How not to buy “overdue”? Learning to determine the release date of a battery by markings

Car batteries look like unpretentious things and can be stored for a very long time. But this impression is deceptive. From the moment of release, the battery should quickly fall into the hands of the buyer. For all classes of batteries, the estimated expiration date is different. A low-antimony battery lasts 6-10 months, a silver-alloyed one - 12-15 months, a hybrid - up to 18 months, a calcium - up to 24, an AGM - up to 36. After this time, the battery can fail at any minute and even recharging will not be able to revive such a battery . The term can be extended if the battery is “brought” to the buyer in maximum condition - properly stored and transported, recharged at wholesale depots.

Usually, the production date is simply written on products. But batteries are not always marked with release date that anyone can understand. The world's battery manufacturers don't even have a uniform standard for marking the release date. So, let’s look at the battery models that are popular in Russia and learn how to determine the production date by their markings.

MNPK "Vesta", LLC "ISTOK" ("FireBall", "Uno", "Dominator", "Kursk battery", "Forse")

The markings of Kursk and Dnepropetrovsk residents are quite difficult to read, but they carry a fair amount of information, although not always, however, so necessary for the consumer as the date of issue. But even the day the battery was released is encrypted in it. Let's see what their markings might look like: 1317 426275

The first four digits are not very interesting to us: the first is the production line number, the next are the individual batch code. But the numbers after the space are extremely interesting to us. The first of them is the last digit of the year of manufacture of the battery (“4” means year of manufacture 2014). The second is half a year of release. The third is the number of the month of release in the half of the year (in this example, month “6” of the second half of the year, which means the battery was released in December). The fourth and fifth are the release number, and the last digit is the number of the team that worked on the battery (if the team number is two-digit, the second half of the marking will consist of seven digits rather than six).

In total, based on the markings presented above, we can say the following about the battery: it was produced on the first production line, as part of batch number 317, on December 27, 2014, by team number 5.

Just last year the labeling was changed due to the complete transfer of production to Kursk. Now it's easier to read. The first four digits in the marking indicate MM.YY.

The marking of heavy batteries from Dnepropetrovsk and Kursk is a little simpler, example: 19515265

This marking indicates that the battery capacity is 195 Ah, it was released in 2015 in the 6th month of the second half of the year by the fifth brigade.

Types of batteries Tyumen

The number of Tyumen battery types produced by the Tyumen Battery Plant exceeds 400. There are 156 of them for cars of different models alone.

A large number of different types of Tyumen batteries from this manufacturer can be found in tracked and motorcycle vehicles, in the energy sector, in the communications sector, railway transportation, etc.

With all the variety of types of products of this brand, they are united by common characteristics that set them apart from others - reliability, quality and price. This causes increased demand and popularity.

"Tubor" ("Cobat", "Titan")

The manufacturing date marking on Nizhny Novgorod batteries is printed in the center of the cover using a printer. The code is shorter than previous batteries, but no less puzzling.

It looks like this: 12345 , where

1 – day of the week, 2,3 – week number in the year, 4 – year, written in Latin letters (2014 (Z), 2015 (P), 2016 (A), 2017 (S), 2022 (T), 2022 (X ), 2022 (L)), 5 – shift number.

Possible marking: 418P1. From it we can say that the battery was released on Thursday of the 18th week (approximately the beginning of May) of 2015 by the first shift of workers.

How long can a Tyumen battery be stored?

It is necessary to distinguish between shelf life and duration of operation. Even if the Tyumen battery is not yet connected, it is simply waiting for its turn, in this inactivity it is discharged, the capacity becomes smaller, and plaque forms on the plates.

The longer he stays in this state, the less time he has to work.

An important factor is storage and transportation conditions. Compliance with all the rules will significantly increase the performance of the Tyumen battery in the future.

"VARTA", "Bosch"

Article on the topic

Decipher the markings: mission possible

German twins have a common marking standard, which is not surprising given the minimum technological differences between the two brands of batteries.

In order not to dwell on all the nuances of the long code indicated on the top cover of the battery, we will only say that the “date of birth” can be calculated using the numbers 4,5,6. The fourth is the last digit of the year, and the fifth and sixth are the month code. Here, as in the case of Tubor, instead of actual numbers there is a real rebus: January 17, February 18, March 19, April 20, May 53, June 54, July 55, August 56, September 57 , 58-October, 59-November, 60-December.

Offered range

Each battery may have a certain size, dimensions, technical and operational characteristics. This also affects the service life of the Tyumen car battery.

Choosing among a wide range of enterprises is not so easy. The plant's arsenal includes an impressive number of batteries with different capacities, starting current and other characteristics. When selecting, the buyer must take into account the size of the seat, polarity, required power and current consumption to start the engine.

The Tyumen brand product range includes both maintenance-free and classic serviceable batteries.

In total, the range includes about 50 types of batteries for different needs and requirements, including equipping cars. In terms of capacity, these can be batteries from 38 to 230 Ah.

The following types of power supplies are available to choose from:

  • starter motors for passenger cars;
  • starter batteries for trucks and special equipment;
  • starter batteries for motorcycles;
  • for diesel locomotives;
  • traction batteries;
  • stationary power supplies.

