Reasons why the car engine does not stall after turning off the ignition

Modern vehicle engines provide a mechanism consisting of many parts and mechanisms, each of which needs proper tuning and adjustment.

A fairly common problem among car owners is the continued operation of the main engine - the “heart” of the vehicle, after the ignition is turned off - detonation, glow ignition or dieseling. As a rule, this problem is caused by serious engine breakdowns, which require the fastest possible solution.

To understand why this happens, let's look at it in this article.

What could be the reason if the engine does not stall after turning off the ignition?

When you turn off the ignition, you expect the engine to stop!
And you will be very upset if this does not happen. If the engine continues to operate the same way as before the ignition switch was turned off, as if it had never been turned off at all, then its fuel and ignition systems have not been turned off. In this case, your vehicle has electrical problems that need to be fixed. It is also possible that the ignition switch or power relay needs to be replaced. In addition, it happens that the engine cannot stop immediately and instead begins to run jerkily, making knocking and squeaking sounds, also known as “dieseling” or “glow ignition”. This phenomenon occurs when there is something hot enough in the combustion chamber of the engine to ignite the residual fuel in the engine. The phenomenon received this name due to its similarity to the operation of a diesel engine, in which the fuel is ignited without the use of spark plugs powered by electrical energy. This usually does not happen with modern injection engines, but in the “dark” era of carburetors, drivers often encountered this problem.

If your car has a diesel problem, there are a few steps you will need to take that can help you understand what's going on with your car. You may be able to solve the problem with a few small adjustments.

RooTC 10 Aug 2012 10:04

Guys, what if we proceed from the principle of operation of a vacuum seal? What is its main failure - membrane rupture. You can remove the hose from the opposite end from the vacuum valve and bluntly suck or blow in air with your lips. The integrity of the membrane will be felt immediately, or if it is leaky, the air will siphon.

Now this is more interesting. The question is how effective is it?

Is this what is called glow ignition, not diesel spark plugs? In theory, when the engine is stopped, the carb should automatically go to the starting position, while the remote control may be slightly open. Glow ignition occurs due to self-ignition of the mixture from hot cylinder parts, in particular spark plug electrodes

hmm, I’ve been using these spark plugs for a long time, about 40 thousand. 3-pin, which ones exactly - I don’t know. Unfortunately, I don’t know what it’s called correctly, you turn it off, and the engine still shudders a couple of times. Yesterday it practically started up like that.

Electronics diagnostics

Determine what type of problem you are facing, whether it is electrical or diesel related.

Necessary materials:

  • screwdrivers (with Phillips tip and regular slot);
  • repair manual.

Determine the type of problem you have

When you turn the key, does it feel like you didn't turn it at all? The engine does not turn off, the dashboard lights up and the parking lights are still on? At the same time, the engine still runs smoothly, so you can turn on the speed and move off. If so, then you have an electrical problem.

But if the engine operation is accompanied by knocking and knocking and when turned off it does not stall, then proceed to point 2 of this instruction.

If the problem is with the electrical part, you need to get into its innards. Remove the bottom half of the plastic steering column cover and locate the ignition switch connector underneath. It may be on the back of the switch itself, or at the end of the electrical cable coming from the switch, and will therefore be slightly further away from the steering column.

Unplug the switch connector and everything should stop after that. If this is exactly what happened, then to solve the problem you will need to replace the ignition system lock.

Check power relay

If your vehicle's engine continues to run after disconnecting the ignition switch, you will need to locate the main fuel and ignition system relay. The operating instructions for your car will be a good help in this matter.

Fuel System Main Relay - ECM Power Relay (J271)

In some vehicles this relay may be called an ECM relay, Digifant relay, or DME relay. Although this is a rare occurrence, after turning off the ignition key the vehicle may still be powered due to a stuck main relay. If you finally managed to de-energize the car after removing the relay, you need to install a working one in its place.

Try Engine Cleaning Supplements

If you have tried all of the above steps and still do not get rid of the problem and the engine does not stall right away, then you probably have severe carbon deposits in your engine.

Carbon deposits can cause an increase in engine compression and create particularly hot spots in the engine's combustion chamber, which can subsequently lead to diesel burn. There are now many different additives on the market designed to clean the engine while it is running.

Following the manufacturer's instructions, mix the additive with the fuel when refueling your vehicle. Then you need to get onto the highway and drive some distance at high speed, while accelerating strongly several times. A fuel cleaning formula can help break down carbon deposits and remove them through the exhaust pipe.

When discussing your problem, you will most likely encounter an experienced technician who will advise you to pour a glass of water into the carburetor while the engine is running. Politely thank the expert, but under no circumstances follow this advice. This is just a good way to damage your engine.

