Gearbox (Gearbox) for VAZ 2113-2114 Super-auto 1.6 l, 16-cl.

And again, good day!)

Not long ago, or rather 2 weeks ago,
I decided to go through the box
I thought that I would come home on the May weekend and take care of it. But it's not that simple. Immediately the next week I had a huge play in the lever. It’s impossible to get to reverse and 5th gears, I’m pushing against the plastic in the cabin... Well, fortunately there are 1,2,3,4. I thought that the clamp on my cardan was just loose and that’s why it was such a problem, but no... Everything was fine there. Well, okay, in 4th gear I drove 80 km/h for 200 km home. This is hell. Already at home it was clear that the problem was inside the box. Well, I just knew that I needed to sort it out) Day 1.
Everything was done in the garage, without a pit, on a jack. This is terribly inconvenient, but there was no choice. They unscrewed everything, removed the box and began to disassemble it. It was scary, the first time after all

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