Repair and maintenance of air conditioners on Chevrolet cars

01/19/2022 5,566 Chevrolet

Author: Ivan Baranov

The air conditioning system is an integral part of any modern vehicle. Thanks to it, the driver will be able to feel comfortable while driving in the hot season. Sometimes it happens that a car owner is faced with a problem when the air conditioning on a Chevrolet Lacetti does not turn on. You can read more about malfunctions and solutions below.


Chevrolet Lacetti air conditioner does not work

Here are the most frequently encountered questions and problems regarding the Lacetti air conditioner and answers to them.
ALL additional questions can be asked in this thread. If you don’t have a condo, but you really want it, then nothing is impossible. Read here how to install it with the numbers of all the necessary parts

Air conditioner diagram:

Our air conditioners are charged with R-134a refrigerant in the amount of 670 ± 20 g. + compressor oil ISUPAG 513 in the amount of 175 ml. IT IS STRONGLY NOT RECOMMENDED TO ADD POE OIL!

Additional materials for an in-depth study of the air conditioning system: The operating principle of our air conditioners A book on car air conditioners Description of the air conditioning system and its elements

Air conditioner control circuit:

For trouble-free operation of the air conditioner, it must be turned on even in winter for maintenance and lubrication of seals. According to observations, the air conditioner does not turn on at sub-zero temperatures under the hood, but even at -30, after 30-40 minutes of driving, when everything under the hood has warmed up, the air conditioner should turn on.

Unfortunately, even with proper operation, problems may arise. Read on to find out how to deal with them.

The main question: “How to check the pressure and refrigerant level?”

— There is practically no way to use improvised means. It is necessary to pump out the refrigerant from the system, then weigh it. Just measuring your blood pressure won't do much.

If the question arises whether the air is cooled well

, then take a thermometer and measure the temperature at the inlet (outside, if recirculation is not turned on) and outlet of the air conditioner. The temperature difference must be at least 7 * C (this is from the official maintenance instructions). In the best case, this difference reaches 17-20 *C, i.e. at +25 outside, +8 comes out of the air ducts. +10. The degree of cooling is also affected by the cleanliness of the external radiator of the air conditioner.

Air conditioner diagnostics, fault determination

: With the heater fan on, press the AC button to turn on the air conditioner:


The AC button lights up, you can hear the click of the clutch under the hood, the air conditioning works, but the cold is weak, you can hear a noise from the glove compartment
(like water pouring). This is a sign of a small, but still sufficient amount of refrigerant. The system needs to be checked and recharged.


. The AC button lights up, but you can't hear the clutch click under the hood, the engine speed doesn't jerk, the ENGINE fan doesn't turn on, and the air conditioning doesn't work. The ECU does not give a command to turn on the air conditioning - the pressure in the system is below (most likely) or above critical. The system needs to be checked and recharged. There may also be a problem with the pressure sensor or a broken wiring. Freon pressure sensor.jpg


. The AC button lights up, but the clutch click is not heard under the hood, but the engine speed is jerky, the ENGINE fan turns on, and the air conditioning does not work. The ECU gives a command to turn on the air conditioning, but it does not reach the compressor clutch - there is a problem with the wiring. The most likely location is the connector at the compressor clutch. But first you need to check fuses F6 in the passenger compartment and Ef17 in the engine compartment, the operation of the compressor relay or the presence of a “plus” on contacts 30 and 86 and a “minus” on 85. You can check the operation of the relay very simply: one person needs to touch the relay with his fingers, another person presses the air conditioning button on the panel, a click should be felt in the relay. If a second person is not at hand, with the A/C button pressed and lit, the relay can first be pulled out and inserted again, again there should be a click. Location of air conditioner relays and fuses:

If the relay is in order, we ring the compressor clutch - with the air conditioning relay removed, there should be a “minus” on pin 87. If necessary, check the connector and wiring at the compressor clutch:


. The AC button lights up, the clutch clicks and the air conditioner turns on, but not immediately, but only after a few minutes or kilometers, the air is slightly cooled. The pressure in the system is at the lower limit. The air conditioner turns on only after warming up and increasing pressure. The system needs to be checked and recharged.


