What kind of roll: how to know when it’s time to change the stabilizer links

A breakdown of the anti-roll bar can cause the vehicle to lose control and lead to an accident. Therefore, it is important for a car owner to be able to identify a malfunction in time, as soon as its first symptoms appear.

A breakdown of the car's stabilizer bar leads to excessive roll. When driving straight on a flat road, the malfunction is unnoticeable, but any turning into a turn is accompanied by strong rolling.

Rolls at high speed are especially dangerous. The car may not stay on the intended trajectory and somersault. If excessive rolliness is detected, reduce speed and avoid unnecessary maneuvers.

Machine controllability

Another symptom that indicates a malfunction of the stabilizer link is a significant deterioration in the controllability of the car. The movement is accompanied by “yaw”. Periodic drifts are possible. Steering becomes much more difficult even when driving in a straight line.

Due to a sharp deterioration in vehicle controllability, there is a high risk of getting into an emergency situation, for example, as a result of the vehicle deviating from the intended trajectory.

Vehicle deviation from the planned trajectory

Characteristic signs

As you know, stabilizers are necessary in order to adapt a vehicle to driving in different conditions and on different roads. The name itself suggests that these elements stabilize the behavior of the car.

To connect the front and rear stabilizers to the suspension elements, struts are used. This is the connecting link between the suspension and stabilizers.

But it happens that extraneous noise in the form of knocking begins to come from this link. This may apply to both the front and rear stabilizer struts.

If you notice a possible knocking sound from the stabilizer struts, since the sound emanating from there does not always indicate a breakdown of this particular unit, you need to look at additional characteristic signs.

In addition to knocking, the following symptoms occur when the racks malfunction:

  • when turning, the car body rolls in different directions;
  • when driving on uneven sections of the road, the car spontaneously changes its direction of movement;
  • the trip is accompanied by rumbling noises from the stabilizer joints;
  • The suspension becomes loose during acceleration and braking.

Many motorists ask questions about why the struts are flying, whether it is possible to drive in such a situation, and how this could turn out.

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Rocking car

Failure of the anti-roll bar leads to excessive swaying of the car, which is observed during:

  • trains over bumps;
  • braking;
  • occurrences turn;
  • acceleration

If you do not pay attention to the rocking of the car, this may result in loss of control over it. As a result, the car will fly off the road or roll over.

In addition to the swaying of the car from the suspension side, there are other signs of a malfunction of the stabilizer link. The chassis becomes softer, and road surface unevenness is “swallowed” better. Due to the improvement in comfort with broken knuckles, many car owners recommend dismantling them even on fully functional cars.

When should you change?

Racks need to be changed periodically. How often depends on your driving style. Some motorists are accustomed to driving along the road for their own pleasure, without noticing potholes, sharp turns, speed bumps, while others monitor the road more clearly, and accordingly, their racks last much longer.

Stabilizer link wear

But how can you determine if a stabilizer link is faulty? There are several methods that mechanics recommend, and many drivers have tried them. These methods are considered the most correct, they include:

  • noise check;
  • turning the steering wheel all the way;
  • strong roll when turning;
  • checking lubrication.

Car enthusiasts recommend using all methods in turn. To some extent, this list is also an algorithm for identifying a malfunction. If you try all four methods, the driver can find out for sure whether the struts need to be changed.

Rack Installation

Like many other important parts of a car, the stabilizer bar makes noise because it wants to, but cannot, perform its functions. It cannot be compared with anything - a kind of roar and grinding sound at the same time, which is noticeable precisely when cornering. The sharper the turn, the louder the noise. Most drivers check the malfunction in this way, since this is more likely not a method, but a sign of a breakdown.

Stabilizer link diagnostics

There is another popular method, but it is used only by those who have the opportunity to lift the car on a lift. To do this, you will need to turn the steering wheel all the way several times, at which time your friend should touch the rack and feel the vibrations. If you turn the steering wheel quickly, you can again hear noise from the pillar, only this time your friend will see where it’s coming from. If this is observed, the stand definitely needs to be changed.

Car skidding

Also, while driving, the driver may feel discomfort. Of course, it will be felt during all the same turns and bumps. Experienced drivers know that if it skids, there is a problem in stabilizing the movement, which means the struts need to be changed. In fact, this method never tells for sure, since the skid begins gradually and sometimes the driver simply does not notice the effect until he hears this very roar.

