How to find out a car engine model by VIN number

  1. Why know the engine model
  2. Where to check the model by VIN code
  3. Decoding the VIN code
  4. Other ways to check the engine model

In a number of life situations, vehicle owners are faced with the need to find out the engine model . This may be required both when purchasing a car and when purchasing spare parts. There are several ways to obtain information, one of them is related to the VIN code.

You can find out the engine model both by inspecting the car and by using online resources. In the first case, additional decoding of the information will be required.

What is part marking, and in what situations is verification needed?

In Russia, the engine number is entered in the vehicle passport.
It represents the letter code of the motor and a numeric parameter from the factory. The number is fixed between the gearbox and engine on the dividing seam. It can be found on the gas distribution mechanism, or more precisely, on the protective casing. Having opened the hood, just find the above location and find a code consisting of 9 characters:

  1. Usually it is 3 numbers and 6 letters.
  2. There are 4 numbers and 5 letters if the manufacturer has sold about 1,000,000 motors or more.

The secondary market is in great demand because most citizens do not have the financial ability to buy new cars.

Purchasing a used vehicle saves money and speeds up the process of receiving the goods.

However, shopping on the secondary market is dangerous, because there is a risk of getting a stolen car or with someone else’s parts.

Therefore, before the purchase and sale transaction, the car is checked by engine number.

Checking is also necessary when registering a car. Technical inspection specialists will analyze the information in documents and in fact for compliance or will resort to the help of a special database.

In the secondary market, the buyer is not protected from a legal point of view. Crime and used cars are a common combination.

What is a VIN number?

VIN code is a unique vehicle identification number. This marking includes 17 characters - numbers and Latin letters, with the exception of I, O, Q (due to the similarity with the numbers 1 and 0), and contains the following information:

  1. Vehicle manufacturer (first 3 characters);
  2. Data about the car itself (4-9 characters);
  3. Manufacturer, year of manufacture, serial number of the car (unique 10-17 characters).

The identification number (VIN) is indicated in the documents for the car - in the vehicle passport and registration certificate. It can also be found on the body of the car itself.

What is VIN for?

Canadian and American car factories began to use it since 1977. To this day, exporters and automakers in these countries follow the ISO 3779 standard, but in the EU, maritime rules for labeling passenger cars are not always held in high esteem.

The character set rules in the identifier are subject to the ISO 3779 and ISO 3780 standards (currently ISO 1983 has been repealed, the new one in 2009 is in effect).

This classification helps to globally determine all TPA data, namely:

  • country;
  • company;
  • brand of transport;
  • model year;
  • Date of issue;
  • place of manufacture;
  • body type and color;
  • equipment;
  • motor type.

The verification digit included in the number prevents unauthorized changes to the code.

Thanks to the presence of a unique code, the machine is easy to “read” and compare with technical documentation. This will help protect the car from theft, and also restore engine data if its markings are not readable for some reason.

And although ISO (International Organization for Standardization) together with SAE (International Association of Scientists, Engineers and DTS Experts) are trying to bring the numbering to uniform rules, each plant acts at its own discretion and keeps records according to its own rules.

Where to find VIN

Where is the unique car number recorded (it is also called the body number, although this is not entirely correct):

  • in STS;
  • in PTS;
  • on integral body and chassis structures;
  • on small plates (nameplates).

The car manufacturer specifies all such places in the documents for the vehicle registration certificate.
Each car plant has individual methods for applying a VIN code. But most often it can be found in common places:

  1. Where the instrument panel meets the windshield is opposite the driver. The number is placed in such a way that it can only be seen from the street.
  2. Behind the driver's seat at the bottom of the pillar. It is visible when the door is open.
  3. At the location of the motor, look for a nameplate attached to the partition. It should be clearly visible.
  4. At the bottom of the luggage compartment (if the body type is hatchback).
  5. On the chassis in a place where it is easy to find and see.
  6. Vehicles with a frame structure contain VIN on the side members.

