What to do if the car does not start with the key fob and Starline autostart

02/27/2022 2,699 Alarms

Author: Victor

If the Starline alarm does not start from auto start, this may be a consequence of incorrect connection of the anti-theft system or incorrect setting of the option. Also, first you need to make sure that all safety elements are in working order and diagnose the ignition and fuel supply systems.


The general principle of operation of autostart alarms Starline of different models

The automatic start system of Starline A91, A92, when sending a command from the remote control, works according to the following principle:

  1. The ignition system duplication relay turns on. For a car, when you try to start it, this is the same as starting the engine with a key or button. The duration of the relay operation may differ depending on how the power unit is started - “cold” or “hot”. In the first case, at low air temperatures, the interval will be longer.
  2. The anti-theft complex establishes communication with the engine blocker bypass module. The device automatically starts working and transmits a signal to simulate the presence of a chip.
  3. A few seconds later, the first attempt is made to start the power unit. This happens after the glow plugs warm up and the fuel pump starts.

The following actions are determined by the settings of the “alarm” of Starline A91, A93 or another model. The system will rotate the car's starter mechanism for a time configured by the user. Gap data can be read via a digital interface.

If the anti-theft complex was connected using the analog method, then subsequent actions are determined by pulses:

  • increasing the frequency of signals at the tachometer input;
  • voltage generation in the vehicle's electrical network;
  • increase in voltage.

The “VanGog Life” channel, using the example of a Renault Capture car, spoke about the principle of operation of the automatic engine start system.

Dependence of engine starting on air temperature

If it is cold outside, the engine can start automatically according to the ambient temperature level. For this, power units are equipped with special sensors that are mounted on the cylinder block or other metal surface adjacent to the engine. Also, the start can be implemented in accordance with the readings of the temperature controller built into the control unit.

Operating principle:

  1. The user configures the sensor to autostart at a certain temperature. For example, at -20 degrees. At the time of changing the parameters, this value is about -10 °C or any other value other than -20.
  2. The ambient temperature changes while the vehicle is parked. When this value decreases to -20 degrees, the sensor sends a corresponding signal to the alarm control unit.
  3. The microprocessor module activates the ignition system relay, which leads to the engine starting.

Features of autostart on a car with a manual transmission

If the power unit with a manual transmission does not start, this may be due to the fact that the user has not programmed “soft neutral”.

In practice, the problem when a Starline A94 or another alarm model does not start the engine the first time is usually due to a lack of preparation of the car.

To solve this problem, perform the following steps:

  1. A vehicle with the engine running stops, but the ignition does not turn off.
  2. The gear lever is moved to the neutral speed position. The parking brake handle is raised, it should be working. If the vehicle rolls while parked, it may cause an accident.
  3. On the alarm remote control, press key 1 and hold it for three seconds. The communicator should sound a melody. Over the next 30 seconds, the driver leaves the passenger compartment and turns off the ignition.
  4. The key is removed from the lock; the engine should not stall yet. The user locks all doors, after which the engine will stop. The protection mode will turn on and the vehicle will be prepared for automatic start.

Eating problems

If there are problems with the car's power supply, the symptoms will be the same as in the first case. But there could be a lot of reasons for this. Perhaps the fuel simply does not reach the injector. The check should begin with the pipeline, pump, and also inspect the fine filter. A blockage in any of these parts makes fuel flow simply impossible. And accordingly, starting the engine.

If everything is in order here, you need to check the operation of the injector. Most likely, this is the reason. To correct the situation, you can spray a special cleaner into it. Then try to start the engine. Often this tactic can help out.

Common signs of such a problem are as follows. The starter turns, but the engine does not start. In simpler cases, it may start and stall immediately.

Why autorun does not work - possible reasons

If the starter turns, but the engine of a car with a Starline alarm stops starting, this may be due to a malfunction of the power unit itself. In this case, the problem may not be related to the anti-theft system. Most often, the reason for Starline autostart not working is due to incorrect connection of the control unit or ignition relay.

Before searching for the cause, the user must make a diagnosis:

  • spark plugs;
  • high-voltage wires through which these elements are connected;
  • coils;
  • distributor or ignition distributor;
  • battery;
  • starter mechanism;
  • fuel pump and filter (the latter is cleaned if necessary).

