How to install a child seat in the back or front seat: instructions

Choosing an installation location

When choosing a seat, remember that when installing a seat in the front seat, it is not necessary to turn the device with its back to the airbag, since its deployment in the event of an accident could harm the child.

Proper installation of a car seat in the front seat ensures the safety of children

The back row is the best option. But when choosing a specific location, you should consider the following:

  1. Installing the seat in the center according to the manufacturer's diagram reduces the risk of injury to a child in side impacts, therefore it is considered the best option.
  2. The right side in the back row is also considered safe and convenient, as the driver can look at the child through the rearview mirror without leaving the road. In addition, the front passenger seat can be moved forward to make it more comfortable for your child.
  3. Statistically, securing the seat on the left is the least safe option, since the driver of the car cannot follow the child, and having the driver's seat next to the child increases the risk of an accident for the small passenger.

The best option for installing a child seat in the middle
All of the above options are acceptable, so when choosing a specific seat, everyone is guided solely by their own parameters. The question of how to install a child seat in the front seat is asked less often, since very often such structures are secured to the back, especially since this is optimal from a safety point of view.

Another safe side of installing a car seat

Rules for using restraint devices

Rules for using child seats and adapters:

  1. Restrained children should not be left unattended in the vehicle.
  2. For children under 16 years old, it is better to choose the back seat of the car, it is safer.
  3. Adults should regularly check that their seat belt is fastened.
  4. There should be no gaps in the back of the car seat.
  5. Center seat belts should only be used to secure a car seat or in conjunction with a child restraint belt.
  6. You cannot use child seats that have already been in a traffic accident.
  7. You should choose a child seat based on the height and weight of the child. The buckle and adapters must be in working order.
  8. The top strap should not be overtightened; it should be below the hip or level.
  9. The booster should only be used by children over 7 years of age.
  10. FEST boosters and adapters are prohibited from being used to fasten passengers in the front seats.

Mounting methods: pros and cons

As a general rule, buckle or secure the car seat, preferably in the center of the rear seat, with the child sitting forward facing (not applicable to infant models). Currently, the range of the product under discussion is quite large. The entire set of car seats differs not only in colors and sizes, but also in mounting methods. A certain system of approaches and points of view has also developed on this issue. Currently, fixation methods are presented below.


The most popular child restraint system for transportation in personal vehicles. This option is designed to attach the seat to the body at the rear of the vehicle. Fastening is carried out using special carbines. Stainless steel is used in the manufacture of the product. Direct connection to the vehicle body avoids damage to structural elements and injury to the passenger. Another positive side of this option is ease of use. To install, simply insert the chair into the grooves until it stops. This option is highly reliable.

The disadvantage is the lack of necessary fasteners in some cars. This means that such a seat cannot be installed on all cars.

Latch or Super Latch

Here everything happens the same as in the previous version. The difference is that a different type of strap is used. In the domestic open spaces, this option has not received due popularity.

Seat belts

Universal fastening method. In this case, the child seat must have special grooves. There are no general design requirements for such devices. So in this case, you should follow the instructions supplied with the accessory. A negative feature of the belt model is the considerable complexity of the installation process. There are also some differences in the geometry of a car seat and a car seat. This may cause inconvenience to all vehicle occupants.

The above methods of securing seats are sufficient to guarantee a standard level of safety. However, in addition to these, other options can be used. Most often this is an anchor belt or support.

Anchor strap

Dedicated additional support. Protects the structure from possible movement in case of sudden braking. By the way, it is the anchor product that is easiest to attach to a car sofa. You can do this yourself in just a few moves.

Despite the obvious positive aspects, this type of fastening has a serious drawback. The passenger's body weight should not exceed eighteen kilograms. If this rule is not followed, the system may not work!


Instead of a belt strap, you can use a holder - a holder. It rests on the floor of the car and prevents the structure from moving. A stand can be described as a reliable way to secure a chair. However, the need to install it may require additional material and time costs.

The choice of any type of attachment is determined by the potential capabilities of the passenger and the vehicle.

