Causes of oil in the air filter and how to eliminate them

Hi all! It will be much better if the car owner notices traces of oil on the air filter before side effects begin to appear in the form of engine problems. Therefore, they consider it necessary to talk about the oil in the air filter, the reasons for the occurrence and elimination of such a problem.

Usually, an uncharacteristic condition of the filter is noticed as part of routine vehicle maintenance. But if the machine shows signs of unstable operation, you can pay attention to the filter element in advance, even before it has completed its intended life. By the way, here I can recommend you material about the zero filter.

I will say right away that you cannot operate an engine, be it a diesel or a gasoline internal combustion engine, if there are traces of oil on the air filter. This is dangerous from the point of view of the safety of the motor. Simply replacing the consumable will not work, and after a while the new filter will become dirty. First you need to eliminate the cause of the appearance, find out why the lubricant gets there.

Why oil gets in the air filter and what to do

The air filter is an important consumable component that protects key engine components from dirt, dust, stones, insects and other debris that can harm the stable operation of the engine.
The air filter should be changed every 10-15 thousand kilometers, or in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. When replacing, the driver may encounter the problem that traces of engine oil appear on the filter element.

In some situations, the driver pays attention to this due to symptoms of improper operation of the air filter, which has not yet completed its required mileage. It is prohibited to operate a filter that has traces of engine oil for reasons of safety of the car engine.

At the same time, installing a new filter element will not get rid of the problem, since after a few kilometers of run oil traces will appear on it. Before changing an air filter that has traces of oil on it, you should find the problem and fix it.

Where does the lubricant get into the filter?

During the combustion of the fuel mixture, crankcase gases are formed; it should be noted that this is “practically” inevitable and some of it still reaches the oil in the crankcase. However, if your unit is new or in good technical condition, upon completion of combustion of diesel or gasoline, they are completely removed from the cylinders.

But in case of significant wear of the engine, coking of its oil scraper and compression rings or their wear, a certain part of the gases does not leave the cylinders. As a result, increased pressure is formed there, which contributes to the destruction of the seals .

Nature of the malfunction

The cause of oil getting into the air filter is the incorrect operation of the crankcase ventilation system. Crankcase ventilation is designed to reduce emissions of harmful substances into the environment. If you are familiar with the structure of an internal combustion engine, then you know that the tightness of the combustion chamber depends on several factors:

  • total output of cylinders and pistons;
  • condition of piston rings;
  • tight fit of valves to seats;
  • condition of valve guides and valve stem seals.

Since fuel combustion provokes a significant increase in pressure in the combustion chamber, even on a fully functional engine, a small amount of gases leak into the crankcase through the compression rings. Of course, in the same way, during the compression stroke, a portion of the fuel injection mixture leaks into the crankcase, which also adds gasoline vapor to the exhaust gases in the crankcase. In order not to release this mixture of oil vapors, fuel and exhaust gases into the atmosphere, modern cars use a closed-type forced ventilation system.

Design and principle of operation

The main principle of operation of the ventilation system is to supply gases from the crankcase to the intake manifold, where they will again be sucked into the engine cylinders. Ventilation is called forced ventilation because the pressure in the intake manifold is below atmospheric pressure, so gases from the crankcase are sucked into the intake manifold during the intake stroke. Schematic diagram of the system operation.

  1. Exhaust gases leak into the crankcase.
  2. A mixture of gasoline, oil and exhaust vapors enters the oil separator (oil particles settle on the walls and then fall back into the pan).
  3. After passing through the oil separator, the purified gases enter the intake.
  4. A mixture of clean air, purified vapors and gases is cooled in the intercooler, after which it enters the cylinders.

A valve with variable capacity allows for the removal of gases in proportion to their accumulation in the crankcase. As you can see in the figure, the system has a backup channel that bypasses the valve. Since our goal is to figure out how oil gets into the air filter and how to solve this problem, we will not delve into all the intricacies of the system’s operation, as well as its varieties.

SVKG device in Lada Priora

In all brands of cars, the SVKG is built on a similar principle. Only small details differ. On the upper side of the crankcase there is an oil separator, which looks like a hollow plug. An oil deflector is placed under the plug, which is designed to clean the gases from the crankcase as much as possible from oil particles. The oil separator has an outlet for the crankcase ventilation hose.

