How to restore windshield wiper blades: we consider different methods

​Windshield wiper blades are a consumable item. Moreover, tests carried out by “Behind the Wheel” showed that there is no noticeable difference in the performance of different wipers, although prices can vary twenty times. A set of normally working brushes can be purchased for several hundred rubles. However, there are more than enough people who want to save on their safety - forums are filled with life hacks on how to restore worn windshield wiper blades.

How to restore old wipers to new condition

Spring is the time for a constantly dirty windshield. “Tired” wipers after a long winter can no longer cope with the flow of water, and slush from the road covers the windshield so that nothing can be seen? You don’t have to immediately run to the auto store. Windshield wiper blades will continue to do their job well for a long time if you do a few simple steps.

Setting the stage

The first thing you really need to do is clean your windshield properly. During winter operation, so much dirt, reagents and other deposits have accumulated on it that it needs to be cleaned not with a rubber band on the metal frame, but with a bayonet shovel. After city cold weather, the windshield should be washed with alcohol or solvent. The result will exceed even the wildest expectations: after replacing the heels of rags covered with a thick layer of dirt and chemicals, even well-worn glass will shine like new.

This happy moment is the best fit for a general assessment of the condition of the main car “visor”: chips and gouges, scratches and cracks, abrasions and the degree of transparency can be determined “by eye” and a replacement can be planned if necessary. As practice shows, a preventive approach allows you to save a lot of money.

Metal disease

One of the key reasons for poor performance of windshield wipers is not the wear of the cleaning rubber layer: dirt gets into the springs of the arms and prevents the wipers from adhering to the windshield. Nine times out of ten, cleaning the springs that are located inside the leash body will solve the problem.

The structures themselves must be removed, each of them is held in place by a single bolt, and thoroughly washed in detail. Be extremely careful when removing the springs: they are installed under tension and can come off during disassembly, causing injury. You should wear protective gloves and keep the leash as far away from your face as possible.

Having disassembled and cleaned the clamping device, you can move on to the next stage - actually, to the wipers.

Restoring the cleaning element

During the fall and winter, an incredible amount of dirt accumulates on the rubber elements of the wipers, which interferes with the quality of the windshield wiper. To remove deposits, we need something more than winter windshield washer: we need to clean the wipers with a solvent. White spirit will do the job perfectly. Once you start cleaning, you will be surprised at how much sediment has accumulated on the rubber bands. You cannot overdo it with the solvent: along with dirt and reagent residues, you wash off the protective graphite layer from the cleaning cloth.

Elimination of deformation

Now let's talk about the problem of brush deformation. It occurs quite often, and to eliminate it you will have to take a number of steps. To begin with, you should understand that solving this problem is possible only mechanically. To eliminate the unevenness of the gum, many people use sandpaper. With the help of friction, the unevenness is leveled out, but this will require a little effort. This process is usually done before the car wiper treatment with solvent or the soaking process.

Depending on the degree and type of deformation of the device in question, in order to restore it, you will need to have a set of necessary tools and materials on hand:

  • screwdriver;
  • wrench;
  • lubricant with which the surface will be treated;
  • rubber gloves;
  • working solution for cleaning;
  • a rag or other softer fabric that will be used to treat the surface and remove any remaining grease.

In addition, you can find special devices on the market that will be an excellent auxiliary element for repairing car windshield wipers. For example, a brush cutter makes it possible to grind a rubber surface, as well as remove not too serious deformations. There are also special kits for repairing wipers. Their contents are designed for quick restoration. You can also find a special repair knife on sale, which will allow you to make repairs without removing the part itself.

An important condition is that if work is carried out indoors, then air must circulate normally in it.

Once this is done, a number of steps need to be taken.