Removing the stabilizer link

You can also check the rack for malfunction by directly interfering with its structure. This is easy to do - first you need to remove the car stand. Then both hinges are untwisted at the ends. Each of the hinges is equipped with a boot that protects it from the accumulation of dirt rising from the road surface.

Stabilizer link boot

Under the boot there is lubricant placed there by the manufacturer. If the strut is in a faulty condition, under the boot there will no longer be grease, but dirt mixed with this very technical Vaseline. Drivers often do the tricky thing - they remove this mass under the boot and apply their own lubricant so as not to buy a new strut. You can use this spare part for a while longer.

Extraneous sounds

The most harmless symptoms of a faulty stabilizer bar link are extraneous sounds. The intensity of the noise depends on the speed and angle of rotation.

The ball joint struts make a lot of noise when driving over any uneven road surfaces. For example, moving speed bumps can indicate a malfunction of the knuckle. The sound will definitely come from the wheel arch only on the side on which the malfunction is present.

It is much more difficult to detect a breakdown of a rack whose design includes bushings. When such a spare part fails, it begins to creak and knock. The sound is quite quiet and cannot always be recognized while inside the car.

Mechanism design

This component is designed for a reliable and at the same time damping connection of the unsprung masses of the suspension (wheel, hub, steering knuckle) with the elastic part - the stabilizer beam. The common purpose of the stand is to provide a movable joint. In this case, the execution may be different:

  1. Ball joints. The most common scheme. Provides freedom to hinges in all directions.

Example of ball joints

With this design, wear occurs the fastest, since the ball joints take on a load comparable to ¼ of the vehicle’s weight. The stand is constantly in motion, experiencing forces aimed at compression, tension and bending. It is used in suspensions where the components are arranged compactly and the stabilizer beam has a complex shape. Can be installed at an angle. Practically beyond repair or restoration.

Earrings. A primitive but very reliable scheme.

“Earring” type design

Elastic elements (rubber, polyurethane, silicone) are threaded onto the pin and secured with washers. Between the rubber bands are the eyes of the suspension arm and the stabilizer beam. Some freedom of movement is provided by the rubber stops themselves, but significant deviation from the vertical is impossible. This drawback does not allow the use of such racks in complex suspensions. The advantages include the ability to withstand significant loads and high maintainability.

Silent blocks. Such a hinge has mobility in only one plane. Transverse deviations are allowed at a small angle.

Option for silent blocks (detail circled in red)

The advantages include a longer service life (compared to ball joints) and relative maintainability. Disadvantage: limited use on complex suspension structures.

Determining the malfunction of the stabilizer link

The presence of a malfunction in the stabilizer link should be determined by rocking the car from side to side in the transverse direction relative to the movement of the car. It is convenient to perform this operation together with an assistant. If the swinging occurs effortlessly and a characteristic knock is heard from the wheel arch, then there is a high probability of a malfunction of the stabilizer link.

  • If a problem is suspected, check the condition of the rack using the method below.
  • Turn the wheel as far as possible to the side until access to the rack opens.
  • Take the domino with your hand.
  • Shake the stand. The presence of backlash is unacceptable.
  • While holding the knuckle with your hand, you need to ask an assistant to rock the car. There should not be any extraneous sounds coming from the rack. A good knuckle does not play.

If, when turning the wheel, access to the stabilizer link does not open, then the car should be placed in a viewing hole. In the future, the analysis of the condition of the knuckle is similar to the above instructions. The rear axle stabilizer struts are checked in the same way.

Monitoring the condition of the knuckles

Visual inspection

A visual inspection of the stabilizer link can detect signs of malfunction of the stabilizer link. The key points to pay attention to when checking a domino are shown in the table below.

Table - Signs of malfunctioning knuckles that can be identified by visual inspection

Fault criterionNote
Mechanical damage to the rodMost often there is a fracture at the weld joint of the strut. Deformations also occur, but they are much less common.
Rubber loses its original propertiesAs a result of natural aging and exposure to an aggressive external environment, rubber loses its elasticity and cracks and tears may appear on its surface. This phenomenon is typical for bushings and hinge boots.
Excessive wearMost easily found on stabilizer links with bushings. The rubber wears away on one side, causing metal to come into contact with metal, which is the source of the characteristic knocking sound.

Rubber cracked due to aging

What is needed for repair and diagnostics

It is important to take into account that knocking of the racks can also occur when the elements are in working order. This is possible if the stabilizer has not been adjusted correctly. It is also important to correct such an oversight in a timely manner so that it does not turn into a full-fledged and serious breakdown.

