Gears are difficult to engage: causes, solutions

When the speed of the car begins to turn on heavily, it not only causes an unpleasant feeling, but also makes the operation of the car unsafe. In this article we will look at the points why is it hard to shift gears, or do not switch at all, which is usually associated with this.

The gearbox is a complex mechanism that requires constant maintenance. Including regular diagnostics and gearbox oil changes. Ignoring these measures often leads to problems with gear shifting.

What are the reasons for poor gear shifting?

Difficulty shifting gears can occur as a result of improper operation of the gearbox, or due to operation of the vehicle on bad roads. Problems with the gearbox sooner or later occur in used cars.

If you have difficulties when trying to switch to another gear, you cannot shift or it takes a lot of effort, then there is clearly a malfunction. Most often, car owners turn to a car service center when they have difficulty engaging first gear or reverse gear . A fairly common problem on VAZ and Ford Focus cars.

Let's look at the faults that lead to difficult gear shifting:

  • Clutch malfunction. In this situation, the gears will engage either poorly or not completely. A common occurrence in VAZ cars that have fur cables. the clutch is moving away from the mount.
  • Problems in the drive of the switching mechanism. Broken traction leads to difficult engagement of 1st and reverse gears.
  • The jet thrust is faulty.
  • Wear of plastic parts in the box control drive.
  • The slide is incorrectly positioned. A weighty element, incorrect adjustment leads to malfunctions.
  • Bearing wear. This is a fairly rare occurrence; anyone can experience this, especially when you have a manual transmission. In such a situation, it is usually difficult to engage first gear.
  • The box shaft is faulty. By itself, it is not subject to heavy loads, which could lead to wear. A factory defect may cause the entire unit to be replaced.
  • Clutch failure. Often found among owners of cars with an automatic transmission. The malfunction is eliminated by replacing the clutches.
  • Faulty synchronizers are the most common problem among gearbox breakdowns. They are made of brass, and this metal itself is quite soft. During use, it wears out and wears out. The breakdown is usually accompanied by a grinding noise when switching to another speed.

Some faults can be diagnosed and fixed independently, but failure of the bearings or shaft cannot be determined. For these purposes, you need special tools and equipment, as well as experience. In this situation, if you have problems shifting gears, it is best to go to a service station.

Malfunctions when turning on gears and their elimination

The main components of a modern car are characterized by the same operating principles, despite significant differences in their design. In particular, this also applies to manual transmissions (if we do not consider rear-wheel drive cars, in which the lever is connected directly to the transmission).

Front-wheel drive vehicles can have either a longitudinal or transverse gearbox. In the latter case, a link is used for communication between the motor and the gearbox; on some models (for example, on the Ladovsky Vesta and Kalina) a cable drive is used. It is considered simpler and more reliable, but this design is not without its drawbacks and can fail.

So, let's look at the main reasons why gears do not engage when the engine is running.

Traction, drawstring

Since we have already mentioned domestic cars with a transverse power unit (from the “Nine” to the “Priora”), then when the above-mentioned problem appears, it is first necessary to begin the search for the culprits with these mechanisms.

If you notice that when the car starts moving, the gearbox lever rattles chaotically and unpleasantly, most likely it is the rocker that has flown out of its mounting location. This type of malfunction occurs especially often on cars of the Lada Samara family of the first two generations. The solution is to replace the link or fastener element with new ones. We can say that this is the most obvious and easily fixable malfunction of this kind.


On cars of later years of production, a cable is used instead of a rocker. If this cable breaks, you will not be able to engage the gear, but not only with the engine running, but also with the engine turned off. This is what will indicate that the drive cable is the likely culprit. Replacing it is not difficult, and it is inexpensive compared to other components and parts.

Motor mounting cushion

Many drivers are not aware that due to severely deformed cushions, not only the engine, but also the gearbox will suffer. And this phenomenon is typical for both types of transmissions, manual and automatic.

There are car models on which the boxes are installed on special supports, which must be periodically checked for integrity and, if necessary, replaced. The easiest way to check is to make sure that the engine does not oscillate in the longitudinal direction when idling and increasing speed. If the cushions sag significantly, the motor also lowers, which can lead to breakage of the linkage or jamming of the input shaft rotation. The problem is solved by replacing deformed pillows.


So far we have considered fairly simple breakdowns that do not require dismantling the gearbox or clutch. It's time to move on to more serious things - clutch problems, due to which the gearbox does not engage while the engine is running.