Caring for a baby car seat

If the cover on the car seat is not removable, then you need to know how to properly care for it:

  1. First, remove all additional parts.
  2. Clean the structure from crumbs and dust.
  3. Next, wipe the carrier with a damp sponge.
  4. The cover is rinsed with a clean foam sponge.
  5. Dry the device.

The removable cover can simply be placed in the washing machine and turn on the required mode in accordance with the instructions.

Transporting children in a car is a responsible process that does not forgive mistakes. Therefore, the choice of a cradle must be approached with all responsibility.

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Three car seats in the back seat without buying a new car

For families with three or more children, the problem of installing car seats is especially acute. Despite the visual width of the rear seat, in most cases, when trying to install three child seats at the same time, people are faced with cramped seats or the inability to get close to the seat belt buckles to secure the seats. What if you still need to install three car seats? We offer the following options to solve this problem without changing your car in favor of large family vans:

1. Installation of the third isofix bracket on the rear seat with the displacement of the standard brackets along the edges of the seat ISOFIX-MSK provides services for the individual development and installation of three sets of isofix brackets for the rear seat, allowing the installation of three child seats at the same time, with the removal of the standard fasteners. The company has successfully implemented such projects on Landrover Range Rover 2022, BMW X5, BMW X3. This work can be done on most vehicles, except for models where the rear seat design does not allow the standard shoulder belts to be moved to the edges of the seat. However, this limitation can be overcome by using the RiveMove track brace (see next paragraph). The cost of installing three isofix brackets averages 35-40 thousand rubles.

2. Use of RiveMove guides, which expands the space in the center of the rear seat for a third car seat. The details of this solution are described in this article, above paragraph 3 of the section “Two car seats and one person in the back seat", We repeat that due to its design, the RiveMove guide bracket allows the car seat to move sideways by up to 20 cm, significantly expanding the space in the center of the rear sofa between child seats. The price of a set of two bracket strips is 51,000 rubles. The central car seat mounting must be equipped with a seat belt (seat group 2/3)

Example of placing three car seats in the back seat using RiveMove rail brackets

How to transport newborns

There are certain rules that must be followed if a baby is traveling in the car:

We recommend reading: Car seat for newborns in the car

  • The baby should have his back to the direction of movement. That is, the seat must be installed in such a way that the baby’s legs rest against the back of the car seats. This is done based on the anatomical characteristics of children under one year old. They have a fairly large head in relation to the body - the weight of the head is 25% of the child’s weight. Because of this ratio, when braking or impacting, the head tilts sharply forward, as a result of which the muscles and ligaments can be seriously damaged. And when positioned with your back to the movement, the risks are greatly reduced.
  • If you plan to carry your baby in a car seat, then it should be installed perpendicular to the direction of travel in the back seat.
  • You cannot hold a child in your arms. In the event of a collision or sudden braking, the adult’s body will move forward inertia and you can simply run over the baby in your arms or cause serious injury to him. In addition, there is always a chance of dropping the baby.
  • The child seat must strictly correspond to the age and weight of the baby. Do not use an unsuitable product - it may be dangerous.
  • The child must be in a specialized car seat and be fastened with seat belts. You cannot start moving until the baby is properly secured.
  • You cannot use car seats that do not have quality certificates and do not comply with GOST standards. It is also better not to use a chair that has been in an accident. Even if the product appears to be in good working order, it may have hidden defects and will not be as reliable.
  • If the child car seat is not equipped with a special insert for newborns or for some reason it is missing, then it can be replaced with cushions made of blankets or towels. This is necessary for additional fixation of the baby.

The baby must be secured with special belts that are attached to the bottom of the cradle. The cradle itself is secured with the car's standard seat belts.

Using standard seat belts to secure an infant is incorrect and unsafe!

The bolsters are placed on the sides, but not under the head!
The cushion or pillows under the head make it difficult for the child to breathe and cause the head to fall forward when braking, which can lead to serious injuries. There is a common myth that car seats are harmful for newborn babies due to the fact that they are in a semi-sitting position. These are completely unfounded fears! When the child reclines, the load on the spine is distributed evenly, which does not threaten curvature or damage.