In order for the gases to return to the cylinder chamber, a ventilation valve is placed along their path. The valve has three modes, which allows you to maintain a certain level of gas rarefaction in the crankcase.

While the engine is idling, gases move through a small circuit hose through a special passage hole in the throttle assembly. At this time, a high vacuum is created in the intake hose, which allows crankcase gases to be effectively sucked out of the throttle block. The passage hole in the throttle regulates the amount of gases that are sucked out.

This allows you to stabilize the engine in idle mode. When the car begins to move, the throttle valve opens, causing gases from the crankcase to enter the cylinder through a large circuit hose for combustion.

Where do traces of oil appear in the pipe?

At its core, there is only one reason why oil appears in the corrugation of the VAZ 2114 air filter - this is an excess of the normal gas pressure in the engine crankcase. As a result of this, along with the gases discharged from the crankcase into the pipe using a special tube (called a breather), suspended oil particles also enter. Once in the corrugation, they condense and settle on its walls.

Oil in the air filter pipe

There may be several reasons for excess pressure in the crankcase.

The main ones are:

  • increased level of oil poured into the crankcase (higher than required);
  • clogged or worn air filter;
  • contaminated crankcase ventilation duct;
  • an incorrectly functioning exhaust system (for example, the catalyst has melted);
  • damaged main elements of the cylinder-piston group.

Problems with piston

Such diverse reasons for the appearance of oil in the pipe are due to the fact that the intake and exhaust processes in a car are very closely related and are designed for the presence of a certain pressure in all components of the system. As soon as one of its elements is damaged, it immediately affects all the others.

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Cleaning SVKG in Lada Priora

After prolonged use, gas deposits accumulate in the crankcase ventilation system.
This deposit makes it difficult for gases to pass into the cylinders. As a result, the gas pressure in the engine increases, which leads to oil leakage. Timely cleaning of the SVKG will help prevent this. The manufacturer of Lada Priora recommends carrying out this procedure after every 60 thousand kilometers. This service manipulation can be performed in a car workshop or independently. To do this, you need to have tools (narrow pliers, 8mm nut wrench, Phillips screwdriver).

When cleaning the SVKG yourself, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Remove the decorative engine cover.
  2. Remove the air filter.
  3. Carefully loosen the clamp on the ventilation hose clamp on the engine.

This will lead to the release of toxic substances into the environment and disruption of the crankcase.

Causes of leaks and how to deal with them

The most common is a simply dirty oil filter. It is so clogged that oil cannot seep through it. So before you delve deeper, remember when you changed it. If you are sure that the filter is clean, look for a harmful factor among the following. If the filter was changed recently and soon began to leak, most likely the rubber seal was not lubricated when installing it. When the filter barrier was twisted, it became skewed, and perhaps even deformed. The part is removed; if the rubber band is twisted, it is changed; if it is simply skewed, it is lubricated, and the assembly is put back together. A leak that appears immediately after changing the filter indicates that it is not seated tightly enough in place. It needs to be screwed all the way

Attention! This is done manually, without the participation of any tools. Otherwise, the seal will rupture and leakage will resume.

  • The oil filter is damaged or was originally defective. There are no options here - replacement, and only replacement;
  • Excessive engine oil pressure. It can be due to a number of reasons, the simplest (and most likely) being the production of lubricant. You will have to change the oil along with the filter;
  • The bypass valve is broken. In different models it can be installed either in the filter holder or directly in the pump;
  • We take the manual, clarify this issue and study the condition of the valve. If it is hopelessly jammed, you will have to change it, although there is hope of soaking it in a solvent - half of the wedges came apart after that;
  • The thread of the fitting onto which the filter itself is screwed has been torn off. There is no way to tighten it completely; as a result, the oil is squeezed out. Replacing the fitting will fix the problem;
  • The most difficult thing to solve is point 4. Most car owners still have to contact a service center to determine the reasons for the increased lubricant pressure.