The engine starts and stops

If an error in the function occurs within four attempts to start the engine, the reasons may be as follows:

  1. The vehicle is not equipped with an immobilizer bypass unit. There may be a conflict between the security system and the blocking device. The alarm manufacturer Starline always indicates this nuance in the service manual for the system.
  2. The control module does not detect the tag installed in the electronic key. Problems with the transponder may be due to software problems or low battery. A more detailed check of the device will be required.
  3. The anti-theft system was connected incorrectly during installation, in particular, this refers to the engine control wires. You need to make sure the connections are correct.

Incorrect setting of alarm unit operating modes

When starting the power unit from the key fob, the anti-theft system should respond with four sound pulses. If this does not happen, and the engine does not even try to start, then most likely the reason is precisely the lack of engine preparation.

Damage or failure of the key fob

Causes of errors in the operation of the communicator:

  1. The power supply in the device is low. You can find out about the battery status by the indication on the pager screen. Modern Starline models are equipped with remote controls with feedback and displays, which allows timely detection of battery failure. When discharged, the system writes about this on the screen.
  2. Damage to internal components of the device due to dropping or exposure to moisture.
  3. Communicator hardware problem. To find the cause, you will need to perform detailed diagnostics and flash the remote control.

Errors when installing alarms

During the installation of the security system, the following errors may be made:

  1. Incorrect connection of the engine control power line. In Starline systems, this function is provided by a cable in gray-black insulation of the main connector. This contact must be connected to the tachometer or generator indicator light. If the wire is connected incorrectly, the starter mechanism does not start, which is why the engine cannot start. The remote control screen may display an engine start icon, but this does not actually happen.
  2. The contact between the car alarm and the power system is broken. Detailed diagnostics of all circuits will be required to detect an incorrectly functioning area.
  3. Not all wires coming from the starter mechanism or other elements of the ignition system are connected. In some vehicle models, the connection may be made through several power lines. When connecting, you need to make sure that the anti-theft system correctly simulates the operation of the ignition switch.
  4. The electronic tag of the immobilizer bypass module does not detect the signal. To fix the problem, you will need to increase the number of turns in the “walker” coil. This item may not have been installed correctly.

User DimASS showed in detail the process of installing the Starline alarm and connecting its contacts to implement automatic engine start.

There is no automatic start based on temperature

Possible reasons:

  1. The temperature controller was installed or connected incorrectly. For example, if the device is placed on the cylinder block, it will quickly fail as a result of exposure to critically high temperatures. The sensor will melt and will not be able to perform its main function. If the controller is built into a microprocessor module, the reason may be a software malfunction of the unit.
  2. The regulator is worn out. As a result of prolonged use, the contacts on the sensor connection block may oxidize. This leads to the fact that autorun does not work completely or turns on every other time, intermittently. To eliminate the cause, the controller is changed.
  3. The regulator is working, but the alarm is not configured to automatically start the power unit based on temperature.

Triple flashing of car alarm instead of autostart

If the car's lights blink three times, this indicates a decrease in the voltage level in the electrical network due to:

  1. Discharged or broken battery.
  2. Using too long wires with a small cross-section to connect the anti-theft system.
  3. Failure of the safety device on the electrical circuit from the microprocessor module to the battery.
  4. Oxidation of the terminal clamps on the battery.

With such problems, the voltage level in the electrical network may drop to a critically low level. To find the cause, a visual diagnosis of the connectors used to connect the security system is carried out. Attention should be paid to checking power lines. If no oxidation was detected during testing, then you need to make sure that cables with the required cross-section are used.

The car is not turned off correctly

Before you arm your car, you need to make sure that the engine stops correctly. This means “software neutral”. The steps to configure this function and prepare the vehicle may differ depending on the alarm model; the service manual will allow you to accurately determine this nuance.

Summer or winter

Reasons why a car won't start automatically are usually due to the car being stored outside. In summer, such problems practically do not arise. But in winter, breakdowns are not uncommon. If the temperature drops sharply by more than 15°C, the vehicle may not start automatically.

Also in winter there is a high probability of battery discharge. In this case, the car will not start. And not only from the button, but also from the key. (It is better to use a thermal battery case).

The starter works, but the engine does not start. Most likely, the problem is a sudden blast of cold. As a result, condensation forms on the contacts of the ignition system, which in turn prevents the formation of a spark. In diesel engines, the cause may be poor quality fuel. When cold, fuel tends to thicken.