  • We remove and disassemble the brushes. This can be easily done by moving the lower arm away from the windshield on the car, after which the metal holder should be lifted into place and brought to a stable position at the very end. Now you need to press the plug made of plastic that holds the blade and disconnect the blade from the wiper.
  • A number of models have a slightly different design. It is distinguished by the presence of special fastening flags that, when dismantling the brushes, must be moved to a certain position.
  • We provide high-quality and maximum complete washing of all components from dust and dirt.
  • Now we put on protective gloves , after which we moisten the cloth with solvent and, by wiping the rubber surface, remove the accumulated dirt. All that remains is to let the components of the brush dry a little.
  • Now you need to apply a little silicone or some silicone-based substance to the soft tissue. It is necessary to rub the applied substance well into the surface. After this, you will need to wait a while so that it is well absorbed.
  • We remove any remaining lubricant that has not been absorbed into the surface. This must be done so that the rubber surface of the wipers is almost dry.
  • We assemble the wipers and install them in place by installing them in the holder and giving them the correct position . All that remains is to fix the hook and then return the wiper to its working position.

If you wish, you can start the car and try to test the performance of the wipers in practice to make sure that everything functions as it should. As you can see, restoring wipers is quite easy, and no special skills or knowledge are required.

To learn how to restore wipers with your own hands, see the following video.

DIY windshield wiper restoration

It may happen that your windshield wiper blades require replacement much more often than you expected. Weren't they replaced last year? But they again leave streaks, no longer clean the windshield efficiently and make annoying sounds. Although windshield wipers are not the most expensive element in car maintenance, the cost adds up each time they require replacement, which can add up to a significant cost.

A clean windshield is not only pleasant to drive, but also has a significant impact on safety, increasing visibility and control over the road situation. The main signs that car wipers have gone bad:

  • appearance of line/stripes. The rubber element of the wiper blade can harden or become damaged with age or repeated rubbing of foreign objects on the windshield;
  • noise. Noisy windshield wipers are usually a sign that the windshield wiper has hardened, causing the structure and attachment of the windshield wiper blade to wear out faster;
  • vibration. Hardened rubber elements usually cause the cleaner to vibrate.

Have such signs appeared? Don't rush to buy new windshield wiper blades right away. To save money, you can try to restore them at home. But, first of all, it is worth understanding the reasons for the rapid wear of the wipers.

Restoring wipers yourself

There are several basic ways to restore wipers on a car and extend their service life:

  • Hot water . The easiest way to bring the rubber parts of the wipers to a satisfactory condition is to put them in hot water for half an hour to an hour. This manipulation will help soften the rubber and remove fatty deposits on its surface. This method will not bring long-term effects; it should be combined with other options.
  • White Spirit (white spirit) . White Spirit, a popular gasoline-based solvent, will help to effectively remove grease from the surface of the working part of the wipers. This oily liquid also has lubricating properties, which will greatly facilitate the sliding of the brushes along the windshield. The way to use mineral spirits is to wet a piece of cotton rag or synthetic washcloth with the liquid and wipe the rubber surface of the wiper blade.
  • Gasoline . If you place the windshield wiper rubber bands in gasoline for some time, the effect of softening the rubber is achieved, significantly increasing its elasticity. The effect of restoring the properties of windshield wipers is also enhanced by the degreasing properties of gasoline.
  • Glycerin . To soften hardened rubber of brushes, glycerin will help. This product can be purchased at a pharmacy. To achieve the greatest positive effect, the working surface of the wipers must be cleaned of dust and dirt, washed and dried. The essence of the method is to apply glycerin to the surface and let it absorb into the rubber. This method can be combined with degreasing with gasoline or white spirit.
  • Mechanical restoration . If the rubber bands on the wipers are damaged and have uneven surfaces, you can try to level them. In this case, it makes sense to use fine sandpaper to eliminate defects. Subsequently, it is recommended to degrease and soften the brushes using the methods presented above.

Important! It is recommended to carry out all manipulations with chemicals in well-ventilated areas and use rubber gloves to protect the skin of your hands.

Some tips for extending the life of your wipers

Here are five simple ways to help you get the most out of your windshield wiper blades:

  1. Raise or remove your windshield wiper blades when it snows. This may seem like an unnecessary step, but you are actually saving yourself the potential headache and additional expense of replacing your windshield wipers. The thing is that repeated thawing and freezing can damage the structural integrity of the rubber. Turning on wipers frozen to the windshield also poses a potential danger.
  2. Do not clear ice from your windshield using your windshield wipers. This will certainly lead to damage to the rubber by the sharp edges of the ice crust.
  3. Wipe and clean windshield wiper blades. Along with water, dirt, sand, and small debris get onto the windshield. It can get stuck in the grooves of the rubber, gradually destroying it.
  4. Park your car in the shade. Ultraviolet radiation destroys the rubber structure of the wiper blades, making it hard and brittle. To avoid the negative effects of sunlight, you should park your car in the shade whenever possible.
  5. Do not use windshield wipers “dry”. Wipers are designed to clean only wet surfaces. In dry weather, their use is only possible in combination with the windshield washer.


