VAZ 2106 battery charging light is on reasons

In cases where the battery stops receiving charging, the charge indicator light on the VAZ 2106 instrument panel lights up.

External view of the instrument panel of a VAZ 2106 car. The numbers indicate: 19 – external lighting switch; 18 – rear window heating switch; 17 – rear fog lamp switch; 16 – indicator lamp for turning on the parking brake; 15 – battery charge indicator lamp
; 14 – control lamp for covering the carburetor air damper; 13 – tachometer; 12 – handle for setting the daily trip meter to zero; 11 – control lamp for turning on the side light; 10 – control lamp for turning on the direction indicators; 9 – control lamp for turning on the high beam; 8 – summing counter of the distance traveled; 7 – daily counter of the distance traveled; 6 – speedometer; 5 – warning lamp for insufficient oil pressure in the engine lubrication system; 4 – oil pressure indicator in the engine lubrication system; 3 – liquid temperature indicator in the engine cooling system; 2 – fuel reserve warning lamp; 1 – fuel level indicator.

A car owner has a legitimate question: why does the battery light on a VAZ 2106 come on?.

There may be several reasons why the VAZ 2106 battery light is on. Initially, it is necessary to check the integrity of fuses No. 9 and No. 10, as well as the reliability of their installation in the sockets. If the fuse links are visually intact, then you need to simultaneously check the tops of the fuses, where they can rub against their socket. This can be easily determined by the belt that appears there, which breaks the contact in the charge circuit.

Next, you should check the integrity of the alternator belt and its tension. If the belt is intact and its tension is normal, then you should check the pulleys for wear on their internal parts. The generator belt has a wedge shape, due to which it expands between the “cheeks” of the pulley. When the pulley wears out, the generator belt falls down the pulley and begins to slip. This is easy to determine by the shiny inside of the pulley, which has been polished by the belt. If the belt slips, either the battery will be incompletely charged or there will be no charge at all. This may be one of the reasons why the battery light on the VAZ 2106 is on. In such cases, the pulley must be replaced together with the generator belt.

The burning of the light bulb may also be due to oxidized terminals of the battery wires, which prevent the passage of charging current from the vehicle's generator set.

The first step in solving battery charging light problems on any car is to strip the battery terminals and associated wires.

Oxidized terminals can be easily cleaned with a solution of soda and water, which removes the oxide. The terminals must be completely cleaned of oxide, wiped dry and coated with some kind of lubricant, for example Litol 24. The battery terminals themselves must also be cleaned, and also wipe the surface of the battery with a piece of rag or a brush with a soda solution.

You should not clean the terminals with sandpaper, especially coarse sandpaper, since the lead from which the terminals are made can be easily removed with sandpaper. The terminals become smaller in diameter and when installing the terminals, it is no longer possible to achieve reliable contact.

It is also necessary to check the condition of the connection of the terminals on the generator, where the terminals may also be oxidized or there may be poor contact between the generator output and the terminals. In addition, the generator needs to be checked for reliability of its contact with the vehicle ground. Usually this is a wire in the form of a “snake”.

If the generator provides charging, but the light continues to light, then it is necessary to check the reliability of the wire connection and its integrity from the generator to the battery.

Why do you need a battery charging warning light?

In order for the driver to monitor the charging status of the battery, there is a voltmeter with a scale on the instrument panel, as well as a small red window under which a warning light is installed. When we insert the ignition key and turn it in the lock one turn, this lamp turns on and lights up red. The voltmeter needle is in the zero position. This means that the generator is at rest and does not charge the battery. When the engine starts, the lamp should go out and the instrument needle should move to the right, indicating the amount of voltage supplied to the battery. This happens when the machine’s power supply system is fully operational. But if the VAZ 2107 or 2106 battery charging light is on even after the engine is started, most likely there is a failure somewhere. And our task is to find its cause and eliminate it.