What to do if the car does not start?

To troubleshoot the problem you may need to:

  • charging, repairing or replacing the battery;
  • diagnostics of the key fob and replacement of failed elements;
  • checking the temperature sensor;
  • installation of an immobilizer bypass.

Troubleshooting the engine should be carried out with the battery disconnected.

Battery check

If the engine does not start with Starline autostart, the battery is diagnosed:

  1. Perform a visual inspection of the device for damage. Oxidized terminal clamps must be cleaned. If the battery has cracks or other serious defects, electrolyte may leak through them. If the battery leaks, it is replaced with a new one.
  2. The level of working fluid in the battery banks is checked and replenished if necessary with distilled water.
  3. Using a multimeter, a battery charge diagnosis is performed. The tester probes must be connected to the terminal clamps of the device, taking into account the polarity (red - plus, black - minus). The engine is started and the indicators are read. If the battery charge is less than 13 or more than 14 volts when the electrical equipment is turned on, it must be replaced. The increase in voltage is due to the battery being discharged and the generator working intensively because of this.

The channel “VAZ 2101-2107 REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE” talked about independently searching for a current leak in a vehicle.

Key fob diagnostics

To check the pager, perform the following steps:

  1. A visual check of the device is performed. If there are serious defects, the remote control must be disassembled.
  2. If there are traces of moisture on the board, then the circuit needs to be dried. But it is not recommended to do this using a household burner, hair dryer, or under direct exposure to ultraviolet rays. Strong exposure to high temperatures will lead to more serious damage, which cannot be repaired on your own. It is better to leave the device for some time in a dry place, not exposed to the sun.
  3. Diagnostics of the contact elements on the buttons is carried out. Failed keys must be replaced; similar ones can be found on the secondary market. If the damage is minor, the control components can be re-soldered.
  4. The power source is replaced if the battery is discharged.

Installing the crawler

To install the standard engine blocker bypass module, perform the following steps:

  1. The device control unit is disassembled. A spare key with an electronic tag is installed in a special compartment inside the module. The element must be installed inside the flat antenna adapter. Then the device must be fixed as firmly as possible in the seat to prevent its possible movement. The control module is being assembled.
  2. The control unit is installed in the most hidden place of the car interior. The best option is to place the device behind the instrument panel, radio, or under the ashtray if there is free space there. Preparations are made - the decorative lining is removed, the control combination from which the connectors with wires must be disconnected. The immobilizer bypass module must be firmly fixed in place.
  3. The unit is connected to the power circuit. Output with red insulation - +12 volts. It must be connected to the lock contact, which generates voltage when the ignition is turned on. To do this, you need to remove the switch trim and determine the required contact using a multimeter.
  4. Black output is a negative control signal. When a negative potential is applied to it, the standard immobilizer reads data from the electronic tag located in the key. The contact element must be connected to the input of the remote start system.
  5. The gray outputs can be connected to an external loop transceiver. The user can make the antenna himself using a few turns of wire. Winding is done on top of the RFID adapter.

Electrical diagram of device connections:

Connection card VR-03

temperature sensor

In some Starline models, the regulator must be installed not on the engine, but in the cooling system line. When autostarting, the device will be guided by the antifreeze temperature. To complete the task, you will need to dismantle the pipe and install the sensor inside. If the remote start does not work, you need to make sure that the regulator is connected correctly and in good quality.

The user must check the integrity of the block and cable through which the sensor is connected to the control unit:

  1. The power cord is disconnected from the device. If it is visually visible that the line is damaged or the insulation on the cable is worn out, then it must be replaced.
  2. The quality of contact is checked. If there are traces of oxidation or clogging of the connector, the block must be cleaned.
  3. Diagnostics of the correct connection of the regulator to the control unit is carried out. Here it is also necessary to check the integrity of the plug and its cleanliness.

Diagnostics and troubleshooting

The first thing you need to do if a malfunction occurs in the autostart operation is to check the operation of the car battery and key fob.

Battery check

Battery diagnostics:

  1. Perform a visual check of the battery. Inspect the terminals and body of the device. If the contacts are oxidized, they must be cleaned. If there are cracks in the case, the battery must be replaced, since it is impossible to fix such a problem.
  2. Unscrew the jars of the device and check for the presence of electrolyte solution. If there is not enough liquid inside, you need to add distilled water to the jars.
  3. You need to check the battery charge using a multimeter. To do this, connect the tester probes to the battery terminals, and then start the engine. If the charge level is less than 13.5 volts, the battery is replaced.