Change fuel

Using higher octane fuel can help mitigate the "diesel" problem that you haven't been able to get rid of using other methods. You must understand that this is not a way to get rid of the problem, but a form of proper engine care.

High-octane fuel is more stable and less susceptible to premature ignition from hot carbon deposits in the engine.

Over time, it will become clear to you that refueling with more expensive fuel is too expensive. In addition, the initial impressive effect of using high-octane fuel will diminish over time. To finally solve the problem, a more thorough engine repair may be required.

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Soldier 0

  • From: Ulan-Ude
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Soldier 0

Here comes the second problem. After turning off the ignition, the engine does not stall, it jerks at low speeds. I thought it was the discharge valve and changed it, but alas, nothing changed. Maybe I won’t fix it.

Please tell me.

Tomat 6

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Try to look at the mass (pigtail harness) between the frame and the engine.

Tomat 6

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Tomat 6

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Try to look at the mass (pigtail harness) between the frame and the engine.

Very interesting!

what does mass have to do with it?!


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Very interesting!
what does mass have to do with it?! wacko.gif

Moreover, the engine is sitting on cushions!

A positive wire goes to the injection pump, therefore, if the ground between the frame and the engine is damaged, then the shut-off valve will not work!

RML 28

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If you’re on the 80, you can try to do this trick: pull out the ignition key, the engine is running and put the automatic transmission in D, it should stall, it was similar garbage, then it went away on its own, the valve also got stuck, apparently then it sagged….

Soldier 0

  • From: Ulan-Ude
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Soldier 0

I changed the fuel shut-off valve, it didn't help. I tried to disconnect the chip under the supply valve equipment, but nothing helped either. I reduced the fuel supply and the problem remained.

Tomat 6

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Tomat 6

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Very interesting!
what does mass have to do with it?! wacko.gif

Moreover, the engine is sitting on cushions!

A positive wire goes to the injection pump, therefore, if the ground between the frame and the engine is damaged, then the shut-off valve will not work!


Sorry, I won’t argue with you, but first study how it works!

The only thing I can tell you is that if you remove the weight of the engine, the valve will still work, but if you still remove the circuit (de-energize it), then even in this case the engine will stall, but it will not continue to work.

Tomat 6

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Tomat 6

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I changed the fuel shut-off valve, it didn't help.
I tried to disconnect the chip under the supply valve equipment, but nothing helped either. I reduced the fuel supply and the problem remained. 1122062[/snapback]

Take the wire off the valve, it looks like the circuit is always energized.

Perhaps you have something like a turbo timer.

If the engine does not stall after de-energizing the valve, then there is something mechanical that is preventing the fuel from being shut off through the channel.

Modified September 24, 2010 by Tomat

Soldier 0

  • From: Ulan-Ude
  • Car: TLC 105 & TLC LJ72 3L manual transmission

Soldier 0

On D you turn it on forcibly through the red button, it doesn’t stall, it moves little.

Soldier 0

  • From: Ulan-Ude
  • Car: TLC 105 & TLC LJ72 3L manual transmission

Soldier 0

I threw away the alarm a long time ago; it is no longer needed. And I disconnected the wire, still the same.

Soldier 0

  • From: Ulan-Ude
  • Car: TLC 105 & TLC LJ72 3L manual transmission

Soldier 0

So, after everything I’ve tried, I bow to the same thing. But what exactly?

Tomat 6

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Tomat 6

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I threw away the alarm a long time ago; it is no longer needed.
And I disconnected the wire, still the same. 1122068[/snapback]

I repeat once again, turn off the power to the valve!

See above!

Soldier 0

  • From: Ulan-Ude
  • Car: TLC 105 & TLC LJ72 3L manual transmission

Soldier 0

After turning off the ignition, I remove the wire from the valve, it doesn’t help. Even when blocking the air intake it does not want to stall.

Tomat 6

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Tomat 6

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After turning off the ignition, I remove the wire from the valve, it doesn’t help.
Even when blocking the air intake it does not want to stall. 1122075[/snapback]

It remains only mechanically, the valve cannot block the channel.

Lyokha Yurich 19

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Lyokha Yurich 19

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how did it start?

they fell a couple of times on plungers (new) with a crookedly made channel (Denso ORIGINAL), so the valve physically could not block the discharge channel of the plunger, and the flow was still there = they did not stall or stalled in convulsions and for a long time...

Soldier 0

  • From: Ulan-Ude
  • Car: TLC 105 & TLC LJ72 3L manual transmission

Soldier 0

Greetings. Everything is as usual, I came home. In the morning I drove the car, turned off the ignition, but it didn’t stall. So I'm trying to find the reason.