Crankcase valve

One of the factors why the air filter is in oil is the failure of the crankcase ventilation valve. The idea is that the crankcase valve is connected to the air intake pipe via a rubber hose, which uses the engine's natural vacuum to prevent excessive pressure build-up. The valve must be replaced every time the car undergoes maintenance, but not everyone follows this rule and pays attention to it only after the engine begins to openly act up. This malfunction allows oil to pass through the valve, thereby contaminating the pipes and, directly, the filter.

In most powertrain assemblies, the crankcase ventilation valve can be removed by yourself. After dismantling, you should shake it, if you do not hear the characteristic crack of the check valve, this means that it may be the culprit of the oil leak. After replacing the PSV valve, the functionality of the entire system should be checked, usually this is done within 500-1000 km.

Main reasons

Similar malfunctions can occur in the engine design of a motorcycle, scooter, walk-behind tractor, and even a regular lawn mower. But since we have an automobile site, we will talk specifically about cars.

There are several reasons for the occurrence of these symptoms.

Most often, motorists are faced with the following factors:

  • the oil deflector drain becomes clogged;
  • piston rings are stuck;
  • rings wear out or become deformed;
  • exhaust gas exhaust hoses fail;
  • these hoses simply become clogged;
  • the air filter itself becomes dirty;
  • There is a confluence of several factors.

Engine oil on the air filter is a serious symptom that indicates damage to important components or their incorrect operation.

Now we should briefly go through all the reasons considered. Usually they are observed one at a time. Although it is possible that 2-3 factors simultaneously led to a similar problem. During testing and diagnostics you will be able to understand this.

The effect of the air filter on fuel consumption

To achieve a noticeable effect in terms of fuel economy when using your car regularly, you need to keep your vehicle in good technical condition. Among other things, this is directly related to regular and timely vehicle inspection - after 10,000 km, the engine air filter needs to be changed.

Complete combustion of a combustible mixture is possible provided that it contains about 20 times more air than fuel. This device also affects the power of the motor due to the resistance created by the incoming air. The filter element can have a different design and, depending on the number of filtration layers, provide resistance to the flow of incoming air. An increase in power on sports cars can be achieved by installing filter devices with zero resistance.

Every day the number of such foreign objects increases, which is the result of poor air flow inside the power unit. There are seals placed around the accordion, the purpose of which is to block the passage of air into the engine, bypassing the filter. When replacing filters, the design of the vehicle must be taken into account. In cars with diesel turbocharged engines, the conditions for using the cleaner require its replacement at each oil change during maintenance. Experienced drivers recommend not saving on the cleaner, the quality of which affects the operation of the entire power unit. The cost of performing these procedures is much less than the work performed when a car engine fails.

During fuel combustion, oxygen is consumed (after all, without it this process is impossible). Over time, dust gets inside it. The motor cannot operate at full power. More fuel is consumed than with a new filter. In addition to the listed functions, the air filter also functions as a muffler.

Briefly about the prevention of ICE

In conclusion, we will consider some aspects of preventive measures designed to prevent the moment when the car’s air filter fills with oil due to defects in the cylinder-piston group. Their essence lies in the following points:

  • Change the lubricant more often; if the manufacturer recommends, for example, changing it after 15,000 km, then you do not need to maintain this particular interval - it is better to change it after 10,000 km. The fact is that the timing depends on many parameters, including seasonality, operating conditions, and the quality of fuels and lubricants.
  • Purchase only certified lubricants.
  • Be sure to combine an oil change with the installation of new air and oil filters.
  • Use only high-quality fuel from proven brands.

These simple rules will improve the performance of the motor and also increase its service life. It would not be superfluous to install a universal oil catcher on the crankcase gas supply tube. Its price is low, but the effect of its use will not be long in coming - the filter element will be reliably protected from lubricant penetration.

Oil on the air filter is the first indicator that problems have begun in the engine. We will try to tell you in detail where the problem is buried and how to solve such situations, since it is individual for each car.

The air filter of a car engine is not an unimportant part; as a rule, it should be cleaned and changed over time. If you often drive on a country road, then cleaning and replacement is carried out many times more often than it should be. The main purpose of the filter is to clean the air before it enters the engine.

Changing the air filter

Decided not to contact a car service and replace the filter yourself? Absolutely the right decision, because there are no difficulties in this process. You just need to prepare:

  • Screwdriver Set;
  • new air filter;
  • vacuum cleaner.