The Sxemotehnika channel talked about diagnosing a car’s battery in a garage.

Remote control diagnostics

Checking the communicator:

  1. Inspect the device body. If there are traces of moisture or damage, the communicator will have to be disassembled.
  2. If there are traces of water on the internal board, the device must be dried, but it should not be placed next to the stove or on the battery. This may cause more serious damage to your device.
  3. Inspect the button contacts on the terminals, replace the buttons or re-solder them if necessary.
  4. If your pager's battery is dead, it needs to be replaced.

Installing the crawler

The procedure for installing and connecting the immo bypass module is as follows:

  1. Take the processor module and install the spare key with the mark into it. The device must be installed inside a flat antenna. After installation, the device is fixed in place from possible movement.
  2. The housing of the processor device is closed.
  3. The main module is being installed. Its installation must be done in a place inaccessible to a potential criminal. For example, you can install the device behind the center console, near the car radio or ashtray. You can install the device behind the dashboard. To do this, dismantle the steering column trim and remove the control panel by disconnecting the connectors with contacts from it and unscrewing the screws that secure it. The crawler module is securely fixed at the installation site.
  4. The next step is to connect the device. The red pin represents the positive power output. It must be connected to an electrical circuit that has 12 volts when the ignition is activated. Disassemble the lock trim and connect the red contact.
  5. The black contact represents the negative control input. When a negative potential is applied to it, the standard engine immobilizer begins to read information from the tag installed in the key or key fob. The black contact must be connected to the output of the engine remote start system.
  6. All that remains is to connect the gray contacts. Depending on the configuration, they can be connected to an external frame-type antenna adapter, which is mounted next to the lock. Or you can wind the antenna or several turns of cable. Winding is carried out on top of the standard RFID adapter.

We recommend: Why the Renault Duster engine does not start: possible causes and diagnostics

Connection map for the bypass module Connection diagram for the engine blocker bypass

temperature sensor

The controller can be installed in different places, depending on the type:

  1. On the cooling system pipe. If the temperature sensor is installed on the engine, it must be embedded in one of the hoses of the cooling system. To do this, the pipe is dismantled, part of the refrigerant is drained, after which the device is installed inside. The wire with the connector for connecting it must be brought out. The connection is made to the processor module of the security complex.
  2. Inside the car. The device can be placed anywhere. The main thing is that there are no heat sources nearby.

If starting the internal combustion engine by command from the key fob works, but the option does not function when set by temperature, you need to check the quality of the device connection. A cable with a connector comes out of the device; the plug must be checked - if there is oxidation, it must be cleaned. You can also diagnose the electrical circuits connecting the device. If damaged wires are found, they must be replaced.

The kakbivotbi channel showed the process of repairing a temperature controller using the example of the Starline D94 security complex.


User Sergey Koshkin in his video demonstrated the operation of the Starline alarm automatic start option on a VAZ 2115 car.

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Disabling locks using the service button in the cabin

If there are no signs of unintentional activation of engine start interlocks, you can try to unlock the engine using the service mode. This mode is called Valet and is used to transfer the system to service mode. To activate, you need to insert the key into the ignition, turn on the ignition and then turn it off.

After this, you need to hold the service mode activation button for about 10-20 seconds. The result will be a notification using a special short signal, after which the signal lamp (indicator light, LED) will be constantly on. This method means disabling all security functions, which may also mean removing the engine locks. We add that after fixing the problem, it is necessary to activate the security functions of the alarm again.

In some cases, emergency disabling of the alarm using a hidden button in the car interior also helps. The specified button is also held for 10 to 20 seconds, after which the alarm status LED lights up and then goes out. After the light goes out, you can try to start the engine.

The success of starting the engine depends on the ambient temperature

If at a negative temperature the car does not start from autostart, then the reason for this may be:

  • the power contacts on the Starline alarm have oxidized and do not maintain normal voltage in the circuit;
  • The battery is in poor condition and therefore does not turn the starter;
  • there is a gap in the ignition circuit, for example, for additional protection against theft;
  • The immobilizer bypass reader does not work.

If you discover that the autostart has stopped working under certain weather conditions, you should first check whether the engine can start normally. If all systems are working properly, then the fault should be sought in the security system itself. After checking all problem areas, it is recommended to check the cross-section of the wires. Their length and thickness must correspond to standard car alarm cables.