Unscrupulous businessmen take advantage of human inattention and laziness. Who wants to explore all the places described above with a flashlight and a magnifying glass? It is enough to see one easily accessible Vin and check it with the PTS. Therefore, attackers make changes to such a number, and the rest are either erased or covered with rust, without trying to interrupt them.

If you decide to buy an old car, you will have to sweat in search of all possible places of application, especially hard-to-reach ones. Having found a marking plate on the rivets, examine the space around it to see if there are scratches or dents nearby.

Early FordScorpio had a number stamped at the factory, it had a raised appearance. Now the number is applied without deforming the steel sheet. Fraudsters clean off the factory inscription and apply their own marks. Some Mercedes models have nameplates on screws that are easy to replace. You can also find out the VIN code by knowing the state number of the car. To do this, use our service using the link below.

Decoding the VIN code

A VIN code is a unique number assigned to a vehicle at the factory. It contains complete information about a specific car.

It is VIN that is most often used to check vehicles. The code consists of 17 numbers and non-number-like letters, divided into three parts. Let's take a closer look at the decryption:

  • 1 character – code of the state where the car was produced;
  • 2nd and 3rd characters – name of the manufacturer and type of vehicle. In some cases it is used to designate a division of the manufacturer;
  • Characters 4-8 are a description of the car, which includes the model, body type, specification, transmission type and engine information. That is, the eighth digit carries information about the engine model.
  • 9th character – control indicator;
  • 10th character – year of manufacture in letter designation;
  • 11th character – link to the plant;
  • 12-17 symbols – serial production number of the machine.

As for where the VIN code is located, firstly, it is in the documentation for the vehicle. If the number was verified upon purchase, then you can safely use it. Second, the code is present in several places on the machine itself:

  1. Under the floor covering near the driver's seat;
  2. On the windshield;
  3. Under the hood;
  4. On the front drain of the body and other places invented by the manufacturer.

To determine which numbers will provide information about the engine number by vin, you should use either decoders or conversion tables. The second option involves spending a lot of time and does not guarantee finding the correct answer. The engine model is indicated in the form - gasoline ccm kbm. Where the word “gasoline” means that the engine is gasoline. Other symbols and numbers indicate engine power.

When buying a car, it is important to check the similarity of the VIN code in the documents and on the body. If there are discrepancies, the transaction should be abandoned, since the PTS is most likely fake. If you make a purchase at a dealership and discover an error, you should immediately notify authorized employees.

What does the label indicate?

As a rule, the marking consists of 14 characters (but there are exceptions). It is based on 2 blocks – descriptive (6 characters) and indicative (8 characters).


  • The base model index is the first three characters.
  • Modification index – if absent, set to “0”.
  • Climatic performance.
  • The last symbol is P (recirculation valve) or A (diaphragm clutch).

Pointing block:

  • Year of manufacture (number or letter). 1-9 indicates the year of manufacture 2001-2009, respectively, A - 2011, B - 2012, C - 2013, etc.
  • The next 2 digits are the month of issue.
  • The last 5 are the serial number.

Information that will help you decipher can be found in the vehicle’s operating instructions or on specialized websites.

What is VIN

VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) is the “Vehicle Identification Number”. It contains seventeen characters - numbers and Latin letters, except I, O, Q due to their similarity with 1 and 0.

VIN consists of 3 parts:

  1. WMI (World ManufacturersIdentification) – identification of world manufacturers, it is assigned the initial three characters.
  2. VDS (VehicleDescriptionSection) – section of the vehicle description, occupies the fourth to ninth positions.
  3. VIS (Vehicle IdentificationSection) – vehicle recognition section, located in the last eight places.

The identifier (of wines) is designed to determine the origin of the vehicle on a worldwide basis and classify it.

It will be easy to figure out what data is contained in the first three characters (WMI). There are many reference books on the Internet that identify the country and plant using these signs. We can only add that if the third character in this group is “9,” it means that the enterprise is small, producing no more than 500 cars per year. For example, WMI of small factories of the former USSR are as follows: RF - X89, Belarus - Y39, Ukraine - Y69, Y89, Y99.