. The AC button does NOT light up, the clutch does NOT click, the ENGINE fan does not turn on, and the air conditioning does not work (it is also possible that the heater fan does not work in one of the positions). There is a problem with the button contacts or the control board; soldering or replacement is required. If you decide to deal with the control unit yourself, then the Photo report from Mitya and the Photo report from Gregory will help you.


. The AC button lights up, the clutch clicks, the air conditioner turns on, but turns off after a while. Probably, the pressure in the system is close to the maximum permissible or there is a problem with the pressure sensor (see point 2). It is necessary to check the pressure and sensor, bleed off a small amount of refrigerant if necessary. Unfortunately, there are some other reasons that have not yet been explained.


. The air conditioner works fine, but when driving for a long time, it stops blowing cold air. Especially pronounced during long periods of driving with recirculation turned on. The evaporator freezes. It is necessary to turn off the recirculation (and possibly the air conditioner) to defrost the evaporator and restore normal operation. In this case, the air conditioner, on the contrary, works too well. There is information that this is due to a small amount of refrigerant, oddly enough, and refilling can solve this problem.


. If your compressor turns on, the system is charged normally, but there is still no cold, and the pressure values ​​on the high and low pressure sides of the system when the compressor is operating are close, then the compressor does not create the necessary pressure difference. As a symptom, when you turn on the air conditioner in the cabin, you can hear a soft sound such as a low rumbling or howling. If the service offers you a replacement compressor, but the compressor does not produce any extraneous sounds during operation, it operates quietly, without rattling or knocking, then do not rush into replacement. Most likely, the control valve in the compressor is simply faulty, which, as it turns out, fails quite often. Even if at the service center they tell you that this does not exist and cannot exist, we still recommend starting with replacing the valve, because it costs “pennies” compared to the cost of the compressor and its replacement. In 90% of cases, the “sentenced” compressor continues to work properly. Honor and praise to Albano-1967, which may save you tens of thousands of rubles. Original valve number 96813684 for 2006-2012. (black mark, pressure

40 psi). This valve is located on the compressor on all engines 1.4, 1.6, 1.8. (If possible, it is advisable to check the valve number according to your VIN). Data from EPC below:

To replace, you must first bleed or pump out the refrigerant!

There are also cheaper analogues: valve 713017 (blue marking) or Chinese analogues rCat=202003120 Table of valve color markings: valve_colors.jpg For us, the most suitable valve will be the one with yellow or purple markings: less pressure will reduce the efficiency of the compressor, too much pressure will overload the compressor. Add. material to understand the essence of the problem with the valve.

If refrigerant leaves the system

, and the servicemen’s verdict is “the system is sealed”, then there is simply no desire to do anything and deeply understand the problem, it is easier for them to refill you every year, although many have an air conditioner that works for 5 or more years without refilling.

The most likely places for a refrigerant leak are:

1. Filling valve under the cap with the letter “H”. We unscrew the cap and see oil from the system and gas bubbles: VAZ spool No. 21230-8120812-01-0 is suitable for replacement.

2. Place where the tubes are connected to the compressor. O-rings, 2 pcs., 94580424 or 94525304.


There is a problem with the button contacts or the control board; soldering or replacement is necessary. If you decide to deal with the control unit yourself, then the Photo report from Mitya and the Photo report from Gregory will help you.

Probably, the pressure in the system is close to the maximum permissible or there is a problem with the pressure sensor, see. You need to check the pressure and sensor, bleed a small amount of refrigerant if necessary.

Why does the Lacetti air conditioner not work?

So, if the air conditioning on your Lacetti does not turn on, then there are two possible reasons:

  1. If, when you turn on the air conditioner button, the indication on this very button does not light up, then 99.9% you need to solder the button block. This is described in detail in this article. This is a long-known Lacetti problem. It's not difficult to fix it yourself.
  2. If, when you turn on the button, the indication lights up, but the Lacetti air conditioner still does not work, then, most often, this is an insufficient amount of refrigerant in the system.

Pressure in the Chevrolet Lacetti air conditioning system in the Chevrolet Explorer diagnostic program

I advise you to immediately go to a service station with this problem, rather than try to figure it out yourself. By the way, it’s not that difficult to figure it out, but you won’t be able to CORRECTLY charge the air conditioning system yourself.