It is harmful to the spine only if the baby sits upright, but modern high-quality children's car seats completely eliminate this position

We must remember that carrying a child in a car is a big responsibility! Any, even the most high-quality and expensive restraint device will not ensure complete safety for the baby if the driver is inappropriate and inaccurate behind the wheel. Caution and compliance with traffic rules is the key to a comfortable ride and safety of the driver and passengers!

Safety regulations

The use of child seats is one of the rules for the safe operation of vehicles. The first requirement is choosing the right chair model. This rule requires compliance with:

  • age, body weight, height of the child;
  • Car model.

Strict compliance with current safety requirements will ensure comfortable movement, save people’s lives and health, money and time.

How to attach the booster

A booster seat is a child seat without a backrest. This is a small seat with an armrest. It also does not have internal seat belts and is intended for children between 7 and 12 years old.

The booster is secured with standard belts. To do this, you need to install it on the car seat. So make your baby sit correctly. The lower part of the standard belt must be directed under the armrests so that it rests against the passenger’s legs. This allows the accelerator to remain in place while the vehicle is moving.

Booster for Isofix mounting

The child's backrest is secured with a diagonal belt, and its position depends on the weight of the small passenger. The parameters are as follows:

  • weight 15-25 kg - the shoulder strap is pulled strictly under one armrest;
  • 22-35 kg - the child is secured on the armrests.

Types of car seats for children

There are several main groups into which all chairs can be divided according to the height, weight and age categories of children:

  1. Group "0". This seat is called a car cradle. It is designed for children whose age is from 0 to 1 year, and whose weight is no more than 10 kg. On such a device, the baby can be placed horizontally (then the child is secured lying down with a special belt crossing his stomach), or in a folded position (fixation occurs with a three-point internal belt).
  2. Group "0+". This chair is designed for children under 1.5 years old who weigh less than 13 kg. The device can be installed either facing or with your back to the windshield of the car. The child sits comfortably in it in a reclining position.
  3. Group "1". The chair can be used for children from 1 to 4 years old, their weight must be between 9 and 18 kg. The seat is secured with internal five-point harnesses, and the child is placed in it facing the windshield.
  4. Group "2". This chair is used for children from 3 to 7 years old, whose weight is not less than 15 and not more than 25 kg. The design of the chair has a backrest that can be freely adjusted in height as the child grows. The baby is secured in the seat using a standard seat belt.
  5. Group "3". The chair can be used for children from 7 to 12 years old, whose weight is between 22 and 36 kg. The chair looks like a kind of “booster” or seat without a back. It acts as a limiter for the top strap of a regular seat belt.

The European classification of child seats divides them into 5 main categories: 0, 0+, 1, 2, 3

Buckle up your child.

Remember, dear motorists, that the seat belts must fit well to the child’s body. This is the only way the child will be reliably protected in the event of an accident. If the straps holding your child in the car seat are loose, they will not be able to securely hold and protect the child in the event of a sudden stop or accident.

Here's what you should pay attention to first:


Make sure there is enough space between the top of your child's head and the top of the car seat. Remember that all chairs vary depending on the design type, brand and price range. To find out the exact distance that should be between the child's head and the top edge of the car seat, first read the instructions for the car seat, where such data should be indicated.


Also make sure the straps fit snugly around your child's shoulders. To check how well the straps fit your child, place your finger under the strap near the collarbone and pull your finger up (out). If, by lifting your finger, you can secure the seat belt with your index finger and thumb, this means that the belt (shoulder belt) needs to be tightened further as it does not securely hold the child in the seat.

OTHERWISE. So make sure your baby's chest is also held firmly by the straps).

SMALL IN THE BACK. Also make sure the car seat's lower straps securely support your child's lower back and hips.

What is important to know about winches for boat trailers

  • fast;
  • reliable;
  • safely;
  • easily;
  • for any car with this system;
  • without conventional belts;
  • on one's own;
  • without constantly reading the instructions;
  • for children of different ages;
  • with different weights of the baby, etc.

The main feature is precisely the absence of the need to use conventional belts, which are used to fasten an adult.