Lyokha Yurich 19

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Lyokha Yurich 19

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When you changed the valve, did you remove the core?

there was no fine “chip dust” adhering?? (the valve mesh lets it through)

Soldier 0

  • From: Ulan-Ude
  • Car: TLC 105 & TLC LJ72 3L manual transmission

Soldier 0

When installing, I washed everything, there was no foreignness.

Lyokha Yurich 19

  • From: Moscow
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Lyokha Yurich 19

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and the rubber band on the core without damage or “gnawed out” ???

or didn't you look??

Symptoms of potassium ignition

In engines with high mileage, potassium ignition appears due to deposits on the walls of the combustion chamber. To eliminate this effect, it is enough to periodically clean the installation from the deposits that have formed.

Another characteristic sign by which the onset of a symptom can be determined is the inability of the unit to turn off after the key is removed from the ignition. The engine continues to run, the air-fuel mixture detonates and ignites, the tachometer records the engine at idle speed, popping noises and vibrations are heard in the area under the hood.


As can be seen from the above examples, proper operation is affected by any characteristic, especially when it comes to the overall dimensions of parts. In any case, the problem of why the car does not shut down when the power supply to the power unit is turned off requires prompt intervention and prompt elimination. An attentive attitude towards it will help you understand the reasons why the car continues to operate when you turn off the power key. Having realized after what previously carried out work this breakdown appeared, the car owner will be able to identify and eliminate it, which can significantly extend the trouble-free life of the vehicle. It is better to entrust repairs and selection of spare parts to professionals who will do everything correctly.

Causes of potassium ignition

The main reasons for the formation of potassium ignition:

  • Bad fuel, octane number mismatch;
  • The gas distribution system does not work correctly;
  • Insufficient cooling of the power plant by the system;
  • Error when selecting spark plugs;
  • Overheating of the intake valve or piston.
  • Fuel

If I use low-quality fuel, the user thereby provokes the formation of carbon deposits on the valves, combustion chamber area and spark plugs. An octane number that does not meet the required one does not allow gasoline to burn completely, hence the cause of deposits. While working, the motor heats the deposits, heating them to temperatures sufficient to ensure self-ignition. This is why the engine does not stop immediately after turning off the ignition.

Bad fuel clogs the power system, including the injectors, which interferes with the atomization process, and gasoline begins to flood the combustion chamber. Excess gasoline provokes overheating of the engine and individual parts, which further aggravates the situation.

The problem of low-quality fuel can be solved by washing the gas tank, cleaning the injectors, replacing filters and fuel supply hoses.

  • Gas distribution mechanism

An increased advance angle can cause potassium ignition. As a rule, this problem occurs after incorrectly replacing the timing belt. Mismatch of marks on the gear, or wear of the crankshaft and camshaft gears leads to improper operation. As a result, not only does the power plant overheat, but also a strong drop in power, a violation of correct operation, and the appearance of detonation.

An incorrectly adjusted ignition timing can lead to valve burnout and costly repairs to the power unit. To eliminate the malfunction, the intervention of specialists is necessary, since it is difficult to identify the problem. Alternatively, when replacing the belt and bearings, it is advisable to change the gears of all shafts, this will help avoid negative consequences caused by potassium ignition in the future.

Incorrectly selected spark plugs may be the reason that the engine does not stall immediately. Each candle has its own characteristics and properties of an insulating coating that removes heat. When installing the wrong spark plugs, the unit is subject to severe overheating and is unable to stall in time after switching off.

Candles have their own potassium number and are divided into cold and hot by type. The appearance of the ceramic insulating coating indicates what type of candle it is. A short insulator is cold, a long insulator is hot.

Each power plant has its own design features in the structure of the cylinder head and its cooling. Hence, different requirements arise for the type of candles. By installing spark plugs that do not meet the standards, you can seriously harm the engine.

Candles are the most common cause of such a negative phenomenon. By placing a hot candle with a long insulator, the effect of retaining heat from the burnt fuel appears. This provokes the appearance of potassium ignition, which ignites the residual mixture, preventing the engine from stalling. Installing a cold spark plug with a short insulator creates the opposite effect, preventing the engine from starting normally, or stalling it at high speeds.

To avoid problems with spark plugs, the user needs to refer to the technical documentation, or engine passport. The factory thermal characteristics inherent in each unit will allow you to choose the right type of spark plugs, and purchasing them from trusted suppliers guarantees uninterrupted operation and a long service life.