What does this mean

After the owner of the car turns on the ignition by turning the keys, the on-board computer begins checking all systems and sensors of the car; the lights flash for a short time and then go out after the check. It’s the same with the battery indicator; if the indicator lights up, then you have a problem with the battery.

A battery (also abbreviated as AKB) is needed to start the engine. Power from it goes to the ignition system and to the starter when the engine starts. After the engine has already started, power begins to flow from the generator, and even if you remove the battery terminals, the engine will not stall. The battery releases its charge at startup and is then slowly recharged by the generator.

Not every driver knows about this, but why? Because the traffic regulations that he passed did not say anything to obtain a license to install a car. Of those who have received these rights, only every hundredth person understands the device at least a little, and not every five hundredth person who has received the right knows all the components and assemblies thoroughly. Therefore, those who say that you already know this do not understand the device themselves.

The generator produces a voltage that fluctuates within a narrow permissible range from 13.5 to 14.5 Volts so that the entire electrical circuit of the car works normally. The relay-regulator prevents the increase in voltage in the network; this relay reduces the voltage to the required value, regardless of the speed of the machine and engine speed.

When the voltage from the generator goes beyond these limits and the red light on the dashboard lights up. If you do not pay attention to this signal, your battery will run out, and then you will definitely not be able to start the engine. There is nothing good about increased stress either. Here the light bulbs and fuses can burn out, and this will only make things worse for the battery.

What can a constantly burning battery charging lamp indicate?

If the battery charging light is on in a VAZ 2107 or VAZ 2106, there can be only one reason - the battery is not receiving voltage from the generator, or is receiving it, but its value is insufficient. There may be several malfunctions that lead to this:

  • violation of normal contact at the battery terminals;
  • loose tension or damage to the alternator belt;
  • lack of contact of its “negative” terminal with “ground”;
  • break in the rotor excitation circuit or wear of the generator brushes;
  • diode bridge malfunction.
  • defective fuse;
  • failure of the relay regulator.

Some useful tips

To avoid problems associated with a faulty battery charging circuit, use the following tips.

  1. Pay more attention to your car's dashboard. This way you will know not only about the charging status of the battery, but also about the operation of other systems and mechanisms.
  2. Check the alternator belt regularly. The correct operation of the entire on-board network when the engine is running depends on its condition and tension. If you find the slightest defect in the belt, do not delay replacing it.
  3. Don’t be lazy at least once a month to check the voltage supplied by the generator to the battery terminals. If any discrepancies with the recommended values ​​are detected, perform a full diagnostic of the on-board network.
  4. Periodically conduct a visual inspection of the condition of the battery terminals and generator terminals. Having discovered their oxidation, clean them with fine sandpaper and treat them with a liquid like VD-40.
  5. Do not allow water to get on the generator, battery and relay regulator. It can cause a short circuit in the electrical circuit. It is better to entrust engine washing to specialists.
  6. When repairing the battery charging circuit, avoid using spare parts that raise doubts about their quality.

Before starting diagnostics

An important point in deciding why the VAZ 2107 or 2106 battery charging light is on is the very fact that voltage is supplied to the battery from the generator. In other words, if it does not reach the battery at all, there is nothing to be surprised about. The lamp must light in such a situation. But if the battery charging light is on, but there is charging, it will be a little more difficult to solve this problem.

Our first priority is to determine whether voltage is supplied to the battery. This is not at all difficult to do, especially since this requires only one device - a voltmeter or multimeter turned on in its mode. We start the car engine, raise the hood and measure the voltage at the battery terminals with the generator running. If all elements of the system are working properly, the voltmeter should produce 13.6-14.2 V, and no less. This is a working indicator for normal battery charging. If the voltage is below these values, then there is some kind of malfunction.

Let's look at different situations in which the battery light comes on.

  1. Situation one - the on-board voltmeter shows the charge, the battery light does not light up, the multimeter shows 12V at the battery terminals, while the battery itself is completely discharged.

