What to do if the central locking does not work when opening and closing the car doors?

A large number of modern cars are necessarily equipped with central locking. This is not the most reliable security element for a vehicle, but in combination with an alarm it allows you to achieve a truly high level of protection. If the first central locks (CL) caused a lot of controversy and were considered not reliable enough, as the automotive industry and security systems developed, the situation changed for the better. But locks can still fail from time to time. And if their proper operation is disrupted, the car owner should definitely know why this could happen and what to do in a specific situation. There are several options for malfunctions, each of which requires a specific algorithm of action on the part of the car owner.

Recommendations for repairing the central locking of a car.

The main causes of central locking malfunction

The main causes of malfunction of the central electronic locking system are:

malfunction of electrical wiring, especially in places of corrugated hoses and connectors for entering the motor (up to a quarter of all failures);

improper adjustment and operation of limit switches, power windows, window regulators;

incorrect adjustment or wear of the closing mechanism of the motor, wear of the suspension of the motor;

damage to rods and plastic tips;

malfunction of the door lock drive;

malfunction of power window drives;

failure of the engine control buttons;

malfunction of the power window control buttons;

blown fuses;

malfunction of the electronic control units included in the central locking system.

In modern cars, they try to structurally combine electronic door controls into a single whole with drives, limit switches and control buttons.

With the combined option, the probability of failure of the central locking system is reduced significantly. This reduces repair and maintenance time. To carry out repairs, for example, the driver's door, a unit replacement (entirely) of just one central drive with a control unit and limit switches is required. This, of course, negatively affects the cost of repairs.

What should you do first?

Before starting work, you should prepare a diagram of the fuses and electrical wiring of your car model and study them carefully. You can easily find it on the Internet by car make.

IMPORTANT. The electrical wiring of modern cars is very complex; it has a large number of conductors, energy consumers and, accordingly, fuses. There is no one responsible for all the elements of the central locking fuse; its elements are protected by several fuses; you need to find out the location of each from the diagram.

To troubleshoot a problem, you will need a multimeter or an ordinary tester, a contact cleaner, and a set of tools.


  1. Press the lock release button on the remote control several times. Listen carefully to see if there are clicks from the operation of the electromagnetic coils, or if you can hear the sound of operating motors. But not all locks are controlled by motors; there are other options with their own technical design features. We will talk about this a little lower in this article.
  2. Using the key, check that the lock on the driver's door and in other places, if provided by the manufacturer, are working. Also pay attention to the operation of various electrical mechanisms. Thanks to such actions, you can significantly narrow down the search for the cause of the malfunction.
  3. Check the condition of the fuses. This is done by a visual method, if there are doubts, you need to test each one with a multimeter for a direct short circuit in resistance.

If these measures did not allow you to detect and correct the problem, then you should prepare for a more serious diagnosis and elimination.

But to do this, you need to know the principles of operation of locks and have minimal electrician skills.

4th method. Use a loop of rope or fishing line

How to open a door if the lock is jammed? You can open the door lock using a rope loop. This device is suitable for cars whose internal door closing button protrudes slightly upward. It is also worth saying that there are also cases when you have to slightly bend the corner of the car door using certain tools.

In the middle of the thin rope you need to tie a loop the size of the inner lock button. Let's also say that in rare cases it is possible to insert a rope and later make a loop. Instead of rope, you can take fishing line, as it is much thinner than rope and can easily fit through a narrow door gap. It is worth taking the cord by the opposite ends with your hands and pulling it. We put a string through the upper corner of the door and make movements to the right and left. We pull both ends of the cord up and the lock button opens the lock. You should be extremely careful when performing this method.

Repairing broken wires

As a rule, most often the wires break off or break in the corrugation of the door. This is due to the fact that the door is constantly opening or closing, and the wire insulation is quite thin. To eliminate the problem of broken wires from the rubber corrugation of the door, you need to slowly pull out one wire at a time that approaches or departs from the central locking unit for power or control. A broken wire can easily be pulled out of the total mass. You can connect the break using a simple connection using male-female terminals. If the break occurs in another place, it is necessary to test all wiring with a multimeter. When checking, it is worth remembering that voltage will be present on one wire only at the moment of opening, and on the other - when closing the central lock.

If the lock does not work at all or partially...