Here, special slides of a retractable design are used on metal anchors using built-in locks. These runners are placed in the car seats and are securely connected to the body.

The system is sometimes available as an option, but often as a basic component of all modern cars. Therefore, you should check whether there is a mount specifically on your car. And if you doubt the correct use of the car seat latch, watch the video or read the instructions. There is nothing complicated here. Everyone can easily do it with their own hands.

Fastening with standard belt

This type of fastening is more common in older cars that do not have a fixed Isofix system. According to crash tests, such a safety system has low effectiveness in seats of groups 0 (0-9 kg), 1 (9-18 kg) and 0+ (0-13 kg, adjustable). You can attach to a standard belt:

  • through a special table included with a certain model of chairs;
  • directly to the seat itself (provided that the seat is equipped with its own seat belts);
  • to its own anchor, passing directly over the child’s shoulder (group of 2-3 seated models from 15 to 36 kg).

How to sew a cover for a car seat instructions

If for various reasons it is not possible to buy a case in a store, then you can make it yourself, following the instructions.

Sequence of actions and photos for sewing a cover for a car seat with your own hands Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Make a pattern by attaching oilcloth to the chair and tracing its boundaries.
  2. Transfer the pattern to the fabric and cut everything according to size, leaving an allowance of 2 cm.
  3. Sew all the details.
  4. Place the workpiece on the cradle, mark the places for the slots, where the belts will then be placed. These need to be reinforced with non-woven fabric.
  5. An incision is made and processed with threads.

  6. Cut out the drawstring where the elastic for the cover is attached.
  7. The parts are securely stitched on a sewing machine.

To make it you will need fabric measuring 2 by 2 m.

Safest place to install

Traffic police rules allow you to transport a child in a car seat anywhere. And here is the exact answer to the question “where is it safer?” does not exist. Each place has its own advantages and disadvantages.

In the front seat next to the driver

This pose is equally comfortable for children and parents. Children have the opportunity to feel like adults and have a wide view of the street, making it much easier for parents to monitor their child's behavior. If you're stuck in traffic, you can easily feed your baby or play with him a little.

Where to install the chair is up to you

However, according to statistics, backseat passengers are 2.4 to 3.2 times more likely to survive a serious car accident. But during rapid braking and light impacts, the position of the cradle (suitable only for infants) with its back to the direction of travel is considered the safest - it is almost impossible to damage the baby’s spine with it.

If you place a child over 3 years old in a regular child seat, the back will not move, so this option can put the child in great danger. Firstly, if the child is under 140 cm tall, he can be pressed against an open pillow. Secondly, in accident statistics this place is the most dangerous for people of any age.

In the back seat on the right

This place is considered the most prestigious according to the rules of business etiquette, and also almost the safest for left-hand drive cars. It is located in the opposite corner from the oncoming lane, so it receives the least damage in the event of an accident.

For parents, the seat on the right is especially convenient because it allows the child to sit on the sidewalk without exposing them to danger from the street. It is even more convenient if the baby is already old enough to sit and buckle himself.

The only drawback is that the driver practically does not see the child in the mirror. But if necessary, you can purchase and hang an additional mirror.

Behind the driver

The main disadvantages include the dangerous landing of a child on the side of the roadway, as well as the high probability of a collision with a car from oncoming traffic. However, some studies show that this is the safest place because in the event of a collision, the driver instinctively turns the steering wheel to protect himself from the impact.

According to official statistics, the driver's seat is considered the safest for an adult, but it is better for a child to sit in the middle

Back in the middle

This place is considered the safest for a child. Therefore, if the design of your car’s interior allows it, be sure to place a child seat there. Safety is determined by the fact that regardless of the position of the steering wheel, as well as the side and direction of impact in the event of a collision, there is enough space in the center of the rear seat to avoid injury. Also, in this place, a child cannot be injured by a deployed airbag. The likelihood of injury to a child is high only in a frontal impact.

Where to attach a car seat in a car for a child?

Features of securing a car seat primarily depend on the age of the baby.