But with VDS there are disagreements between countries. Many manufacturers try to fit too much information into these six characters: body type, model, engine, steering wheel side, transmission, etc. In the USA they even manage to code the weight and available safety features of a vehicle.

In the 9th position of the code (6th according to VDS) there is sometimes a verification number - this is a number or the letter “X”.
It is mandatory in the North American and Chinese markets, in BMW, Volvo, Saab, Lexus, Toyota, MercedesBenz cars. In European countries, this position is considered optional. If the VDS contains less than six characters, then zeros are placed in the empty spaces.

The third set of characters (VIS) carries information about the model year, assembly plant, and factory serial number.

Why know the engine model

Many people, when buying a car, do not think about what it actually is. We are talking about the filling or technical parameters. Of course, only specialists have a thorough understanding of cars, but it is advisable to know some basic facts, such as body and engine numbers. Knowledge of the latter may be required in the following cases:

  1. If you need to look for an engine part, you need to know the brand of equipment.
  2. Many devices have analogues; if you have an idea of ​​the model, it’s easier to choose something that suits other configurations
  3. The better the car owner understands the configuration of his car, the less chance the service station employees have to deceive him when repairing and replacing spare parts and parts, and this will ultimately save money.

Knowing the engine modification is really important. The motorist must have a clear idea of ​​how to do this quickly and without outside help.

By finding out the engine model, you can save money on repairs, quickly select suitable spare parts and protect yourself from unplanned expenses based on the tricks of auto mechanics.

Self check

First of all, we check the car ourselves, looking under the hood. On the engine we find a number that exactly matches the number in the PTS or STS. Be sure to check each symbol, first wiping the numbers with a cloth to remove dirt.

When checking the engine number, pay attention to the following points:

  1. The number should be located on a metal part of the engine, under the oil level dipstick.
  2. The number should be clearly visible and all symbols should be recognizable. If some numbers or letters are erased, then this makes you think that the number was interrupted.
  3. Please pay attention to the correct spelling of characters. Often scammers change numbers and letters to look similar. For example, the letter O to zero. Compare all the symbols - they should be similar in style and size.
  4. The presence of extraneous scratches and roughness on the engine is one of the signs of fraud.

Of course, checking a car yourself using the engine number does not guarantee a 100% result. Moreover, scammers have a huge number of ways to deceive customers; they have learned to bypass even expert checks. But this method is quite suitable for screening out suspicious cars. Or when buying a cheap, old car, which makes no sense to steal.

Check at the traffic police

You can identify the car by engine number and check it for theft through the traffic police. To do this, you need to go to the nearest State Traffic Inspectorate office and undergo a simple check. But the presence of the owner is mandatory, as are his documents. You can also order a paid car check with a thorough examination of license plates and documents. This service will cost from 2 to 10 thousand rubles, depending on the make and model of the car.

The second method allows you to check a car by engine number online. To do this, you will need to go to the official website of the traffic police and request information on several points at once. This auto check allows you to make sure that the car does not have some restrictions. But all the information received is not always enough to be confident in the purchase and agree to transfer money.

Expertise in MREO or specialized car service

If you yourself were unable to find out the car’s engine number, or you have any suspicions about the veracity of the seller’s words, you should contact the experts at MREO. In the process of full technical examination and diagnostics. But this check will last about 2 days and does not always give a positive result. Plus, you need to handle the seller and the car together, which is quite energy-consuming and often scares off even those car owners who sell the car on completely legal terms.

Another way is to contact a car service center, where specialists, using methodological literature and instructions from the manufacturer, will determine the engine model. The only but big minus is that this service will cost between 500-2500 rubles. Plus, checking the engine of a used car is not always possible. If some of the characters are erased, then even specialists will find it difficult to read the number. There is also a risk that the seller will pay a car service worker to indicate the wrong engine number.