If the central locking does not work or malfunctions even with “manual” control, then you first need to determine the nature of the malfunction. If the entire system fails completely, the vacuum central locking system will not hear the operation of the compressor, and the electric locking system will have weak clicking sounds of the triggered relays; the manual opening buttons on all doors will remain motionless.

In this case, it is necessary to check and, if necessary, replace the central locking circuit fuse (depending on the electrical circuit of the car, there may be more than one). Perhaps this is where the repairs will end. If, when the central locking is activated, a fuse burns out, it means that a short circuit occurs in the circuit it protects, and we must look for the reason that causes this.

The fuses are intact, but it does not work:

  • there is no voltage at the input of the driver's door activator due to a break in the supply wires or poor contact at their terminals as a result of oxidation - the drive cannot transmit a control signal for the remaining doors (nothing);
  • The limit switch of the driver's door activator is faulty or there is poor contact at its control terminals or a break in the wires coming from the control terminals - there is no control signal.

The repair should begin by checking the presence of power and control signals (appearance or disappearance of voltage on the corresponding contacts) of the drive when the central locking is activated. Then they check the quality of the contacts and the integrity of the wires of the corresponding circuits. The last thing to check is the limit switch, which is repaired or replaced if necessary (in electric central lockers it is always installed inside the drive).

The cause of the failure may also be a malfunction of the vehicle's electronic alarm circuit, and in the case of a vacuum central locking system, it may also be a failure of the compressor control board. They are checked and repaired at the very end of the diagnosis. If the central locking shows at least some “signs of life”, then we are talking about its partial failure - you can hear the sounds of the compressor operating in a vacuum central locking system and the clicking of a relay in an electric one.

Door buttons for manual opening may partially or not work on all doors, or they may move from the “closed” to “open” position and immediately back (or vice versa). One of the reasons for this behavior of the central lock may be a violation of the fixation of the fasteners of the rod going from the drive to the lock mechanism (in the driver’s door, if all the activators are not working well, or in the one in which the unlocking/locking process is disrupted).

Let's sum it up

The vast majority of car owners can check the fuses, a small number of them can ring and make sure the contacts are working properly, and only the most experienced of them can find and fix a complex breakdown.

For everyone else, if the central locking stops working, it is recommended to contact a service station, otherwise time is wasted.

In addition, very unpleasant consequences of unqualified intervention in a complex equipment system are possible.

Step-by-step replacement instructions

Let's say you need to register a new key fob in the main signaling unit. Then, you need to take with you all the keychains that will be used (maximum 4). The recording is done like this:

  1. They remove the car from security. While in the cabin, close all doors;
  2. Activate the service mode;
  3. Record key fobs one by one;
  4. Exit service mode.

This sequence looks approximately. Now we will clarify it.

Recording sequence

First of all, to record key fobs, you need to disarm the car. Then, while inside, close the doors and place the key in the ignition (it must remain in the LOCK position).

First turn the key to the left

Here is a sequence of actions that allows you to record under standard conditions:

  1. The Valet button installed in the cabin must be pressed and released 7 times (do not turn on the ignition yet);
  2. Start the engine. You should hear 7 beeps;
  3. Record the key fob by pressing the “1-2” buttons on it (for “Dialogue” the combination “2-3” is suitable). You need to press with one touch, both keys are pressed simultaneously. Hold the buttons for 3-4 seconds, then a beep will sound;
  4. Repeat step 3 for each key fob. There is no need to wait too long - if 5 seconds pass after the beep, the system will exit the required mode;
  5. Turn off the ignition. The “dimensions” will blink 5 times, which means the following: we have exited the service mode.

Now we need to clarify what exactly happens in step “3”.

From the Starline Dialog manual

The standard Starline instructions recommend pressing two keys and holding them until the beep sounds. However, there is a software option that provides something slightly different: the buttons are pressed, held for 3-4 seconds and released. And the beep sounds a second after that. If you hold it and don’t let go, you’ll never hear the beep. You can find out what exactly is suitable in your case (the first option or the second) experimentally. It’s okay if the key fob is not registered the first time - then the contents of the memory will remain the same.

In reality, this is not the case - if the write fails, the main block will remain in the same state. Otherwise, any mistake would lead to undesirable consequences. But as soon as at least one key fob is registered, the “old” codes will be erased. Moral: just in case, register the main keychain first.

LED behavior

You need to find where exactly in the cabin the indicator is located, which is connected to the main unit. This indicator at Starline is made in the form of an LED.