Windshield wiper blades will last much longer if you follow basic operating rules. But malfunctions of the wipers are not a death sentence. The simplest methods of their resuscitation will help to significantly extend their service life. An important factor is the correct choice of manufacturer. Buy only high-quality brushes from trusted brands, provide high-quality care, and your wipers will last for more than one season.


We tested the use of various devices for sharpening the working edge of wipers here. The tools were different, but the result was the same: there was no improvement in performance. However, the idea turned out to be tenacious: many authors propose to carry out a similar operation using improvised means. Fine-grained sandpaper is glued onto a piece of wood and moved back and forth along the edge with a little force. So, in their opinion, it is possible to restore the rectangular shape of the edge and thereby return the cleaning properties of the wiper tape to the wiper tape.

The procedure is reminiscent of sharpening knives, and therefore requires skill. In any case, it was not possible to distinguish the operation of a treated windshield wiper from an untreated one - both of them cleaned poorly.

Verdict: no good.

Rubber bands for wiper blades

Windshield wiper blades, like engine oil, filters and other auto parts, are consumables and do not have a specific service life. The wear rate of wipers depends not only on the frequency of use, but also on the quality of the blades themselves.

As a rule, the service life of wipers is from six months to 2 years. Although low-quality purifiers can fail after a couple of months, or even weeks.

And, since the cost of new wipers is sometimes significant, some car owners, especially those of the old school, wisely decide to replace not the entire wiper, but only the rubber band itself.

In this article we’ll just talk about rubber bands for windshield wiper blades and consider:

Types of rubber bands

Depending on the material from which the elastic bands are made, they can be divided into several types:

  • made of rubber compound based on rubber
  • silicone
  • with graphite coating
  • Teflon coated

Today, the most popular windshield wipers are those whose rubber bands are made from a rubber compound based on rubber . You can find many positive reviews on silicone rubber bands , but wipers with this type of rubber band are practically not found on the market. Graphite coating on the rubber band prevents squeaks during operation, and such rubber bands are resistant to temperature changes. Teflon- coated can be identified by the presence of yellow stripes on their surface.

Difference between rubber bands according to blade profile

Elastic bands are divided into two types, depending on the profile of the blade:

  • Bosch profile
  • profile “Herringbone”

  1. groove for elastic plate
  2. groove for frame clamps
  3. neck
  4. working edge

Rubber bands with the Bosch profile can be used all year round, while with the Herringbone profile it is better to use them only in summer (in winter, water freezes between the grooves, which affects the quality of cleaning).

A separate type includes rubber bands for winter windshield wiper blades. They have a thickened profile without grooves or recesses to prevent water from accumulating. The elastic material is softer so as not to freeze in the cold.

Elastic length

Most elastic bands have standard lengths: 500mm, 600mm and 700mm.

If you are using a non-standard length windshield wiper, then to replace it you will need to purchase a longer rubber band and then cut it to size. Sometimes the kit comes with a special blade for cutting.

Availability of metal guides

There are two types of rubber bands, with and without metal guides. Rubber bands with metal guides are suitable for frame and hybrid brushes . In this case, it is possible to replace not only the elastic band itself, but also the metal plate, which becomes unusable over time.

Rubber bands without metal guides are used in frameless wipers . There are no guides needed, since there is a pressure plate in the wiper itself.

Replacing the windshield wiper rubber

The replacement process, depending on the type of brush and different manufacturers, may differ, but the general algorithm of actions is always approximately the same. You can also find many videos on the Internet on replacing rubber bands for specific brush models.

  • remove wipers from car
  • remove the plastic frame and plugs on the sides of the brush, if any (typical for frameless wipers)
  • use a knife to pry up the elastic band and pull it out
  • install the new rubber in reverse order

How to extend the life of rubber bands

Due to unfavorable weather conditions and chemical influences, the wiper rubber becomes unusable over time and ceases to cope with its functions. Below we will look at some simple tips that will help extend their life.

