessories
To remove the ball joint you will need a puller.
The same tool will help remove the tie rods. To install a new support, you will need a mandrel bushing or a head of the appropriate diameter from the kit. You also need a jack (if there is no access to a lift), a hammer, a small crowbar or a pry bar.
Step-by-step dismantling of the stove
Be careful when removing the oven fan on Renault Megane 2. So all work will go very quickly and without problems.
- Carefully remove the cover without using excessive force. The latch is located exactly in the center of the dashboard.
- An interesting landscape will open before you. Take your headlamp and move towards the pedals.
- Now eliminating the brake light control button. To do this, you need to turn it counterclockwise, then remove it.
- Next up is the accelerator pedal connector. To do this, press on the flat side. A screwdriver can be used as a lever. When you're done with the gas, move on to the brake. It is held in place by a lock washer. The connector must be removed from the rod and the latch released. As you go, pull the board to the right.
- The image below shows the mounting points for the pedal board. To remove them, use key 13.
- After all these actions you will see a cherry, or rather a fan. To access it you need to disconnect another connector. The latches are visible from the end sides. At this stage, you want to drop everything and go to a car service. How far can you go in a hot car, I wonder? Next, we continue to disassemble the stove fan.
- The knot must be turned counterclockwise.
- Now you need to remove the connector from which two thick wires pass. Pay attention to its location. The procedure can be confusing. Since we are in contact with the electrician, any faulty movement will make the car's operation dangerous. Removing the connector must begin from the center of the assembly, carefully moving it to the left along the axis.
- Next you need to start the engine between the brake rod and the radiator hoses. This is not easy to do, but it is possible. It is important to manually turn the Renault Megan 2 heater fan to the position shown in the image above. And even with great difficulty, but such a procedure will bring success.
Replacing the Renault Logan ball joint
The car is installed so that the front wheels do not touch the ground. It is recommended to loosen the wheel nuts in advance.
The wheels need to be removed.
You need to unscrew the ball joint mounting bolt, remove the pin from the steering knuckle, and push the lever down. The nut usually comes off well, but to remove the bolt you may need WD 40 or kerosene - it often “sticks.”
“Stuck” ball joint bolt
Now you have to remove the casing - unscrew the 2 nuts.
Remove the stabilizer link bolt.
Remove the silent block bolts (front and rear).
Remove the lever assembly with the ball joint using a hammer and wedge. It's better to use a puller.
Removed lever
You can also knock out the defective part using a pipe-shaped mandrel and a wooden stop.
Having placed the lever on the workbench, you need to install a new ball. Place grease under the boot. For driving, it is recommended to use the pipe on which the old part was knocked out.
The last step, installing the lever on the car, is done in the reverse order.
Video: how to replace a ball joint on a Renault Logan
Replacement and repair of Megane 1, 2 and 3 stoves
The interior heating system of a Renault Megane car consists of a radiator, a fan, air ducts and an electronic control unit with sensors. The stove performs the important function of heating the cabin during the cold season, and in order to make your stay in the cabin comfortable, it is necessary to monitor its condition and carry out timely diagnostics and repairs.
What faults may be present in the system?
The most common breakdowns of Renault Megane:
- the fan does not turn on;
- hot air does not enter the cabin (it does not heat well);
- During operation, extraneous noise appears;
- other malfunctions (sensors, buttons, air ducts).
Types of breakdowns and ways to fix them
- The fan is not working. The first step is to check the integrity of the contacts and wiring, as well as fuses and sensors. If all connections are ok and no fuses are blown, the reason it won't turn on is a faulty motor.
- Hot air does not enter the cabin. There may be several reasons why the stove does not heat up or heats up very poorly. The first step is to check the maintenance of the air damper, air ducts and replace the cabin filter. If these measures do not help, the coolant may not be getting into the radiator (the inlet pipe is cold) or the radiator may be clogged.
- The insulation “whistles”. If you hear howling and squealing when you turn on the stove, it means the fan needs repair. Most likely, the bearings are worn out or the motor brushes are worn out.