Signal diode (LED) Starline

Here is a breakdown of the indicator signals:

  • Slow flashing – security mode is on;
  • No indication – the car is disarmed, the doors are closed;
  • Fast flashing – doors or hood are open;
  • Flash 5 times, pause, 5 flashes again, etc. – the service mode is active (it is activated by the Valet button).

There is nothing more to add here. Follow the indicator carefully, and then the question “why the Valet button does not work” will not arise.

The most common mistakes operators make are: When trying to activate the service mode, you need to check whether all the doors and the hood are closed (by the LED indication or by the display of the main key fob). Usually, this is not done. Sometimes they also try to use equipment that is incompatible with the alarm system installed in the car. Well, we won’t talk about why only new batteries should be used here. This question needs no explanation.

Options for central locking malfunctions

If the device refuses to respond to commands sent from the key fob, you need to look for a problem in the operation of the mechanism.

The lock is unstable

The device may function unstably, in the following situations:

  1. When you press a button on the key fob, the control module behaves incorrectly. The unit can respond to the car owner’s commands or not carry them out. The device works fine one time and then starts to malfunction. Commands sent from the remote control are either executed or not executed.
  2. When you try to open the door locks, the device first opens them and then automatically locks them. The same thing can happen when closing doors.
  3. When you press the door open button, the device closes it and vice versa.
  4. When you press the close or open button, some of the doors are locked or unlocked. Several doors or one may respond correctly to signals sent from the unit, but another part or one door may not.

The lock is partially not working

Such problems include the situation when the device does not close, but opens the doors. The door locks were closed mechanically by pressing buttons inside the car, but after that they unlock normally. This problem indicates a problem in the electronic component of the device.

The lock does not work with the key fob

Car owners often encounter a problem when the device does not respond to commands from the remote control. There may be several reasons for this. Either this is a breakdown of the communicator itself, which may be due to a discharge of the power supply, or a malfunction in the operation of the control device.

The lock does not work with the key

If the control panel does not function, you can use the key to open or close the doors. But it happens that installing a key in a door lock does not produce results. Most likely, this is a mechanical problem with the lock product itself. You can try opening another door if it has a lock.

The Adios channel showed the process of diagnosing the central door locking system.


Consequences of failure

Failure of the central locking can cause two unpleasant situations.

  1. The car does not open when parked. There are a lot of problems - there is no way to get into the car or do affordable repairs. If the lock does not respond to either the key fob or the key, then there is only one way out - call specialists. They have special equipment and tools (air cushions for pressing doors, rods and levers) that allow the vehicle interior to be forcibly opened. Only after entering the salon can you try to fix the problem yourself or contact a service station for professional help.
  2. The car does not lock when parked. It’s also unpleasant, but there is time to solve the problem without haste.

But this situation always stresses out drivers.

What kind of malfunctions can there be?

When closing the lock on the door, no other actions are noted. But if you even slightly need to try to open it with the key, the door can open immediately. The presence of malfunctions is immediately visible here. The main ones can be highlighted. The central lock opens and closes itself on a VAZ - this is a normal state of affairs, but if it is faulty

The contact does not open in the central locking drive

The contact does not open in the central locking drive

The contacts do not open in a timely manner, and this occurs due to the following reasons:

  1. Traction control. Structurally, it works like this: the lock button and the drive are connected together. In this case, the rod acquires the wrong position, and there is no contact with the electric drive.
  2. When the button touches part of the casing. The element is not lowered to the required depth in order to contact the electric drive and the traction. There are no signals to other doors.

If there are problems of this kind, you need to make sure that the position of the button is fixed at the very end

If this is not observed, then it is worth checking the casing and making sure that there are no scuffs, only after that pay attention to the ideal, even and accurate position of the rod

Fuse failure

If the central locking on a VAZ does not work, then the cause of this circumstance may be a blown fuse. If the driver tried to open the door, but this did not lead to the desired result, then you need to look at how the electrical circuit works, and more specifically, the fuse. This element can quickly fail and the cause will be not only a short circuit, but also even the smallest load.

Fuse failure

The location of the thrust when operating a car in winter results in an overload on the engine elements.

Violation of the integrity of the central locking wires

If the central locking on a VAZ does not work, this may occur as a result of a broken section of wires. This is the main reason, since the fracture is observed in those places where the load on the node is greatest. This place is the passage of the corrugation from the side of the door and the counter. When opening a car door, the main part of the load occurs in this mechanism.