  • Group 0 and 0+ is also a car seat ; it is mounted in front, against the direction of the car. The fastening system is Isofix, or stationary car belts. In this case, the airbag must be switched off.

Correct fastening

  • For other groups, the correct installation point is the rear seat.

There are 3 options for installing a car seat: behind the driver's seat, behind the passenger seat, in the middle.

  • The third option is a universal method, used up to the age of three. is surrounded on all sides , which in the event of an accident will take the impact and protect the baby. In addition, adults can be located next to the baby, even on both sides, which will allow them to observe him, entertain him and pay attention - at this age it is still difficult for a child to remain alone with himself for a long time.
  • When the seat is located on the passenger side, the child is also in a fairly safe zone ; he is in danger only if he is hit on the right side, which does not happen so often. Suitable for groups 1 and 2. An adult can also sit nearby, but at this age children do not require so much attention; they will willingly occupy themselves with a toy, tablet, or phone. It is convenient to seat a baby in a seat on the sidewalk side, but an adult, who will sit next to him in the back, has to go around the car and sit down from the roadway.
  • The option of attaching a seat behind the driver's seat is relevant for older people, groups 2 and 3. Such children are already able to climb onto the seat on their own; adults only need to check that the belts are fastened. Parents calmly sit in front - at this age, children do not require the presence of an adult nearby, but prefer to do without him.

Advantages of the car seat installation location

Basic rules for installing a car cradle

  1. Installation for infants under 6 months is only permitted in front of the passenger seat;
  2. Mandatory disabling of the front passenger seat AIRBAG (side and front) when installing a car seat in front, next to the driver;
  3. The cradle must be attached strictly according to the instructions included with the kit;
  4. Be sure to check the angle of the crib, it should not be more than 45 degrees. Some manufacturers install a special indicator based on the type of building level, while others offer classic markings. This way you can determine whether the backrest is properly secured;
  5. Next, place the baby in the crib and secure it with straps;
  6. To prevent the belt from damaging your baby's delicate skin, use soft pads. Also provide a pad for your belt buckle or use a soft terry towel instead;
  7. Check that the straps are tight enough - the crumbs should not jump out, but at the same time they should not press on anything. Place two fingers under the straps - if they fit, the child will ride comfortably in this position even during a long journey.

Important! Before each trip, check the direction of the air conditioning vents - position them so that cold air does not enter the child.

How to fix a car seat according to its category

How the chair will be fixed depends on the age of the child, as well as the category of the purchased structure. A parent’s ideas about the safest way to place a baby do not always coincide with reality, so it is better not to experiment, but to follow simple rules. How to install a car seat correctly:

  1. Seats for the smallest passengers, belonging to category 0, are placed only at the rear. Install the cradles with the head away from the door, perpendicular to the direction of movement of the machine.
  2. Car seats of category 0+ are also not recommended to be placed in the front. The structure is installed with its back in the direction of movement. If you plan to place the car seat in the front, it is important to make sure that the airbag is not functioning so that it does not injure the baby in the event of a collision.

  3. Category 1 car seats can be placed either next to the driver or behind them, facing the direction of travel. The main belt should be just above the shoulder.
  4. Models of category 2 are attached in the same way, and the belt runs along the center of the baby’s shoulder.
  5. Boosters (category 3) are placed both next to the driver and in the back seat, in the direction of travel.

Please remember: category 0+/1 car seats require the seat belt to be positioned below the small passenger’s shoulder.

Tips for safety and placing your child in a seat

What nuances need to be taken into account to ensure safe movement:

  1. Before placing your child on the high chair, make sure that the structure is well secured. The clamps must be in good working order, the belts must be intact and in good condition. Scratches on them are not allowed, since in these places the belts weaken and can break in the event of a collision.
  2. The child must be securely secured in the seat using a harness. It is important that the baby cannot move, but at the same time feels free.
  3. The straps must be tightly tightened. Depending on the design features of the seats, the product may be equipped with additional straps, which differ in the tightening method.
  4. It is best to purchase a chair in advance while you are expecting your baby. This will help you practice installing and removing the seat.
  5. Before placing your child in the seat, make sure it is securely secured and installed. All components must be installed correctly.
  6. Be careful to protect the little passenger's head.