  • Inlet valve or piston

Overheating of these two parts also leads to the formation of potassium ignition; there can be several reasons for overheating:

  1. Low octane gasoline;
  2. Incorrect operation of the valve responsible for the release;
  3. Damage to the coating or deformation of the piston;
  4. Low motor power;
  5. Long-term operation of the unit at the limit of its capabilities;
  6. Damage to the cooling system, etc.

All factors contributing to overheating of the power plant are the reason for the further progressive development of potassium ignition.

The machine works after switching off...

What is the reason? Buy a 93 year old Nissan Laurel. When you turn off the engine, the car continues to run for another 5-10 seconds... The technicians said that the alarm system is “buggy” - did they check everything is working properly???

  • There may be a turbo timer on the alarm. On the key fob, if it has a screen, the word turbo should be displayed. This interval can be adjusted from 10 seconds to 2 minutes. To stop and cool the turbine. This is if it is there (signaling with a timer and a turbine). And if one or the other is not there, it’s a computer glitch.

    Presage VNU30 YD25 140000km

  • Or maybe these are the consequences of glow ignition?

    was VAZ 21099 1995 (1.5 carburetor) became Nissan Sunny 1990 (GA16DE after capital) will be

  • Posted by

    Or maybe these are the consequences of glow ignition?

    Hardly. Fire ignition (detonation) looks like the engine “jerking” after turning the key. If the engine runs smoothly for these 5-10 seconds, there will definitely be electronic interference.

    Nissan Sunny Wagon Y10 2.0 dSLx

  • It’s quite easy to distinguish between this signal and something else (especially on a ’93 car); before turning off the ignition, turn on the climate control/radio or something else that only works when the ignition is on. Pull out the key, if something continues to work then it means that something in your car actually did not turn off the ignition. This is something 100% signaling and not a fact that it is a malfunction. For example, my alarm (I don’t know which one) does not turn off the ignition for another minute after I pull out the key, I turn it off either with the key fob or by turning the key again in the ignition - this is its standard feature.

  • If this is an alarm, then turn off the car with the brake pressed by default on all alarms; pressing the brake turns off the turbo timer when you remove the key from the lock

  • Posted by

    If this is an alarm, then turn off the car with the brake pressed by default on all alarms; pressing the brake turns off the turbo timer when you remove the key from the lock

    Well, if there is a turbo timer, for example, I don’t have one, and the minute delay in turning off the ignition was made not to allow the turbine to stop (and I don’t have a turbo), but so that I could (if I want) arm the car without turning it off the engine, and this garbage is turned off not by the brake, but by turning the key again... In short, Author, read the manual for the signaling.

  • The signal light is simple, it's a Challenger 8000i, it doesn't even have a trigger, by the way, when you turn the key to zero, all the electrical equipment of the car goes out. But I'm not sure about the smoothness of the engine, it stalls as if it's running out of gas.

  • Message from

    The signal light is simple, it's a Challenger 8000i, it doesn't even have a trigger, by the way, when you turn the key to zero, all the electrical equipment of the car goes out. But I'm not sure about the smoothness of the engine, it stalls as if it's running out of gas.

    Well, this looks like glow ignition. When this happened to me, after turning the key the car started to shake, like it was tripping or even double - in principle, that’s how it is. Try accelerating before you turn it off. Will it get better or not? And this…. What kind of gasoline is in it? Over-ignition is one of the consequences of low-octane gasoline. Like, instead of 92, 76 is filled in.

    Nissan Sunny Wagon Y10 2.0 dSLx

  • The spark plugs are not in place, when they get too hot they give a spark, when you unscrew them they will have a red rim. Replace the spark plugs and everything will go away

  • It's not the signaling system that's faulty, look at the engine.

  • Thank you all so much!!!!!!!!!!!!I’ll look into it!

  • Brothers, I want to raise the topic again!!! I tried everything, the result was zero! The topic of glow ignition also disappeared. The essence of the test is the following: at the same time the ignition is turned off and the wire is removed from the coil (rb20-e) - the car immediately stalled. The diagnostics show 5-5. By the way, in the fuel supply system, as I understood from the explanation, the return valve does not hold( It seems like this) could this be the reason? Maybe there is a relay that compensates the brains, because it turns out there is a voltage in the coil?????????

Dieseling and glow ignition

Both short circuit and dieseling are similar to each other - as in the first and second cases, the engine does not stall immediately after turning off the ignition.

However, diesel engine dieseling differs from short circuit and can occur as a result of:

  • With an increased engine compression ratio;
  • When using low octane fuel.