There are instructions online for refilling air conditioners yourself from cans and monitoring pressure on pressure gauges. But this is an incorrect filling.

Remember: In a car air conditioning system, it is the WEIGHT of the refrigerant that is important, not its volume and pressure!

You can open the hood and look at the plate located to the left of the lock

How much refrigerant is in the Lacetti air conditioner

It clearly and clearly states how many GRAMS of R-134a refrigerant are needed

How much refrigerant is in the Lacetti air conditioner

In order to properly charge the air conditioner, you must first pump out all the refrigerant from your car, and then only pump it back as much as it should!

Can you do this at home? I doubt. Unless, of course, you are an ardent fan of doing everything yourself and can purchase expensive equipment for your garage in order to refill the air conditioner every 2-4 years.

Nowadays, almost any self-respecting service station has equipment that will automatically pump out all the refrigerant from a car’s air conditioner, pump in as much as needed and issue a receipt.

When my air conditioner stopped wanting to work, I immediately went to the service station, since I had already soldered the control unit and was sure that everything was fine with it, and in the Chevrolet Explorer program the pressure in the air conditioning system began to show less than usual.

At the service station they connected a miracle device that pumped out everything that was in my air conditioner and vacuumed the system.

Air conditioning refill equipment

We filled as much as needed and checked for leaks. No leaks were found, but there was not enough refrigerant because I had never refilled it before. As they say, time takes its toll.

This matter cost me 18 USD. and an hour of time.

Tip: Do not leave the air conditioner idle for a long time; turn it on at least once a week, even in winter. This will extend its service life.

Peace to your home and good luck on the roads!

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Lacetti air conditioner does not work: 21 comments

I need your help... Actually, yesterday I went to refill the air conditioner, because... when turned on, it was weakly cold and I ended up in a circus (one hundred), actually after some time the master came out to me and asked if there were any problems with the air conditioner, in fact they told me that it didn’t work (but I didn’t understand what they were talking about ), in fact, an hour later they called me to show me the fault, at the bottom of the protection there was a block that had 1 or 2 wires broken - they said that this was the problem and that they could fix it (I had already started asking questions, that somehow, I arrived to fill you up, but it doesn’t work), I gave the go-ahead, in the end I sat for two and a half hours and they told me that they couldn’t fill it (but somehow they manually filled in 200g - the air conditioner still doesn’t work), they assumed the problem was with refrigerant pressure sensor - they offered to bring a used sensor and install it for me, at that moment I preferred to finish the circus, and I was in a hurry, asked to stop the repairs and return the car, in the end I paid 1600 rubles and they returned the car on which the air conditioner now does not turn on (indicator does not light up), I paid and waited for the car, after some time they came up to me and said that I could not turn on the reverse on my box, then I was already blown up...

Actually, advise which direction to dig, otherwise it turns out that the air conditioner turned on and blew poorly, but now it doesn’t turn on at all.

Well, first of all, I would advise you not to leave your car alone with the service station workers. Yes, it infuriates them, but there is no other way to deal with them. Now we have no idea what really happened there. Therefore, you will have to figure it out from the very beginning. If there is a diagnostic adapter(, then in the Chevrolet Explorer program( you can view the request to turn on the air conditioner and the pressure in the air conditioning system. If there is no adapter, then first of all, if the indicator does not light, you need to re-solder the air conditioning control unit ( The indicator usually does not light up precisely because of this reason. Even if the system is empty, the indicator should light when the button is turned on. I don’t understand what it means - they couldn’t refuel? Smells like some kind of scam or incompetence. You can refill the system even when the system is not working, unless, of course, there is a large leak. I feel like they are missing something. In any case, I advise you to check the button block first. Even if everything was fine before. You can also visually assess possible leak locations. They can often be detected with the naked eye by oily stains. Pay special attention to the condenser (radiator) and this place If all this does not give results, then you will have to find a service station with adequate employees and equipment. This is sometimes difficult to do, but there is no other way out. Without proper evacuation, checking for leaks and strictly charging the refrigerant with oil according to the scale, nothing will work.