How to secure a car seat in a car with belts?

For the safety of your baby, it is necessary not only to make the right choice of device, determine the location of its attachment, but also to correctly secure the car seat with belts. An incorrectly installed seat will not save you in an accident, but will cause significant injury. Take this moment very seriously.

It is also important to secure the seat correctly - otherwise injuries cannot be avoided.
The following methods can be used to install a car seat:

  • Stationary car seat belts
  • Isofix system
  • Latch or SuperLatch system

Every car is equipped with a stationary standard three-point belt; it is a universal and inexpensive tool. With it, the chair can be installed without problems on any of the seats. However, its installation is quite complicated, and if the chair is equipped with a table, then there may simply not be enough belt. And the security of such a mount is not very high.

When using this method, it is important to remember the following:

  • Car seat belts do not guarantee rigid fixation of the car seat for a child, but still it should not wobble, play is acceptable within 2 cm.
  • It is necessary to adjust the belt tension after the small passenger is seated in the seat. The fabric cannot be twisted, sagging, or fit too tightly. The best gap between the belt and the child's body is about 3-4 cm - 2 fingers.
  • Install a fastener on the belts so that they do not stretch or slip while driving.
  • The tape should go through all the guides and be located at the level of the child’s shoulders and hips. Under no circumstances should the belt be at the level of his neck.

In the rear seat
Installing a car seat in the rear seat is as follows:

  • Place the car seat on the seat. According to the instructions for the car seat, guide the belt strap through the special holes.
  • Tighten the belt and lock the buckle.
  • Press down on the chair and make sure it is well secured and there is no excessive play.
  • Release the seat of the chair from the belt tape, place the baby in it, and fasten the belts.
  • Keeping an eye on the pads, secure the locks.

How to choose a child seat

Having decided on the group, you need to decide which type of fastening is best to choose. Remember that almost all isofix models can be fastened with regular seat belts.

When choosing a specific model, follow these recommendations:

  1. Take the time to search the Internet for suitable models and find out what scores they received in crash tests. It is better to check not only ADAC indicators (they are carried out in Germany), but also tests of other countries to get more detailed data. Remember that every ECE or ISO certified seat meets established child safety standards.
  2. If you can't find the information online, look for the required labels on the product packaging. If the symbols ECE 44 or ECE 129 (i-Size) are displayed, the model has successfully passed all tests carried out and is safe for the child.
  3. When choosing, note how many hours a day the child will spend in the car. If the child is very small and you are only counting on occasional light trips, it is best to give the choice to a Group 0+ chair. They can be quite narrow or very spacious, it depends on the company and model of the manufacturer. Some of them have the ability to attach a frame and carry the child out of the car.
  4. If you are planning long trips, it is best to choose a class 0 seat (or a combination of 0/0 +, 0/0 + / 1) so that you can carry your child in a supine position. Otherwise, it is better to refrain from long trips until he is 6 months old, otherwise you can injure the baby’s fragile neck.
  5. Group 0 (and combined group) seats may have soft padded straps on the inside, as well as additional protection around the head. Otherwise, if you stop or turn around quickly, your lower abdomen or neck may get hurt. Make sure the seat belt buckles are secure and cannot be unfastened by your child.
  6. Many children under 3 often sleep in the car, so it is advisable to make sure that the seat has the ability to adjust the backrest angle.

If your child is one year old and about to experience a car seat for the first time, you should carefully prepare him for purchase. If this is not done, he may begin to panic and act out, not wanting to use the chair. Guys usually love anything related to cars and racing, so you can secretly tell them that you want to buy a special racing chair. It would be logical for a girl to suggest an association of a chair with a magical carriage ride. In addition, children themselves may be interested in a new purchase if you invite them to personally choose the color of the material or design.

Three main principles for choosing a car seat: safety, comfort and practicality

You should also invite the child to sit in a pre-selected model. He should feel comfortable and cozy inside, otherwise the trip will be stressful. He will begin to show temperament and cry even before the car starts moving.