Glow ignition - the air-fuel system continues to operate independently, which is caused by contact with glow plugs or other hot elements of the fuel system. Dieseling is also the spontaneous ignition of gasoline. But in this case, the operation of the engine after it is completely turned off and the keys are removed from the ignition is affected by the compression level, and only after that by the hot surfaces.

Note that compared to detonation, glow ignition causes less harm. But, as mentioned above, it can ignite in inappropriate places, which leads to melting of the spark plugs, overheating of the pistons, and so on.

If the “heart” of the car works “unevenly” after turning off the ignition, then this is definitely not a glow ignition. Short circuit has one feature - the motor in any case works without jerking.

In the case of diesel engine, the engine will jerk strongly and run unevenly.

It is worth saying that dieseling is a problem that is more common in cars that have engines with a high compression level. This problem can also occur if the cooling system is faulty.

Important! Older power units, which have a somewhat low compression ratio, are generally not dieselized.

It is also worth adding that most modern engines operate on the principle: turning off the ignition means completely cutting off the fuel supply. If the new vehicle “twitches” after being completely turned off, then there is a possibility of problems arising in its certain power points. Another possible cause is a breakdown of the blocking systems.

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First problem: bad fuel

Low-quality gasoline with a low octane number does not burn completely during operation of the power unit and leaves significant carbon deposits on the valves and pistons in the combustion chamber. During driving, this carbon deposit begins to become very hot and ensures that the fuel mixture continues to ignite immediately after the engine is stopped. That's why it continues to work when the ignition in the car is turned off. Over time, such gasoline clogs the fuel injector nozzle, which begins not to spray the mixture into the combustion chamber of the car, but to fill it. As a result, an increased content of fuel is formed on the pistons, which constantly burns and strongly heats all parts. Thus, the mixture is ignited after turning off the power supply, and the machine does not stall.

Eliminate the consequences of using low-quality fuel by replacing the filter, removing and cleaning the car’s gas tank and washing the injectors.

What's the result?

After studying the issue of glow ignition, it becomes obvious that the short circuit is not engine detonation, but may be a consequence of such engine detonation. The greatest harm from glow ignition for the engine is significant overheating, which further causes destruction of parts. There is also excessive coking of the combustion chamber, which is caused by uncontrolled combustion of the fuel charge.

Finally, we note that preventing short circuits involves using fuel with a suitable octane number, regularly checking the correctness of the set ignition timing (ignition timing), as well as the mandatory installation of spark plugs that have a heat rating suitable for the engine.

Signs for determining the correct ignition timing. Consequences of an incorrectly configured OZ, methods for setting the ignition.

Why does the engine run after the spark stops? Symptoms and causes of malfunction. The main differences between diesel ignition and the glow ignition effect.

For what reasons does piston pin knocking occur during vehicle acceleration and operation under load: fuel quality, ignition, mixture composition, and others.

Purpose and design of the knock sensor. The main causes of detonation, types and operating principle of the sensor.

Why does the fuel-air mixture detonate in the combustion chamber? Reasons causing detonation. Consequences of detonation combustion of fuel in internal combustion engine cylinders.

Violation of the combustion process of the fuel-air mixture in the engine. Why does detonation occur: the main causes of this malfunction and the consequences for the internal combustion engine.

Incorrect timing adjustment

This problem occurs after incorrectly replacing the timing belt, when the marks applied to the gears are not set at the required timing angle.

Many car service workers do not bother to pay attention to the wear of the crankshaft gears and camshafts, resulting in an increased advance angle.

This not only leads to increased overheating, but also significantly affects the power of the power unit, its correct operation, and also contributes to the occurrence of detonation in the engine. For this reason, the car has every right not to stall when it is turned off.

Incorrectly set angles will lead to premature valve burnout and subsequent expensive engine repairs. It is very difficult to identify this malfunction; it is often not amenable to computer diagnostics. For a long time the car behaves normally, only occasionally it does not stall when the power supply is turned off with the key.

To avoid this, it is better to change the timing gear and gears of all shafts along with the timing kit.

This will not greatly increase the cost of repairs and will avoid many problems, the characteristic symptoms of which appear not only when the engine is turned off, but also during its operation.

How to determine a bad cylinder?

The essence of the simplest test comes down to sequential shutdown of the cylinders. By simulating a malfunction, we observe changes in engine operation. After turning off the boiler in which the valve has burned out, changes in operation will be minimal. What are the best ways to do this?

  1. Remove the high-voltage wire from the spark plug. At this time, the coil will experience increased loads, so the duration of such a stress test should not exceed 2-3 seconds. To avoid the risk of electric shock through a cracked GDP, such a check should be done wearing rubberized gloves or using pliers with plastic/rubber handles.
  2. Physically disconnect the injector chip. If you have specialized diagnostic equipment, this can be done programmatically by connecting to the car via the OBD-II connector.

