How to park correctly: tips for beginners and experienced drivers

“How to park correctly?” - this question torments absolutely every novice car enthusiast. The Internet is simply replete with various funny videos on the topic of illegal parking. Thousands of knocked-down poles, scratched cars and many other unpleasant moments associated with parking force you to put aside all your affairs and plunge into an article devoted to the rules of proper parking. We hope that the material presented below will help you avoid all the troubles and become an expert in the ability to carry out proper parking.

Diagonal parking

Typically, diagonal car parking is organized in places where there is a large concentration of cars: in front of large shopping centers, business centers, and stadiums. From a practical point of view, this is the easiest way to park. It will not be difficult even for a beginner to drive into a parking space. You must leave such a parking lot along the same trajectory, making sure that there are no cars passing behind you.

To visually consolidate information on proper parking of a car, a diagram of the location of parked cars and the trajectory of your car’s movement drawn with arrows can help. You can also borrow your child’s cars and briefly relive your childhood, learning how to park a car in various ways, connecting visual and tactile memory.

Rules for parking on the roadway, in yards and in parking lots

Parking rules on the roadway are most often violated. So, in order not to become one of the violators, you should adhere to the following provisions:

  • stopping is allowed away from the pedestrian crossing at a distance of 5 meters;
  • You can stop immediately after a pedestrian crossing;
  • at the edge of the roadway (only parallel to the edge);
  • no closer than 5 meters from the turn at the intersection;
  • near signs that regulate parking on even or odd dates;
  • anywhere on the roadway, if the driver’s vision covers at least 100 meters of the road ahead;
  • at a distance of 15 meters from stops;
  • on the right side of the road (if there is no road side, parking at the edge of the roadway is possible);
  • at the edge of the sidewalk, if there is a corresponding sign (applies only to cars, mopeds, motorcycles and bicycles).

You can also leave your car for a long time in places outside the populated area, if they are equipped with the appropriate sign. It is prohibited to leave a car on the road for such a purpose, as well as on the side of the road. There are special parking areas, equipped separately.

Where can I park the vehicle?

On the right side of the road

Let's consider clause 12.1 of the traffic rules:

12.1. Stopping and parking of vehicles is permitted on the right side of the road on the side of the road, and in its absence - on the roadway at its edge and in the cases established by paragraph 12.2 of the Rules - on the sidewalk.

1. If there is a shoulder to the right of the roadway, then cars are allowed to be parked only on the side of the road . If the side of the road is occupied by other cars or something else, then parking cars on the roadway is not allowed.

2. Parking cars on the roadway is only possible if there is no shoulder. In this case, the car must be parked at the edge of the roadway, that is, at the curb.

A huge number of cars are parked in populated areas, and in order to park next to the curb you will have to park in reverse. A driver who does not know how to parallel park and leaves the car a meter from the edge of the roadway is a violator.

3. In exceptional cases, you can park cars on the sidewalk . Below this situation will be discussed in more detail.

On the left side of the road

Let's consider the second part of paragraph 12.1:

On the left side of the road, stopping and parking are permitted in populated areas on roads with one lane for each direction without tram tracks in the middle and on one-way roads (trucks with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons are allowed on the left side of one-way roads only stopping for loading or unloading).

You can stop on the left side of the road only in populated areas and only in the following cases:

1. On two-lane roads (one lane in each direction) without tram tracks in the middle. If tram tracks are located on the left or right, then they do not prohibit stopping on the left side of the road.

Note. In practice, a continuous marking line may be placed on the road, which will not allow stopping or parking on the left side of the road.

2. On one-way roads, parking on the left side is also allowed. In this case, the presence or absence of tram tracks does not matter at all.

Trucks heavier than 3.5 tonnes (category C) may stop on the left side of one-way roads only to load or unload. Those. On a one-way road, a truck cannot be on the left side of the road:

  • perform parking;
  • stop for less than 5 minutes (without loading);
  • stop to pick up or drop off passengers.

However, a truck driver can park on the right side of a one-way road.

Reverse parking methods

There are certain ways to park in reverse, which have clear instructions and diagrams on how to do it. You can, of course, park the old fashioned way, when there were no different tricks, that is, you turn your head and drive back. This method is used by many who are not used to navigating by mirrors.

The main skill is acquired through practical application. If you recently bought a car, you can go to large sites in your free time and practice in different ways. If you immediately install parking sensors, it will be much easier, but you will not learn to park according to the schemes developed by specialists.