Diagnostics and repairs are carried out with the vehicle raised. This is the only way to detect the backlash. Therefore, for work you should arm yourself with:

  • jack;
  • wheel shoes;
  • frame stand;
  • stethoscope;
  • standard set of tools.

The latter tool will allow you to more accurately detect the source of the knocking, and make sure that the fault lies precisely with the stabilizer struts.

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Determining the malfunction by dismantling the rack

You can check the stabilizer link for malfunction by removing it from the car. This can be very difficult to do due to corrosion and sticking of threaded connections, so identifying problems with the knuckle by removing it from the machine is a last resort.

Removing the rack from the car

The lubrication should be checked on the dismantled rack. It should be in sufficient quantity and not contain any liquid or debris.

Anti-roll bar link with boot removed

Before completely removing the stabilizer link from the car, it is recommended to carry out diagnostics by unscrewing only one fastener. The knuckle should be shaken from side to side. If a characteristic sound occurs, the car owner will know exactly which side of the rack has become unusable.

Roll on a turn. Every driver knows that if the car rolls when turning, then this is a sign of a malfunction. The roll indicates many problems, including a faulty strut. Check the lubrication. To do this, you need to remove the part and unscrew the hinges with anthers. There should be lubricant underneath them. If there is dirt instead, the rack must be replaced.

Key words: Signs of malfunction, checking the stabilizer link, machine repair, Causes, breakdown, symptoms, how to check

It is necessary to know the signs of a malfunctioning stabilizer link, since the structural fasteners and the strut rod itself have subtle weak points that are provided for safety reasons. Where strut components are thinned, breakage or deformation may occur due to increased load on this suspension element.

The stabilizer is designed to increase the stability of the car while driving, as well as reduce the possible roll of the car when entering a turning zone or making sharp maneuvers. Therefore, stabilizers on independent suspensions on both axles are designed to prevent lateral roll of the vehicle and, as a result, its rollover.

To give mobility to the joint between the car suspension and the strut, hinges are used. This connection is hermetically protected by special anthers, inside of which there is a lubricant that is capable of maintaining the properties of the parts at different temperature conditions. Failure of stabilizer elements can lead to failure of other suspension elements, which will entail costly repairs. Therefore, this component of the car requires periodic inspection.

Details about the malfunction

Signs of a faulty stabilizer link

It is quite easy to determine, especially while driving over uneven roads and potholes. The first thing you should pay attention to in this case is a knock that appears under the hood or in the rear of the car. If at speed the car skids, it is carried off track, especially when the steering wheel is released, and you constantly have to level the car, then this is also one of the characteristic signs of a breakdown.

When entering a turning zone

, the car may experience a strong roll on one side, depending on the direction of travel. An external inspection of the racks may not always reveal their breakdown. Another characteristic sign of a breakdown is excessive rocking of the car during braking, as well as when entering a turn in the absence of visible damage to the strut.

How to determine a breakdown?

To check the stabilizer struts, you can use a fairly simple method, for which you need to free up the space in the wheel niche by completely rotating the wheelset. Then you need to grab the stabilizer strut with your hand and strongly shake it from side to side.

In case of play and knocking

It is urgent to replace the part. This is due to the fact that the mechanism experiences heavy loads while driving, so this should not normally occur. To check, you can drive the car into an inspection hole, or check it using a lift.

The machine is installed on jacks, then the fixing nut is released and the stabilizer link is released. Now the mechanism needs to be loosened well. If there are characteristic beating sounds and free movement of the hinges, there is a need to replace or repair them.

Loose hinges can also be determined using a pry bar. To do this, you need to swing the stand in different directions at the attachment point. If they loosen without much effort, then the part has become unusable and requires replacement.

The fault can also be determined tactilely. To do this, you need to climb into the inspection hole and ask someone to loosen it. In this case, it will be possible to accurately determine where the sound signaling a breakdown is coming from, and the fault itself will be felt when touching the mechanism.

As a rule, most often the bushing wears out or the suspension ball element breaks. Therefore, repairing the mechanism comes down to replacing them.

The second strut can also be checked by rocking the car

. This must be done by loosening the transverse stabilizer. A knock in the mechanism will indicate the need to replace the strut and indicate signs of a malfunction of the stabilizer strut.

Failure of the anti-roll bar affects the vehicle's handling. Therefore, when the first symptoms of a malfunction appear, a check must be performed.

