Lada Priora Hatchback Pavel Logbook The car is shaking, does not pull, check light is on

What is the danger of this defect?

Having discovered that the engine begins to stall, this defect must be eliminated as quickly as possible, despite the fact that signs of malfunction may disappear after re-gassing. The fact is that such a malfunction can reduce engine power, which will lead to an emergency on the road. After all, every car owner relies on the power of his engine, especially when overtaking, and since the power of the power unit will be reduced, the car simply will not have enough dynamics to complete overtaking, especially in severe frost and ice on the road. Only timely car repairs and finding out the cause of the breakdown will help to avoid a deplorable situation.

Every car owner can do this in his own garage with the simplest tools, if the work is done in stages.


The reasons why the engine in a Lada Priora misfires can be determined independently, but not all car enthusiasts manage to eliminate them on their own. Therefore, if the materials provided in the article did not help, or turned out to be too difficult to understand, it is recommended to contact a car service.

Despite the fact that the Lada Priora 16 valves has many defects, this particular model is the most successful of the many varieties of VAZ. Among the most significant advantages are the following:

  • dynamism;
  • comfort;
  • moderate fuel consumption.

However, this model also brings some problems to its owners, for example, the engine is difficult to start or immediately stalls, and the smell of gasoline is clearly felt even inside the cabin. But the most common problem, according to car owners, is that the Priora stalls when cold, as a result of which the engine quickly overheats. That is, if a car owner starts his car, and the engine begins to work with so-called interruptions, while specific sounds are heard from the exhaust pipe and a strong smell spreads from gasoline that has not burned completely, these reasons will indicate that the engine is running cold. You can fix this type of breakdown yourself, but in order for the repair work to be done correctly, experts recommend fixing the breakdown step by step.

Checking the spark plugs

According to experts, the main reason that leads to the engine starting to stall is spark plugs that have become unusable. Therefore, these elements need to be checked first, because quite often a simple replacement of spark plugs helps to completely eliminate the analyzed defect. To check the serviceability of the spark plugs, you need to do the following:

  • remove the terminal from the car battery;
  • disconnect and remove the high-voltage wires from the spark plugs;
  • Using a car wrench of the appropriate size, remove the spark plugs from the cylinders, strictly adhering to the order;
  • Each removed spark plug must be carefully inspected. If a malfunction or any other defect is discovered during inspection, the element must be replaced with a new one without fail.

Oxygen sensor

The "check engine" warning sign indicates a malfunction of the engine. First of all, you should check the operation of the oxygen sensor. It relates to the exhaust gas production system, so it shows the amount of oxygen that has not been burned in the combustion chamber of the engine. The device provides control of gasoline consumption on a Lada Priora car.

If the sensor is broken, the vehicle's computer control system does not receive the necessary data, which can cause fuel consumption to increase and engine power to decrease. There are up to 4 oxygen sensors depending on the car model. At home, you can use a computer error scanner, or you can contact a service center.

Why does the oxygen sensor break down? The older the car gets, the larger the layer of used engine oil on the parts, which reduces the correct operation of the sensors. If you do not change and check the condition of the oxygen sensors in the Lada Priora, the catalyst will break, which may burst and lead to serious repairs. New catalysts are expensive due to the presence of valuable metals in them, so it is better to focus on preventing the problem. If the check engine light comes on, you need to look into the sensors and determine the reasons.

When the seal is broken

When the check engine light comes on, you need to check the tightness of the fuel system; this is the reason why the light may be on. Don’t immediately suspect serious damage; start with small but important details. If there is a leak in the fuel system, air escapes somewhere in the fuel tank filler cap. This increases the overall fuel consumption, a malfunction occurs, so the system reports an error.

Check the engine operation of the Priora by ear. If the “check engine light” is on, the car is still running at normal power, there are no extraneous sounds from the running engine, no knocks, hums or squeaks, then the problem is the tightness of the fuel tank. From a technical point of view, it may be that the lid is not tightened enough or there is a crack in it. Correct what you can do with your own hands and see if the light on the Priora continues to light. Perhaps the problem will be solved after tightening the cover or replacing it.

Another problem that leads to a burning “check” is the exhaust gas catalyst on the Lada Priora. It serves to clean exhaust gases. Without a properly functioning part of this type, not only the driver suffers, but also the environment, as the composition of the exhaust gases deteriorates. The catalyst converts carbon monoxide and has an important function. This is also dangerous for the driver, and it is undesirable to drive with a malfunction of this kind. If the problem is in the catalyst, then the power will decrease by 2 times. In this case, a warning message will light up on the dashboard. Press the gas pedal and analyze the dynamics of acceleration.