To learn how to properly reverse park a car, the mirrors must be adjusted so that they can see the area behind the car and on the sides. Everyone can have individual techniques. For example, some drivers lower the right mirror so that part of the rear wheel is visible. This is usually done if the rear has a high curb that could damage the bumper.

You need to develop the habit of parking correctly. Fines for illegal parking can be 1500, 3000, 5000 rubles. Also, in some cases, the car may be taken to an impound lot.


Choose a suitable place where you will park your car, drive up to it. Your task is to park in reverse. The scheme involves stopping about a meter from other parked cars. Next, draw a mental line. It will start at the center of the rear wheel and end at the level of the seat. When you connect it to another vertical line, you get a point. It should be somewhere around the rear wheel arch. Mentally find the point on the marking where you will turn.

Turn right and reverse gear. When the line connects with the parking spot, turn the steering wheel one and a half turns. Drive as slowly as possible

It is important to feel the dimensions of your car. Head straight to the center of the parking lot

When you stand parallel to others, align the wheels. Then move back further until you stand next to others. Always look back and to the sides

Also pay attention to mirrors. Reverse parking between two cars or any other method requires concentration and attention, especially for beginners

Also keep in mind that you will need to get out somehow. Therefore, estimate the distance that is enough to open the doors. Master this algorithm until everything comes out automatically. If you are not sure yet, buy parking sensors. This way you will protect yourself and other cars.

Such a scheme and skills will be very useful to you on the road. This is nothing more than parking in reverse between cars. It's just that instead of other cars you have a garage. But the algorithm of actions is the same.

Outdoor parking near the house

An open area in the local area, used as a parking lot, is a painfully familiar, but fairly modernized option. It is also the most profitable for the developer and residents because:

  • the developer does not have to overpay, increasing the project estimate;
  • Apartment owners do not have to shell out significant amounts of money to purchase a parking space.

But such parking lots are available only in new buildings on the outskirts of the city and in the suburbs, where the expansion of the local area does not greatly harm the infrastructure of the area.

Among the disadvantages of open parking, it is worth noting that cars are not protected from the actions of intruders or the influence of weather factors. Also, the presence of many cars in the yard can create some discomfort for the residents of the house and have a negative impact on the environment.

Types of parking and nuances

The simplest type is straight parking, in which the car stops along a certain object - for example, a fence or curb - in a straight line.

When performing direct parking, you need to try not to get “butt up” to a nearby vehicle, since the process of leaving in this case can become very problematic.

Direct parking in front can be done only if there is free space, but in most cases there is no such space and you have to park linearly in reverse, allowing you to fit exactly into the free space.

A couple of tips for a snack

When parking behind a car, do not forget to leave enough free space in front of you to freely leave the parking lot if it is not possible to reverse. Strictly ensure that you maintain a distance from nearby cars when parking crosswise! The most optimal distance between neighboring cars should be equal to the width required for free opening of the driver or passenger door of the car. Otherwise, opening the door may damage a car parked next door. Be careful when approaching the edge of the sidewalk. Lack of proper distance between it and your car can cause it to hit the curb or other nearby objects.

We hope that the above material will allow you to more quickly master the skill of proper parking. The absence of haste and fear will serve you well in this difficult task and will allow you to easily and easily cope with any complex maneuver.

General parking recommendations

Before you start parking, try to assess whether there is enough space for maneuver, whether you will hit someone else’s car, or whether you will create inconvenience for other drivers and passersby? Is parking allowed in this place in terms of traffic regulations?

Very often, car owners do not take into account the characteristics of a particular car, and this is very important for proper parking. The vehicle's maneuverability when driving in reverse is always higher than when driving forward.

Therefore, parking using reverse gear is much more maneuverable than conventional parking.

The vehicle's maneuverability when driving in reverse is always higher than when driving forward. Therefore, parking using reverse gear is much more maneuverable than conventional parking.

It is better to place your hands at the top point of the steering wheel, this will allow you to maneuver more efficiently.

All-wheel drive cars boast a maximum turning radius. But with rear-wheel drive cars you need to be extremely careful - their turning radius leaves much to be desired

Step-by-step parking instructions

Step 1

Choose a parking space that matches the dimensions of your car (take into account that the free space should be at least 1.4-1.5 times the length of your car).

Step 2

When starting the parking process, you should drive a little further from the car in front, but there is no need to press close to it. Stand parallel to the front car you will park behind. A lateral interval of 50 cm to 1 meter is considered normal. Compare the rear bumper of your car with the neighboring one.

