Replacing brake pads Toyota Corolla detailed instructions, many photos

One of the most important safety elements in a car is its braking system. The life and health of people, as well as the safety of the vehicle itself, depend on the quality of its work. The system's job is to effectively reduce the speed of the car after it accelerates. In this article we will talk about how to replace brake pads on a 2008 Toyota Corolla.

Every driver knows that it is the pads that perform direct braking. This occurs by pressing them against the brake disc of each wheel individually. Constant friction gradually destroys the working brake material of the pads and over time they become unusable, ceasing to perform their function efficiently.

What problems might arise?

If you act strictly according to the instructions, then no nuances should arise. At least, it definitely didn’t happen to me. But, as practice shows, problems can still arise.

Most often, car enthusiasts face the following consequences after their work:

  • brake pads are covered in grease:
  • the brake disc overheats;
  • there is uneven contact with the brake pad;
  • there is a brake fluid leak;
  • the brake system pipe is clogged;
  • air gets into the brake system;
  • rapid wear of the brake pedal return spring is observed;
  • the return channel of the main brake cylinder is clogged;
  • the correct operation of the pressure regulator, etc. is disrupted.

Moreover, often these problems can lead to re-jamming of the wheels, and subsequent replacement of the pads.

Which ones to choose?

Today there are many different manufacturers. The highest quality pads are produced by Germany, France, Spain and Japan. In addition to the manufacturer, it is important to choose the right size pads for your wheel caliper. Like any spare part, they are divided into: original and non-original. It's your choice here. The original lasts significantly longer than the non-original. The price of such pads is usually twice as high. In general, as always, it’s up to you to decide whether to choose the quality or cost of the product.

Read: Replacing brake pads on Fielder.

Useful video

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In order to make your car ride more enjoyable and not cause problems or inconvenience to you or others, you need to service it in a timely manner. Replacing brake pads does not take much time, money and effort, and if you wish, you can do it yourself. The main thing is to choose the right tools and spare parts for your car.

One of the most important safety elements in a car is its braking system. The life and health of people, as well as the safety of the vehicle itself, depend on the quality of its work. The system's job is to effectively reduce the speed of the car after it accelerates. In this article we will talk about how to replace brake pads on a 2008 Toyota Corolla.

How to replace a Toyota Corolla brake disc: do-it-yourself repairs

The ninth generation sedan Toyota Corolla E120 series in a short period of time from 2000 to 2007 was able to become one of the most popular models ever produced by the Japanese company.

Affordable price, excellent driving performance and, most importantly, safety - all this was also appreciated by domestic motorists.

You can already buy the eleventh generation of Corolla in showrooms, but not everyone wants to part with the proven ninth generation cars.

During the entire period of operation of the 120 series, many car enthusiasts were able to master techniques for eliminating simple breakdowns, which do not happen very often, but, unfortunately, do occur. An operation such as replacing a Toyota Corolla brake disc does not pose any particular problems for a driver who knows how to use keys and is interested in the structure of the car.

General information about the Toyota Corolla brake system

The machine is equipped with a hydraulic dual-circuit system, which is divided into front and rear wheels. The main cylinder has two tanks that supply both circuits with liquid; if one of them fails, the second will work. Installed brakes vary and are divided into:

  • front – disc;
  • rear - drum-disc.

When should brake discs be replaced?

The timing of replacement can be determined while driving; they are expressed in the following signs:

  • wheel runout;
  • car leaving a straight path when braking;
  • extraneous knocking or grinding noise.

The manufacturer recommends installing a new part after replacing the second set of pads. Despite this, you should still carry out a preventive inspection and measure the thickness of the unit so as not to miss replacing faulty Toyota Corolla brake discs and not get into a difficult situation on the road. The company determined the following indicators for these nodes :

  • for rear TDs, the minimum thickness is 8 mm;
  • for front TDs the minimum thickness is 23 mm.

Algorithm for replacing front brake discs of Toyota Corolla E120

To carry out the work you need to prepare the appropriate tool :

  • a set of keys;
  • jack and wheel wrench;
  • stand;
  • thrust shoes;
  • special lubricant;
  • wire.

Now you can proceed directly to the operation.