Most modern cars, regardless of the type of drive, front or rear, are equipped with gearboxes in which the gears are engaged using a hydraulic drive. The triggering mechanism is as follows: when you press the clutch pedal, the release piston is set in motion, creating excess pressure in the drive line, under the influence of which the fork moves to the side and the disc is disconnected from the shaft.

If all of the above reasons are absent, it is necessary to inspect the fork for leaks of working fluid. If the fluid level is low, there is a high probability that the clutch cylinder boot has leaked, which is why the fork is not fully pressed and the disc does not disconnect.

Sometimes the fork simply breaks, which indicates that its quality is not very good, so if replacement is necessary, you should not choose a cheaper part. On front-wheel drive vehicles, replacing the fork is impossible without removing the box.

Why is it difficult to engage manual transmission gears?

manual gear shifting

  • The most common problem is clutch failure. In such a situation, reverse gear turns on with a bang. This happens because the gear overlaps the tooth. Reverse speed is the only gear in the box that does not have synchronizers. For this reason, clutch failure is so obvious on it.
  • The second reason is a defect in the mechanism responsible for selecting the gear. This breakdown occurs when the car is stationary and you try to shift into gear.
  • The third is severe wear of the gearbox synchronizers. Mostly, breakdowns occur with those that are most often used. These are first, second and third gear. Severe wear of the synchronizers only appears when switching while driving.

To prevent possible gearbox malfunctions, perform regular maintenance, change the oil on time, and in case of minor failures, rush for diagnostics . This will save you time and money in the future.

Watch the video for what not to do with a manual transmission:

What to do if it is difficult to engage reverse gear?

If you have difficulty engaging reverse gear, do one of the following :

  1. When you feel that the gear has not reached the end, release the clutch slightly, and the gear will be inserted all the way.
  2. Fully depress the clutch and only after a few seconds engage reverse gear.
  3. Depress the clutch, set the gear to neutral and release the clutch. After this, press down and engage reverse gear.
  4. Shift into reverse through another gear. For example, first engage 4th and then shift to reverse.

How to properly engage reverse gear on a Hyundai Solaris, watch the video:

It's hard to engage first gear

Many drivers who encounter this situation try to force the gearbox selector to engage 1st speed. But this is fundamentally wrong and should not be done this way.

In this situation, it is necessary to use the regas method . Its essence is as follows:

  1. While driving in second gear, depress the clutch and set it to neutral and then release the clutch.
  2. After this, you need to press the gas pedal, increasing the speed to 2.5 thousand.
  3. The next step is to engage the clutch again by pressing the pedal all the way and turn on the first gear on the gearbox. If you still have difficulties with this, then you need to repeat it, because... You gave too little gas, there were too few revolutions.
  4. If all the steps are performed correctly, the first speed will turn on without any difficulties or sounds.

However, this method should not be used on an ongoing basis when it is difficult to engage 1st gear. This method is temporary in order to at least get to the service station without any problems. In any case, the box will have to be repaired.

What to do when it’s hard to engage 1st gear on a car, watch the video from a driving instructor :

The procedure for replacing synchronizers requires experience, relevant knowledge and special tools, so it is better to contact professionals. Automotive technicians will perform the replacement quickly and efficiently, and will also advise you on further operation and maintenance of the box.

Synchronizers or clutch?

In the design of a manual transmission, synchronizers are necessary to equalize the rotation speed of the input shaft and the selectable gear mounted on the secondary shaft.

The hub is rigidly connected to the gearbox output shaft, while the helical gear of each gear rotates freely on the shaft. When changing gears, the sliding clutch moves, locking together a pair of hub and helical gear corresponding to the desired gear. Since the speed of rotation of the hub and gear will be different when moving to a higher/lower stage, synchronizers are needed for smooth and silent shifting.

In the design of a synchronized manual transmission, the clutch, when moving, presses the locking ring against the synchronizer cone. Due to the high friction force between the cone and ring, the speed of the output shaft and the helical gear are equalized. The sliding clutch then seamlessly engages the gear with the output shaft hub.

If the synchronizer malfunctions, due to different rotation speeds of the input shaft and gear on the secondary shaft, rigid engagement occurs, accompanied by a characteristic roar/crunch.