If you take care of your car and perform regular maintenance, there should be no problems with your exhaust catalyst. It should be understood that one small problem on Priora can lead to other, more serious consequences.

If the catalyst breaks down, it is better not to use the car, since the serviceability of the engine is in question. Increasing fuel consumption will not lead to anything good; problems with engine traction will begin. Replacing your exhaust catalytic converter is an expensive service, but it shouldn't be ignored. There is an alternative for this part: a flame arrester, but this cannot be considered an absolutely correct solution.

Replacing the catalyst yourself is an extremely difficult task, so it is better to contact a specialized Lada Priora service center.

Gasoline consumption increases

The job of the mass air flow sensor is to determine the amount of air needed to be added to the gasoline mixture so that the fuel ignites optimally. The reasons why the notification lights up may be related to electronics. If a breakdown occurs in the sensor, a signal is immediately sent to the system and the light comes on. At the same time, gasoline consumption increases, the quality of exhaust gases decreases, and engine power decreases. The car does not move smoothly, but with jerks. A Lada Priora with a faulty mass air flow sensor will have difficulty accelerating and will have difficulty starting in the cold season.

Most of the breakdowns occur due to incorrect installation of air filters during scheduled replacements. If you do not change the air filters in a timely manner, according to the maintenance rules, the mass air flow sensor can cause serious problems.

If the light indicating a malfunction is on, you should not drive like this for a long time.

An experienced driver will be able to recognize when fuel consumption is increasing. Contact the service center. Replacing the sensor is not an expensive service, it will be done quickly. The necessary part for a Lada Priora is not that expensive, and you can change it yourself if you wish.

Checking high voltage wires

Quite often the engine starts to stall, not only when cold, but also at speed due to failed high-voltage wires. It is recommended to check the serviceability and functionality of the wires in the following sequence:

  • the wires are disconnected from the spark plugs and ignition coil;
  • using a special tester, measurements of high-voltage wires are taken;
  • If the device indicates that one of the wires is faulty or if a violation of the integrity of the element is visually detected, it must be replaced.

Experts recommend replacing not just one wire, but using a complete set to ensure uninterrupted engine operation.

Table: Common Error Codes

Directories of self-diagnosis codes for foreign cars consist of multi-page descriptions. The main alphanumeric self-diagnosis code can be accompanied by a short description in English or Russian by the on-board computer. Since English-language terms are incomprehensible to many drivers, we present the main codes that accompany the illuminated check engine light, with a description in Russian.

P0100Failure of the air flow sensor (or circuit)
P0105, P0106Air pressure sensor signal abnormalities (may be associated with an open gas tank cap)
P0125Cooling faults
P0130 – P0140Incorrect signals, reading failures, lambda probe breaks
P0195, P0199Failures, signal violations of the oil temperature sensor
P0200Injector control circuit malfunctions
P0201 – P0212Defects in injectors by cylinder
P0230 – P0233Violations of the primary and secondary circuits of the fuel pump
P0301 – P0312Misfire (by cylinder)
P0321 – P0323Violations, omissions of ignition distribution signals
P0350 – P0362Ignition coil malfunctions
P0400 – P0402The exhaust gas recirculation system does not work
P0420 – P0434Catalyst malfunctions
P0561On-board voltage instability
P0600 – P0606Electronic control unit module errors
P1604Engine starting system failures
P1398Crankshaft position sensor failure
P1120 – P1125Violations of signals from the throttle valve
P1605 – P1620Flash Memory Failures

Error code: Check on the Chevrolet Aveo dashboard: causes, solutions

For budget foreign cars, at the same time as the check engine light is illuminated, the computer can display general error descriptions on the display, such as “power is limited,” “maintenance is due.” In such situations, it is difficult to analyze the exact cause of the signal. The best solution would be to visit a car service center for a full computer diagnostic of the internal combustion engine.

Checking the air filter

If the spark plugs and high-voltage wires appear to be in full working order, and the engine still runs, you should check the air filter. Sometimes this element may simply become clogged, as a result of which less air will flow into the engine, which will cause the analyzed breakdown. According to experts, there is no point in cleaning the air filter from contaminants, because the cost of a new element is quite acceptable, so it is better to simply replace the filter that has become unusable with a new one.

Most often, car owners, after carrying out the above measures, manage to get the engine working and, as you can see, carrying out repair work is quite simple and easy. But if difficulties arise during the work, you can watch a training video lesson on the Internet resource, which is taught by real masters of their craft.