Violation of the integrity of the central locking wires

Algorithm of actions:

  1. It is easy to determine the location of the fault; you need to release one of the ends of the corrugated element in which the wires are concentrated inside the door, and then tighten one of the central locking wires. Their constructive connection is into a single bundle, and also next to each other.
  2. After doing some simple work, a damaged wire due to damage or interruption will be easy to repair.
  3. Once a fault within the circuit is confirmed, replacement will be easy. To do this, it is enough to cut out the faulty section and replace it with a new one; just twist the ends of the wires together and then insulate them.
  4. If it is difficult to visually determine where the wires are broken, you can always use a multimeter. The device will accurately indicate the location of the fault and the owner will carry out repairs without any problems.

When the central locking unit burns out

On the VAZ 2110 the buzzer stopped working, the reason for this may be a break in the central lock, or more specifically, a burnout of its separate unit. To carry out troubleshooting work, you need to use a multimeter. In this way, it will be possible to determine the presence of voltage at the contacts.

When the central locking unit burns out

During diagnostics, it is necessary for pulses to be sent to the main unit.

If the central locking activator malfunctions

The central locking on the VAZ does not work, and the reason for this may lie in a malfunction of the activator. This element is located on the central drive.

If the VAZ 2110 key activator malfunctions

During operation, parts rub against each other, which ultimately leads to wear. External factors such as high air humidity and rust are also unfavorable factors for the operation of the mechanism.

If a breakdown occurs, then the electric drive must be replaced with a new one; the main thing when choosing is to take into account that there are five different colors on the element.

Causes of alarm problems when opening or closing from the key fob and their elimination

Let's look at the main reasons why Starline does not open the door lock from the remote control:

  • manufacturing defects;
  • dead battery in the car;
  • incorrect installation;
  • malfunctions that occurred in the central locking;
  • mechanical damage to any of the wires.

Let's say the Starline car alarm does not close the door lock when the engine is running. The first thing a car owner should do is put new batteries in the key fob. And the reason why the key fob mechanism stops functioning will be found. If the signal remains unresponsive, you will need to contact specialists for flashing or personally reboot the program. Details about reprogramming are described in the system instructions. The machine is locked until the cause is eliminated using the key.

Problems with the key fob

After replacing the batteries with new ones, you need to evaluate the appearance of the key fob to identify the presence of any damage.

If the car alarm refuses to work further, it means there is a problem with the remote control:

  • the plug located under the driver's seat has become disconnected (just connect it back);
  • The special sensor is broken.

If problems arise within the key fob itself, the display (if present) will be turned off, and can also display the status in normal (working) mode or show symbols (r99, zzz, check). To solve the problem, diagnostics will be required. Specialists will troubleshoot the device or recommend replacing it.

Car battery is dead

In a situation where the alarm does not go off and the car does not start, it can be argued that the reason is a dead car battery. It is solved by charging it. In half of the cases, you will need to reset the settings on the key fob and reprogram it again according to the instructions.

Operating principle of central locking

Types of central locking elements

The control button in the cabin can be one on the driver's door or on the panel, or two on both front doors. When installing an alarm system, it is advisable to avoid interfering with the central locking control units. We are talking about contacts located in the middle. The current consumption of a conventional electric central locking drive can reach 5A at its peak. Recommendations: For self-installation, simple security systems with a minimum set of sensors are more suitable.

More articles from the Tuning section. The schematic diagram is taken from the Opel Astra F repair and operation manual. To connect to the central locking, you need to know what type of central locking is installed on your car. Drives equipped with switches, each with three contacts, are mounted on the car doors and in the luggage compartment lid. Alarm installation

Video “Why doesn’t the alarm open the doors with the key fob?”

The video discusses the problem when the doors do not respond to a signal and the car remains open. Taken from the Smith Smith Channel.

Central locking is an indispensable attribute of a modern car. Many car enthusiasts practically do not use a mechanical lock to open doors.

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For this reason, mechanical lock cylinders, due to corrosion and diffusion processes, literally get stuck to the lock structure, and if the central locking system malfunctions, the battery is low, the key fob or car alarm malfunctions, access to the car interior may be limited.

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Repair of electric central locking

Over time, central locking solenoids do not tolerate low temperatures well due to high humidity, especially in spring and autumn. First they begin to jam, and then the door no longer closes or opens. The solenoids can be cleaned and lubricated, but it is better to replace them with motorized drives.