Diesel engine does not stall after turning off the ignition – Problems with fuel injection

Fuel injection problems - such as a leaking fuel injector - can sometimes cause the diesel fuel in the cylinder to ignite after you turn off the car.

However, a leaking fuel injector usually shows other symptoms as well. For example,

  • You may have difficulty starting the engine.
  • The check engine light (CEL) may flash.
  • A misfire may occur when starting the engine, but it may soon disappear.
  • Hydrocarbon emissions may increase.
  • The fuel system pressure may be incorrect.
  • Engine performance may be poor.

If you suspect problems in this area, troubleshoot the fuel system.

Use the timing indicator to check the ignition timing.

Carburetor or injector?

Does your car have a carburetor or fuel injectors? If you don't already know this, check your vehicle's owner's manual.

If your car was made after 1985, it most likely has fuel injectors. The problem of "dieseling" rarely occurs on such vehicles because the delivery of fuel to them stops immediately after the switch is turned off. The carburetor, unless it is specially equipped for such cases, will provide the engine with fuel as long as air passes through it.

When “dieseling” occurs in a car equipped with injectors, it means that one of the injectors in the system is leaking and urgently needs to be replaced.

Check idle speed

If the idle speed is too high, this may indicate that the engine is actually "dieseling" after it is stopped.

Using the built-in tachometer, measure the idle speed. Most four- and six-cylinder cars idle between 850 and 900 rpm. Eight-cylinder engines can have an idle speed of approximately 600 rpm. Check your vehicle's owner's manual and set the idle speed to suit your vehicle's specifications.

Check the solenoid valve to eliminate diesel leakage

In the late 1970s, with the advent of emissions controls, the issue of diesel became relevant for new cars. Then manufacturers began to install special electric valves on the carburetors of their cars, which they called “anti-diesel” solenoids.

They are usually cylindrical in shape, approximately 2.5-5 cm in length, and have a single electrical wire attached to them. This wire is hot when the ignition key is on and the valve is open, and when the key is off it allows the valve to close.

Disconnect the wire and turn on the ignition switch. Connect the contacts to each other for a short time. You should hear the solenoid click when opening and closing. If no sound occurs, the solenoid is faulty and must be replaced.

Check ignition distribution

Modern cars don't have ignition control, but if your car is old enough to detect diesel, it most likely has ignition control.

When the fuel supply advance angle is off by several degrees, this causes the engine temperature to increase to such an extent that a condition for “dieseling” appears.

Read the instructions for adjusting the ignition. It can vary greatly depending on the model and brand. On some of them, installation is carried out at idle speed, on others - at high engine speeds. Some manufacturers want you to disable certain controls before installation. There is no single procedure that applies to all engines.

Check the spark plugs

Using unsuitable spark plugs can cause diesel burn. Plugs are manufactured to operate at specific operating temperatures, and if your vehicle's spark plugs are not properly rated for its temperature range, or if you have faulty spark plugs, this can contribute to diesel engine issues.

Remove the spark plugs and check their serial numbers to ensure they meet manufacturer specifications. Replace if any discrepancy is found.

Course of depression

Like the Great Depression of the 20th century, the Long Depression occurred in different countries at different times and with different intensities, and some countries experienced isolated periods of rapid economic growth. However, in general, 1870-1890. were a time of falling price levels, and economic growth rates remained significantly lower than in the periods before and after the depression.

Between 1870 and 1890, iron production in the five leading producing countries more than doubled, from 11 to 23 million tons, steel production increased more than 20 times (from 0.5 million to 11 million tons), and the construction of railways was most intensive. At the same time, prices in some markets fell significantly - the price of grain in 1894 was only a third of the price in 1867, and the price of cotton fell by almost 50% in just five years (from 1872 to 1877), leading to the emergence of significant financial difficulties for agricultural workers. The sharp decline in prices forced a number of countries, such as France, Germany and the United States, to resort to protectionist measures, and caused mass emigration from other countries such as Italy, Spain, Austria-Hungary and Russia. Likewise, while production volume

iron between 1870 and 1890
doubled, the price of
iron fell by 2 times.

In many countries, economic growth rates were significantly lower than both after and before the Depression:
Industrial Production Growth Rates (1850s to 1913)


GNP of the great powers of Europe (billions of US dollars, 1960 prices)



The first manifestation of the global crisis was the stock market crash on the Vienna Stock Exchange in May 1873. In Hungary, the Panic of 1873 led to the end of excessive railway construction.