You can distinguish a synchronizer malfunction from a clutch failure by the frequency of sounds. If the problem is in the release drive or the clutch basket itself, then the gearbox crunches with every shift. In the case of burnt or worn synchronizers, the sound appears when changing to a specific gear. For example, on front-wheel drive VAZ cars, due to a design flaw in the domestic manual transmission, a characteristic roar most often occurs when switching from 1st to 2nd gear.

After disengaging the gear, release and then depress the clutch again before engaging the next gear. If after double squeezing the gears shift softer, the problem is clearly in the synchronizer.

Problems with automatic shifting

An automatic transmission is very demanding in maintaining the oil level and its condition, unlike a manual transmission. Too high or low oil level can lead to machine malfunction. In addition, due to a lack or excess of oil, difficulties may arise in switching gears.

The most common automatic transmission faults:

  1. Forward gears do not engage.
  2. There is no reverse gear, forward there is only 1st and 2nd.
  3. All speeds are engaged except reverse.
  4. The gears don't engage at all.

The oil level in the automatic transmission is checked using a dipstick. If the oil level is low, add.

Circumstances under which poor manual transmission lever travel is observed

Before blaming the clutch, release bearing and other components of the gear selection mechanism, it is important to emphasize the circumstances when the gearbox lever moves tightly. There may be several options:

  1. Poor movement is observed only when the engine is running, and when the engine is stopped the lever moves freely.
  2. The nature of the malfunction is not constant: the gears are turned on either tightly, even with over-throttle, or easily.
  3. The problem appears when the engine is hot (after 15-20 minutes of driving), and when the engine is cold the handle moves freely.

Theory of gearbox operation

At the moment, all modern gearboxes are equipped with synchronizers, which are important elements of the gearbox. The essence of how synchronizers work is that they equalize the operation of the gearbox shafts.

Every driver, when switching from second to first gear, has encountered a situation where some kind of obstacle was felt. What prevents you from engaging first gear while driving. This is the synchronizer.

If you have a fairly new transmission, then when switching from an upshift to a downshift you will not find yourself in such a situation. Switching will be carried out without problems. This manifests itself as the components of the unit are used and worn out.

Watch a video about the design and operating principle of the gearbox:

Clutch faults

Simply put, the clutch is a mechanism that serves to transmit the torque of the internal combustion engine to the transmission, and also opens the engine and transmission so that gear can be changed. Failure of individual components of this unit may make it impossible to shift gears while the engine is running.

Brake fluid leaks

The design of many modern cars assumes that the working fluid for the clutch is brake fluid. If there is not enough fluid in the clutch drive hydraulic system, then the clutch will not engage fully.

In this case, the gears will engage slowly or not engage at all. For an initial check, you should look at the fluid level in the reservoir. If the level is low, it is necessary to check for leaks, eliminate defects and bleed the clutch.

If the fluid level is normal and no other reasons have been identified, you will need to remove the gearbox to inspect the clutch elements. Usually, when you try to turn on the speed and this mechanism breaks down, no loud grinding metallic sounds are heard from the gearbox itself.

Gears may not engage or may not engage fully if the fault is related to the clutch basket. The release bearing may also be the cause. If the specified bearing does not move freely along the input shaft or is jammed, then replacement of the part is necessary.

It is necessary to separately add that the primary sign of problems with the release valve is the appearance of a rustling or distinct hum when the car is running. The noise appears only when the clutch pedal is pressed to the floor. Such extraneous sounds can be present both on a cold car and on a warm one. After releasing the clutch pedal, the noise should disappear. A jammed release lever will not allow the clutch to engage, which complicates gear shifting and can also lead to rapid wear and destruction of other elements of the clutch mechanism.

Basket malfunctions are often associated with critical wear of the petals. Wear means that the basket stops performing its functions as it heats up. An increase in temperature leads to the fact that the clutch basket cannot completely remove the pressure plate. The result is very difficult gear shifting after the engine has warmed up a little.

After removing the box, it is necessary to inspect the basket for deformation, signs of overheating and other defects. If found, the element must be replaced.

Another reason why the gears do not engage when the car is running or engages with effort may be a worn clutch disc.

After disassembly, it is necessary to inspect the friction linings on the disk. They should not be critically worn, burnt or damaged, and the disc should not be deformed. Additionally, during the clutch inspection process, a check of the diaphragm springs is required. After replacing failed clutch elements, the box must be well centered during subsequent assembly, and the clutch must be pumped.

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What to do if the car accelerates worse, does not pick up speed, or has failures during acceleration. Why the engine does not pull, how to find the reason for the decrease in power.