So, point by point:

  1. Pump out the fluid from the brake master cylinder reservoir.
  2. Secure the vehicle with shoes, jack up the desired side, install a stand and remove the wheel.
  3. Unscrew the lower caliper bolt, lift it up and tie it with wire.
  4. Remove the pads and unscrew the second caliper bolt and disconnect it from the bracket.
  5. Turn the steering wheel in the direction of work and unscrew the two bolts of the caliper bracket and remove it.
  6. Screw two M8 bolts into the special holes for dismantling until the disk is removed.
  7. Install a new disc and caliper bracket.
  8. Lubricate the guide bolt.
  9. Press in the piston of the brake cylinder and install the caliper.

When replacing brake discs on a Toyota Corolla, some drivers try to save money and not change the pads. This is an extremely frivolous act, because old pads have an uneven surface that matches the profile of the removed disc. Next, it’s easy to guess what will happen to the new part - it will also have uneven production.

Features of changing the rear discs of the Toyota Corolla brake system

This procedure is similar to that described above, with the exception of some points. Here they are:

  1. Release the handbrake.
  2. Before dismantling the disc, bring the handbrake pads together with a screwdriver.
  3. After replacing the pads, first spread them until there is no rotation, and then close them a little until they rotate freely.

After carrying out the work, it is necessary to fill in new fluid and bleed the hydraulic system. And remember, brakes need to be given special attention and kept in working order throughout their entire service life.


Procedure for replacing front brake pads

  1. Turn the steering wheel to the left (when replacing brake pads on the left side). Accordingly, to the right side - when the pads on the right side are replaced.
  2. Jack up the front side of the car and remove the wheel.
  3. Loosen the caliper mounting bolt. To do this, insert a 17mm open-end wrench between the caliper and the rubber boot, and use a 14mm socket to unscrew the outer bolt.
  4. Remove the bolt and lift the caliper up.
  5. Remove the pads by moving them towards you and away from the brake disc. To monitor the condition of the brake disc, measure its thickness. To do this, use a micrometer and measure the remaining thickness of the disk. It is allowed for the thickness to be at least 19 mm.
  6. Inspect the condition of the guide boots, check their free movement, and if necessary, clean them from dirt.
  7. Lubricate the seats with a special heat-resistant grease for calipers.
  8. Using a pry bar, press the piston into the middle using a lever.
  9. Remove the metal plates (by prying the retainer with a screwdriver) from the old pads and install them on the new ones.
  10. Insert new pads into the seats.
  11. Lower the caliper and screw in the bolt with a torque of 34 Nm. On the opposite side, the operations for replacing brake pads are performed in the same way.

Replacing rear brake pads on a Toyota Corolla also requires removing the wheel. However, unlike replacing the front brake pads, you may need to remove two guide bolts.

  1. Unscrew the top bolt first and then the bottom.
  2. Remove the bolts and pull out the caliper.
  3. Inspect the condition of the anthers and replace them if necessary.
    A sign of damage to the boot may be difficult movement of the guides or the appearance of rust.
  4. Clean the assembly from dirt and dust. Lubricate the guides with a special high-temperature grease and insert them into the seats.
  5. Using pliers, screw the piston into the middle in a clockwise motion.
  6. Replace the iron plates from the old plates with new ones. The rear pads differ from the front ones in that a bar indicating critical wear is riveted to the pad body at the factory.
  7. Install the brake pads in their seats. Make sure they don't jam.

On the opposite side, replacing the rear brake pads is done in the same way. During replacement, monitor the brake fluid level. If the level increases critically, some should be taken away. At the same time, be careful not to allow air to enter the system.

When to replace

Replacement is carried out as wear occurs: if the thickness of the lining has reached 2–3 mm or, in some cases, 5 mm. If this indicator decreases even more, then it is worth replacing worn parts. When worn, brake fluid consumption increases, but braking efficiency decreases.

Manufacturers of pads set the maximum possible service life, which is 40–60 thousand kilometers. But you should understand that wear depends on factors such as driving style, type of road surface, frequency of use of the car and even climatic conditions.

If the driver notices signs of deterioration in the braking function or noise in the wheel area, then it is necessary to urgently contact the service center The company's specialists will carry out diagnostics and professionally replace pads or other components that have worn out.


Replacing pads on a Toyota Corolla E120, 110 is a process that is within the control of absolutely every motorist. First you need to purchase new parts.

It is worth noting that it is advisable to buy them from an official dealer, but if this is not possible, then you can take a closer look at high-quality analogues. You should not buy used ones.

In addition, we must remember that too cheap spare parts will wear out quickly. The average cost of a set of pads is 3,500 thousand rubles.