France's position during the crisis was unique: the country was already in dire straits before 1873 due to the payment of reparations to Germany in the amount of 200 million pounds sterling after defeat in the Franco-Prussian War. During the period of reparations, the French government deliberately pursued a policy of deflation.

While economic growth briefly resumed in the United States in the 1880s, the Paris Stock Exchange crash of 1882 ushered in a depression that "lasted longer and cost France more than any other depression of the 19th century." In the same 1882, the French bank Union Générale went bankrupt, which caused a collapse in the quotations of French securities and led to the withdrawal of three million pounds sterling from the Bank of England by the French.

The financial crisis in France was aggravated by epidemics that affected winemaking and the silk industry. Capital formation and foreign investment were at their lowest levels in the last half of the 19th century. Although new investment banks developed rapidly after the end of the Franco-Prussian War, the crisis stopped the development of the banking industry, which only recovered at the beginning of the 20th century. An additional blow to the financial sector was dealt by unsuccessful investments abroad, mainly in railways. France's net national product declined for 10 years from 1882 to 1892.


After 1887, a ten-year customs war began between France and Italy, complicating Franco-Italian relations, which flourished during the unification of Italy. Since France was the largest foreign investor, the Italian economy was particularly hard hit by the liquidation of French assets.


In Russia, as in the United States, the Long Depression manifested itself as three separate recessions (1874–1877, 1881–1886, and 1891–1892), which largely affected manufacturing, with the economy recovering in between.

Great Britain

Although in Great Britain since the 1820s. financial crises occurred every decade. The Long Depression did not have a significant negative impact on the country's economy, despite the fact that the Bank of England in the 1870s. kept the interest rate high - up to 9 percent. In 1879, due to the reform of the Irish Land Act of 1870, the Irish famine of 1879, falling agricultural prices and high rents, thousands of Irish farmers tenants began to fight for land (English Land War) Land War, as a result of which the reform of the Irish Land Acts (English Irish Land Acts) was carried out.


Real gross national product per capita in the United States, 1869–1918.
Estimation of the decline in production volumes in selected US industries (1872-1876).

IndustryDecrease in production volume, %
Durable goods30 %
Ferrous metallurgy45 %
Construction30 %
All in all10 %

In the United States, the Long Depression began with the Panic of 1873. According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, the decline in economic activity that followed the panic lasted from October 1873 to March 1879. This is the longest period of recession recorded by the Bureau - 65 months; The duration of the decline in economic activity during the Great Depression was 43 months. Data reported by Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz show that net national product (NNP) grew by 3 percent annually from 1869 to 1879, and that real national product grew by 6 percent annually during this period. 8% per year. However, because the US population grew by more than 17.5% between 1869 and 1879, the growth in NNP per capita was less. The economic situation in the United States would remain unstable: from 1879 to January 1901, there was a recession in 114 of 253 months.

The sharp change in prices had an extremely adverse effect on the size of nominal wages: in the 1870s. nominal wages in the United States fell by a quarter, and in some states, such as Pennsylvania, nominal wages fell by half. Although real wages rose at a steady rate in the post-Civil War period (almost a quarter between 1865 and 1873), they remained stagnant until the 1880s; steady growth in real wages resumed in the late 1880s. The sharp drop in cotton prices dealt a heavy blow to the economy of the US South, devastated by the Civil War. However, despite a significant drop in prices for agricultural products, production in this industry continued to grow.

Thousands of American companies went bankrupt, with unfulfilled obligations amounting to more than a billion dollars. In New York in the winter of 1873-1874, one in four workers was unemployed, and throughout the country the number of unemployed people was about a million.

The manufacturing, construction and railway industries suffered the most significant declines in production. Before the crisis, the railway industry was one of the key sectors ensuring the growth of the US economy - for 1867-1873. the length of railway lines increased by 50%, and the amount of capital investment in this industry amounted to 20% of total investment in the United States. In 1873, the development of the industry stopped abruptly: between 1873 and 1878, the increase in the length of railway lines was minimal.

Freedman's Savings Bank, established in 1865 to improve the economic well-being of post-Civil War slaves, is a typical example of a company that fell victim to the financial crisis. In the early 1870s. The bank's management decided to engage in market speculation and invested in real estate and unsecured loans from railroad companies. The bank's failure in 1874 dealt a serious blow to the financial position of African American investors.

The recession also dealt a heavy blow to the political reputation of US President Ulysses S. Grant. Here's what historian Allan Nevins writes about the end of his presidency:

The economy began to recover in 1878. The length of laid railway tracks increased from 4,289 km in 1878 to 18,619 km in 1882. The construction industry began to recover in 1879: the cost of building permits increased 2.5 times between 1878 and 1883; at the same time, unemployment fell to 2.5%, despite high immigration.