  • do not use the wipers “dry” Turn on the wipers only with washer fluid (anti-freeze or water), since running the brush “dry” causes strong friction and thinning of the rubber band
  • Clean the windshield from heavy dirt Dirt, midges, bitumen, etc. stuck to the windshield lead to the appearance of burrs and tears in the rubber band. You can often remove dirt with plain water and a cloth; if the dirt is significant, you can use a degreaser .
  • glass with chips and cracks also gradually renders the rubber unusable
  • In hot and dry weather, periodically turn on the wipers along with the washer to wet the rubber. Prolonged downtime, especially at low humidity, leads to drying out of the gum.
  • do not try to clear the ice on the glass by operating the wipers , as this will lead to significant wear and tear. For this purpose, there are all kinds of brushes and scrapers that are sold in car dealerships.

In winter, during periods of severe frost, it is better to remove or bend the wipers while the car is not moving, since the rubber band freezes to the glass, which has a bad effect on further work (does not apply to cars with heated wiper zones).

How to restore windshield wiper blades

If the wipers begin to clean the glass poorly, leaving streaks or streaks, there is a way to restore the wiper blade rubber.

  1. To begin with, we examine the rubber band for mechanical damage and the degree of wear so that there are no obvious defects. If they are present, restoration will not help; it is easier to buy a new rubber band.
  2. The rubber must be thoroughly degreased and accumulated dirt must be removed . To do this, wipe the gum with a rag with white spirit or other special liquid applied to it. In case of heavy contamination, this step must be repeated several times until the dirt is completely removed from the surface.
  3. Apply silicone lubricant (available at all auto stores) to the surface of the rubber. It is best to take silicone grease with the lowest fat content (PMS-100 grease, sold in radio parts, is ideal). Apply to the surface with a cloth, but not very generously. Silicone grease will give the elastic band flexibility and elasticity.
  4. Leave the gum for several hours , the thicker the gum, the more time is needed, but not less than 2 hours.
  5. After this, using white spirit and a cloth, carefully remove excess silicone . This must be done very carefully. If this is not done, the wiper will glide perfectly, but will not wipe anything.
  6. If frame or hybrid wipers are used, the moving joints in the metal frame should be treated with WD-40 lubricant (there are no joints in frameless wipers). This will restore mobility and elasticity to the frame and improve the pressure of the wiper.

It is worth noting that all restoration processes should be carried out if the rubber band and the wiper frame are without obvious defects. Otherwise, it will not give a noticeable result.

Repair - modernization

The janitor and the leash are all in my house, then what should I do? To begin with, I decided to evaluate the spring; if you move the ear away, you can even feel it with your hand - that it has weakened, it is not as stiff as before! Apparently this is the whole reason. Well, you need to replace this spring with a new one, but first you need to remove it.

Removing this is also a “pleasure”, it sits very firmly, it is UNREALISTIC to remove it with pliers (I tried, but I tore off the spring). However, everything is simpler than it really is.

Look - the spring hooks on one side to the “bar” of the main part, on the other to a metal bracket that fits onto the “ear” of the wiper. We need to take a copper cable with enough (1)1.5 mm for 2 cores, thread it through a metal bracket and pull it towards us. It is advisable to place the windshield wiper itself on a chair and press it with something. Personally, I wrapped it in a towel and pressed it with my foot.

IT IS WORTH REMEMBERING that the spring is very stiff and can “shoot”, so we take precautions, remove watches, rings, etc. It is advisable to cover your eyes with safety glasses! Or somehow neutralize the spring, for example, wrap it in fabric (if it shoots, it will hit it).

Thus, everything is removed - then we need to find a similar spring, but shorter, a few turns, so that the rigidity is higher.

How to restore windshield wiper blades: we consider different methods

It’s not for nothing that motorists call windshield wipers windshield wipers. During their work, they provide cleanliness and good visibility for the driver, who adequately perceives the events taking place on the road while driving. Clean glass allows the motorist not to strain his eyes to see the road through dirty glass. Automotive windshield wipers have a constant responsibility in any weather and at any speed.

