All about how and why to dilute coolants with water

Coolant is an indispensable technical reagent of the engine cooling system, which has high boiling and freezing points. This means that the liquid can be used at any time of the year for the safe operation of vehicles. On the shelves of specialized stores, as a rule, coolers are offered in concentrated form. This is done for economic reasons. Therefore, drivers have a natural question: what to dissolve and how to properly dilute antifreeze concentrate?

Coolant properties

Antifreeze is used not only for cars, but also for heating systems and aircraft engines. The liquid contains ethylene glycol and various additives

. They will improve not only the operation of the units, but also prevent their rapid wear. If the concentrate is diluted correctly, the coolant will provide the following conditions for the engine:

  • the boiling point will be low or optimal;
  • the service life will be long and without loss;
  • rubber products will get rid of the aggressive influence on them;
  • the boiling point will be high and the thermal conductivity will be high;
  • anti-foam characteristics will be high.

If at least one of these conditions is not met, then your car will be repaired.

Tips and tricks

To extend the service life of the cooling system, antifreeze must be selected correctly according to its properties and antifreeze must be replaced in a timely manner. Knowing how to dilute antifreeze concentrate and monitor the condition of the coolant in the cooling system also helps to avoid common mistakes:

  • it is necessary to take into account in which climate zone the car is operated;
  • Antifreeze concentrate should be diluted only with clean distilled water;
  • periodically you need to check the density of antifreeze in the system;

For this reason, it is necessary to dilute the antifreeze concentrate taking into account the proportions indicated on the package with the concentrate or in a special table.


What are the differences between antifreeze in appearance?

In order to distinguish antifreeze from plain water or to see the location of a leak in the cooling system, manufacturers add a dye. But, various other components are also added to them, which give other properties to the liquid. And in order to distinguish what properties the components will provide, they are painted in different colors. Coolers of European or Japanese brands are often used.

According to European standardization, G11 antifreeze is colored green

. Components such as inorganic additives, which are included in this composition, provide operation for a period of three years and are used for all types of radiators.

Antifreeze such as G12 is red in color (or from pink to burgundy). The additives in this solution act selectively because they are of the carboxylate type. Therefore, this liquid will cover with a protective layer only the surface that is affected by corrosion. With such a concentrate, the service life will be 5 years.

G13 antifreeze is painted yellow (possibly a brighter shade of yellow). Since it is propylene glycol, the price is an order of magnitude higher because it is more environmentally friendly. It is used for sports or forced engines of passenger cars or various motorcycles.

But the color of coolers according to the Japanese system indicates the temperature at which they freeze.

It is common to use green coolant. Such a cooler freezes at a temperature of minus 25. If the temperature is minus 25, then you need to use green. For those countries where the temperature is about 30 degrees, you need to pour red concentrate into the engine tank.

What is antifreeze concentrate?

Concentrated antifreeze lacks only one component: distilled water. All other components (ethylene glycol, additives and dye) are usually present in full.

Coolant concentrates are often mistakenly confused with pure ethylene glycol. Some manufacturers indicate on the packaging that there is only ethylene glycol inside. However, this cannot be true simply because ethylene glycol is a colorless liquid. And almost all concentrates are colored according to the generally accepted class markings (G11 - green, G12 - red or yellow, etc.).

Previously, colorless coolant concentrates were commercially available. It is likely that pure ethylene glycol was used in them. However, it is not advisable to use such a concentrate to prepare a full-fledged coolant. After all, without additives, metal corrosion and destruction of rubber pipes will accelerate significantly. And these compositions were only suitable for enhancing the low-temperature properties of already filled antifreeze.

What should you use to dilute the liquid?

There are two types of antifreeze sold in stores: diluted and in the form of a concentrate. The concentrate contains ethylene glycol, which freezes at a temperature of -13, so it is strictly forbidden to fill in undiluted coolant. Remember that antifreeze concentrate can only be diluted with distilled water, otherwise you will have many problems due to which the engine of your car will not receive the necessary protection and will break down.