Checking by VIN code via the Internet

The AutoHistory service provides future and current car owners with a unique opportunity to find out the engine number by VIN code without leaving home.

How to check an engine by VIN number:

  1. Enter the vehicle identification or state number.
  2. Specify the email address to which the report will be sent.
  3. Pay for the service.
  4. Wait for the check to complete, receive and read the report.

Example from the report:

The advantage of checking our service is the guarantee of a positive result, high information content and speed of report generation. To check the engine number, you do not have to leave home and contact the government authorities together with the seller. You will receive the report quickly to your email.

Using the online service "AutoHistory" you will find out the engine model by VIN code in a matter of minutes. Checking the database takes from 1 to 15 minutes, and the price of the service is only 339 rubles. At the same time, you receive a full report, which will reflect an absolutely complete history of the vehicle’s operation.

Protect yourself from purchasing a problematic vehicle - contact us!

We'll tell you the full story of the car. License plate number VIN-BODY NUMBER State license plate number. numberIndividual registration plate of the vehicle. Includes a series (letter part), registration number (numeric part), as well as a registration region code. Example of a state number in the Russian Federation: U199UA78

VIN code A unique vehicle identification code, which consists of 17 characters (alphanumeric combination). The code reflects information about the manufacturer, vehicle characteristics and year of manufacture. The VIN is reflected in the car's passport and in the STS. It can also be found on the car itself (on the windshield near the driver; on the outer side of the driver's door; on the engine compartment plate). Example of a VIN code: WDC2049811F334276 Body/Chassis number Vehicle identification number, reflecting information about the manufacturer, vehicle characteristics and year of manufacture. Used for cars that do not have a VIN code (Japanese cars). The body number is reflected in the car's passport and in the STS. Example of a body number: NZE1210239893 Check Example of a report Checking a car by VIN

Specialized verification methods

To make a successful purchase, it is important to know how to identify an engine by number.

Checking with the help of the traffic police is difficult, because there is no guarantee of reliable information and its receipt in an expedited manner. If the car turns out to be stolen, there is a risk of becoming a witness in a criminal case.

The traffic police check is carried out using a VIN code, which does not match the engine number. You can get information by coming in person to the traffic police department or visiting the official website - We go to the portal, find the tab – services, then – check the car. Enter the VIN number, body or chassis.

Attackers often change the numerical parameters and change the vehicle's passport. If manipulations affect the VIN code, then the buyer risks receiving incorrect data and running into problems.

To check the car for theft, some car enthusiasts resort to a paid examination, which allows them to identify altered license plates. It costs from 5 to 10 thousand rubles.

You can also check the registration history on our service at

If you want to quickly check your car, you should pay attention to online services:

  1. Autocode portal – The resource will require a state registration number and authorization through the State Services website. To obtain information, you need the VIN and numeric code of the state registration certificate of the vehicle. Next, the captcha is entered. The car is not recorded as stolen unless any data is found.
  2. Autobot website – The resource allows you to find out everything about the car regarding theft, arrest, accident, number of owners. Enter the VIN or vehicle registration number.
  3. Stolencars 24 – https://www.stolencarseu/ru/main.php/ – European database of stolen cars. The site requires you to enter your vehicle identification number (VIN). Databases from Italy, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia, Lithuania, Hungary, and Romania are checked.
  4. VIN INFO.COM – On the portal you cannot punch an engine by VIN number for free. The resource requires a certain fee for its services. Thanks to the site, you can identify vehicles from the USA, the Netherlands, Belgium, and also find out the mileage.
  5. National Insurance Crime Bureau - A good foreign site that fights theft and fraud. The VIN number is required for verification.

Another reliable way to check a car for theft is to contact expert bureaus. The service is paid - from 2.5 thousand rubles. The vehicle is inspected using Russian and international databases, on the basis of which a special report is drawn up.

Driving a vehicle with fake license plates is subject to criminal liability under Article 326 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. That’s why it’s so important to check your car by engine number at the traffic police department or on the Internet.