First you need to know that the Priora air filter housing is installed in the engine compartment, near the battery. To replace it, you need to open the hood. The further sequence of actions is as follows:

Disconnect the connector from the mass air flow sensor (MAF). It will interfere with operation, so press its latch and disconnect the wires. Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the screws that secure the air filter cover. Remove the cover. Bend back the bellows of the Lada Priora air filter. Remove the worn-out old filter element. It is not secured by anything and is held in place only by the frictional force of the rubber seal. As you can see, removing the air filter is a very simple task. Assess the filter surface. It is usually clearly visible when the cleaning element is quite clogged, since its surface is completely covered with dust. Know that this is not a sign of a malfunction. Much more important is how clogged the pores of its filter material are. This is what affects the overconsumption and drop in engine power. Vacuum the installation area from dirt, sand and dust. Having oriented the new filter according to the inscriptions on its surface, install the new part into the housing

Pay attention to the location of the filter pleats. They must be parallel to the longitudinal axis of the car. Make sure the filter rubber fits snugly against the edges of the housing.

Otherwise, fix it or replace it if it is damaged. Reinstall the Priora air filter pipe. Close the air filter housing cover. Tighten the four screws that secure it. Connect the wiring harness with the connector to the mass air flow sensor.

When replacing the filter element, you should definitely pay attention to one point, namely, whether there is any engine oil in the air filter. The presence of lubricating fluid on the surface of the housing or filter element may indicate an impending repair (weak compression, loss of elasticity of oil seals, etc.

etc.), and a banal malfunction in the form of a clogged breather.

The crankcase gas exhaust channel must be cleaned immediately, because a clogged breather can cause oil to leak through the oil seals and engine seals due to increased gas pressure in the crankcase.

Bottom line

If oil is found in the air filter, you should carefully check the entire system. Even if the car is new, this does not guarantee that the valves or rings are in good condition. The problem in the initial stage can be solved with minimal expenditure of money and effort, but the neglected version will be very expensive to repair.

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Do I need to replace a worn or damaged pipe?

Some motorists believe that you can drive with a cracked pipe, but this position is fundamentally wrong. Firstly, a damaged pipe will not be able to supply clean air to the engine. After all, through the gap, air from under the hood will enter it, which has not been filtered, and therefore carries abrasive particles (which, as mentioned, can quickly damage the engine).

Replacing the pipe

Secondly, driving with a damaged corrugation also leads to faster wear of the air filter; it will have to be changed much more often. That is why a damaged or worn pipe should be immediately replaced with a new one.

Here are the main signs that the air filter in your car has become unusable.

So keep in mind that the air filter replacement interval depends on many things. Therefore, each car owner must set for himself the frequency of filter replacement. The main thing is not to operate the car with a dirty filter, as this is fraught with problems with the engine in the long run.

Any car enthusiast can replace the filter if he has a standard set of tools. Unscrew all the bolts that secure the air filter housing cover and remove the cover itself. Try not to shake it or allow any other dust to enter it. Wipe the installation site for the new filter and lubricate its seat with pre-prepared lubricant. After this, all that remains is to connect the battery terminal and continue operating the car.

You can extend the life of the air device by using a fabric filter placed on it (for example, a piece of gauze of sufficient density). Until recently, clogged paper filters were washed and reinstalled in the engine power system. There are approximate terms for replacing the filter, but it all depends on the degree of contamination. Having covered this distance, the vehicle owner can change the filter or check the data in the registration certificate (it contains a mark indicating the end of the filter’s service life and its replacement). You can simultaneously install a new filter and change the oil when the car has traveled 10-15 thousand kilometers, or do it every other time in order to save money.

It’s very simple - from the information I said just above, it follows that the filter element is simply an obstacle to the air and when the piston goes down, it must suck it in with force! Often even the engine does not start well. Just imagine this is an ordinary filter element, which essentially costs a penny.

For passenger cars, compact devices with a limited working surface are used. And the sizes of air filters for special-purpose vehicles, buses, and trucks are correspondingly larger, since they have to clean large volumes of air. It is worth noting the differences in car air filter housings.

What to do in such a situation

If the check shows that the problem is not in the housing and filter elements of the air purifier, then diagnostic procedures will need to be performed.