Hello everyone! I would like to share my experience in diagnosing a non-working air conditioner: 1. Sign - for 2-3 years the air conditioner blew warmer and warmer until it stopped cooling altogether.2. Diagnostics in 3 hundred. The verdict is to replace the compressor. Moreover, during diagnostics, the compressor works, but the pressure is very low, both upper and lower, and as the experts say, “does not pump” 3. Google to help. Solution: if the compressor turns, it means it is working, look at other refrigeration equipment of the air conditioner. At the end we get: replacement of the valve located in the compressor from the bottom, as well as replacement of the dryer (evaporator). The problem is in the valve springs (stick, rusts). Recommendations As for the dehumidifier, change it once every 2-3 years, recommendations from compressor and refrigeration manufacturers. As I understand it, it’s a consumable. But my car is 11 years old, if you count 3 hot months over the entire period, this is about 3 years of operation of the condenser in total. It stopped working normally 2 ,5 years ago. Therefore, everyone decides for themselves when to change. All other refrigeration equipment, according to statistics, fails very rarely. As the author said, oil and refrigerant in grams, and correctly follow the procedure - checking for leaks, pumping out old refrigerant and oil, when the compressor jams and installing a new one, the system must be cleaned (one hundred people know), pumping in grams of new refrigerant and oil. Various oils From PAC 50 to 150. Each car has its own oil and refrigerant, everything is written on the compressor. And do not mix mineral water with synthetics. In our city, everyone works with 100, it is cheaper than 150. There is almost no difference between 100 and 150, the operating temperature is the same. You should have seen these masters when I came to them and told them what I had done. Some did not want to believe, even those whoever installed it refused to give a warranty.

Automatic Air Conditioning Switching On. How to turn off.

#1 Offline red

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631 messages

City: Kyiv

The air conditioner automatically turns on when the air blows on the glass. This is a factory setting - there is nothing wrong with it.

To turn off the air conditioning when blowing onto the glass, you need to: before starting the engine, set the blower direction switch to the “windshield” position, turn on the ignition (turn the key to the ACC position) and press the “air recirculation” button 5 times within 10 seconds. The air conditioner light will blink several times and go out.

All. Then the air conditioner will not turn on automatically, but will only turn on at your command.

#2 Offline Viktor

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If I'm not mistaken, it's even written in the car book.

I haven’t dared to do it myself yet)

#3 Offline Pro100

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Of course, it’s written in the book, but no one reads it, as a rule.

#4 Offline Arik

Moderator 125 messages

The air conditioner automatically turns on when the air blows on the glass. This is a factory setting - there is nothing wrong with it.

To turn off the air conditioning when blowing onto the glass, you need to: before starting the engine, set the blower direction switch to the “windshield” position, turn on the ignition (turn the key to the ACC position) and press the “air recirculation” button 5 times within 10 seconds. The air conditioner light will blink several times and go out.

All. Then the air conditioner will not turn on automatically, but will only turn on at your command.

On Accent MS 2006-2009 for 3 seconds. Otherwise the focus will not work.

#5 Offline aleks999

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On Accent MS 2006-2009 for 3 seconds. Otherwise the focus will not work.

Today I turned it off on mine. I didn’t time it, I pressed it quickly. On the 3rd - it blinked, turned off on the 4th press.

#6 Offline Viktor

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  • Name: Victor
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I’m still thinking about disabling the automatic start of the air conditioner on my car. once people do it and everything is ok

#7 Offline devochka

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oo I’m also already an expert in disabling the auto-start of the air conditioner

#8 Offline fiegus

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oops. I could not get.. . Either I’m a crooked user or in my machine everything doesn’t work according to this scheme..

#9 Offline Bandera

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Bye, Arik suggested this to me two months ago)) (thanks to Arik)

#10 Offline Andrew_VD

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so, this recipe is probably six years old already)))) worked out to the point of automaticity)))) and it works for everyone, and, if I’m not mistaken, on all models of those years - accents, heels, elantras, tucsons and matrices

Knows how to drive an automatic transmission

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Air conditioning system - description

Air conditioning system: 1 - evaporator; 2 - gearbox; 3 — low pressure pipeline; 4 — refrigerant pressure sensor; 5 - valve for charging and releasing refrigerant; 6 - capacitor; 7 - receiver; 8 - compressor; 9 - high pressure pipeline