In summer and autumn, wipers are constantly needed. They come to the rescue in snowfalls and blizzards. Photo:

Winter takes its toll on windshield wipers. The rubber parts on the wipers harden, and ice forms on them, which not only does not clean the glass well, but also scratches it.

How profitable is it to restore wipers?

Experienced car enthusiasts know many ways to revive old windshield wipers. These methods, as a rule, do not require capital investment and take 10-15 minutes of time. Basically, the rubber part of the wipers, which is responsible for removing dirt and moisture from the surface of the glass, is to blame for poor performance. It will be cheaper to try to restore it than to completely change the wipers.

After proper treatment, the elasticity of the rubber band will return to the wipers, and they will again serve car enthusiasts for a long time.

Traditional recovery methods

Let's look at the most popular and effective ways to revive windshield wipers on a vehicle and increase their service life:

  • White Spirit . This solution effectively removes dirt and grease from the rubber part of the wipers. White Spirit is a fairly popular gasoline-based solvent. The oily liquid additionally lubricates, making it easier for the blades to glide across the windshield. The processing process does not require any special skills. It is necessary to take a rag or a synthetic washcloth soaked in the solution and wipe the rubber part of the wipers. Then let it dry and check the functionality of the brushes. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

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  • Adjustment. If no damage is found on the blade, then try bending the windshield wiper frame. Perhaps it was deformed. But this method is applicable only for the frame mechanism of the wipers.
  • WD-40 is a multifunctional product that can be used to clean and soften rubber. You can perform the treatment without removing the wipers from the vehicle. Simply spray the wiper onto the working surface and let it soak in. The procedure must be repeated several times.
  • Hot water. This is the easiest way to restore windshield wiper blades. To do this, you need to immerse them in boiling water for 30-60 minutes. This procedure will soften the rubber on the brush and remove all deposits on it.

Restoring wipers with glycerin

Let's take a closer look at the method of restoring wipers with glycerin:

  1. It is necessary to dismantle the windshield wipers from the vehicle and disconnect their rubber part.
  2. Thoroughly clean from dirt and accumulated dust. Next, you need to let the brushes dry.
  3. After drying, the gum is treated with glycerin and allowed to sit for the solution to be absorbed. The impregnation process can be repeated several times and do not forget to let the solution soak in.
  4. After several procedures, you need to wipe the surface of the rubber dry and remove all residues from it.
  5. Then you need to reassemble the windshield wiper and secure it to the car. Perform a functionality check.

Special devices for sharpening wipers

Operating principle of the windshield wiper trimmer:

During daily use, wipers are required to cope with any weather conditions, friction on the glass surface, dust and insect residues. After some time, the thin edges of the wiper rubber bands wear out, resulting in streaks and streaks appearing on the glass. Therefore, you have to change your windshield wipers every six months, depending on how often you use the car.

  • safe and environmentally friendly technology;
  • can be stored in the car and does not take up much space;
  • low cost and alternative to purchasing new wipers;
  • Can be used for all types of brushes;
  • quick and easy application directly on the vehicle;
  • the ability to carry out the restoration procedure without removing them from the car;
  • eliminates stains on the glass surface and unpleasant squeaks;
  • increases the safety of driving a vehicle, as the visibility of the glass increases.

With this cutter, the service life of old wipers is doubled. The restoration procedure can be carried out 2 times, each time cutting off the edge of the damaged rubber. After cutting off the used rubber layer, the new layer begins to rub like new. If we take into account the cost of new windshield wipers, this device will save the car owner money.

The approximate service life of the ECOCUT pro cutter is 10-11 cuts.

You will find an option for restoring wipers in this video:


Wiper blades will last much longer if they are used correctly during operation. They also need care, just like the car as a whole. But a malfunction of the windshield wipers is not a death sentence. Available restoration procedures will help extend the service life. The wiper manufacturer also influences the service life. It is necessary to purchase only proven and well-known brands and do not forget to take care of them in the future.

We put it on the car, eliminate squeaks and rattles

We pull the spring back using the same method (via a wire) and go to install it on the car. The pressing has become much better, really! We spray and turn on the wipers, the GLASS is CLEAN, victory.