Car starter batteries are of greatest interest:

  1. Premium. This is a battery model range called “Tyumen Premium”. Each battery has precisely calibrated dimensions and characteristics. The series is characterized by an increased service life and inrush current. The batteries are resistant to deep discharge. Premium series batteries add silver and use Double Side Pasting technology. Capacity range from 50 to 230 Ah.
  2. Asia. Tyumen also offers power supplies that comply with the JIS standard. They are intended for installation on Japanese and Korean cars. They have a capacity range from 38 to 95 Ah. High quality, inexpensive, stable and durable.
  3. Standard. But the Standard series batteries are suitable for those who want to get an inexpensive but high-quality battery. Recommended for use on domestic cars and foreign cars with configurations no higher than the average level. The batteries comply with European standards and can withstand the harsh Russian winter. Although reviews about them are contradictory.
  4. "Siberia". The assortment also includes batteries "Sibir". Characterized by high starting current. Optimally suitable for diesel and gasoline engines operating at low temperatures. They tolerate frosts well. The manufacturer claims an increased number of charge-discharge cycles. The capacity ranges from 60 to 200 Ah.
  5. "Taiga". If we talk about the Taiga model range, then we can highlight the adaptability of the batteries for operation in the conditions of the Far North. These are starter lead-acid batteries. There is nothing superfluous in them. Only maximum starting current and high reliability. The batteries are suitable for domestic and foreign cars. Capacity ranges from 56 to 195 Ah.

Given the range of capacities, each line presents an impressive list of available batteries.

Since May 2022, Tyumen Plant has been producing batteries using Ca/Ca technology.

These are completely maintenance-free batteries with excellent technical and operational characteristics. Italian and Korean equipment is used to assemble such batteries.

Model range "Premium"

Tyumen Battery Premium has improved performance characteristics and exceeds the requirements of many automakers. They have increased active mass on the electrodes. They have the longest service life and minimal self-discharge.

Table - Overview of the Tyumen Premium model range.

Tyumen PremiumCapacityStarting currentPolarityDimensionsWeight

The problem of fake batteries

There are several ways to spot a fake. Namely:

  • The weight of the battery stated on the label should not differ from the actual weight by more than 300–400 grams;
  • production date marking is always applied only to plastic using laser embossing;
  • the marking first shows the month, then the year, and finally the day of manufacture;
  • labels on the original are glued as evenly as possible;
  • the label must contain information about the capacity, starting current, name of the manufacturer and series;
  • The name must also be printed on the battery cover.

Alas, scammers produce large volumes of batteries that replicate the original as closely as possible. You can distinguish them, but you have to be vigilant and attentive.

"Tyumen" are excellent batteries of good quality. For domestic cars the option is more than worthy. Although it is better to choose something else for an elite foreign car.

Charging Recommendations

To charge the purchased Tyumen battery, you definitely won’t need any special knowledge or professional equipment.

Self-charging a Tyumen brand battery involves using a household charger. Moreover, it is better and safer to charge with automatic chargers, rather than with equipment with manually configured parameters.

The procedure itself looks extremely simple. Based on whether your battery is serviceable or not. The following recommendations can be given:

  • turn off the engine, turn off the ignition;
  • remove the battery from the engine compartment, having first disconnected the terminals;
  • if the car was parked in the cold, it is better to bring the battery into a warm room;
  • wait until the battery warms up;
  • if the battery is serviceable, unscrew the plugs, check the level and condition of the electrolyte;
  • Normally, the liquid should cover the plates by 10–12 mm;
  • Without tightening the cap, connect the charger to the battery;
  • set all values ​​to zero;
  • connect the charger to the network;
  • select a charge current of 10% of the battery capacity;
  • if the battery is very discharged, it is better to start charging with a current of 2.5–5% of the capacity;
  • wait for complete completion;
  • make sure that the electrolyte does not boil away and its temperature does not rise above 45 degrees Celsius;
  • upon completion of charging, disconnect the charger from the network, and then remove the terminals from the battery;
  • wait 20–30 minutes, after which the plugs can be closed.

If, upon completion of charging, the voltage at the terminals is about 12.7 V, and the electrolyte density has reached 1.28 g/cm³, everything is done correctly. The Tyumen battery is fully charged.

If the motorist has a maintenance-free battery, the same manipulations are performed, but there is no need to remove the caps from the cans.

Furukawa Battery (SuperNova), Panasonic (Japan)

The marking is indicated on the label located on the battery cover. On Panasonic batteries, the symbols are applied using paint (YY.MM.DD), and on Furukawa Battery products - by extrusion on a sticker in the form DD.MM.YY.

Sample marking: 080515A

Explanation: the battery was manufactured on May 8, 2015.

Do you already know whether it is possible to charge a maintenance-free battery and how to do it correctly? The answer is in our article -

Maintenance Tips

In fact, servicing a Tyumen brand car battery is no different from analogues from other manufacturers.

If the battery is serviceable, the question may arise about how to properly check the electrolyte level in a Tyumen brand battery. Everything is simple here. The plugs are removed, the hydrometer is immersed inside, and measurements are taken of the density, and at the same time the level. The level can also be checked using a regular transparent plastic housing from the handle.

You need to take the handle, remove the rod, insert one end into the jar, reaching the plates, then close the second hole with your finger and lift the handle body. And by the amount of liquid, using a regular ruler, you can determine the electrolyte level.

If the level is less than 10 mm, add distilled water.

Use only high quality distilled water. Experienced motorists advise buying it in pharmacies. Unfortunately, there are a lot of fakes in car dealerships.

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