Before purchasing, ask your consultant about the possibility of trying on the seat right in the car. Although most models are considered universal, the seat belt may be too short or the seats may not be shaped to accommodate objects. Most often, the technical data sheet of the seat contains a list of car models suitable for this seat. Make sure your car is there. Also, inspect the car interior in advance for the presence of the necessary equipment - many models are sold without isofix holders.

The simpler the principle of attaching the chair, the more likely it is that all family members will cope with its installation without any problems. Therefore, during the purchasing process, be sure to ask the seller to show you how to do it correctly. Also ask what the upholstery is made of and whether it can be removed for washing. It would also be a good idea to take care of additional accessories: awnings, a cover for the front seat so that the child does not stain it with dirt from his shoes.

it is important! It is highly discouraged to buy used seats from strangers because you can never know for sure if they have been in an accident. Even a minor accident can cause some parts of the chair to become deformed, making it unsafe for your child. Don't skimp on your baby's health!

Car seat for newborns review of the best models

When purchasing a child's dowry, many parents try to optimize their expenses without purchasing expensive items. But you shouldn’t skimp on some items, as they ensure the baby’s safety. A car seat for newborns is not a momentary fashion statement. This is a legal requirement to reduce the risk of injury to your child while traveling.

Which car seat to choose for a newborn? Of course, it is age-appropriate and meets basic safety requirements. Let's look at the rules and instructions for use, the advantages and disadvantages of the most popular models, and also learn how to attach the device and place a newborn in a car seat.

Do you need a car seat for a newborn?

For a modern parent, the answer to this question is obvious. Yes, a baby car seat is necessary for newborns. There are two reasons for this.

The first and main thing is that a newborn in a car seat gains safety when traveling in vehicles. In the first year of life, especially immediately after birth, the baby is very vulnerable. Even a minor car accident can have serious consequences. The baby has fragile bones, a lot of cartilage tissue, weak neck muscles and a large head. Any sudden sharp movement, push, or shake can cause a head injury.

Face forward or backward

The baby grows disproportionately: immediately after birth, the baby's head is much larger and heavier than the neck can bear. This imbalance persists for about the first 15 months of life, and during this time - while bones and muscles are actively growing - the child can only be transported in a car backwards, so as not to damage his neck by accidentally nodding his head. To achieve this, the chairs have the possibility of direct and reverse installation.

With Isofix chairs, everything is extremely simple: just remove them from the base and open the bowl, while the method of fastening does not change. With chairs with belts it is more difficult - they need to be completely unfolded, changing the way the belt is fastened. Read the instructions to do it correctly.

At what age should a child be returned? According to the old ECE rules - up to one year, according to the new ones - up to 15 months, but child safety experts are sure: the longer the better.

Primary requirements

The traffic rules clearly state that a baby cannot be carried in your arms in a car - only in a restraint device. And the point is not that the regulatory authorities have invented a successful way to replenish the treasury with fines. The head of a newborn makes up ¼ of the total weight, so fragile neck muscles cannot cope with the overwhelming load. When transporting crumbs in your arms, sudden jerks when driving a car will negatively affect the health of a weakened body. And in some cases, they can lead to serious disorders of the cervical spine.

Preventing such a situation is much easier than correcting its consequences, which is why there are certain rules for transporting newborns:

  1. The baby in the car should not only lie in a special device, but also have its back towards the movement. This position is optimal for protecting the child’s spine from injury when the car suddenly stops.
  2. Until the infant carrier or car seat with the newborn is securely secured in the cabin, it is strictly prohibited to start moving.
  3. It is allowed to transport a newborn only in a vehicle restraint system.
  4. Carrying in the arms is not allowed, since tension in the muscles will force the person to change the baby’s position to a more uncomfortable one. There is a high risk of dropping the baby during sudden braking of the car or even a minor accident.

ISOFix system

The Isofix system is an American system for securely attaching a car seat directly to the body. This provides maximum protection for the baby.

Isofix mount in car

Installation instructions are simple: just connect the appropriate locks on the chair with the steel hinges of the car seat. For additional protection, a tie strap is used, since the brackets only secure the frame at the bottom.