Do not dilute with tap water, because it may contain various trace elements that, if they get into the cooler, will cause your car’s engine to corrode very quickly or may ruin its operation. There is no need to mix antifreeze concentrate of different brands and different colors


If you still decide to change the cooler class from one to another, then you will need to thoroughly rinse the radiator. Dilute the antifreeze concentrate with distilled water in the correct proportions and pour it into the cooling system through the radiator or expansion tank.

Can it be diluted with water?

If you dilute ordinary cheap concentrates with water, then it can cause scale, since the temperature reaches 100C and above, and the water will precipitate, and scale will certainly form on the tubes, which will adversely affect the entire cooling system, even leading to the formation of corrosion. If this happens, flush the system and replace the fluid. Therefore, in order not to take risks and not waste money, dilute this with distilled water.

Percentage ratio when diluting liquid with distilled water

If you need to properly dilute antifreeze concentrate, then you should completely read the instructions, which are usually included with the packaging by manufacturers. In no case do not pour more water than necessary, because then the cooler will lose its properties. Don't forget about the climate conditions in which you live.

The table shows how to dilute antifreeze concentrate:

Water percentage Concentrate percentage Freezing threshold Boiling threshold
87,5% 12,5% -7 100
75% 25% -15 100
50% 50% -40; -45 +130; +140
40% 60% -50; -60 +150; +160
25% 75% -70 +170

Don't forget to take care of your car, because in winter it especially needs protection due to the drop in temperature. If you take into account all the recommendations about the method of using coolant and carefully read the label on the package, you will save yourself from constant major repairs of the car.

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What should the density of antifreeze be?

After you have received all the necessary fluid indicators, you need to compare them with the indicators from the table. If the concentration of ethylene glycol is 85.4% and the crystallization temperature is -40 degrees, then the density of the mixture should be at least 1.104 g/cm3. By analogy, you can determine any value and find out at what density a particular freezing threshold of the composition will be.

For convenience, we present the normal density indicators for the most popular antifreezes:

  • the density of Liqui Moly KFC liquid is 1.113 g/cm3;
  • for Toras antifreeze OZH40 this figure is 1.087 g/cm3;
  • Castrol Radiocool has a density value of 1.122 g/cm3;
  • Mobil Antifreeze Advanced density ranges from 1.122 to 1.125 g/cm3;
  • for Mannol Longlife AF12+ the standard value is 1.085 g/cm3.

Many antifreezes are made with a reserve, that is, their freezing point can be up to -60 degrees. We don’t have such cold Arctic winters, so such “coolers” can be diluted with water without a twinge of conscience in order to achieve the crystallization threshold of the composition at -35 degrees.

Adding water to antifreeze in emergency conditions

In normal situations, if an antifreeze leak or evaporation is detected at home or near a car service station, the question of whether it is worth adding ordinary water when you can buy distillate, or making a complete replacement of the solution, each car owner decides the situation at his own discretion.

As practice shows, most responsible drivers prefer to avoid “old-fashioned” methods of eliminating the problem. The approach is correct, since the parts of the cooling system of modern cars, which are predominantly made of aluminum, “do not forgive” thoughtless experiments, are subject to rapid clogging and are susceptible to the effects of unsuitable chemical components.

However, even responsible and thrifty drivers are not immune from precedents when a leak has to be replenished on the road, far from civilization, and the reserves available in the car are not enough to correctly fill the system. Since operating a machine without liquid has more dangerous consequences than filling the system with an inappropriate substance, in emergency situations the dilemma of whether it is possible to pour industrial, drinking or running water from natural sources into antifreeze has an affirmative positive answer, provided there are no alternative options.

If in a critical situation you had to add large quantities of water to the antifreeze, and even in winter, the most rational way to avoid subsequent breakdowns would be to urgently replace the fluid, immediately when such an opportunity arises.


David, 52 years old I use new Toyota antifreeze, Super Long Life. It has a much more modern composition and higher quality than the simple one. Well, you can change it less often. Just don't mix it with anything.

