Fuel tank volume Lada Largus 1.6 liters in liters - Cross, Van 2019-2020

Among the entire list of technical characteristics of any car, including the Lada Largus, the volume of the fuel tank is of significant importance. This parameter characterizes the vehicle’s ability to move autonomously.

Some inquisitive owners of the popular Lada Largus station wagons smell the manufacturer's trick in terms of the actual tank capacity in comparison with the declared value.

How does this happen? Let's look at our material.

Declared dimensions

In accordance with the technical documentation supplied with the car with a 16-valve engine, no more than 50 liters of fuel can be filled into its gas tank. Taking into account the standard fuel consumption, this number of cars is enough to drive without refueling:

  • along city streets - 450 kilometers;
  • on the highway - 700.

However, the actual size of the gasoline tank on Largus is slightly larger than what the manufacturer indicates.

In particular, some owners managed to fill it with up to 65 liters of fuel. This circumstance causes some confusion among many. In most cases, car enthusiasts are enthusiastic about this discovery, because the extra amount of fuel allows them to increase their range by one and a half to two hundred kilometers.

Design features

It is quite obvious that the plant specified the tank capacity at 50 liters not out of a desire to annoy consumers. If he had such an opportunity, he would certainly write in the documents that he could easily fit 15 liters more into the tank.

You should know that it is not difficult to fill virtually any car with fuel above the limit stated by the manufacturer. The whole point here is that not the entire volume of the reservoir available in nature is subject to accounting. In particular, they do not take into account the neck of the tank, and yet it is quite large in Largus, compared to other models - only up to 3 liters can easily fit into it.

Don’t forget about the legal side - manufacturers all over the world prefer to slightly underestimate the characteristics of their products, indicating only approximate values. If suddenly any parameter turns out to be less than declared, you may run into a lawsuit.

Let's sum it up

As you can see, in some cases, changing the oil in the gearbox may be necessary much earlier than the period determined by the car manufacturer. Moreover, to increase service life, experienced car owners recommend changing the gearbox oil every 60 thousand km. mileage or once every 3-4 years (whichever comes first). It is better to check the oil level in the gearbox at every service or once every 10-15 thousand km.

As for changing the oil in a manual transmission, this procedure can be performed independently. In other words, changing the oil at the Largus gearbox yourself is quite possible even if you lack experience and skills. All you need is an inspection hole or a lift, as well as a minimum set of tools.

Finally, we note that if a partial oil change is made in the gearbox, it is important to add exactly the same fluid as was already poured into the unit initially. As is the case with, it is not recommended to mix transmission fluids that have different oil bases, additive packages, products from different manufacturers, etc.

Safety requirements

This is the most likely reason. The thing is that gasoline, like any liquid, has certain physical properties that cannot be ignored. It itself is very volatile. Even at relatively low temperatures, fuel vapors are actively formed. It is for them that the tank is made large in size. If expansion is not taken into account, then the likelihood of the mixture exploding increases. To prevent such a sad outcome, the tanks are equipped with special recesses. When filling to capacity, these cavities are also filled, which does not happen if only the standard 50 liters are poured into the container.

Determine the volume yourself

To find out how much fuel your car's gas tank can take, just do the following:

  • go to the gas station with as empty a tank as possible and take an extra canister with you;
  • buy exactly 50 liters of gasoline and fill it into the tank;
  • fill the canister again.

As mentioned earlier, the accuracy of metering devices at gas stations is quite conditional, but most likely the discrepancy will not be more than a liter. This is not of fundamental importance for the experiment.

Drive the car with a full tank away from the gas station, open the tank and start pouring fuel stored in a metal canister with a scale into it. If you don’t have one, then take with you, for example, a measuring cup or a liter jar.

The main task is to fill the container under the lid. Pour gasoline slowly so that it has time to flow into the previously mentioned sinuses.

