Doesn't start well when cold - Chevrolet Niva Forum

Replacing the carb solved all the problems.

FOUND. Chevrolet Niva

This is to find out the reasons for the malfunction of the electrical part of the car, but do not forget about mechanical damage: Then you blow it again and reassemble it. I tried it now!

Arkhangelsk club of owners and lovers of the Chevrolet Niva car. Who knows why - in the morning you start the engine, the gas pedal...

The dynamics, of course, have worsened, but the efficiency has increased. To do this, they need to be unscrewed and inspected.

You can check it by installing a working relay. You can determine if a filter or fuel pump is faulty by hearing. Tighten the terminals well to get good contact.

When the starter is turned on, multiple clicks are heard. The reason is a malfunction of the holding winding of the traction relay, the battery is severely discharged, and the contact connections in the starter circuit are loose. The starter turns on, but its armature either does not rotate or rotates slowly. The reason is a discharged battery, broken contact connections, burnt contacts of the traction relay, dirty commutator or worn brushes, interturn or short circuit in the windings.

The starter turns on, its armature rotates, but the flywheel remains motionless. The reason is a weakening of the starter's attachment to the clutch housing, damage to the teeth of the flywheel or drive gear, slipping of the freewheel of the drive, breakage of the lever, drive ring or buffer spring of the starter drive.

The starter does not turn off after starting the engine.

If the oil level in the car has dropped, this can be determined visually using a warning lamp in the form of a can on the instrument panel. If you are sure that there is enough oil in the engine, pull out the level meter and check. Troubleshooting Having identified the problem that causes the Chevrolet Niva engine to start poorly, you can begin to fix the problem.

Knowing the source of the problem, you can draw the appropriate conclusions: Most of the above reasons have a simple nature of damage, and correcting them will not take much time. A list of the main malfunctions when the engine does not start or starts poorly, and how to eliminate them. You can light a cigarette from another car, then the generator will recharge the battery. Clean the contacts if they are oxidized and lubricate them with Lithol.

The lubricant prevents the appearance of oxide on the terminals. Tighten the terminals well to get good contact. Starter Check the starter contacts and tighten them. In the event of a malfunction, have the starter repaired to rewind the windings or install a new one.

Spark plugs Replace all 4 spark plugs with new ones, or clean them with sandpaper. But in any case, if the spark plugs have worked out, they need to be changed so that there are no problems with the engine. Refuel only at branded gas stations, and only with fuel that is suitable for this type of engine A Fuses Install new fuses.

It is better to visit an auto electrician to determine the root cause of the failure of the fuses.

Ignition relay Replace with a new relay. Broken wire of the main components Having found out which wire is broken, you need to find out the reason why this happened. After that, install it in place. Immobilizer Anti-theft system suffers from battery failure. Wire breaks rarely occur. It is necessary to replace the battery with a new one, preferably a high-quality one.

Drop the torpedo completely so it will be more visible and carefully start the car. It is possible that the left wiring is smoking, for example, the alarm... You start it right away for the second time and it works without problems and warms up. There were no problems while driving, although a couple of times it seemed like there were dips during acceleration.

I switched from RN to Lukoil, this problem disappeared: My father went to the dacha and couldn’t start it there, I wanted to take the help of the club, but a neighbor helped, they looked at all the spark plugs and they turned out to be damp. We screwed in the spare set and it started and drove fine. And since Sunday, when warming up, the speed varies from to and the warmed-up engine periodically stalls at idle, it needs a carb.

Maybe it will resolve on its own or should I add some chemicals? Who successfully cleaned the power supply system with chemicals? You need to unscrew it, blow it out and clean it. When the engine is not running, when the ignition is on, if you disconnect the wiring from it, it should click.

When the channels or jets become heavily clogged, at least go to maximum and it won’t blow out. Well, as a varinat, there is such garbage as carburetor cleaner in spray bottles.

What to do if the engine doesn’t start well when it’s hot?