If the diagnostics show that the rack is out of order, then it is necessary to repair it or replace it with a new one.


If, when overcoming bumps in the car's interior, you hear distinct loud knocks from the wheels, it's time to inspect the suspension. You should first make sure that the knocking is a consequence of a malfunction of the shock absorbers, because third-party sounds are also created by other components, for example, the brake caliper.

First of all, it is necessary to visually inspect the damping elements. One of the main reasons for loss of performance is oil leakage due to wear of the seals. The lack of working fluid inside leads to the fact that when working on compression, the shock absorber rod does not meet resistance and it reaches the bottom of the reservoir - a “breakdown” occurs, accompanied by a strong knock.

Since the oil comes out, the marks are clearly visible on the body. Detection of fluid leaks indicates a faulty unit and the need for replacement. But it is not always possible to visually assess the condition of the damping unit. Many cars use shock-absorbing struts (MacPherson struts) both front and rear. In them, the shock absorber is placed in the strut housing and it will not be possible to inspect it without disassembling the unit.

In this case, you can use the “folk” method of checking - rocking the car. At the front of the car, you need to press firmly on the fender (at the rear - on the fender, bumper, lower trunk shelf) and release. If the shock absorber is working properly, the car body will take its initial position and stop, since the damper will absorb the energy of the spring. But if the part is faulty, the body will wobble a little after pressing and releasing.

The condition of the silent blocks must also be checked, since they can also make knocking noises. And to do this, we put the car in a pit and, using the pry bar as a lever, swing the suspension components. This inspection method makes it easy to identify wear on rubber suspension parts.

And lastly, the upper supports of the shock absorber strut (in the front suspension) are checked. They can also cause knocking noises when driving. These elements are also easy to check - we put our hand between the coils of the spring and touch the shock absorber rod, and then rock the front of the car to the sides. Vibrations of the rod during swinging indicate a malfunction of the support.

Symptoms indicating a malfunction of the racks

The following symptoms indicate the need to check the stabilizer struts for functionality:

  • a knock or other extraneous sound is heard from the wheel arch;
  • when cornering, excessive roll occurs;
  • the car becomes very loose when driving over uneven surfaces;
  • The car sways during intense acceleration or braking.

All of the above symptoms only indirectly indicate the presence of malfunctions with the stabilizer link. Therefore, to more accurately identify problems, additional diagnostics are required, which is not difficult to do on your own, and if problems arise, you can always watch a thematic video.

An easy way to check racks

You can confirm the presence of problems with the stabilizer link using the method below.

  1. Brake the car on a level surface.
  2. Rock the car in different directions in the transverse direction. For these purposes, it is recommended to use an assistant.
  3. If the struts are faulty, a sound begins to be heard from the wheel arch. It can be used to identify which side the failed spare part is located on.

The disadvantage of this method is the need to attract an assistant. In addition, this method does not make it possible to accurately check the condition of the stabilizer link. The presence of a knock only indirectly confirms problems with the knuckles, since extraneous sound when the car rocks can also come from other suspension elements.

What is the danger

Knowing how the knocking of stabilizer struts manifests itself, it is logical to ask what to do next.

It even happens that a new rack knocks, literally after replacement. This can be explained by incorrect installation, a problem in other components, or a banal factory defect.

It cannot be said that knocking struts is a characteristic problem of exclusively inexpensive cars such as Lada Vesta, Chevrolet Lacetti, Polo Sedan, etc. This happens on any car, since we are talking about consumables. Yes, the service life of the racks is impressive, but it is not eternal.

If a knock occurs from the stabilizer struts, it is strongly not recommended to continue driving.

However, not everyone understands why knocking is dangerous. Let's try to explain.

A stabilizer link that begins to fail and makes knocking noises reduces the quality of control, which can lead to an accident. At the same time, knocking sounds simply distract the driver.

A knocking sound indicates that the hinges inside the struts are gradually wearing out. Continuing to move, production will only progress. At first it’s just noise, then there are outright knocks, body roll and other signs.

Backlash control

You can check the front stabilizer link for play by turning the wheel out. To diagnose the absence of problems with the back knuckle, you will need to install the machine above the inspection hole. You can check the malfunction of the stabilizer link by following the instructions below.