Vadim, 46 years old I advise everyone to use a concentrate rather than a ready-made Super Long Life cooler. Why? Because the price, to be honest, is a bit steep, and the concentrate is much cheaper. In addition, it can be bred in accordance with your weather; if there are no severe frosts, it will be even cheaper.

Arthur, 37 years old Long Life is an excellent antifreeze for Toyota. Never thickens, foams or boils. I use it like I bought a car, and I see no point in experimenting and looking for something else.

Ivan, 35 years old I have been using the original Long Life in my Toyota for a long time. I can say that in the five years that I have had this car, I have never had any problems caused by antifreeze. The cooling system is in perfect order, as is the engine.

If you own a car, then you will need antifreeze concentrate to cool the engine. With the development of chemistry, there are now many different antifreezes, differing from each other depending on the properties they have. Antifreeze is a liquid that does not freeze at low temperatures.

Description of original Toyota antifreezes

Toyota antifreeze line
Currently, there are two original Toyota antifreezes:

  • Toyota Long Life Coolant;
  • Toyota Super Long Life Coolant.

Until 2002, at the factory, Toyota cars were filled with predominantly the first antifreeze - LLC. Since 2002, it was replaced by a second one - Super LLC. Now it is this that is used in most models of this brand.

However, both antifreezes have a lot in common. Each of them is based on the highest quality propylene glycol, as well as powerful corrosion inhibitors and balanced modern additives. But everyone has their own, so mixing these two antifreezes is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, the mixture will be significantly inferior in quality to separately used coolants.

Despite the fact that Toyota cars now primarily use Super Long Life coolant for factory filling, its predecessor should not be written off. Antifreeze Toyota LLC can still be purchased for use in a personal vehicle, on sale and in containers of various sizes.

From a general point of view, it is also worth noting that both refrigerants are produced both as a ready-to-use coolant and as a concentrate. The latter is not suitable for use in its pure form; it must be diluted with water. How to dilute, in what proportion, depends on the climatic conditions in which the coolant is supposed to be used, and the maximum sub-zero temperature in the region. The optimal ratio, suitable even for the northern regions, is considered to be one to one. At the same time, protection will be provided to an average of minus 40 degrees Celsius. The minimum volume of concentrate should be one third of the total volume of liquid, and the maximum should be 70%.

It is best to mix concentrated antifreeze with distilled water, but if this is not available, you can also use tap water. Diluting the concentrate with water from rivers, lakes, and natural wells is strictly prohibited.

Important! If it is not possible to buy antifreeze recommended by the Toyota manufacturer, then analogues with the appropriate base and additive package can be used for replacement. It is better not to mix antifreezes from different manufacturers unless absolutely necessary; this can significantly deteriorate their characteristics and reduce their service life.

Both Toyota antifreezes have undergone numerous tests and tests, according to the results of which it can be stated that they comply with all manufacturer’s statements and international requirements and industry standards. Positive reviews from car enthusiasts confirm this.

Toyota Long Life Coolant

Finished liquid and concentrate LLC

Toyota Long Life Coolant red antifreeze is a traditional propylene glycol-based antifreeze using high-quality additives and corrosion inhibitors. Externally it is a clean, transparent red liquid.

Toyota red antifreeze has good lubricating properties and has a high degree of protection of the cooling system from wear and corrosion. It has good heat dissipation properties and perfectly protects the engine from overheating and hypothermia.

Toyota Long Life Coolant antifreeze is suitable for use in the internal combustion engines of both Toyota trucks and passenger cars. Antifreeze is replaced after three years during the initial fill, and every two years for subsequent fills.

Articles and packaging volumes of LLC antifreeze:

  • 08889-80015 – 1 l;
  • 08889-80032 – 4 l;
  • 08889-80014 – 5 l;
  • 08889-80017 – 60 l.

If necessary, you can mix this antifreeze with silicate, hybrid coolants.