Most likely, you will be able to increase the fuel volume to 60 or even 62 liters. But don’t get too excited – it’s quite harmful for a car to drive with an overfilled tank. If you use the volume to its fullest all the time, the container will soon become unusable - it will be damaged by too much internal pressure created by the gases.


How to determine the real volume yourself?

To find out exactly what the capacity of the fuel tank is in liters on your LADA Largus car, you need to do the following manipulations:

  • go to the gas station with the tank as empty as possible, taking a canister with you;
  • Fill strictly with a 50-liter volume of fuel and not a gram more;
  • fill the canister with fuel.

Taking into account the inaccuracy of the filling equipment, it is unlikely that it will be possible to fill a 50-liter volume, but the discrepancy may amount to no more than a liter. For the experiment underway, this circumstance does not play a special role.

Push the LADA Largus filled with fuel into a free space, open the tank neck and pour fuel from the stored canister (there should be a scale on it). If such a container is not available, then take a regular canister, supplementing it with a liter jar or measuring cup.

Your task is to fill the fuel tank capacity in liters from the neck to the cap. We pour the fuel slowly, giving it the opportunity to fill the previously indicated cavities. The most likely outcome of the “operation” will be to achieve a filled volume of 60 or 62 liters.

There is no need to rejoice, since driving a LADA Largus with an overfilled tank is contraindicated. Systematic use of a tank filled to capacity will soon cause the tank to fail, as it will be deformed by the pressure of internal vapors.

Lada Largus: declared tank volume

Currently, according to technical documentation, approximately 50 liters of fuel can be filled into this car. Considering the fuel consumption of this car model, gasoline will be enough for approximately 450 km of driving within the city and 700 km of driving on a flat highway outside of it.

In fact, the volume of the fuel tank of the Lada Largus car is somewhat larger. Many of their owners managed to fill up not 50, but 65 liters at once, which, naturally, caused complete satisfaction. The fact is that with this amount of fuel the car will be able to travel approximately 600 km within the city and about 900 km on a flat highway. So why is there such a dissonance between the declared and actual volume of the fuel tank of the Lada Largus?

Changing the engine oil

Experienced car owners know that recommendations regarding oil changes should not be ignored.

Ignoring this important process provokes incredibly complex breakdowns that impede not only a comfortable trip, but also completely make such movements impossible. Used oil fluid does not provide high-quality lubrication, so parts quickly fail due to excessive friction

We recommend that you allocate funds in time to purchase oil and pour it into the engine of your favorite car. We will tell you how to carry out such manipulations without making a single mistake, so you should not worry about your technical amateurism.

The secret of increased performance

Currently, manufacturers of Lada Largus cars indicate in the technical documentation attached to it the dimensions of their fuel tank, equal to approximately 50 liters. In fact, you can put a lot more gasoline into it. There are several reasons for this:

  • relatively large fuel tank neck;
  • deliberate application of a slightly smaller volume by manufacturers to comply with technical documentation;
  • the presence of special voids in the tank that increase its level of wear resistance;
  • errors in the operation of refueling equipment.

About the long neck

Naturally, the creators of the Lada Largus car, if possible, would indicate exactly 65 liters of fuel in the technical parameters, if they had such an opportunity. In fact, almost any car can be filled with slightly more gasoline than is indicated in the documentation. This is due to the fact that not the entire actual volume of the fuel tank is subject to accounting. The fact is that the neck is not an accounting space. At the same time, in the Lada Largus car it has increased dimensions in comparison with other models. As a result, several liters of fuel will easily fit there.

Fuel system Lada Largus

Better to play it safe

Another important point to understand is the fact that manufacturers indicate not the exact, but the approximate volume of the fuel tank. Moreover, in reality, in no case should it be smaller in size than what is written in the application from the manufacturer. It is for this reason that companies play it safe and indicate a slightly smaller fuel tank volume.