On the Internet you can find many videos telling how to change parts, however, a text description of the process will not be out of place:

  • First you need to unscrew the wheel.

  • Next, you need to unscrew the steering wheel as far as possible to the left, use a key and a 19mm socket to unscrew the bolt. Then it's just a matter of raising the caliper.

  • The next step is to press the piston in. Having carried out this operation, you can easily press out the brackets and pull out the pads. It is important not to damage the brake discs.

  • Before installing a new spare part, its anti-squeak pad should be lubricated with heat-resistant grease.

  • It is better to change both the rear and front parts; in addition, replacing the rear pads, as well as the front ones, is carried out on the same axis.

The assembly process is carried out in reverse order.

An interesting feature is that replacing rear brake pads on a Toyota Corolla E120 can be done somewhat less frequently than replacing the front ones.

The whole point is that the main load on the E120 car is taken by the front brakes (the operation of the manual stopping device is regulated by the front parking brake pads), while for the rear brakes all that remains is to “insure” the operation of the front ones.

Replaced spare parts on Corolla E120 and Corolla E150 vehicles require running-in, so sudden braking should be avoided during the first 200–300 km. This condition applies to vehicles manufactured in 2008, 2010 and 2011.

Toyota Corolla cars with an E120 body have fairly durable brake discs and pads; it is worth noting that the front brakes of these cars are disc, and the rear brakes are drum. For ease of operation of E120 cars and more reliable braking, it is worth replacing the rear drum brakes with disc brakes.

Installing new pads

As in the case of changing a wheel, you must first, without using a jack, loosen the wheel nut, then lift the car and slowly carefully remove the wheel. In my case, this is a double procedure, since I changed the pads on two wheels at once.

Installing new pads

When the wheel has already been completely removed, you need to use a wrench (preferably using a socket and a wrench) to unscrew the lower guide in the caliper. You don't have to touch the top guide at all. Firstly, if you unscrew it, you still won’t be able to remove the pads. Secondly, it is better not to unscrew two guides at the same time. Once the bottom guide is unscrewed, you can move the bracket up and remove the old pads.

More on the topic:

  • How to choose the right auto parts

Installing new pads

When buying new pads through the officials, I was advised to immediately buy plates on them, which prevent the appearance of unpleasant squeaks. They are on all the pads, but I didn’t want to remove the old ones and use them.

If it is not possible to buy new plates, you can leave the old ones. You just need to clean them well with a metal brush, and then put them on new pads. In general, I was lucky, they advised me to buy them along with a set of new pads. And it’s quite difficult to find them on sale now.

After installing the plates, you need to recess the brake cylinder rod. I did this with a regular pry bar, but, in principle, this can be done with any other tool that is suitable in thickness.

Installing new pads

IMPORTANT! It should be taken into account that if you recess the rods of two cylinders at once, the amount of brake fluid in the expansion tank may slightly increase. Some car owners sometimes even drain the brake fluid completely, but I didn't do that.

The places where new pads will be installed must also be thoroughly brushed to remove dirt and rust. After fixing the new pads, you need to assemble everything in the reverse order: fix the pad with brackets, tighten the lower guide, put the wheel in place.

Installing new pads

Preparatory activities

Before changing the pads in a Toyota Corolla, place the car on a site without a slope. Be sure to block the wheels in both directions with wheel chocks and turn on the speed. You can apply the handbrake when replacing the front brake pads.

If the wear of the pads is decent (usually the front ones wear out a little faster), then you should take the brake fluid from the expansion tank. This is necessary in order to press the piston. Because of this, the volume of brake fluid in the system will decrease and some of it will overflow into the reservoir. Leave the brake fluid level at a minimum - this will be enough.


It was late autumn, when it was already raining heavily.

After braking again at a traffic light, I noticed that a strange sound appeared on the left front wheel. The car began to accelerate a little worse, as if someone started pushing it from the front in the opposite direction.

Gas to the floor, then slam on the brakes, try to pick up speed again - the problem does not go away. Well, actually, it immediately became clear that the problem was in the brake pads.

After 5-7 minutes of driving, everything fell into place, and after 10 minutes, problems with acceleration began again. Moreover, if earlier it was still possible to somehow accelerate, now it feels like you are driving with the hood up and the hand brake up.

I slowly got home (fortunately, I work not far from home) and decided to immediately scour the Internet to find a solution to the problem. After 20 minutes of reading, my fears were completely confirmed - the brake pads need to be changed.

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