And finally, I would like to say why the wipers squeak, the actual reason here is banal:

  • Parallel arrangement . The brush must be strictly parallel to the glass; if it is tilted either in one direction or the other (that is, an acute angle is created), it will creak or rattle, even a new one. She's just experiencing a lot of resistance. If this is the case for you, you need to take pliers and make it parallel to the glass, simply bend it. Then the squeaks will go away by 80%.

  • Poor pressure . If the brush does not press well against the glass, as I wrote above, the spring has weakened, then rattling (creaks) is also possible. Just change it to a new one and everything will be fine.

That's it, guys, for budget money you can restore your wipers, and they will clean well and softly! Now we are watching the video version of the article.

I’ll end here, I think it was useful, read our blog, subscribe to the YOUTUBE channel, there will be a lot more useful things. Sincerely yours, AUTOBLOGGER.

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Editorial experiment. We restore wipers

With the arrival of autumn and the anticipation of winter, all car enthusiasts ask themselves a number of questions: buy winter tires, prepare the car for winter, which wipers to choose for winter use.

In this publication, we will touch upon the most budget-friendly option for preparing a car for winter, this is the maintenance of windshield wiper blades, or in common parlance - windshield wipers.

And it will be a service, not a purchase. Buying wipers now is not particularly difficult. It is enough to decide on the design, size of the wipers and price. It used to be that our fathers and grandfathers, if they were lucky enough to become the owner of a Zhiguli or a Moskvich, removed the wipers when leaving the car even for a few minutes. They did it just like that, because of the good life in the prosperous USSR...

So, windshield wipers are a frame or frameless structure, the main working element of which is a rubber strip that removes snow, water, and dust from the windows and optics of the car. Now more and more car enthusiasts prefer frameless wipers. And there is a bit of practicality in this. In the absence of metal elements, the likelihood of icing and reduced cleaning efficiency is reduced.

For our brush maintenance, we took BOSCH wipers, which lasted about 30,000 kilometers on the Chery Tiggo crossover in different weather conditions. Time takes its toll. During operation, a squeak appeared, especially noticeable when working on a dry glass surface. After several strokes, even on a wet surface, there were still uncleaned areas.

How to restore wipers

We resorted to a well-known technical process in order to understand whether it was worth doing this at all. Or maybe not bother and buy new wipers?

  • Removing brushes;
  • Cleaning from abrasive elements;
  • Wash in warm water and soap;
  • Soaking in hot water;
  • Drying;
  • Lubrication treatment;
  • Wiping and removing grease;
  • Installation of wipers.

To revive the windshield wiper blades, after dismantling them, you should remove all small particles that render the rubber surface unusable, destroying it and scratching the car windshield. The easiest way to do this is under running warm water, wiping the wipers with a soft cloth after washing.

After this, it is necessary to restore the elasticity of the rubber element. To do this, soak the wipers for a few minutes in hot water at a temperature of 60-70 degrees. After wiping them again, we will treat them with lubricant. This can be any silicone grease or motor oil.

After lubrication, carefully wipe the wipers again. Excess oil will remain on the windshield, impairing your visibility.

In our case, everything worked out. Immediately after installation, the car went on a short trip along the federal highway and regional roads, during which it was accompanied by rain.

What was revealed over 400 kilometers of travel: there is no squeaking even during prolonged work on a dry surface, the quality of cleaning is much better, close to ideal. What else do you need? Thus, we saved about 2,000 rubles on the purchase of wipers, which is what we wish for you.

Reasons for poor brush performance

Before you start repairing car wipers, you need to figure out what is the reason for their poor performance:

  • Dirty windshield. Even the best windshield wiper with the highest quality brush cannot clean a dirty or oily car window. Some car enthusiasts try to remove sand and dust from the glass by pouring an abrasive agent and turning on the wipers. They forget that they need to turn on the washer in order to wet the abrasive. Such an oversight leads to the squeaking of the windshield wiper blades; the wipers move along dry glass, experiencing greater resistance. After this, the brushes quickly wear out and need urgent replacement;
  • Wrong fit of the windshield wiper. Because of this, during their operation, wipers leave streaks on the windshield of the car. If they start to appear suddenly, check the grooves of the rubber band of the brushes. They may contain particles of dust, sand or water. In this case, you just need to remove dirt from the edge. If the stripes gradually widen, then the rubber band of the windshield wiper blade has worn out. It is much better not to repair a torn tape, but to replace it;
  • Brush edge wear. The working edge of a normal brush has a rectangular shape. Destroying dirt, the tool gradually grinds down and the edge becomes oval. Another reason for changes in shape is mechanical damage to the car windshield. Some drivers throw away such a brush without thinking. In fact, it can be easily repaired.