Does the car jerk at low speeds or when accelerating? Is the engine running rough and the Check Engine light on? Has the car lost its dynamics and doesn’t drive like before? In this article we will tell you about all the possible causes of these malfunctions and how to solve the problem.


But the Priora has the most common breakdowns. To begin with, it is worth listing the main sensors included in the Priora ECM.

  • Mass air flow sensor (MAF).
  • Throttle position.
  • Camshaft positions.
  • Crankshaft.
  • Knock sensor.
  • Oxygen sensor (2 pcs.).
  • Speed.
  • Rough road sensor.

And also the actuators can make the “Check” light up.

  • Idle air control (IAC).
  • Fuel injectors (4 pcs.).
  • Ignition modules (4 pcs.).
  • Canister valve.
  • Electric fuel pump.

All these components are activated through the computer, and therefore, if their operation fails, the “Check” light immediately lights up.


In the first place, of course, there will be malfunctions of the oxygen sensor. These devices are installed in the exhaust manifold (sensor No. 1) and after the fuel afterburner (catalyst), No. 2. They read the percentage of CO content in the exhaust gases. Due to soot from burnt fuel, they most often deteriorate. The car begins to lose power, the “Check” light comes on. After all, the computer receives a signal that there is too much fuel.

Alas, it is only possible to accurately determine the reason why the signal may have come on using software diagnostics.

On the second place, the mass air flow sensor deservedly stands. A thin thread made of a special alloy changes resistance depending on the amount of air passing through the nozzle. The malfunction is characterized by severe engine malfunction. The speed “floats”, the power drops, and, of course, the “Check” light comes on. And also the check is only done through diagnostics through the program.

And the camshaft sensor closes the top three. Its malfunction is characterized by an increase in startup time. Sometimes there may be slight jerks when accelerating. Again, there is no way to determine a breakdown without a program.


Here in the first place is the IAC, a device that regulates the supply of additional air bypassing the throttle valve. It works by means of a micromotor that extends and retracts the shutter mechanism. If there is a malfunction, the engine will not start at idle. Or, conversely, it increases the speed to 1500-2000. "Check" lights up

Then the ignition modules. When it fails, the motor “troubles” and the speed “floats”. Power is lost. And as a result, the “Check Anger” icon lights up.

Faulty injectors give similar symptoms. It is interesting that all breakdowns of actuators, with certain skills, can be diagnosed without a computer. At least they will make the “Check” signal light up. This is done by either replacing it with a known-good unit, as with IAC, or by replacing it in places, as with ignition modules or injectors. And only the adsorber valve requires connecting equipment.

Attention! Many people believe that you can simply reset the errors if the “Check” light comes on on the Priora by removing the battery terminal. However, this will not fix the problem


So what can we say. There is only one conclusion. If the “Check” indicator light on the instrument panel lights up, you need to do computer diagnostics in any case. This is the surest way out.

Other engine and system malfunctions

  1. Compression in the engine cylinders is low.
  2. The cylinder head gasket is damaged.
  3. The engine control system is faulty.
  4. The valves of the gas distribution mechanism are burnt out and leaky.
  5. The exhaust system is leaking.
  6. The valve clearances are not adjusted (8-valve engines only).
  7. The hydraulic pushers are faulty.
  8. The engine air filter is dirty.
  9. Vacuum hose connections are leaking.

Have you encountered power failures or observed unstable engine operation? What was the reason? We solve similar power unit problems in the comments or on the forum. Let us remind you that along with misfires, other engine malfunctions may appear, for example, floating speed.

Found an error? Select it and press Ctrl+Enter..

Why is the checkbox blinking and the engine running rough? The car began to stall.

Engine damaged

the check
, the engine does not pull, it jerks. I turn off the ignition. , I start it again and it’s fine.

There is no flash in the cylinder - check if there is fuel. At a normal compression level, you need to test the operation of the accounting power system

Focus on the air filter and pipe: are the clamps tightened tightly, what is the condition of the purifier box, is the air intake from outside adjusted. The tubes located on the throttle assembly are made to be firmly fixed to it

Traces of fuel leaks, visible cracks and chipped plastic are unacceptable. The engine may stall due to a clogged injector. For this reason, specialists categorically do not accept filling the tank with cleaners sold for injectors. In fact, no cleaning occurs - the contaminants peel off in the tank, and then the fuel line becomes clogged. There is a build-up in the small nozzle and it will get stuck. The winding of the injector parts burned out. Low quality fuel. Test the spark plugs.

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