Treatment: We strip the high voltage terminals and wires, after which we measure the voltage again. If this does not lead to anything, check the voltage at the “30” terminal of the generator. Connect one electrode of the multimeter to the generator terminal, the second to ground. If in this case the voltage is slightly higher than on the battery, “stripping” the “30” terminal. If necessary, change the wire that goes from the generator to the battery.

    Situation two - the light and the light indicate charging, but the battery is discharged. The voltage on the battery is normal (

14V), but when there is a load (signal, headlights, etc.), the charging arrow jerks to the extreme left position. The reason is poor tension of the generator belt, or a problem with the pulley or bearing itself.

  • In addition, the cause of the above situation may be a breakdown of one of the diodes or a break in the stator winding. Do the following - turn off the ignition, then check the diodes with a multimeter; if a breakdown is detected, replace them.
  • It would be a good idea to check the generator brushes. To do this, simply remove the brushes and check their length, if the length is less than five mm. I recommend replacing the generator brushes.
  1. Situation three - after turning the key in the ignition, the battery lamp does not light up, while the charge sensor does not work, and the battery does not charge. The most likely cause is a blown fuse. It is designated “F10”, its rating is 10 Amp. If after replacing a new fuse you do not see any result, the reason may lie in the lock itself or the ignition relay.
  1. Situation four - after turning the key there is no charging, but all devices are functioning, the battery light does not light up.

Treatment: Remove the wiring from terminal “61” of the generator, and then connect it directly to the negative (that is, to the body). If after this the lamp lights up, the reason is in the excitation winding of the generator.

  • The reason may also be poor contact in the connector. It is necessary to clean everything properly and check the result; if it is not there, it is very possible that the lamp has burned out. If the problem is not in the light bulb (it burns dimly or intermittently), then other indicators will also light dimly or intermittently; if this only happens with the battery indicator, then perhaps the reason is in the light bulb itself.
  1. Situation five - after turning on the ignition, the battery light comes on, and after starting the engine it does not go out, while charging is either intermittent or does not exist at all. The reason for this behavior may be poor contact of the wire with the connector on the dashboard.

Loose or damaged alternator belt

During diagnostics, it is imperative to check the condition of the alternator belt. Sometimes it happens that due to its long-term operation or under the influence of other factors, it becomes deformed, as a result of which the generator drive misfires. Pay attention to the belt tension. Its weakening leads to the same effect.

If the belt is not deformed and has no visible damage, it can simply be tightened. Otherwise, it must be replaced. The normal belt tension is such that it can be rotated around the horizontal axis by 85-90 degrees.

Getting to the repair site

Finally, about what to do if an overcharge is detected while on the road and you need to get to the place of repair.

If the voltage does not exceed 15 V, then you can safely continue driving, but try not to give high speed to the engine and reduce the number of switched on electrical consumers as much as possible (keep only the necessary ones).

If the overcharge is strong (more than 15 V), you can first loosen the tension of the generator drive belt, which will reduce its performance (although the belt will quickly wear out).

If loosening the belt does not give any results, you can turn off the generator (disconnect the wires from it). In this case, the on-board network will be powered only from the battery.

If the battery is well charged with a minimum number of consumers on its charge, you can drive 70-90 km, but after that the battery will need to be well charged.

Generator faults

If the battery charging light is on, but there is charging (VAZ 2106, 2107), the generator must be checked. The most common problems in terms of our malfunction are a break in the rotor excitation circuit or wear (damage) of the brushes.

First of all, the generator must be dismantled and disassembled. To check the rotor winding, we use the same multimeter turned on in ohmmeter mode. We connect its probes to the terminals of the winding and measure its resistance. For a working rotor it should not be less than 4.5 ohms. If the resistance does not reach this value, most likely an interturn short circuit has occurred somewhere. If it is not detected at all, the winding may break.

Let's move on to the brushes. We take them out of their seats and inspect them for wear. If the length of the brushes does not exceed 7 millimeters or they show signs of damage, we change them. Pay attention also to the condition of the brush commutator. If defects are detected in its copper plates, we change the rotor.