  • Electric fan.
  • Heater hoses.
  • Fan resistor.
  • High speed fan relay.
  • Heater/air distributor housing assembly (A/C module).
  • Heater heat exchanger.
  • Air conditioner pressure sensor.
  • Air conditioning compressor relay.
  • Air filter.
  • Air conditioner expansion valve.
  • Air conditioner high pressure piping.
  • Evaporator heat exchanger.
  • Air conditioner suction hose assembly.
  • Outlet hose from the air conditioning compressor to the condenser.
  • Compressor.
  • Capacitor.
  • Receiver-dryer.
  • Wide open throttle.
  • High engine coolant temperature.
  • High engine speed.
  • Low refrigerant pressure.
  • High refrigerant pressure.
  1. To increase the temperature of the air entering the vehicle interior, press the top button with the red up arrow.
  2. To lower the temperature of the air entering the vehicle interior, press the bottom button with the blue down arrow.
  3. The air mixing damper is controlled by an electric drive.
  4. The temperature is controlled by mixing air passing through the heater's heat exchanger with air bypassing the heat exchanger.
  1. Set temperature - shows the temperature set by the temperature controller.
  2. Automatic control status - shows what mode the system is operating in (automatic or manual).
  3. Heated glass icon - indicates manual activation of the full heated glass mode.
  4. Mode - the mode turned on by the system in automatic mode (or by the driver in manual mode) is displayed by luminous arrows showing the directions of air distribution.
  5. Air Conditioning - The snowflake icon indicates whether the air conditioning is on or off.
  6. Fan Speed ​​- Indicates the fan speed with light bars, starting with one at the lowest speed, and progressively adding segments up to a fifth at the highest speed.
  1. Full heating of the windows - electric drives of the mode flaps direct all the air to the windshield and outlets on the windows to quickly remove frost from the glass.
  2. Air supply - switches between fresh air supply (initial state) and recirculation air. The air flow arrows indicate which mode is on.
  3. Automatic mode switch - the set temperature is maintained automatically. In this mode, the automatic temperature control (fatc) system controls the following elements:
      Electric drive of the air mixing damper.
  4. Electric mode damper drive.
  5. Electric fan speed.
  6. Electric intake air damper drive.
  7. Turning the air conditioner on and off.
  8. Main switch - turns off the automatic air conditioning and ventilation system.
  9. Mode Switch - Allows you to manually set the airflow direction.
      The selected mode is shown in the function display.
  10. Each time you press the mode switch key, the next function is displayed.
  11. Air conditioner switch - allows you to manually turn on and control the air conditioner.
  12. Fan Control Switch - Allows you to manually set one of five fan speeds.
  13. Heated glass switch - turns on the heated rear window and outside rearview mirrors if the vehicle is equipped with heated mirrors.

Useful tips

Note: As the air passing through the evaporator cools, the water vapor it contains condenses.

The condensate is drained through a drain pipe located under the lining in front of the central floor tunnel under the bottom of the car. If the ambient air humidity is high, a puddle of water may form under the car, which is an indirect sign of the health of the air conditioning system. Helpful advice: During the operation of the car, particles of road dust and dirt settle on the outer surface of the evaporator, damp from condensation.

Thermostatic valve Receiver-dryer
Warning: In case of repair or replacement of elements of the air conditioning system, if it was in an open state (any components were removed, pipelines were destroyed, etc.), the receiver-dryer cartridge must be replaced.
Otherwise, after charging the system, the refrigerant will not be dried and acids may form inside the system, which will destroy the air conditioner parts from the inside. Pipelines

Service valves

Note: This is how the service valves of the high-pressure lines are located on the pipelines...

...and low pressure (in the photo the valve is shown with the air filter housing removed). Warning: It is prohibited to check the presence of refrigerant in the system by pressing the service valve spools, since after such a check the valve spool may not close completely and refrigerant will leak from the system!
Pressure meter

Control unit
Heating, air conditioning and interior ventilation Note: The interior air temperature sensor is located in the instrument panel (in the heater housing). To eliminate incorrect temperature readings due to the influence of heated panel elements, the sensor is equipped with a forced airflow system. The system ensures a uniform flow of air from the front of the vehicle through the sensor housing. To ensure proper air movement, protect the sensor housing inlet from any solid particles or liquids. This is especially true in cases of dry cleaning of the interior. When cleaning the interior with a vacuum cleaner, it is strictly forbidden to bring the suction tip of the vacuum cleaner pipe to the sensor inlet. If air flow through the sensor housing is obstructed, the normal functioning of the automatic climate control system is disrupted.