Note that the symptoms of problematic engine starting manifest themselves in different ways. Some cars refuse to start at all until the power plant has completely cooled down. Others start on the third or fourth try, and some motors have to be cranked for 20-30 seconds to fully start.

What to do in this case? You need to look for the problem and fix the malfunction, replace a poorly functioning internal combustion engine element or repair it. Note that such a malfunction may be a harbinger of more serious breakdowns, so it is better to solve it at an early stage.

Bad fuel as a possible problem

When you fill up with low-quality gasoline or diesel fuel, you shouldn’t be surprised why the engine doesn’t start well when it’s hot. Fuel is the most common cause of poor engine starting. This is easy to check. Just remove all the fuel and fill it with new, better quality. If you previously refueled with A92 gasoline, then you can try filling it with A98 and see how the car behaves. In the case of diesel fuel, you need to change the gas station and choose a more reliable seller.

The following problems may occur with the motor:

  1. There is a high content of additives in the fuel, which are poorly accepted by the engine.
  2. It is difficult for the pump to pump the required volume of fuel due to clogged filters.
  3. Engine control settings are lost. Inaccurate operation of the air mixture supply is also possible.
  4. The idle air valve and mass air flow sensor may be the culprit.
  5. Features of the operation of carburetor engines. If they are too hot, they have trouble starting.

The last point does not apply to injection engines. It’s just that carburetor engines have such a feature that they don’t start well when hot. This is due to the fact that the carburetor heats up to a very high temperature. Gasoline evaporates under the influence of temperature and fills the carburetor chambers and tubes as gas. In this case, the float chamber remains empty. And if you start the engine 5 minutes after stopping the engine, you may encounter a problem starting it, because... there will be no liquid fuel in the combustion chambers. This is normal, and this problem can be solved either by manually pumping fuel or by several attempts to start the engine. In injection power plants, this problem is eliminated, because there the fuel is delivered to the combustion chambers directly from the main line.

Fuel pump problem

The fuel pump in a car does not have special cooling. It is located in the tank and is cooled by gasoline, and if there is little gasoline in the tank, the pump may overheat. Therefore, it is not recommended to drive while the “Refueling” light is on. Also, in hot weather, the gasoline in the tank heats up, as does the fuel pump during operation. All together, this leads to the fact that during the process of pumping gasoline, the pump gets very hot and refuses to start until it cools down. In this case, the pump may refuse to work even while driving: it simply stalls. If the engine does not start well when hot due to the pump, then the experts recommend:

  1. Replace it. This is a simple and correct solution. The cost of the pump is small - about 1000 rubles. You will also have to pay 500 rubles to replace it.
  2. Allow the pump to cool and try to start the engine again.

Causes of poor car starting

It does not help for long and harms the carb, as it washes away the lubricant along with harmful deposits. Although, in a desperate situation, I sometimes used such garbage.

I haven't cleaned it yet. The effect did not last long. Replacing the carb solved all the problems. I also had the jet in my carb replaced with a larger one. The dynamics, of course, have worsened, but the efficiency has increased. On the highway, consumption at average speed reached 8.5 liters per hundred. I poured the exact amount of gasoline into the empty tank, set the odometer to 0, and then counted. Kostya understands, it means we need to blow all the dirt out of the carb more often!

Problem with DPKV

Another common element that affects hot starting of the engine is the crankshaft position sensor (CPS). Quite often it refuses to work when the engine temperature rises. This is one of the elements without which the operation of the entire system is generally impossible. After replacing the DPKV, everything returns to normal for many car owners. Therefore, when your VAZ car has difficulty starting when hot, it makes sense to try replacing this sensor. It costs a penny (a new one is around 500-600 rubles, although you can look for a used one). You can even make the replacement yourself, you just need to know where it is and have screwdrivers on hand. Finding out its location on each car is not a problem - all the information is on the Internet.