There is nothing complicated about this, regardless of whether you have a regular gasoline engine, diesel or turbodiesel under the hood. The algorithm is approximately the same everywhere. But it’s better for you to understand in advance the specifications of your car, the location of the necessary elements, etc. Still, VAZ products are extremely easy to repair and maintain yourself. It will be a little more difficult with cars like Renault Logan or Nissan Almera. And sometimes it’s better to send premium foreign cars to a service center. But it's up to you to decide.

There are several recommendations that will help you figure out the reason why oil suddenly appears on the air filter of your engine.

  • First, look at what color your current exhaust is. If it has a bluish-blue tint, the problem probably lies in the cylinder-piston group;
  • Compression measurements can be performed. Compare the results obtained with the normal indicators prescribed in the instruction manual;
  • The difference in compression between cylinders is normally no more than 1 atm;
  • If the compression is below normal, there is a problem with the engine;
  • There is a high probability of fit, deformation or wear of the rings;
  • It is also possible that the valves have burnt out;
  • If none of these symptoms are detected, look for the source of trouble in the hoses and pipes.

Solving the problem with dirty hoses is simple. You need to clean them, try to blow them out. If we are talking about damage and deformation, then only replacement.

Getting rid of oil in the filter

In order to make sure that oil does get into the filter (or this option is excluded), we recommend conducting an experiment: the crankcase air ventilation outlet must be extended so that it passes below the engine. If after some time the filter is clean, then the problem lies in the ventilation system itself, so you cannot delay in identifying the problem and repairing it.

One of the common practices among drivers when removing oil from the filter is to carefully remove the tube from the breather. The hose is suspended and routed under the bottom. Despite the effectiveness of this method, it should be remembered that its use lengthens the process of warming up the throttle assembly in frosty weather by an order of magnitude.

You can also solve a similar problem by installing another oil deflector under the cylinder head cover. It can be used as a scourer for cleaning the throttle valve, made of metal. You can purchase this simple tool at almost every hardware store. After this simple procedure, the idle speed will become more even, and the problem will disappear by itself.

The most dangerous reason for the appearance of oil in the filter is compression difficulties; all other cases are less serious. However, this does not mean that you can treat them carelessly and not delay troubleshooting. Negligent attitude towards such a malfunction can completely “kill” the engine. Then the driver will have to fork out heavily for major car repairs.

If you want to protect yourself as much as possible from the negative effects of oil in the filter, then regularly carry out preventive maintenance, which does not take much time and is simple. Inspect and evaluate the components of your car to be able to identify the problem at an early stage and quickly deal with it.

For example, if during the next inspection of the filter you find mechanical damage or there are breaks in the cartridge, then immediately replace the filter. The filter should be selected individually, in accordance with the characteristics of the engine of your car.

In conclusion, we would like to add that timely replacement of filters will save you from various types of malfunctions and save a lot of financial resources and effort required for auto repair work. Remember that replacing the filter early can be just as destructive as replacing it late, especially if we are talking about a “wet” filter.

Physical wear of piston rings

The most unpleasant reason for a car owner why the air filter is in oil is wear of the piston rings. Each piston has an O-ring that prevents oil from entering the combustion chamber when moving up and down. If the ring is deformed, the oil will certainly get inside the chamber, where the process of ignition and combustion of the fuel occurs.

A classic sign of worn piston o-rings is a cloud of blue or black smoke when the engine starts and runs.

Worn piston rings can be detected by performing a compression test on each cylinder. This is done by removing the fuel pump fuse and the wire from the ignition to the distributor. A compression tester is then installed in each spark plug fitting. Once installed, an accurate reading will be achieved after the motor has been operated at least six times. The process is repeated for each cylinder. If any of them indicate a low injection level, add a small amount of oil to the corresponding spark plug hole and perform the test again. If compression increases after applying oil, then the piston ring of this cylinder is critically worn and this is the primary source of oil getting into the air filter.

To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to replace the outdated piston rings, which in itself is very difficult and will require dismantling and disassembling the engine. This work is quite labor-intensive and can only be performed efficiently by highly qualified specialists.

If it is not possible to carry out repairs immediately, it makes sense to constantly monitor whether there is oil in the air filter and, if dirty, change it immediately. This will make it possible to maintain engine performance until repair work is carried out and prevent further damage.