  1. Grasp the center of the rod with your hand.
  2. Shake the knuckle with a little force.
  3. The presence of any play is unacceptable and indicates that the stabilizer link must be replaced.
  4. Ask an assistant to rock the car. In this case, you should try to move the stand with your hand. The appearance of knocking and free movements indicates that the knuckle has lost its functionality.

Visual check of the condition of the racks

You can more accurately determine the condition of the stabilizer struts by visually inspecting them. The easiest way to identify a bummer. Car owners usually encounter this situation either after long-term use, or if the wheel gets into a deep hole or other uneven road surface.

By checking the condition of the rubber elements of the stabilizer link during a visual inspection, you can also identify a malfunction. A bushing or boot that has cracked due to aging indicates that the life of the knuckles has been exhausted. In normal condition, the rubber should be elastic, without tears, signs of abrasion or other damage.

Detailed rack inspection

The most complete check of the stabilizer link can be performed by removing it from the car. Car owners are not advised to frequently resort to removing the knuckles, since their fastenings are exposed to an aggressive external environment and often become tightly stuck.

After removal, you should carefully inspect the rubber elements. They very often lose their elasticity, become discolored or have mechanical damage.

When diagnosing stabilizer struts, the design of which includes hinges, it is necessary to remove the boots and check the condition of the lubricant under them. The presence of moisture and various debris is unacceptable. At the same time, you should also inspect the hinge. There should be no traces of corrosion or mechanical damage.

Do-it-yourself restoration and repair (with photo)

Faulty racks should be dismantled. This procedure is performed with a standard tool. You may need a ball joint remover. Depending on the design of the rack, it should be replaced or repaired.

  • Ball joints are practically irreparable. There are repair mixtures that are injected into the hinge and, when hardened, eliminate the play. This method is questionable, the effect will be short-lived.

    Advice! To prevent wear of the stabilizer ball joints, the boots should be checked regularly. If a crack or tear appears, the rubber should be replaced.

  • Earrings are the easiest option in terms of repair and restoration. Only rubber couplings are subject to wear; the strut stud can only be damaged in the event of a serious accident. All you need to do is purchase a rubber repair kit, disassemble the rack and install new elastic elements. They look something like this:

    The choice of bushing material depends on the driving style and the owner’s love for comfort

  • Silent blocks are somewhat more difficult to change, but independent repairs are still possible.

    Pressing in silent blocks can also be done using homemade devices.
    If ready-made repair kits exist, that’s good. If not, choose the appropriate diameter. It is important not to make a mistake with the diameter of the hole in the metal bushing, otherwise the stand will hang on the support pin. Dismantling and pressing of the silent block can be done with a homemade press based on a jack.

    You will need a hydraulic jack for this work.

Important! The installation of restored racks has its own peculiarities. Secure (but do not tighten) the mounting nuts and lower the vehicle to its normal position, then perform final tightening. More details about the installation are described here.

If the stabilizer struts are not suitable for repair, they should be replaced with new ones. You can read more about replacing stabilizer struts here.

Self-diagnosis and repair of stabilizer struts is not difficult for an experienced car enthusiast. By servicing your car, you not only save money. Familiarity with the design adds confidence during operation; you will not be taken by surprise on a long journey.

Using special equipment to monitor the condition of racks

There is practically no separate special equipment for diagnosing exclusively anti-roll bar struts. Service station technicians often suggest testing on a vibration stand. In this case, you can only indirectly find out about the presence of problems with the knuckles.

Inspection of the stabilizer struts directly by a technician allows you to determine the presence of malfunctions more accurately, compared to a vibration stand. Therefore, experienced car owners recommend contacting good specialists, regardless of whether they have special equipment for diagnosing stabilizer struts.

Checking new racks

When purchasing new racks, they also need to be checked for functionality. This is due to the presence of a large number of defects and fakes on the market. The table below contains a list of criteria that you should pay attention to when checking the purchased spare part.

Table - Criteria for checking new stabilizer links

Criteria to pay attention toNote
PackageIt is recommended to check all insignia against counterfeits using information from the manufacturer’s official website. This will help you avoid purchasing counterfeits.
Measure all lengths and thicknessesMany budget manufacturers violate production technology, which leads to differences in sizes. By purchasing such a spare part, the car owner will not be able to install it in its original place and the rack will need to be modified.
Availability of lubricationThe durability of the strut joint directly depends on the amount of lubricant. Many manufacturers use very little lubricant, which sticks to the boot. Working the hinge “dry” quickly disables it. Therefore, after purchasing a new product, you should remove the cuff and add lubricant if necessary.

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