Problem starting on gas

HBO has settled under the hoods of many cars. This system allows you to save a lot, but at the same time it is quite capricious. If your engine runs on gas, and after a short period of inactivity there are problems with starting, then it is better to contact a service station. The reasons why the engine is difficult to start when hot can be different. We cannot exclude a situation where the expansion of gas in the tank created additional pressure, causing the ratio of gas and air mixture to change. This may be the reason for poor engine starting when hot. The same crankshaft position sensor also cannot be ruled out. It may not work well regardless of whether the engine is running on gas or gasoline.

Carburetor problem

Most often, cars with a carburetor suffer from problems starting when hot. This happens due to the design features of the unit. The main reason here is overheating.

During operation, the carburetor is cooled by the external environment - air and fuel fluid that pass through its structure. While the engine is running, the carburetor is still cooling, so everything is fine. As soon as the engine is turned off, the flow of air and fuel to create the air-fuel mixture stops. Where does overheating come from? The fact is that the engine is still hot, which is why the carburetor temperature also increases. The gasoline that remains in the carburetor chamber begins to evaporate with a constant increase in temperature.

Gasoline vapors penetrate all channels that are connected to the float chamber, causing plugs to form.

The carburetor, air filter, and fuel lines become clogged. Since the channels through which fuel flows become clogged, the fuel level drops to insufficient to start the engine.

For different car models with a carburetor, this problem may have its own character, so the severity of each individual case will be different. In some cases, the engine can be resumed after several test runs. When the jams in the system disappear, the engine will start working again. Sometimes attempts can take up to half an hour, after which the car will still be running. Manual pumping of fuel helps with the problem perfectly.

This problem is typical only for cars with a carburetor.

Injector problems

Why doesn’t the car start when it’s hot if, for example, it has an injection engine? There are also a lot of problems with such cars, mainly due to sensors, but there are also other problems. There are several options here:

  1. Coolant sensor malfunction. Since the injection system is almost completely automated, its operation depends on the readings of sensors located in the gas tank, engine and other components. As soon as the reading device produces incorrect information, the entire system begins to malfunction. For example, problems in the readings of the coolant sensor lead to the fact that the ECU, which reads the device information, gives the wrong command to other operating elements. As a result, the wrong amount of fuel enters the chamber, which is why it is impossible to create a combustible mixture. The solution to the problem is to disconnect the sensor, clean it, or replace it if it is damaged.
  2. Problems with injectors. This is an extremely rare case of malfunction, but it does happen. The breakdown consists of a breakdown of the injector, and for this reason fuel is not supplied. The lack of pressure inside the channel leads to the fact that fuel does not enter the combustion chamber. The injectors need to be replaced.
  3. Faulty air flow sensor. As in the first case, it can easily fail, which disrupts the operation of the system for creating a combustible mixture. As a result, the fuel is either too rich in oxygen, or, conversely, poor. In both cases, fire does not occur, and therefore the engine does not start. The following symptoms accompany the problem: surges in engine power, strange sounds when starting the engine, the sound of a strong exhaust from the gas exhaust system, failures when pressing the gas. Replacing the device and adjusting the entire system should help.

Set of "electrical" reasons

The first step in diagnostics: remove the cap from any spark plug, install spark plug A17DVRM and, holding it with pliers, turn on the starter.

How to remove the cap

The spark plug must be held by the hexagon, the pliers must have insulated handles, and the spark plug body must touch the “ground”. As a result, a spark can be observed. If there is no spark, it means:

  • The ECM is faulty or is not receiving voltage;
  • The ignition coil module burned out;
  • High voltage wires are faulty.

The drawing for point “1” is given below.

Power supply point to the ECM

The presence of a spark “in the air” does not guarantee its presence in the engine. The spark plugs may be faulty, the gap may be incorrect, etc.

The number of reasons why the Chevrolet Niva does not start, but the starter turns, has increased to 7.

Immobilizer blocks engine starting

If the immobilizer has been activated, then sooner or later it will block the engine from starting. It happens like this: when you turn on the ignition, the indicator flashes for 15 seconds, then goes out. And then the system produces sound signals.

“2” – immobilizer lamp

The APS-4 module can be disabled. For this you need a “red” training key. Well, the APS-6 unit cannot be turned off. Usually you have to flash the ECM.