However, the economic recovery did not last long. The profit margin of enterprises fell sharply between 1882 and 1884, in the railway industry the period of recovery also gave way to a decline in indicators: if in 1882 18,619 km of tracks were laid, then in 1885 - only 4,612 km, and the price of steel rails fell from 71 dollar per ton in 1880 to 20 dollars per ton in 1884. The manufacturing industry was also affected - the production of durable consumer goods again fell by a quarter. The recession developed into a financial crisis when in 1883-1884. foreign investors, fearing that the US government would abandon the gold standard, got rid of tens of millions of dollars worth of American securities, after which many New York banks went bankrupt in 1884. The financial panic led to the failure of eleven New York banks, hundreds of state bank failures, and at least $32 million in defaults. Unemployment, which had been at 2.5% between recessions, rose sharply to 7.5% in 1884–1885, and in the Northeastern states to 13%. At the same time, in response to the worsening labor market situation, the influx of immigrants has decreased significantly.

A second wave of recession caused agricultural prices to fall further: In 1885, Kansas farmers used their corn crops for fuel as the price fell below the prices of coal and lumber. A new stage of economic recovery began in 1885.

Cleaning the injection system by flushing

Professional flushing fluid Diesel System Reiniger is used for radical cleaning of fuel injection systems of turbocharged/non-turbocharged diesel internal combustion engines, including both the injectors themselves and all other functional components.

The product is certified, fully meeting all the requirements of current international standards and all-Russian GOSTs.

Dissolves and removes carbon deposits from metal surfaces, preventing the formation of hard deposits on injector needles and the formation of piston rings, which helps to increase compression and, as a result, optimize dynamic power characteristics.

The use of this product is also environmentally beneficial due to its ability to reduce the concentration of CO and CH in the exhaust while simultaneously reducing smoke.

The effect of using liquid for cleaning fuel systems will be most complete if it is sprayed under pressure using a special JetClean-Gerat Plus supercharger apparatus. Depending on the capacity of the JetClean installation, from 2 to 5 liters are poured into it. cleaning liquid, the use of which in diluted form is unacceptable.

Replacing with diesel oil for efficient engine operation

After cleaning, it is necessary to apply oil, which will provide the best lubrication and protection to the parts. For diesel engines, try to choose products with ACEA B4/B5 C3 classification, that is, which are intended only for diesel engines.

The additives are washed so effectively that carbon deposits do not have time to accumulate.

Top Tec 4200 diesel is a high-performance diesel synthetic motor oil obtained by hydrocracking from mineral raw materials, practically does not form soot, and is characterized by a unique combination of a high viscosity index (more than 160 units) and a high degree of fluidity. Which, in turn, allows you to operate the car in all road conditions, even extreme ones, in a wide temperature range from –50 to +40°C.

Thanks to the combination of these properties with good thermal-oxidative stability, the interval between replacements can be up to 20,000 km.

The use of this product helps to extend engine life, save fuel, minimize noise and increase the service life of the exhaust gas aftertreatment system (including DPF particulate filters). Recommended for most models of modern diesel internal combustion engines.

Stabilize viscosity to help oil

When it is not possible to change the oil, use a special additive to stabilize the viscosity characteristics.

By using the Visco-Stabil additive for diesel motor oils, it is possible to stabilize pressure and viscosity indicators in high temperature and cold start modes. Helps increase compression and reduce noise, as a result of which it is especially recommended for use in engines with high mileage.

Thanks to the use of Visco-Stabil, the density characteristics of the oil are optimized and its waste is prevented. The product is compatible with all types of motor oils (mineral, semi-synthetic, PAO and HC synthetics). Filling into the engine is carried out as needed at the rate of 300 ml of Visco-Stabil product per 5 liters of oil.

Cleaning the lubrication system using flushing

When the engine does not stall, only a professional line can help to solve the problem. Be sure to flush the engine to remove various deposits and sludge.

Pro Line Motorspulung provides fast and highly effective flushing of the oil system of diesel internal combustion engines, incl. equipped with turbocharging, is a high-tech combination of special additives with detergent-dispersing properties.

It allows you to remove solids that do not dissolve in regular oil from coked piston rings and oil pump parts within 10-15 minutes.

To carry out deep cleaning, it is enough to pour 100 ml of the product into the engine before changing the oil. flush for every liter of oil and run the engine in idle mode for 15-20 minutes.

After this, the old oil and flushing agent must be drained, and then the oil filter must be replaced and fresh oil must be added.


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