Step 3

Turn the steering wheel all the way to the right and slowly back up. When the headlight of the rear car closest to the curb appears exactly in the middle in your mirror, stop, turn the steering wheel back and put the wheels straight. (Or in the right side mirror in front of the (bumper) of the car standing behind you should become fully visible..) (Or the left rear corner of your The car should be level with the front corner of the car that is behind.)

Step 4

Slowly move backward until the front bumper of your car roughly crosses the border of the car in front (when the front bumper of the car is level with the rear bumper of the car in front)

Step 5

After this, turn the steering wheel to the left and continue to move back slowly and carefully. Drive as close to the car behind you as possible and stop. Be sure to look at the car in front so as not to hit it with your bumper. If you are not standing quite parallel, turn the steering wheel all the way to the right (towards the curb) and shift forward slightly. When the car is parked, return the steering wheel to the center position.

Technical side of the exercise

Now we will look at each stage in more detail so that you know what to expect in the exam and how to pass it successfully. The first step is to drive up to the starting line and stop without crossing the line with your bumper. After stopping, neutral gear is engaged

You should immediately pay attention to the “neutral”: if you do not switch the car to it, you can get a penalty point

Next, we move off and begin to slowly move forward. When approaching the “garage” you need to press the right side of the car closer to the first chip - the beginning of the right wall of the garage. If this is not done, there may not be enough space to continue the exercise and you will not be able to complete the race.

Thus, we reach the indicated chip with the right mirror and turn the steering wheel to the left all the way. The car is now moving to the left. When driving, keep the steering wheel securely in the left position, preventing it from turning in the opposite direction. We also look carefully in the mirror on the right - in it you need to catch a chip, which is the beginning of the wall on the right relative to the car. This chip should be located at a certain distance from the side of the car - 10-15 centimeters. This is exactly how everything should be reflected in the mirror.

As soon as all the above conditions are met, stop the car and put the wheels in a level position. After that, we turn on the reverse gear and start moving back in a straight line.

Now we turn around and look out the rear window. To make it more comfortable, you can hug the front passenger seat with your right hand. We watch how the car gradually drives into the designated place, but up to a certain point. When a marker appears near the right rear door - the beginning of the garage wall - we stop again.

The next step is to turn the steering wheel to the right all the way and resume moving backwards. We carefully monitor what is happening in the mirrors. When the distances between the side features and the sides of the car are the same, quickly level the steering wheel and put the wheels in a level position, without stopping or slowing down.

We drive deep into the “garage”, and when the front of the car crosses the line of chips - the beginning of the walls - we stop, turn on the neutral gear and put the car on the handbrake.

End. The exercise of driving into the garage in reverse is completed, the car is in the right place and you can already relax.

If you do everything as described above, this will guarantee you a 99% success rate in passing the exam.

The ability to steer and move competently is the key to safety when parking backwards

In theory, driving backwards is very easy. If you turn the steering wheel to the right, the car will turn to the right, and vice versa. When a novice car enthusiast leaves the walls of the racetrack, and there is no longer an experienced instructor nearby, this knowledge disappears somewhere.

To prevent parking a car in reverse from leading to accidents, you need to master the skill of driving slowly in reverse. If this is not the case, then you do not need to fully release the clutch pedal. Here it is recommended to work more impulsively. If you need to move, release the pedal; if you want to start rolling, press the clutch pedal to the floor. Don't put too much pressure on the gas.

Some novice drivers, who receive important knowledge and driving lessons in various driving schools, learn to drive in reverse only using the clutch. No gas at all. It is not right. In real conditions, situations are different.

Regarding the steering, you can also note that for beginners it is better to use the rear window as a windshield. So, just turn the body back. Turning the steering wheel will turn the rear of the car to the right, and vice versa

It is important to understand that absolutely any car is more maneuverable when in reverse. There are sharper turning angles

It is important not to lose the position of the steering wheel, in which the car drives straight.

This knowledge and skills are very important. Without them, you won't be able to park correctly. This can lead to ridiculous accidents, scratched foreign cars and various troubles.

