Gasoline vapor recovery system: adsorber, purge valve, separator and gravity valve on Priora and one of the reasons for floating speed

Remember, like on sevens and shochs, before refueling you unscrew the tank, but the cap does not unscrew. Having strained myself, I went and heard such a loud hissing, as if you were opening a bottle of beer, not just a bottle, but a keg. To prevent such hissing, an adsorber valve was invented. 10 and Priora have this system.

But it’s not just a matter of hissing; it turns out that with this hissing, harmful fumes burst out, polluting the environment. The price is too expensive for today's ecology. And more importantly, the solenoid valve for purge the canister on a Priora car saves gasoline.

After turning off the car, the system begins to work, it drives vapors through the filter and returns fuel to the tank.

The adsorber itself on the Priora consists of a carbon filter - that is, there is carbon inside. The entire system consists of 11 spare parts. The adsorber for Priora is not expensive in itself, its price starts from 800 rubles. But the whole system costs from 5,450 rubles. Replacing a valve or adsorber on a Stoda will cost from 1000 rubles. Some drivers don't see the point in this system and simply remove it. Apparently the consumption is higher, or the Priora doesn’t go with it, it just knocks, and there’s 0 usefulness from it. They simply remove the adsorber valve, and instead put a fine filter, all gases naturally escape into the atmosphere. In fact, the working system does not affect traction in any way. The Priora drove its 11 seconds and continues to do so.

In rare cases, immediately after starting the engine, the car owner may be disturbed by a malfunction of the adsorber valve. This can be confused even with more serious breakdowns that relate to the incorrect operation of the internal parts of the Priora car engine - for example, it makes a clicking noise, which, unknowingly, can be confused with hydraulic compensators. In this article we have collected signs and malfunctions of the system, so read to the end.

The built-in purge valve for the Priora adsorber is, one might say, a necessity. It is precisely because of the presence of this part that the car meets European environmental safety standards. It runs much cleaner than older cars, and the valve itself allows you to save precious drops of gasoline to release them into the combustion chamber.

Automotive gasoline vapor trap: adsorber and its purpose

You should immediately understand the question of what an adsorber is and why it is needed on a car. Initially, it is worth noting that the correct name of this device is an adsorber, that is, it is written with the letter “d,” although many call it an absorber, which is not entirely correct. The difference between an adsorber and an absorber is that the first one accumulates vapors (in this case, gasoline) and holds them, while the second one completely absorbs the substance (that is, with the impossibility of their subsequent release).

We will find out why cars use an adsorber and not an absorber after understanding the purpose of this device.

A gasoline vapor collector is a kind of filter that prevents direct contact of gasoline with the atmosphere, which reduces the level of pollution. Such devices were invented after the introduction of the Euro-2 environmental standard, which prohibits atmospheric pollution with gasoline vapors.

The main purpose of the device is to temporarily absorb the vapors that form in the gas tank and use them for selfish purposes, that is, not just suppress, but transport them to the engine, where they will be supplied to the cylinders for combustion along with the fuel assembly.

Returning to the name of the device, we can safely say that the Priora and other modern cars use an adsorber that only temporarily accumulates gasoline vapor (which occurs while the engine is not running). The use of absorbers would not allow vapors to be directed into the combustion chambers of the engine due to their complete absorption by the sorbent.

This is interesting! Activated carbon is used as a sorbent in automobile adsorbers.

Where is it installed?

As a rule, the adsorber is installed under the hood on the right in the direction of travel of the car, for example, in the VAZ 2110 it is in the form of a barrel.

In other cars, it can be square and installed to the left of the engine (in the direction of travel), under the air duct (Lada Granta), the vacuum brake booster (some Nissan models) or in the radiator area. For VAZ 2114 it is located near the battery and air filter.

On the Volkswagen Passat B3, the adsorber is located under the air filter on the right side in the direction of travel.

Other vehicles - see your model's owner's manual.

Design and general diagram of the EVAP gasoline vapor recovery system

The design and operating principle of the device in question is quite simple. Below is a diagram.

To understand this, you need to know that the system consists of a number of the following parts:

  1. The separator is needed to capture gasoline vapors and then return it in liquid form back to the tank. On Priora it is located in the left rear wheel niche. It is important not to confuse it with an adsorber. The separator (top) has a built-in gravity valve.

  2. The gravity valve is needed to eliminate the possibility of fuel leaking from the tank if the vehicle rolls over in the event of an accident. It is also called a safety or safety valve, which is triggered when the vertical deviates by an angle of more than 90 degrees.

  3. The pressure relief valve is a device that eliminates the possibility of deformation of the metal tank when gasoline is used up. To put it simply, as fuel is consumed, a vacuum forms inside the sealed tank, which can cause deformation of its walls. To prevent this, a pressure sensor is used, which is also called a breather. With its help, the pressure inside the tank is equalized with atmospheric pressure. Its role is played by the atmospheric channel on the adsorber. When a vacuum is created in the tank, air is sucked in through the air channel, thereby equalizing the pressure in the tank. If the channel is faulty (contaminated), then the risk of tank deformation increases. That is why the Priora uses a gas tank cap with a valve for air intake as a safety net. This valve does not release air from the tank, but lets it in to stabilize the pressure.

  4. Absorbent - as mentioned above, it is activated carbon that temporarily absorbs and retains gasoline vapors that enter the engine during purging.

  5. The filter prevents the possibility of activated carbon granules entering the purge valve, as well as contaminants entering the adsorber through the air channel.
  6. Electromagnetic valve (canister purge valve)—its role in the system is key, since it is responsible for opening the channel for sucking gasoline vapors from the canister.
  7. Connecting tubes - needed to connect the adsorber to the gas tank, separator and other structural elements.

The operation of the system is controlled by an electronic control unit, so its malfunction is necessarily accompanied by the display of the corresponding error codes on the BC screen.

Down with the separator

Hello everyone
, I have prepared material for a couple of small posts, I will try to post it in the near future.

Today we will talk about the separator

, which was installed on some VAZ injection models, namely by dismantling it.

For a long time, the car has been operated without an adsorber, for what reason it was removed I do not know, but I am not going to return it for some reasons, but mainly because of the wedge onion of the engine compartment in the future.

There are many different opinions online about why a separator is needed, or why it can be safely removed. I am dismantling it for now for only one reason, because the rear left wheel rests on it and does not allow me to lay the car down properly.

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