There is no need to panic right away: perhaps the blocking occurs due to irregularities in the “reader” wiring.

Problems of domestic cars

Many domestically produced cars also have trouble starting when the engine is hot. The problem is in the design, but this time the gas tank. The fuel pump, which heats up during operation, should, in theory, cool down a little during operation. This occurs due to the liquid that moves through its body. During the summer heat, the liquid heats up, so cooling does not occur, which leads to disastrous consequences.

A faulty high-pressure fuel pump (HPF) stops working, which leads to a disruption in the fuel supply to the engine. Subsequent turns of the key and pushes will not help, but there are several “old-fashioned” methods. The device needs to cool down.

  1. Wet a cloth in cold water and apply it to the fuel pump housing until it cools down.
  2. Roll the car to a cool, sheltered place from the sun, open the hood. Wait a while for the unit to cool down. This usually takes 15–20 minutes.

An overheated fuel pump breaks down completely and cooling will not help it, so if after some time the car still does not start, you will have to replace the part. If the engine still starts when cold, then the problem is in the turbocharger.

It is recommended to replace the device, otherwise the problem will recur every few days.

A warm engine may not start due to poor quality fuel or the presence of unacceptable additives. This happens after changing the fuel. At the first start, everything may be in order, but then the engine stalls and does not want to start.

Checking this option is quite simple - cool the car. If you subsequently start it cold and hear extraneous sounds from the engine, most likely the problem is in the fuel. The engine does not start for other reasons:

  1. The presence of components in the fuel that do not allow the creation of a combustible mixture. In different cases the effect may be different, sometimes there is not enough spark to ignite, sometimes more air is required for ignition. Small inclusions also prevent the engine from starting.
  2. The fuel filter is clogged, which is why the pump cannot supply fuel. In such cases, thick smoke comes from the gas outlet. You need to remove the filter, clean it and put it back.

Chevrolet Niva doesn't start well

Every owner of a vehicle experiences situations where you are in a hurry to go to work in the morning, get behind the wheel of your car, and then the unexpected happens - the car does not start. All car owners know what an unpleasant situation this is.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to find out the reason, and what could be the reason in such a car, with a large number of different parts? Even experienced car owners sometimes ask this question. After all, you will never guess which part has failed and how to eliminate this reason.

In order to understand this issue, we will consider all the sources of malfunctions in the Chevrolet Niva, how to identify them correctly, what is necessary to resolve them and why this happened.

Reasons why Chevrolet Niva doesn't start well

To troubleshoot a car problem, you first need to find out the source why the car won’t start. The driver can be helped in identifying damage by various sensors on the instrument panel, an external inspection of the car, or the sound that is made when the key is turned. So, the main problems that cause the engine to start poorly and the car will not start may be the following malfunctions.

Causes of electrical damage:

  1. The car battery has become unusable or discharged. This basis is primary for all types of cars.
  2. The starter became unusable due to getting wet, or, as they say, it served its purpose.
  3. Poor contact from the battery due to oxidation of the terminals.
  4. Defective spark plugs, which could occur in the following cases:
      Poor quality fuel, which led to them getting wet.
  5. The spark plugs have already worn out and a large gap has formed.
  6. The fuse has blown.
  7. The ignition relay or something else has failed.
  8. The wire supplying the main components of the car (for example, power supply to the starter or injector) has come off.
  9. The immobilizer does not work.
    If for any reason the anti-theft system does not work, the car will not be able to start until the immobilizer malfunction problem is resolved.

Mechanical faults:

  1. There is no fuel in the gas tank. This may not only be the fault of the driver, because there is a possibility of a breakdown of the fuel level sensor. Not every driver counts fuel by the number of kilometers driven.
  2. Clogging of the fuel filter or fuel pump, which leads to breakdown of the latter.
  3. Nozzle clogged.
  4. Insufficient oil level in the engine or antifreeze in the radiator. Causes the engine to overheat.
  5. The idle speed control is damaged.