Toyota Super Long Life Coolant

Prepared and concentrated liquid SLLC

Toyota Super Long Life coolant antifreeze is a ready-made antifreeze and concentrate produced on the basis of propylene glycol using organic acid (carboxylate) technology using powerful modern corrosion inhibitors. Its chemical composition does not contain silicates, nitrates and other harmful substances that negatively affect engine performance, impair heat transfer, and contribute to the formation of deposits inside the cooling system. They also cause harm to the environment. This means that this antifreeze is not only safe for the engine, but also environmentally friendly.

Externally, Toyota Super Long Life Coolant antifreeze is a transparent, clean liquid of pink color. It complies with the Volkswagen standard G12 or C12+ - for modern carboxylate antifreezes with a long service life. It has a really long lifespan: it will have to be replaced on average every five years.

This coolant is recommended for any modern engines, both Toyota cars and trucks.

Toyota pink antifreeze perfectly prevents the formation of corrosion, cavitation, does not foam, and does not oxidize. Helps maintain normal operating temperature inside the engine and extends its service life.

Articles and packaging volumes of SLLC antifreeze:

  • 08889-80070 – 2 l;
  • 08889-80071 – 4 l;
  • 08889-80072 – 5 l.

Important! Toyota SLLC pink antifreeze is strictly forbidden to mix with others, and also (regarding ready-to-use liquid) cannot be added with water. Otherwise, the substance will coagulate and further operation of the cooling system will be impossible.


The cooling system of modern cars is very sensitive to the quality of the liquid being poured, therefore experts categorically do not recommend experimenting with solutions; they advise choosing products that meet the standards declared by the vehicle manufacturers. From careless handling of the liquid being poured, not only the elements of the cooling system can suffer, but also the engine, as the main working unit of the vehicle.

Do not neglect the rules described above; if necessary, dilute antifreeze to the required concentration in the summer, use only distillate, and in winter, absolutely refuse the option of diluting the substance. Having a spare container with antifreeze and distillate in the trunk of your car will help protect you from unforeseen situations: a leak, even far from civilization, will be solved by properly replenishing the liquid, without the risk of harming the system.

Breeding rules

Before you start diluting the concentrate, you must carefully read the recommendations on the packaging. You cannot increase the proportion of water yourself, as this reduces efficiency. You also need to take into account the operating conditions of the vehicle and climatic conditions.

There are generally accepted proportions for bringing the liquid to working condition in the water/concentrate ratio:

  • 7/1, freezing point -7, boiling threshold +100;
  • 3/1, freezes at -15, boiling threshold +100;
  • 1/1 freezing threshold -45, boils at +130;
  • 2/3 freezes at -50, boils +150;
  • 1/3 freezing threshold -70, boiling +170.

It is strictly forbidden to mix antifreeze of different colors.

How to spot a fake

It cannot be said that original antifreezes, suitable only for one brand of car, are counterfeited as often as the most popular, universal, branded coolants are often counterfeited. However, this is not completely ruled out. Therefore, the coolant canister must be carefully inspected. Here are some signs that may indicate a fake:

  • rough, uneven seams or defects in their area;
  • a lid that does not fit tightly to the ring, scratches, chips, and other signs of tampering along its edges;
  • unevenly glued labels, bubbles and folds on them, traces of glue;
  • information that does not correspond to reality or contains errors;
  • blurred text, uneven lines;
  • unreadable release and bottling date.

If something in the appearance of the canister is alarming or raises doubts, then it is better to double-check. You should not pour antifreeze into the tank until you are completely sure of its quality.

Properties and characteristics of the solution

The main purpose of antifreeze is to cool the unit. The temperature from the combustion of hydrocarbon fuel exceeds 2,100 °C. Therefore, the power unit requires intensive cooling to prevent premature failure of its parts.

When operating in winter, it is necessary that the coolant does not crystallize. When frozen, it can damage and destroy rubber and plastic parts.

The main components of antifreeze liquids are:

It’s up to you to decide whether to use Castrol or Total. The main thing is that the composition is suitable for your engine. Be sure to take this into account.

The choice of fluid for the cooling system is made based on the operating conditions and recommendations of the manufacturer of the engine, and not the coolant.

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