What affects the quality of air purification?

These processes occur slowly, however, reducing the service life several times. On serious sports cars, this problem is not relevant, because the operating mode of the engine is such that it cannot withstand even 10 thousand kilometers.

As noted above, it is almost impossible to significantly extend the service life of the filter element. The only recommendation that can be given in this case is to maintain cleanliness in the engine compartment, because the dust accumulated there also goes into the filter while driving. This practically guarantees that the consumable will last until the next scheduled replacement without causing problems.

The air filter is an important part of the car and its importance should not be underestimated. One of the most important reasons to regularly replace your car's air filter. In more modern fuel-injected vehicles, the air filter is usually located at the top front or side of the engine near the throttle body. A dirty air filter may appear clean, but it still needs to be replaced after the specified interval. The new air filter will reduce fuel consumption, reduce harmful emissions, optimize air flow and improve engine performance.

The main disadvantage of nuleviks is the reduction in engine life by 3 to 10 times, depending on driving style and engine operating modes. To seriously increase the engine's power, it will need to be completely rebuilt.

Please note: similar to the air filter element, the fuel filter affects fuel consumption. Fuel filters are also sensitive to fuel quality and prevent harmful impurities from entering the tank during refueling.

Replacing dirty, worn filters does not take much time and is inexpensive.

How does the degree of pollution affect power? And in accelerating mode, fuel consumption is several times higher than during uniform movement. There is an opinion that as it gets dirty, the filter cleans the air better. However, this is not quite true. The pockets and microchannels in the filter paper become filled with dust particles over time, causing the filter's throughput to decrease. But since greater vacuum is created in the intake tract, especially at high speeds, air still continues to be sucked in, breaking its way through clogged channels.

What to do if a problem occurs?

If traces of oil are detected in the air filter element of a car, this problem should not be ignored under any circumstances, because this may be evidence of significant problems inside the car’s power unit.

Having identified similar problems in your vehicle, you need to do the following. First of all, check the compression in each cylinder of the engine. The normal level of this indicator is from 9 to 12 (rarely 15) atmospheres. It should also be noted that minor deviations of the indicator in different cylinders are allowed - no more than 1 atmosphere.

If the pressure is lower, this indicates a malfunction of the power unit: wear of the rings, their insufficient fit, burnout of the valves, or some more serious malfunction of the power unit of the vehicle.

If the compression test does not reveal any abnormalities, there is most likely no serious reason to worry about oil getting into the air filter. In this case, the problem is most likely caused by a clogged filter element or hoses. In this case, the problem can be solved by regular cleaning or replacing clogged components.

Also, if such a problem occurs, you need to evaluate the color of the exhaust smoke. If it has a blue tint , most likely the problem lies in the wear of the cylinder-piston group.

A temporary solution that will stop the lubricant from entering the filter element is to do the following:

  1. The hose that supplies gases from the fitting is disconnected from the filter fitting;
  2. The fitting is closed;
  3. The crankcase ventilation is routed below the engine using a longer hose.

Of course, such a solution will not eliminate the problem that has arisen, but it will make it possible to operate the vehicle for some more time. Of course, repair work after this should under no circumstances be postponed.

Traces of grease inside the air cleaning element are a clear sign of serious problems that may arise in the near future. As a result, the power unit may completely fail, which will lead to significant material costs.

To prevent this, it is recommended to follow a simple rule, according to which preventing the occurrence of a particular problem with a car is guaranteed to be much cheaper than repairing it.

Therefore, in order to avoid serious problems with the power unit of the car, it would be useful to check the air filter more often for the presence of traces of lubricant in it.

Pressure reducing valve

In most cases, if the oil is in order and there are no complaints about the filter, it turns out to be the culprit. We considered this option in paragraph 5 (bypass and pressure reducing valves are the same thing). If he turns out to be the culprit, then the visit to the service station can be postponed: checking and replacing it is available for independent execution. All you need is a set of keys and old rags.