Electric central locking drive

Activators may not work or work partially on one of several doors for the following reasons:

  1. Damage to the circuit or poor-quality contacts in the electrical wiring.
  2. Relay is faulty.
  3. If control is carried out from the board, then it is possible that the reason is its malfunction.
  4. Poor contact at device terminals or damage to the drive electrical circuit.
  5. Wear of activator components.
  6. The winding has burned out.

Repairing a car's central locking system should begin by checking the non-working activators to see if they are receiving voltage. If the door lock function is activated, there should be voltage on one wire. If a signal to open is received, voltage leaves the 1st wire and appears on the 2nd. Based on the results obtained, further actions are performed: either the activator is checked and repaired in case of a malfunction, or the entire circuit is checked, correcting damaged areas. Broken wires most often occur in corrugated areas.

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General recommendations

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Periodically open the door with the key, even if you always use the central locking key fob, so that the door lock mechanism does not get stuck.

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Do not try to warm the lock with hot water if it is frozen in winter. It's better to try an electric hair dryer. Commercial liquids for freezing at low temperatures do not always help.

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Tighten the door suspension, if it wobbles, this can lead to jamming of the lock and blown fuse for its power supply.

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It happens that the immobilizer does not see the key, what to do in such situations.

How can you determine which alarm system is used in a car using a key fob?

If the car windows sweat from the inside https://voditeliauto.ru/sovety-voditelej/zapotevayut-stekla-v-mashine-iznutri-chto-delat.html what to do in this case and what folk remedies can be used.

Video - repairing the central locking on a Hyundai Getz:

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The design and principle of operation of a car central lock

Auto central locking is a system that combines the locking of car door locking devices. The task is to simultaneously open and close car door locks. For some makes and models of cars, the devices also open and close the trunk and fuel tank lid. However, this function is not implemented on initial models of Hyundai, Renault, Audi, BMW.

Drivers perceive the system not as a safety element, but as a component of a comfortable ride. For all cars it works with the ignition off and on. This is typical for Sandero, Accent, Lancer, Largus, Niva, Rio, Solaris, Patriot and other car models.

The device works in 2 ways:

  • centrally;
  • decentralized.

With centralized control, pressing the corresponding button unlocks all doors. With a decentralized control unit, it can only unlock the driver's or passenger's door, but it is possible to open/close it simultaneously.

The first type of device is more comfortable. Such variations of the locking mechanism are most widespread. They are installed in Sandero, Soul, Transit, Lanos, Astra, Golf, Kalina, Logan, Golf, Octavia, Passat, Priora and many other cars.

There are 3 main components of the mechanism:

  • input sensors;
  • Control block;
  • actuator

The system can be controlled remotely. The ignition key handle contains a radio transmitter that sends a signal to the central unit. For most car brands (Opel, Mercedes, Peugeot, Toyota, Ford, Chevrolet, Skoda, etc.), the command from the key is triggered from a distance of up to 10 meters.

To fix the current position, microswitches are used in the design. The elements transmit a signal to the main unit and the control unit. After this, the command passes to the actuator, which is the executing element. The final action of closing or opening the doors occurs.

Types of castles

Central locks (CL) are divided into standard and non-standard. The last type of device is installed by the car enthusiast himself. The first one is included with the machine. The central locking synchronizes without problems with the signaling system (Starline A91, E46, Magicar and others).

Device differentiation occurs through the communication channel. There are 2 types of gradation:

  • infrared;
  • radiofrequency.

The first type is well protected from interference and signal scanning by hijackers. The disadvantages include the range and the need to “hit” the command from the key on the transmitter signal.

Radio frequency central locking does not have such disadvantages. However, it is easier for hijackers to consider it.

The difference lies in the type of drive used:

  • Pneumatic. The signal to the “ends” of the lock is transmitted by pneumatic channels (hoses, tubes). Such systems are used in Mercedes and Volkswagen. Many other automakers have already refused to make cars with the presented central locking systems.
  • Electromagnetic ones are rare. The models work like a solenoid. The signal sent through the remote control may not open the door in cold weather.
  • Electromechanical. Reliable in all weather conditions. Reliable operation is ensured in frost, rain or heat.

The electromechanical control system is widely used in Hyundai, Honda and other brands.

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