Methods for determining the engine model installed on a machine

You can find out which engine is in your car in several ways:

  • Independently when inspecting the vehicle.
  • Expertise in MREO or specialized car service.
  • Online using VIN code.

The marking is indicated by the manufacturer directly on the power unit. The number can be located anywhere on the engine, but in most cases it is located on the left side or on the top close to the windshield.

But not everything is so simple - in most cases, it is almost impossible to read the number due to severe contamination or rust damage. And sometimes it’s even worse - unscrupulous owners deliberately erase the letter designation in order to hide the fact that the factory unit has been replaced. When viewing, pay attention to the legibility of the numbers. If it is very difficult to see the letters and numbers, this may indicate that the number has been interrupted. This is done by scammers using stolen cars for the purpose of selling them using available documents. That is, the car’s engine number is changed, and if necessary, the car is repainted. It is required to achieve identical characteristics to those indicated in the PTS (this may also be counterfeit). Buying such a car will not turn out well - the vehicle will be confiscated, and it is almost impossible to get the money back.

Therefore, before making the final purchase decision, find out the car engine number using the VIN code. This will help reduce the risk of buying a stolen car and vehicles with a non-original engine, which can cause a number of troubles with repairs.

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Where to look for the VIN number?

Since there are no strict requirements for placing the VIN code on a car, it can be located in different places in different brands and models of cars (the manufacturer usually indicates these places in the documents for the car). Most often, the code is indicated under the hood near the windshield, and can also be located:

  • at the junction of the dashboard and windshield on the driver's side;
  • on the bottom of the pillar, behind the driver's seat (the marking is visible when the door is open);
  • on the chassis;
  • on the side members.

Find out the engine model by VIN code online

So, friends, how can you find out the engine model by the car’s VIN code? To do this, you need to use one of the options for decoding the configuration by VIN, however, not all decoding services provide the engine model. Therefore, I recommend that you use the spare parts store portal find out the engine model by VIN code.

Before you can find out the engine model by fault, you must first register in the system. After successful registration, log into the portal using your username/password and then you can proceed to decrypting the VIN code. To find out the engine model by VIN , click “ Request by VIN ”, and then “ Add transport

Next, to find out the engine model by VIN code online, indicate the VIN code and click “ Continue

In the window that opens, along with the year of manufacture, make and model of the car, you will also find the engine model. By clicking “ All parameters ”, you will learn many more interesting things about this car, such as the country of manufacture, the main parameters of the car and the configuration options that the car was equipped with from the factory.




How to determine the country of manufacture using the VIN code

You can find out the country of the car manufacturer using the WMI code, which consists of three alphanumeric characters and occupies the initial position of the VIN number.

The first character always means the geographical zone, the second - the country of the manufacturer located in this zone, the third - the code of the car manufacturer.

You can find out where the car was assembled using the following WMI designations:

  • A - H - African continent;
  • J - R - Asia;
  • S - Z - European continent;
  • 1 - 5 - North America;
  • 6 - 7 - Oceania;
  • 8 - 9 - South America.

In the same way, using the VIN code of a vehicle, you can easily find out the country of assembly (manufacturer). It is a combination of the first and second symbol of the code. For example, for North America:

  • encoding 1A-10 indicates USA;
  • 2A-20 applies to Canada;
  • 3A-3W – to Mexico;
  • symbols 3X-37 indicate Costa Rica;
  • codes 38-30 refer to the Cayman Islands;
  • 4A-40 and 5A-50 - USA again.

Of particular interest to owners of used cars is checking American cars by VIN code. As you know, many cars imported from the USA do not have a very good history. Used American cars, which are sold without a twinge of conscience by unscrupulous entrepreneurs, may be listed as stolen, may have been involved in serious accidents or drowned as a result of natural disasters, and so on. To avoid becoming a victim of scammers and to make sure that the car you are buying is clean, you need to check its history using the VIN code. You can do this through several websites, the most well-known of which are Carfax, NICB and AutoCheck.

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