How to find out the cause of the problem

Knowing the most common sources for which the Chevrolet Niva does not start well, now you need to find out how to correctly determine the damage? After all, there are many reasons, and it will take a considerable amount of time to check all this. Finding out the reason why your iron horse does not want to work is done with the help of your eyes, ears and car tips.

You can call a technician to your home, who will determine the damage in a matter of minutes, and sometimes even seconds. And for this clarification, you will have to pay a lot of money. You can take your car to a service station by asking a friend to help with transportation. It will cost much less than calling a technician to your home, but you will spend a lot of time. Therefore, your best bet for determining damage is you and your head.

Only if all possible reasons have been verified, then it is necessary to contact a specialist. Perhaps your car requires a major check of the entire system.

Knowing all the shortcomings why the Niva does not respond to turning the key in the ignition, you can easily identify them:

  1. You can determine whether the battery is damaged by checking the presence of power in the car when you turn the key. If at this moment the entire panel, as they say, is silent, then you need to charge the battery or replace it with a new one. Recharging may take a couple of hours if the battery is in good condition, but if the electrolyte density is low, then you only need to purchase a new battery.
  2. We can talk about failure of the starter to perform its function if it is definitely determined that the battery is in good working order. It is possible that when you turn the key, the starter will click but will not start. In this case, this also indicates that the battery does not provide the current necessary to start the engine. To find out 100% the cause of the starter, you can connect a voltmeter and ammeter to its terminals and measure the current and voltage, respectively.
  3. Damage to the contacts on the battery can be detected by opening the hood and visually assessing their oxidation. Often, drivers simply do not notice oxidation due to the rubber lining on the terminals.
  4. Spark plugs can be checked by unscrewing them from the cylinder block and performing a visual inspection. They should not be wet, and black carbon deposits indicate their damage. The normal color of candles should be dark brown.
  5. The fuses can be checked by removing the cover and visually inspecting them. If a fuse is blown, it will be visible and will most likely be completely melted. You can also ring each of them using a tester.
  6. Damage to the ignition relay can be determined visually; if there is no reaction when turning the key, the relay should be replaced. You can check it by installing a working relay.
  7. You can determine the lack of contact on the main components of car parts by visual inspection. It is necessary to tighten the contacts on the starter, the injector power supply and the fuel pump. The positive wire that powers the electronic injection system comes directly from the battery terminal with a separate wire.
  8. Often the problem with the immobilizer can be a low battery. You just need to install a new battery.

This is to find out the reasons for the malfunction of the electrical part of the car, but do not forget about mechanical damage:

  1. The indicator on the instrument panel will help you find out if there is no fuel in the tank. If the fuel gauge is at zero and the warning light in the form of a gas pump is on, then the source of the trouble has been detected and there is no need to open the hood.
  2. You can determine if a filter or fuel pump is faulty by hearing. If you hear a strong buzzing sound (in the rear trunk area), then most likely the filter or pump is clogged, which is not delivering fuel to the engine.
  3. A clogged injector can be seen on the instrument panel; the red “CHEK ENGINE” indicator lamp should light up. It indicates any damage to the injector or engine error.
  4. If the oil level in the car has dropped, this can be determined visually using a warning lamp in the form of a can on the instrument panel. If you are sure that there is enough oil in the engine, pull out the level meter and check.


Having identified the problem that causes the Chevrolet Niva engine to start poorly, you can begin to fix the problem. Knowing the source of the problem, you can draw the appropriate conclusions: are you able to fix the error yourself, without requiring additional help? Most of the above reasons are of a simple nature of damage, and correcting them will not take much time. For the convenience of solving the problem that causes the Shevik to not start, information on how to eliminate them is recorded in tabular form in Table No. 1.