  • The timing belt cover is removed;
  • The plug is unscrewed from the bypass valve;
  • The spring is removed from the socket. It is responsible for the operation of the valve, and its integrity ensures the release of excess pressure;
  • The spring is carefully examined. There should be no nicks or other damage on it. Creases and kinks are also not allowed;
  • The coils should be tight; If the spring can be easily stretched with your fingers, metal fatigue is evident. The height of the element must be strictly 44.72 mm. A lower value indicates that part of the spring has been broken off for some reason. In this case, take the trouble to remove the fragment from the nest so that it does not spoil your picture in the future. If the spring does not meet specifications, it should be replaced.

In principle, there are no other reasons in nature why oil squeezes out and flows from under the oil filter. If the bypass valve is in order, the filter is installed correctly, the seal is lubricated and intact, and the oil continues to press through, think about changing the manufacturer of the filter element: most often this is due to poor quality.

Signs of excessive filter clogging are an over-enrichment of the fuel mixture due to poor air permeability of the filter. When removing the filter from a running engine, the speed increases (the permeability is already poor, the membrane is clogged). The first sign is the appearance of the air filter; if it is dirty, dusty, or the pores are clogged, then it needs to be changed urgently. The second sign is changes in engine operation: the engine begins to operate unstably at idle, engine power drops, and excess fuel consumption appears.

Briefly about the reasons

Let's start with a clogged oil deflector drain. Since it is clogged, the remaining engine lubricant simply cannot return back to the crankcase. Because of this, they begin to gradually exit through the air filter, taking crankcase gases with them.

The problem may also lie in a blockage in the hoses and corrugations, which are responsible for the removal of already exhaust crankcase gas. Either there is a malfunction in the pipe in the form of deformation or mechanical damage. That is, a certain obstacle appears to the removal of gas. Therefore, there will be a partial release of motor lubricant and gases directly through the engine air purification system. Read on to find out how you can solve this problem. Plus, always check your owner's manual.

A cause related to wear, damage, or even stuck piston rings cannot be ruled out. If this happens, the rings no longer perform the task of collecting excess lubricant, and they gradually end up in the crankcase.

Because of this, already dirty oil will be squeezed out, passing through the oil slinger and motor valves necessary to provide ventilation.

The next reason is a blockage in the air filter itself. It is with this that such malfunctions are most often associated.

Many drivers, which is quite objective and there is no point in hiding it, simply do not take care of their car. They forget to change consumables or simply ignore the need for such procedures. A clogged filter not only interferes with the efficiency of the internal combustion engine, but can also allow oil to penetrate into it. Since access to air is blocked, there is a deficiency of oxygen. This forces the engine to use air bleed. The crankcase becomes one of the sources of air.

If the car owner has not changed a consumable in the form of an air filter for a long time, the first step is to remove it and evaluate the current condition.

It often turns out that the reason is simply an old filter.

To check, you need to install a new consumable, drive 5-10 kilometers, remove it and examine it visually. If there are no oil stains, that was the reason.

But when spots appear immediately on a new filter, you will have to conduct a more detailed check and look for the source of the problem.

Do not forget that a clogged air purifier entering the engine can be one of the main reasons why the engine starts and immediately stalls.

Replacement frequency

To fully understand the need to replace the Priora air filter, let's imagine a situation: the filter is so clogged that it passes only half the required volume of air required for fuel combustion. What happens in the cylinders when the mixture is ignited?

An incorrectly prepared air-fuel mixture will not burn completely, because complete combustion of a certain amount of gasoline requires an appropriate volume of air. In this case, a considerable portion of the fuel will simply fly out into the chimney, and, accordingly, the engine will lose power.

The price of a Priora air filter is not so high that it would be so wasteful to waste expensive gasoline. It’s easier to replace the part and enjoy the efficiency of this car. The manufacturer recommends changing the air filter of the Lada Priora every 30 thousand kilometers.

However, many car enthusiasts replace the filter element much more often. And it is right. Agree that driving through a relatively clean city and dusty country roads are completely different conditions in terms of the load on the filter element.

That is why you need to decide for yourself when to replace the air filter of the VAZ 2170 Priora. Dusty and dirty roads, poplar fluff - all this should speed up the replacement process much more. If your car only goes on stage at a local theater as a prop, then perhaps you can listen to AvtoVAZ’s recommendations. Do you use your Lada in other conditions? Then change the filter at least every 15 thousand km.

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