Brush edge wear

Why is it too early to throw out old wipers, even if they are worn out?

Windshield wiper blades perform important tasks - they clean the windshield, provide good visibility and safety on the road. Most car enthusiasts will be interested in learning how to successfully restore old wipers and what available tools are suitable for this.

White Spirit

During the cold season, a huge amount of dirt and reagents accumulate on the wipers, interfering with the proper operation of the windshield wipers. White spirit, the most famous and frequently used solvent, will help restore lost functions to wipers. You need to work with it as follows:

  1. Park the car outside or in a ventilated area.
  2. Wear personal protective equipment.
  3. Dampen a soft cloth with solvent and walk over the entire surface of the wipers. Treatment should be quick: White spirit removes not only dirt, but also the protective graphite layer.

When working with white spirit, you must protect your hands with rubber gloves.
Another multifunctional product that will help clean and soften rubber is WD-40. To restore the wipers, spray a small amount of liquid on them and leave for a while (the solution must be absorbed). The procedure is repeated several times. The advantage of the method is its high efficiency and the absence of the need to remove the brushes from the car.

The product was originally developed for industrial users as a water-repellent agent that prevents corrosion.

If there are no special means, you can use plain water:

  1. Remove dirt from the brushes with a soft cloth or sponge.
  2. Pour hot liquid into a bath or large basin.
  3. Lower the wipers into it and leave for 30 minutes.

Water at a temperature of +50…+60 °C effectively removes surface contaminants and returns the brushes to their functionality. But wipers cleaned in this way quickly get dirty. After some time, the procedure will have to be repeated.

It is important to use a soft sponge to avoid damaging the surface of the rubber bands.


The brush will not be able to effectively clean the glass if its working surface has become unusable. You can use sandpaper to temporarily solve the problem.

  1. It is necessary to take a plate of inflexible material (for example, durable plywood).
  2. Attach fine-grain sandpaper to it.
  3. Shape the rubber edge of the wipers into a rectangular shape. Processing must be done evenly. Otherwise, the switched on brushes will leave streaks on the windshield.

There is a special device, which is a plastic block with sandpaper glued on and a cutter that cuts off the damaged part


A glycerin solution will help restore hardened rubber. Before the procedure, the wipers are removed and cleaned using one of the methods listed above. Next you need to proceed as follows:

  1. Dry the rubber bands.
  2. Lubricate them with glycerin and set aside so that the product is absorbed.
  3. Repeat the procedure several times to obtain a more pronounced effect.
  4. Wipe the rubber dry and remove any remaining glycerin.

During this treatment, the rubber becomes softer and more elastic, and the performance of the wipers increases. If the material is already cracked or torn, there is no point in using this method. In this case, only replacing the wipers will help.

Glycerin solution is sold at any pharmacy

Methods that are better not to trust

There are products that claim to be effective, but they must be used with caution. These include:

  • Petrol. Only “dead” brushes that you don’t mind can be soaked in gasoline. The solution removes not only grease, but also graphite coating, which is responsible for the absence of squeaking and good sliding on the glass. The effect does not last long, but the condition of the wipers may become even worse than before the procedure. Those who dare to resort to this method need to remember that after soaking in gasoline, the brushes are washed with warm soapy water.
  • Silicone. To soften the rubber, you can use glycerin, but not silicone. The latter greatly increases sliding, which is why the wipers stop cleaning the glass and leave unsightly stains.
  • Tobacco. Car enthusiasts go to any lengths to extend the life of old windshield wipers. In particular, they advise wiping brushes with a rag soaked in white spirit and sprinkled with cigarette tobacco. The effectiveness of this method has not been proven, so it is better to test it on old wipers that you don’t mind throwing away.

If even after cleaning the brushes do not cope with their task, they should be replaced with new ones. Road safety comes first.

  • Author: lisavdushe
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