How to check engine temperature

The alarm also has a remote temperature trigger function, which is convenient for cold climates. To do this you will need:

  • first press the third button on the remote control (in the form of an asterisk), the key fob will emit one melodic signal;
  • The display now shows a thermometer icon. It is necessary to move the cursor to this icon by pressing the third key again;
  • Now you can set the required temperature value at which the engine will start. The operation step is three degrees Celsius;
  • to confirm the choice, press the first key for a long time, up to two short signals;


Whatever the reason for poor engine starting, do not forget about the main rule. Do not turn the starter for too long in an attempt to start the car. This has a negative impact on the battery. If it is not new, then in a couple of attempts you can “plant” it altogether.

To prevent this, you should rotate the starter for no more than 4-5 seconds. And the interval between starts should be about 30 seconds. Remember that when deeply discharged, the battery significantly loses its capacity. And it will not be possible to resume it in the future.

Using a crawler

There is a special module that allows you to simulate a key transponder and also prevent the car from being locked. He is called a lineman. The module can be purchased or made independently if you have sufficient skills in working with electronics. It is easy to use, however you will need a duplicate key.

Ignition system

If we talk about old cars, it is quite possible for the distributor cover to break. As a result, the “runner” cannot interact correctly with the wires, and the spark simply does not flow to one or more cylinders.

Also, do not rule out breakdown of high-voltage wires. This is very easy to determine. At night, white and blue sparks on the wires should not appear under the hood. If this is the case, it is worth replacing the set of high-voltage wires. Another reason that the car does not start the first time is the coil. It can be the same for all cylinders, but on modern cars a separate coil is installed for each spark plug. Typically, coil breakdown occurs due to increased moisture. This element is non-separable and can be replaced entirely with a new one.

How to check which coil has failed? This will require a special tester. But it’s better to install a new one and check the quality of the start. As practice has shown, even with a faulty coil, the engine will start, but poorly. But after installing the new one, the engine starts with half a turn.

How to turn off the car using the Starline A91 key fob after autostart

It is logical that along with the ability to start the car engine remotely, there is an option that allows you to turn off the power unit. Executing this command from both key fobs (main and additional) is carried out in the same way:

— initially, the first button is held for three seconds, and then the second key is briefly pressed.

There is also the ability to turn off the engine via the phone. If a call is made to the alarm SIM card, then code 22 is entered. If an SMS is sent, then the owner must write the numbers 22 inside the message.

The information on the key fob is incorrect

If during autostart an alarm is triggered or incorrect information is displayed on the key fob, then the most likely error is the installation of the security system. Also, as a result of improper installation of the car alarm, a situation arises when the engine stalls when the door is opened. The most common error occurs in connecting and programming the contacts of connector X1.

To troubleshoot the problem, check that each processor module connector is connected correctly. If there are no faults, you should continue to look for the error at the software level.


A bad start can also be associated with spark plugs. So, after trying to start, the engine may seize and immediately stall. The reason for this phenomenon is flooded candles. Their condition can only be determined after dismantling. So, if the element smells strongly of gasoline, and there is any deposit on the surface, the candle must be thoroughly rinsed in some solution. You should also check whether it produces a spark (this can be done using a tester). As a last resort, you can replace the elements with new ones and check the quality of engine starting. But it is worth remembering that a car needs to replace spark plugs no earlier than after 30 thousand kilometers. The only exception may be defective products. As for iridium spark plugs, their service life is about 100 thousand kilometers.

Fuel system

Poor engine starting may be due to a dirty fuel filter. As you know, there are two such elements in a car. This is a coarse and fine filter. As a rule, the last element is clogged. This happens at a mileage of about 60-90 thousand kilometers. The filter itself is a corrugated paper element with micropores. They are the ones that hold dirty particles. Over the years, these pores become clogged and the pump is no longer able to pump gasoline through the filter. What is the solution to the problem? The solution is obvious - replacing the fuel filter with a new one. This is the only way to guarantee quick and trouble-free engine starting in any conditions.

Among the less common causes of poor starting, experts highlight contamination of injectors (applies to diesel engines) and injectors. In this case, replacement will be expensive, so many owners prefer ultrasonic cleaning of these elements. But this is done only at specialized service stations.

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