Table No. 1. A list of the main malfunctions when the engine does not start or starts poorly, and how to eliminate them.

batteryReplace or recharge the battery. You can light a cigarette from another car, then the generator will recharge the battery. Clean the contacts if they are oxidized and lubricate them with Litol. The lubricant prevents the appearance of oxide on the terminals. Tighten the terminals well to get good contact.
StarterCheck the starter contacts and tighten them. In the event of a malfunction, have the starter repaired to rewind the windings or install a new one.
Spark plugReplace all 4 spark plugs with new ones, or clean them with sandpaper. But in any case, if the spark plugs have worked out, they need to be changed so that there are no problems with the engine. Refuel only at branded gas stations, and only with fuel that is suitable for this type of engine (A-95).
FusesInstall new fuses. It is better to visit an auto electrician to determine the root cause of the failure of the fuses.
Ignition relayReplace with a new relay.
Broken wires of main componentsHaving found out which wire is broken, you need to find out the reason why this happened. After that, install it in place.
ImmobilizerThe anti-theft system suffers from battery failure. Wire breaks rarely occur. It is necessary to replace the battery with a new one, preferably a high-quality one.
Lack of fuelPour quality fuel into the tank and wait until the fuel pump pumps it into the engine.
Clogged fuel filter and fuel pumpReplace the gas filter with a new one. Remove the fuel pump and clean it.
Lack of oil or antifreezeAdd oil to the engine and find out the reason for its disappearance. The gasket through which the oil escapes may be damaged. Add antifreeze to the expansion tank and check for fluid leaks.

Drivers often encounter the problem of poor engine starting in winter, during periods of severe frost. These frosts damage not only the battery, but also all parts where water may have entered. This problem is also often encountered in extreme heat, when the engine overheats and then has difficulty starting.

Now knowing why the Chevrolet Niva may not start, you can easily go looking for a problem. Having identified the breakdown, you will solve the problem of poor engine starting by 50%. And the solutions are now known, so you can hit the road.


HBO for cars

A hot engine can also cause a breakdown in the case of an installed gas system. Since driving on gas has recently become profitable, many drivers switched to this type of fuel, however, they did not take into account some of the nuances of the new system. In hot weather, gas expands more, which leads to increased pressure inside the system and often causes damage. This is why it is bad to drive on gas in the heat.

At high temperatures, seals and hoses can fly off, which leads to gas leakage.

The result is an extremely dangerous situation. To avoid this, try not to fill the tank to full gas in the summer, this will reduce the pressure in the system and the risk of breakdown. If a similar problem occurs, it is recommended to let the car cool down and then visit a service station. You should not repair the gas system yourself; the equipment should be adjusted by a specialist.

Voltage blocking alarm

Modern security systems fully control the car, its elements and assemblies. In emergency situations, the alarm will prevent theft, but the alarm may be false.

The reasons for the “false call” are caused by:

  • manufacturing defects,
  • short circuit in the circuit,
  • malfunctions in the operation of the electronic control unit,
  • damage to electrical wiring, insulation,
  • poor terminal contact.

In order to be able to start the car in the future, you need to deactivate the alarm. However, you need to know what to turn off. To carry out work at a professional level, visit a service station.

What else is worth checking?

Other problems that may hinder hot-starting cars include:

  1. The main injector temperature sensor is broken. This problem only occurs in diesel engines.
  2. The pump drive is stretched, causing fuel injection to occur incorrectly and the combustible mixture does not meet the required characteristics. You can correct the injection yourself.
  3. The membrane in the fuel pressure regulator has broken. You need to check the membrane; if it is damaged, replace it.
  4. There may also be problems with sensors: idle speed, pressure in the fuel lines, crankshaft position or check valve in the fuel pump.

Glow plugs

The engine does not start in the cold - the first sign of failure of the spark plugs. When in good condition, candles heat the space from the inside. In the event of a breakdown, starting the engine is complicated by low temperatures and the formation of condensation.

We check the spark plugs with a multimeter and replace them with new ones as necessary. We also inspect the spark plug start relay. It should make a slight clicking sound.

The method described above is effective for the injector. In the case of a carburetor, the checking mechanism is as follows:

  • open the hood, wait until the engine cools down to a safe temperature,
  • remove the cradles one by one, unscrew the spark plugs, check them for the presence of a spark,
  • install new spark plugs, replace them if defective ones are found,
  • assembly in reverse order.
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