Types of anchorages on child car seats

Children's car seats differ from each other in many ways, including fastening methods. This point should be taken into account when choosing such a device.

Universal mounts

A universal child car seat in a car of almost any model is secured using standard seat belts. Most seat models are equipped with their own set of belts, but they are intended for small children. In models that are designed for older users, as well as in boosters, such elements are absent. When choosing a universal seat, it is necessary to check the length of the seat belts so that it is convenient to install it and fasten the child.

Such universal chairs are extremely convenient if a family uses several cars or owns a vehicle from a Russian manufacturer. For example, the vast majority of Lada models do not have any fastening devices. Moreover, there are even cars in which there are no seat belts in the back seat. Although there are seats for such purposes, there is no choice where to install the child car seat.

If you are the owner of just such a car, then installing a child seat yourself is prohibited, since such actions are regarded as serious interference. For this service, you must contact a car service center. In addition, it is prohibited to change the length of the belts by adding additional belts. In the event of an accident, even the strongest seams can come apart from the heavy load and weight that will put pressure on them.

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The use of universal seats is also justified if taxis are used frequently. It is rare to find vehicles that are suitably adapted for transporting small passengers.

Now let’s take a closer look at how to properly fasten a child car seat using seat belts:

  1. we increase the length of the belt to about a meter by pulling it out to facilitate further steps;
  2. install the seat in the appropriate place in the car;
  3. tighten the belt to the maximum possible limit;
  4. we check the stability of the structure, which should not move freely;
  5. periodically you will need to tighten the standard tape, which often slides out when the car is moving;
  6. the restraint device can be additionally equipped with a special clip, which is intended for a seat belt;
  7. Pay attention to the side of the chair, if you have a certified product in your hands, you will see color guides and schematic tips that make all processes easier.

IsoFix fastenings

In 1987, as a result of joint work between the manufacturer of car seats for children Romer and the Volkswagen concern, a new type of fastening was proposed, which differed from its predecessors in its simplicity and higher reliability. Over time, this type of fastening was recognized as a standard by almost all modern automobile manufacturers. Europe even passed a law obliging all automakers to equip their models with a similar mount.

The IsoFix design includes two steel hinges, which are shaped like the letter P. They are located at a distance of 28 cm from each other. These elements are attached to the load-bearing frame of the vehicle under the back of the rear seat. Hinges and fixing elements have a set of parameters and characteristics that are strictly regulated by European legislation.

Now let's figure out how to install a child seat using this type of fastening. Here you need to follow this principle:

  1. we determine the location of the brackets that are located on the fasteners;
  2. we move the two lower brackets towards them along the guides (they are located in the rear of the car seat);
  3. Using special “tongues” we grab the staples.

If everything was done correctly, you will hear a click, which will indicate that the staple has been captured. To unfasten the seat, you will need to unlock the locks, after which you can move the seat away.

Many modern cars are equipped with additional brackets, due to which the seat is secured not at two, but at three points. For this third point, in most cases an “anchor” belt is used. Its design resembles an arc that has a hook at the top of the chair. This arc has a regulation system that changes its length. The hook attaches to a bracket that can be located behind the back of a car seat, in the trunk on the floor, or on the ceiling. Due to the presence of such an additional belt, the load that falls on the main fastening is reduced, and the force of the whiplash that occurs during sudden braking is also reduced.

A special floor-thrust mechanism, which is intended for seats located opposite the direction of movement of the car, has approximately the same function. The efficiency of such a mechanism is not as high as in an anchor belt, and the design is larger, but you can do without additional brackets.

No matter how reliable the fastening we are considering is, if the child weighs more than 15 kg, it is necessary to additionally fasten them with car seat belts. Seats in which IsoFix type anchorages are installed can be used without seat belts only if they belong to groups 0 to 1. If the child belongs to group 2 or 3, IsoFix anchorages are used as additional restraints. the chair is in place and well secured. In this case, the child must be fastened with a standard car seat belt. Some car seat models combine IsoFix technology with universal fasteners.

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