Common mistakes

The most common driver mistakes are:

  1. Students press too close to the left edge of the marking in order to minimize the alignment process in the future and get up as correctly as possible from the first twist. This risks the fact that when backing up, you can accidentally knock down the flag or go off the line. During the exam, this, of course, seems like a trifle, but in life such carelessness would lead to damage to your own and other people’s cars, so you will be fined very heavily for it.
  2. Not turning the steering wheel completely. In order to get up as correctly as possible the first time, it is necessary to turn the steering wheel completely when turning. This will make the alignment process easier, but many people neglect it. Of course, driving schools do not fine you for this specifically, but such inattention can result in a loss of time, which, as you know, is limited during the exam.
  3. Not completely crossing the side line. As was said earlier, the car should not stick out from the general row of cars, and if the marked line is not completely crossed, this is exactly what will happen on the road, which means the main movement will be difficult.

Parallel parking

Parking in reverse is quite simple, although many people do not know about it. Of course, when driving backwards, there is some risk of scratching nearby cars, but there are many options when parking can only be done using this method.

This type of parking, with the necessary skill, is convenient for competent maneuvering; with its help, you can very accurately occupy the parking space that was originally planned.

For example, parking in front is possible when there is a large free space between two adjacent cars.

If it is missing, you risk damaging someone else's property or leaving the rear of your car protruding from the row.

So, you must first align with the car in front of the parking space. The distance between you should be within 0.5-1 meter. Then estimate the turning zone - it is oriented along the right wheel.

You need to build an imaginary line upward from it - this “mark” will become a safe turn indicator for you.

When reversing, you need to start moving until this line aligns with the rear of the car that is on the right.

After this, the steering wheel is twisted to the right, and you move backwards until you see the right front of the car that is behind you - after that you need to put the wheels straight.

Then continue driving until you see the rear of the car in front of you.

All that remains is to level the car to equalize the distances from the cars parked next to yours.

As you can see, no one sets super-tasks for you. But, of course, learning how to parallel park correctly will require training.

By the way, remember one useful tip: to calculate the size of the space needed for rear parking, you need to add 1.1 meters to the length of your car - then you can park easily.

How to learn to park correctly

In driving courses, when you are trying to learn how to drive a car, they don’t pay much attention to the question of how to learn to park correctly. The instructors believe that if you know how to drive a little and know the basic rules, then you can easily park anywhere and in any situation

But this is far from reality. Sometimes the process of parking itself only brings negative emotions, and you can’t really enjoy driving. Next, we will give tips on correcting mistakes when parking a car.

Parking Size Estimation

One of the most common mistakes is misjudging the size of the location where you decide to park your vehicle. This happens because drivers do not take into account the size of their car. If you cannot park right away, then it is better for you to do several training sessions with a knowledgeable driver who will help you and point out all the mistakes.

Selection of parking space

Often the driver cannot immediately choose a suitable parking place. Before parking, you need to take a good look at the street in front of you to see if there is a suitable space for your car. If you choose a spot in advance, you won't have to brake suddenly or squeeze into a short distance. All you have to do is drive carefully.

Basic parking rules

When parking, the driver must control the overall situation - for this it is important to learn how to quickly and accurately focus attention. If you don’t know how to park in reverse (backwards), remember the main rule: when parking, not only turn your head, but also do not forget about the mirrors. If you turn your head, your visibility increases, but there is still no way to see obstacles that are below the glass level

If you turn your head, your visibility increases, but there is still no way to see obstacles that are below the glass level

If you don’t know how to park in reverse (backwards), remember the main rule: when parking, not only turn your head, but also do not forget about the mirrors. If you turn your head, your visibility increases, but there is still no opportunity to see obstacles that are below the glass level.

Of course, the mirrors have a narrow view, but they have a good viewing sector, allowing you to more accurately approach an obstacle - in other words, the degree of maneuverability of the vehicle increases.

You should also not forget about the features of your own car - for example, cars with rear-wheel drive have a minimum turning radius, and all-wheel drive ones have a maximum.

Try to imagine in your mind the trajectory of movement when parking, figure out how the axles of the car move - clearly imagine this picture, because this way it is much easier to master the art of parking correctly.

Normative base

Where you can and cannot park in 2022 is regulated by the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations. Parking a car must be carried out in compliance with the standards set out in section 12. Having decided to stop driving and park the car, a citizen must take into account the rules reflected in clauses 12.1-12.3 of the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations.

Attention! If you have any questions, you can chat for free with a lawyer at the bottom of the screen or call Moscow; Saint Petersburg; Free call for all of Russia.

Clause 12.5 of the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations sets out the conditions under which parking is unacceptable. If the driver is forced to stop due to the influence of external factors, clause 12.6 comes into effect.

Punishment for violation of clauses 12.1-12.6 of the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation is regulated by Article 12.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The citizen will be fined in the amount of 500-5000 rubles.

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