The Chevrolet Niva is a domestically produced SUV that has an elegant body design and excellent
4.1/5 — (54 votes) 1 — clutch housing, 2 — working cylinder rod, 3
The end of the 90s for the domestic automobile industry was marked by the appearance of the VAZ 2112 engine. This
It's no secret that the usual procedure for starting a car is being replaced by new ones,
Complete replacement of VAZ 2107 thresholds is the type of repair that sooner or later
What does the color of carbon deposits on spark plugs indicate? It was a normal practice in older cars.
The basis of any power units and the main component of internal combustion engines is a complex gas distribution mechanism
Step-by-step tuning steps Before dismantling the VAZ 21099 panel, you will need to remove the terminals by hand
07/16/2019 (No votes) Questions discussed in the material: How often to change the oil filter in a car
The rear window of the VAZ-2114 car has a length of 1210 (mm) and a width of 656 (mm). Standard rear dimensions