.Year of issue:

Asked by
: Anonymous.
The essence of the question
: after changing the oil in the gearbox, is second gear difficult to engage?

On my Grant, purchased in 2014, after changing the oil, second gear is difficult to engage. The oil was changed in the gearbox. It was also noticed that sometimes it does not work. Him too. Question: why does the Lada Grant not engage in second gear? I also wanted to know if it was possible to change the sensor ourselves.

What's the result?

It is important to understand that a manual transmission is a reliable unit, which normally should not cause discomfort to the driver when driving a vehicle. This means that if the gearbox is in full working order, the work should be clear and balanced.

At the same time, it is important to determine not only why the gearbox does not turn on or why the manual transmission gears are difficult to engage, but also to eliminate the cause as quickly as possible.

In other words, driving on a faulty gearbox can lead to bearings being destroyed, etc. As a result, further damage to the components and mechanisms of the manual transmission cannot be avoided, and the cost of repairing the gearbox in this case increases significantly.

Reasons for difficulty shifting gears with the engine running. Transmission oil and level in the gearbox, wear of synchronizers and gearbox gears, clutch.

Car clutch: purpose, types, design, principle of operation. Frequent clutch malfunctions in the vehicle transmission system, signs of problems.

“Manual” gearbox: the main pros and cons of this type of gearbox, the operating principle of a car’s manual transmission (manual transmission).

The design and principle of operation of a manual gearbox. Types of mechanical boxes (double-shaft, three-shaft), features, differences

AMT gearbox: design and operation of a robotic gearbox, types of robotic gearboxes. Advantages and disadvantages of robotic transmission.

Design and principle of operation of a robotic gearbox. Differences between robotic gearboxes and torque converter automatic transmissions and CVT variators.

If you have a mechanic

Gears shift poorly in a car with a manual transmission for three reasons. The first of these is a malfunction of the clutch when it does not completely disengage (drive). The first sign of this malfunction is that the reverse gear is engaged with a characteristic crash. The rear one reacts to this anomaly more noticeably than other gears, because it is the only one not equipped with a synchronizer.

The second reason is a defect in the gear selection mechanism of the gearbox. And finally, the third is excessive wear of the gearbox synchronizers.

There are also several clutch malfunctions in which manual transmission gears shift poorly:

  • Air in the clutch release hydraulic drive or fluid leakage from it. The malfunction is eliminated by replacing failed components of the hydraulic system and pumping it.
  • Worn or broken clutch release fork. The part requires replacement or repair.
  • Warping (runout greater than 0.5 mm) or too thick new driven disk.
  • Failure of the basket (temperature deformation of the pressure plate or its distortion).
  • Loss of mobility of the support bearing of the gearbox input shaft (at the end of the crankshaft to which the flywheel is attached).
  • Jamming of the clutch driven disc hub on the splines of the gearbox input shaft. To eliminate the defect, clean the splines of the gearbox hub and input shaft. It wouldn’t hurt to lubricate them a little with lithol.

  • There is too much free play in the clutch release fork. Its value needs to be clarified with the manufacturer, since it is slightly different for different cars. Until you find out the value of this parameter for your car, set it from 5 to 8 mm. Too little free play of the fork is also undesirable, as it leads to clutch slipping and increased wear of the release bearing.

Excessive wear of synchronizers mainly occurs in those gears that are engaged more often: these are usually first, second and third. The rear one is not included in this list because it does not have a synchronizer. When your gear shifts poorly, and you assume that the reason for this is wear of the synchronizers, firstly, you should only have difficulties with this while driving. Secondly, in this case it switches better if you use double squeeze.

For those who don’t know what double squeeze is. To shift to a higher gear: depress the clutch, engage neutral, release and depress the clutch again, engage the gear.

Backlash in the so-called “helicopter” is one of the reasons for unclear gear shifting

To switch to a lower gear: double squeezing must be combined with re-engaging, that is, when the clutch pedal is released and the gearbox is in neutral, you need to press and release the accelerator pedal. This is how gears are changed in cars that do not have synchronizers. If the gearbox shifts easier using double squeezing, then the culprit for poor gear shifting is most likely worn synchronizers.

If the gears shift poorly when the car is standing still with the engine turned off, the fault may only be in the gear selection mechanism of the gearbox.

Look for damage or check that it is adjusted correctly. Don't even think about the clutch and synchronizers.

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