Outdoor temperature sensor

Solar sensor Refrigerant

  • refrigerant R 134a, kg - 0.65
  • PAG oil, ml – 180±5

Notes: During the operation of a car air conditioner, situations periodically arise when the air conditioning system requires servicing or repair. For this purpose, modern diagnostic and repair equipment is used. The most common situation is the depressurization of the system and the release of refrigerant from it. To detect leaks, highly sensitive halogen leak detectors with sound indication are used. In some difficult cases, the method of so-called ultraviolet diagnostics of the tightness of the car air conditioning system is used. The method consists in introducing microdoses into the system. special dye. In places of micro-leaks, the dye, together with the refrigerant, gradually reaches the outer surface of the system elements. During inspection of the system, the dye, under the influence of ultraviolet rays of a special lamp, begins to glow (fluoresce) ...... and the places of refrigerant leakage become visible. It should be noted that the dye does not have any negative effect on the system. It can remain in the refrigerant and circulate through the system for as long as desired and will serve its purpose only when a leak occurs. After repairing the car air conditioner, it is necessary to evacuate and charge the system with the appropriate refrigerant (R134a). To refill a car air conditioner with high quality, you need: Warning: The air conditioning system is charged with high pressure refrigerant. Contact of liquid refrigerant on human skin causes severe frostbite, therefore, if possible, carry out all work related to the maintenance, repair or dismantling of air conditioning system elements in specialized service centers equipped with professional technological equipment

When carrying out work on your own, take precautions.

Common faults: why the air conditioner does not work

The performance of the air conditioning system is influenced by many factors, the consequences of which can cause equipment failure. The main reasons for unstable operation of equipment are:

  • Low volume of coolant - a lack of coolant in the AC system affects the performance of the equipment, gradually reducing the quality of cooling. If the volume of freon is critically low, the air conditioner will begin to overheat, which will negatively affect the service life of the parts and will cause expensive repairs;
  • Failure of the condenser fan - a malfunction of the fan, relay or power wiring leads to the operation of the air conditioner at an elevated temperature, as a result of which the cooling intensity of the interior is reduced and foreign odors may appear;
  • High contamination of the condenser - a radiator clogged with dirt impairs the cooling of heated freon in the high-pressure pipes, which also reduces the efficiency of the device;
  • Contamination of filters with moisture or dust - moisture entering the condenser cooling system through the radiator leads to the formation of condensation, which freezes into ice grains at low temperatures. The formation of ice in the speaker can cause a rupture of the main cooling pipes, as a result of which the device will cease to function stably;
  • The presence of blockages or mechanical deformation in the system - wear of the compressor, breakdown of sensors or valves, as well as rupture of pipes - seriously affects both the quality of interior cooling and the service life of spare parts.

If there are problems with the operation of the air conditioning system, you should not neglect repairs - otherwise the situation will only get worse. Prompt replacement and repair of components will minimize damage to the car and restore the functionality of the device.

Eliminating unpleasant odors correctly

The appearance of an unpleasant odor in the cabin when the air conditioning system is turned on is a consequence of the development of mold and bacteria in the ventilation lines and cleaning filters of the device. The air conditioner can be cleaned by chemical disinfection or mechanical cleaning.

The first method involves treating the air conditioner, filters and main pipes with a chemical that removes bacteria and mold inside the device, the second is characterized by manual cleaning with detergents and disinfectants, as well as replacing consumables with new ones.

To clean with chemicals, turn on the sprayer on the cylinder, then turn on the air conditioner at maximum air recirculation and close all the windows and doors in the car. After 10-15 minutes the system will be completely cleaned.

To clean it mechanically, remove the central panel of the dashboard, and then pump out the refrigerant from the air conditioning system. We disconnect all the pipes in the system and carefully remove them, then clean the lines with a probe or wire with a sponge or brush wound on the end, pre-treated in industrial alcohol or chlorhexedine. Finally, we replace the cleaning filters with new ones and assemble the system.