Low battery

Another common reason why the battery warning light does not light up when the ignition is turned on in a VAZ 2106 - 2107 is a weak battery.

If, at the same time that the battery light does not light up, the dashboard instruments do not turn on or are dimly lit, then this is a clear sign of a low battery. The problem can be “cured” by simply charging the battery.

Good battery

However, not all so simple. The discharge of a car battery may not occur because the owner did not have time to charge it in time or forgot to turn off the headlights. A problem with a battery becomes dangerous if the cause lies in the generating device. As you know, the battery must be charged while the car is moving, otherwise it will discharge quite quickly. And this function falls on the generator. But if the latter is faulty, then problems arise.

Thus, a seemingly trivial reason may indicate a damaged car generator, which performs many useful functions. Obviously, a thorough diagnosis should be carried out, the cause should be found and eliminated.

Diode bridge

The diode bridge is used to convert alternating voltage to direct voltage. If at least one of the diodes breaks down, the device stops coping with its tasks, which is why a voltage that does not correspond to its parameters begins to flow into the on-board circuit of the machine. That is why the rectifying bridge must be checked in the case when the battery charging light is on, but there is charging (VAZ 2107, 2106).

You can also determine the health of the diodes using a multimeter in the appropriate mode. Turn on the tester and connect the red probe to the positive terminal of the bridge, and the black probe to one of the contacts marked “AC”. The threshold (pass) voltage for silicon diodes ranges from 400 to 1000 mV. If the device shows you a value that does not fit within the specified range, the bridge must be replaced. It is impossible to repair it.

Fuse failure

The electrical charging circuit of the battery, like any other, is protected by a fuse. It is located in the mounting block under the hood of the car. In “sixes” and “sevens” this fuse is usually designated as F10, but, in any case, it is better to look through the user manual before checking. Most often, when it malfunctions, no voltage is supplied to the battery at all, but it also happens that it is the reason why the battery charging light is on, but there is charging.

The fuse is checked with a tester after it is removed from the socket. If the device shows that the part has become unusable, simply replace it.

Why does the battery icon light up on the instrument panel of the VAZ 2109 -2114.

To explain the cause of this malfunction in a nutshell - the battery light comes on when the generator does not charge the battery or there is an open circuit in this circuit (for example, a fuse has blown). A list of all the reasons why the light comes on:

  1. The fuse in the mounting block (f16) has blown.
  2. The terminals on the battery have oxidized.
  3. The alternator belt is broken or slipping.
  4. The brushes are worn out.
  5. The relay-regulator is faulty.
  6. Breakdown of the diode bridge.
  7. Open circuit or short circuit in the stator or rotor of the generator.
  8. A break in the negative wire supplying the instrument panel (the generator has nothing to do with it).

Malfunction of the relay regulator

Another reason that the battery charging light is on, but there is charging, may be a failure of the relay regulator. It, in fact, is responsible for the timely switching on and off of this lamp. In VAZ 2106, 2107 cars, the relay is installed in the engine compartment on the upper part of the wheel mudguard on the right side. The principle of its operation is as follows. When the ignition is turned on (with the engine off), current from the battery flows through its closed contacts and powers the warning lamp.

Diagram and device of optics VAZ 2106

Vehicle lighting includes front and rear lights. There are four front ones: two external and two internal. External ones are used for low beam and high beam on VAZ. The internal ones turn on only together with the high beams. The taillights are multi-colored lights that serve as an indicator of reverse gear, dimensions, brakes, etc. The lighting system also includes daytime running lights (DRL),

Six lighting scheme

The sixth model's optics scheme includes:

  • headlights;
  • two relays for the low and high beam register;
  • speedometer with high beam indicator;
  • a switch that turns on either high or low beam;
  • generator;
  • fuse box;
  • battery;
  • external lighting switch;
  • ignition key.
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