All gas stations lie

We should also not forget that unscrupulous gas stations can “increase” the amount of fuel they can hold without any problems. In fact, there are even officially indicated “miscalculations” of equipment during the process of pouring gasoline into a car. Most often we are talking about 50 ml per 10 liters. What can we say about unofficial “mistakes”.

Safety first

Another reason for such differences should be sought in the physical properties of gasoline itself. The fact is that during the heating process it expands quite strongly. So, if the fuel tank does not have additional volume, it can lead to failure. It is to avoid such excesses that any tank has special hollow protrusions. Under normal conditions, after firing the refueling nozzle, they are still empty. If you wait a little and try to continue refueling, these reserve spaces will also be filled.

Luggage compartment

Nv Lada Largus van the volume of the cargo compartment is the main advantage. Here the manufacturer tried to achieve maximum capacity and ease of loading large objects.

The trunk doors open 180 degrees, which allows you to “stuff” cargo into the car across the entire width of the body. Essentially, the inside is a square compartment with a rubber floor - this is designed to prevent the load from sliding. At the same time, some users remove the casing or cover it with plywood sheets - it is almost impossible to move the boxes on the stock rubber.

The ability to load entire pallets is highlighted. The width of the cargo compartment is 1020 mm, which makes it possible to work with a forklift.

The length of the box is 1850 mm. Consequently, the movement of large boxes or structures will not take you by surprise.

The total volume of the Lada Largus van body in cubes is 2540 liters, which is more than enough to transport small and large cargo. An additional advantage is the standard solution for such cars - moving the spare wheel under the bottom of the car. At the same time, the manufacturer has moved the spare tire mount so that its silhouette does not protrude from the bottom of the body. Therefore, nothing interferes with loading.

To increase useful space, some motorists dismantle the plastic bulkhead between the trunk and the passenger compartment. The useful length of the body is 195 cm, which in some cases is not enough. The insertion is removed as follows.

  1. Prepare heads No. 13, 17 and Torx keys T20/35/45.
  2. Remove the terminals from the battery and install the car on the handbrake.
  3. Remove the seat belt and unscrew the screw underneath.
  4. Remove the interior trim from the driver's cab side. This is done by hand - the parts are held on plastic clips. In this case, the halves of the partition are removed simultaneously. To dismantle the left part, you first need to unscrew everything, and then put the right part in place.
  5. Under the covers there are screws with 13 mm heads - they need to be unscrewed.
  6. Next you will need to move into the back of the car.
  7. Here you need to use the same keys to release the sash fasteners and remove it from its engagement.

At the same time, even this is not enough for some drivers. Users remove the machine's underbody trim to achieve increased compartment height. The procedure looks like this.

  1. Preparation for surgery is similar.
  2. Using a T30/40 wrench, unscrew 8 standard screws securing the plastic to the machine body.
  3. Carefully lift and remove the plastic from the body.

Before reinstallation, you will need to install rubber seals around the perimeter to prevent moisture from getting on the metal.

How to independently check the volume of the fuel tank in a Lada Largus car?

For this you won’t need much: the car itself, a metal canister with displacement marks and, of course, fuel. In this case, the sequence of actions should be as follows:

  1. Arrival at the gas station.
  2. Fill up to the 50 liter mark.
  3. Using cans with additional fuel volumes after firing the refueling nozzle.

Fuel tank cap Lada Largus

At the same time, of course, it is quite difficult to assess how accurate the readings of gas filling equipment at the station are. However, with all this, it is unlikely that the error here will be significant. Maximum - 1 liter of fuel. So this will not particularly affect the purity of the experiment.

After shooting the refueling nozzle, the tank of the Lada Largus will contain approximately 49-50 liters of gasoline. It is necessary to close the fuel tank and drive a little away from the gas station so as not to disturb others and to protect yourself. In the future, you need to take pre-prepared canisters filled with fuel with displacement marks. It is extremely important that this container is made of metal. The fact is that plastic can give a spark, which can lead to serious consequences not only for the car, but also for a careless experimenter. If it is not possible to find metal canisters and you have to use unsafe containers, then you should definitely prepare a fire extinguisher in advance.