- Other malfunctions. One of the most common malfunctions is that the fan only works at one speed and does not heat up at others. In this case, you should look for a burnt-out fan resistor(s) using a multimeter. A burnt sensor that does not light up should be replaced with a new one. If you don’t want to solder, you can completely replace the entire resistance block with sensors. The stove may not heat up due to a faulty switch in the interior. Sometimes air dampers fail, blocking the air flow.
We repair the system with our own hands
Many repairs can be done yourself, on both petrol and diesel models. Having found out the cause of the stove malfunction, it is necessary to eliminate the problem.
Removing the fan on Renault Megane of all three generations is not very easy. To disassemble a fan with a motor that does not turn on, you need to do the following:
- Remove the plastic cover that is located near the pedals (on the right). This must be done carefully so as not to damage the fragile plastic latches. Turn the brake light sensor counterclockwise and pull it out.
- Disconnect the accelerator pedal connector and pull out the brake axle by first removing the lock washer and lowering the retainer. Using a size 13 wrench, unscrew the pedal assembly nuts and disassemble it.
- Inside the resulting niche we find the necessary part (for this you need to use a flashlight). We take out the fan unit by disconnecting the connector.
- To remove the fan, you need to press the lock and turn it counterclockwise. It is quite difficult to remove the part from its original position, since the brake rod gets in the way. You can carefully pull it out between the antifreeze pipes. You must act very carefully so as not to damage the heater fan. Inspect the part for clogging and mechanical damage that would prevent it from igniting.
Replacement of the radiator is necessary in case of leakage or blockage. To repair the radiator, you need to perform the following steps:
- Disconnect the wires from the battery, starting with the negative one. Next, we clamp the pipes so that the coolant does not leak out, and open the hatch cover leading to the lower crankcase.
- Open the panel on the dashboard, which is located on the side. Now turn off the sensor unit and the headlight depth control and set the mode switch to the minimum shock absorber opening.
- Disconnect the air ducts and route the pipe down, remove the front air distribution section of the air duct and move the wiring to the side. Fold down the interior carpet and remove the lower part of the upholstery.
- Then unscrew the four bolts of the instrument panel and open it. To prevent coolant from leaking out of the radiator onto the ground, place a suitable container under the bottom.
- Now move the radiator to the side, unscrew the clamps, remove the radiator hoses and pull out the part.
- The heating element is installed in the reverse order. In this case, do not forget to install new gaskets and connect all wires and sensors. Make sure the radiator is on and heating properly. Install protective plastic elements only after the system has been tested, the sensors are working properly and no refrigerant leaks have been detected.
Prevention of breakdowns
In order for the system to warm up well, start up and operate stably, it is necessary to regularly change the cabin filter and use only high-quality coolant. Low-quality antifreeze can damage the radiator and pipes. Many motorists flush the system with water or a special liquid before the start of the season. This is done to prevent blockages in the combs. By paying enough attention to the heating system, you can enjoy a comfortable internal temperature even in the most severe frosts!
Removing and washing the heater radiator
Before replacing the radiator, you should try flushing it. The removal process may depend on the type of Megane 2 radiator. In the case of model 7701208323 , a complete disassembly of the panel will be required, with model N80506052FI everything is much simpler.
Heater radiator 7701208323 (Link to photo source)
Before removing the radiator, it is necessary to drain the antifreeze. At this time, remove the casing, disconnect the piece of iron fastened with 4 bolts and 1 self-tapping screw. This opened up access to the heater radiator and damper servomotor. Next you need to remove 2 latches, pull out the tubes, and take out the radiator. When collecting, use the reverse order.
You will see how the tubes fit to the radiator. (Link to photo source)
Removed trim
Washing can be done with strong water pressure towards the supply side. For better cleaning of the Renault Megane 2 radiator, you can fill it with a special product, for example, “Sanox”, then rinse it again with water from Karcher. All that remains is to install the removed elements in their places.