In the future, you should slowly add gasoline until the liquid level appears from the neck of the fuel tank. There is no need to rush because when filling quickly, the fuel does not have time to be distributed evenly and some voids remain. Most often, the result of such an experiment for the fuel tank of a Lada Largus car is 60-62 liters of gasoline.

It is worth noting that overfilling fuel is quite harmful for the car. The fact is that when gasoline expands as it heats up, the tank will suffer and ultimately fail. In addition, it is not recommended to ignore the flashing light, which notifies you that there is very little gasoline left in the tank. This is due to the fact that when working with small volumes of the fuel tank, excess load falls on the pump. If you constantly drive with a flashing light, it will also quickly fail and will have to be replaced.


Review of LADA Largus van CNG

LADA Largus van CNG. Will take over everything

LADA Largus CNG van is created on the well-proven B0 platform of the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance, which provides for the possibility of using a wide variety of power plants - this potential was laid down during the design process of the vehicle.

LADA Largus CNG New energy

Reliable suspension, high ground clearance and good geometric cross-country ability are confident arguments against surprises on roads and directions.

Interior: convenience in every detail

LADA Largus van CNG is a modification that allows the use of two types of fuel: compressed natural gas (methane) and gasoline, which significantly increases the commercial efficiency of the vehicle.

Important benefits

Commercial version of Largus for professionals looking for practicality, convenience and economic value. Reliable and durable, it exhibits high load capacity and capacity. In the LADA Largus van, everything is done for ease of loading and unloading.

When the gas runs out, the engine power is automatically switched to gasoline.

Gas/petrol switch

located next to the gear shift knob and has a four-level display of the amount of methane in the cylinder.

for filling with gas is located on the right side of the car in the hatch next to the neck of the gas tank.

Safety by design

The installation of gas cylinder equipment (GBO) uses high-quality components from well-known global manufacturers. The fuel supply system uses phased fuel injection with an adjustable intake system with four gas and four gasoline injectors. In order to ensure safety, the gas equipment of the LADA Largus CNG van is equipped with special valves that automatically shut off methane leakage in the event of an accident. The factory LPG kit is certified, fully adapted to the design of the vehicle, which ensures a high level of reliability and safety.

Two front airbags - essential protection for driver and passenger

The ABS system reduces the braking distance of the vehicle and maintains controllability during emergency braking.

Caring for the environment

When operating on methane, the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere for individual components is reduced by 2-3 times. The high quality of gas equipment allows Largus CNG to comply with Euro 5+ standards.

Modern economical engines

There are two engines available for LADA Largus, which allow you to choose a car to suit your taste and goals. Powerful and dynamic, 1.6 l (106 hp), 16-valve engine - for high-speed driving, and high-torque, 1.6 l (87 hp), 8-valve - the optimal solution for economical movement of heavy objects .

What is the volume of the fuel tank Lada Largus

The volume of the gas tank is one of the main characteristics of a car; the vehicle’s range directly depends on its size. In the case of the Lada Largus tank volume, there is uncertainty; the fact is that many owners of this popular station wagon/van began to notice that the gas tank volume differs from the values ​​​​indicated by AVTOVAZ.

So, from the technical characteristics we know that the tank volume of the Lada Largus is 50 liters , exactly the same as that of the progenitor Dacia Logan MCV 2006. However, according to reviews from car enthusiasts, the fuel tank on some cars is significantly larger. This was confirmed by refueling a car with the “fill in fuel” indicator on, into which three 20-liter cans were poured. Considering that there were 2-5 liters left in the tank and another 3 full canisters fit under the neck of the tank, it turns out that the volume of the Lada Largus fuel tank is about 65 liters . Other owners, on the contrary, claim that the gas tank of their Largus corresponds to the passport data.

What is the actual volume of the Lada Largus tank? A representative of one of the official dealers replied that the fuel tank is not 50, but 60 liters, but this does not take into account the gasoline that is in the neck and the fuel line to the tank (about 5 liters). Thus, it is quite possible to fit 65 liters into the gas tank. To resolve the issue, we suggest taking part in a survey and collecting statistics. Let us remind you that you can find other interesting points about your favorite car in the Lada Largus Reviews and Tests category.


Internal dimensions and interior

Regarding the interior, the car is presented in a discreet design. At the same time, the seat of the passenger and driver itself is not modest - there is enough internal space even for motorists under 2 meters tall with an impressive build. Additionally, there is the ability to move the seats.

The decoration is modest, made by analogy with Renault Logan - laconic and functional.

Gas tank volume Lada Largus

Among the entire list of technical characteristics of any car, including the Lada Largus, the volume of the fuel tank is of significant importance. This parameter characterizes the vehicle’s ability to move autonomously.

Some inquisitive owners of the popular Lada Largus station wagons smell the manufacturer's trick in terms of the actual tank capacity in comparison with the declared value.

How does this happen? Let's look at our material.

Declared parameters

According to the manufacturer's manual, Russian station wagons equipped with a 16-valve engine head design have a fuel tank capable of “taking on board” 50 liters of fuel. Following the stated consumption rates, this volume will be enough to overcome:

  • in urban mode – 450 km;
  • on country routes – about 700 km.

In fact, the actual volume of the fuel tank in the Lada Largus is slightly larger compared to the capacity declared by the manufacturer. Particularly gifted owners managed to fill the station wagon's tank with up to 65 liters. This course of events baffles many researchers, but does not upset anyone, since there is no subject for whom a few additional liters of fuel would become superfluous.

Design aspects

Now regarding the tank capacity indicated by the manufacturer, equal to 50 liters. The plant, based on its own decisions, did not declare the tank capacity parameter, which was 15 liters higher than the declared value.

Note that the tank in almost any car can accommodate a volume of fuel in excess of the stated norm. This occurs due to the peculiarities of accounting for the useful filling volume. So the developers do not take into account the neck of the tank. In Lada Largus this element is quite voluminous and can hold about 3 liters.

The legal aspect should not be discounted when manufacturers deliberately underestimate most of their regulated technical parameters of their models. If any of the parameters indicated in the documentation actually turns out to be lower, then the manufacturer risks facing a lawsuit from an angry buyer.

Selection of analogues

  • VALEO 586001
  • AMC MO441
  • GoodWill OG-313
  • MecaFilter ELH4196
  • Logem LRT-328
  • MANN W75/3

Show the entire list.

  • BASBUG BSV7700274177
  • MAHLE OC467
  • FEBI 27155
  • FILTRON OP643/3
  • BOSCH 0 451 103 336
  • ASAM 30097
  • FORTECH FO-018
  • PATRON PF4032
  • MEYLE 16-14 322 0000
  • UFI 23.418.00
  • FRAM PH5796
  • HENGST H11W02
  • CHAMPION F136/606
  • LYNXauto LC-1400
  • CUMMINS HF7615 or LF3494 or LF3714 or LF798
  • FORD 5013388 or 5006227
  • DEUTZ-FAHR 12850312 or 1052175136
  • LIGIER 112397
  • NISSAN 15208-00Q0D (H/N/F)
  • ALFA ROMEO 0073500506
  • MAZDA AM1514302 (55 mm)
  • Nevsky filter NF-1018

Inaccuracies in gas station measuring equipment

It is not recommended to discount this existing aspect. Even eminent fuel suppliers and refillers suffer from underfilling, let alone small stations. Official warnings from refueling companies indicate that there is an underfill of around 50 ml for every 10-liter portion that gets inside the Lada Largus tank. What is happening in reality can only be lost in conjecture.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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