How to remove and disassemble the climate control unit

  • Turn off the on-board power supply . To do this, you just need to disconnect the negative terminal from the battery.
  • We dismantle the glove box . To do this, you need to unscrew the 2 lower bolts and 3 upper ones. Then the glove box is simply removed. Don't forget to disconnect the wire connector from the backlight. And also the wire block from the switch.

  • Remove the lower dashboard trim . To do this, you need to open the coins drawer and unscrew the 2 top screws. Next, you just need to pull out the lining. It is attached with latches. the hood opening handle from the trim .

    We disconnect the rods of the temperature regulator and distribution flaps. One rod is located on the side of the glove box, and the second on the side of the driver's seat.

Before disconnecting each of the rods, you need to turn lock .

  • We remove the center console trim . The cladding itself is held in place by latches. First you need to pry off the decorative frame. Usually, craftsmen use a set of plastic pullers for this task, since the slot of a metal screwdriver can easily scratch the lining.

Refilling the air conditioner with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

The volume of liquid to be filled directly depends on the type and power of the air conditioning system: for a device with one evaporator, approximately 600 g of freon will be required, for a device with two evaporators - 1100 g, and up to 200 g of liquid must be poured into portable refrigerators and car cases.

Note! The exact volume of liquid must be clarified in the vehicle's technical book - underfilling or refilling freon directly affects the productivity of the device.

After cleaning and vacuumizing the air conditioning system, you can proceed directly to refueling. Refrigerant is added as follows:

  • To begin, remove the fitting valve on the low pressure pipe and protect the space around the product from dirt and technical oil;
  • Next, we put a filling station on the fitting - a system of pipes connected to a filling cylinder and a pressure gauge;
  • Then turn on the ignition and bring the engine to 1500 rpm. To do this, you can ask your partner for help or put an object on the gas pedal;
  • Turn on the air conditioner in recirculation mode at maximum power and open the low pressure fitting;
  • After filling the AC with freon at a pressure of 285 kPa, close the fitting and turn off the air conditioner.

If the operation is completed correctly, the temperature in the enclosed car interior will drop to 6-7 degrees Celsius. If after refueling the air conditioner does not cool well enough, it is necessary to repeat the procedure for cleaning the device, as well as replace consumables and check the system for leaks.

What's the point?

To begin with, there is a background story in which the reason lies.

The beautiful interiors of modern cars, even expensive ones, contain quite a significant amount of plastic in the trim. When plastic is heated through glass, as if through a lens, a physicochemical reaction occurs, as a result of which, among other harmful compounds, a toxic carcinogenic substance, benzene, is released.

This poison can penetrate the body through intact skin, causing nausea and dizziness, allergies, drug addiction, and in severe cases, death. Numerous medical studies have established a connection between benzene and such terrible diseases as acute and chronic myeloid leukemia, aplastic anemia, and bone marrow diseases.

According to the American Cancer Society, the concentration of the carcinogen benzene in a car parked in the sun can increase 40 times, and tightly closed windows keep it inside. In addition, plastic is located under the hood, which also becomes hot, stimulating the production of toxins.

When you jump into the car and turn on the air conditioning at full power and maximum airflow, the first thing it throws at you is hot air with accumulated toxic substances from both the passenger compartment and the engine compartment. And since operating the air conditioner with the windows open in cars is not recommended in the same way as in rooms, a lot of time must pass for the air in the cabin to be “renewed” by mixing with the air outside.

Chevrolet Lacetti air conditioning compressor: repair

The Chevrolet Lacetti appeared on the Russian market quite a long time ago, so the cars that are currently in use have already covered hundreds of thousands of kilometers. Over the years, Russians have bought quite a lot of such models - this is explained by the affordable price and inexpensive maintenance. It is clear that cars of this age are practically never found without breakdowns, and sometimes car owners are faced with the repair of large components. Problems with the air conditioner in this car are also common, but these problems can be fixed at specialized stations quickly and inexpensively.

Possible problems with the air conditioner

Many owners have no idea that the Lacetti air conditioning compressor needs repair. They think that freon needs to be changed over time, precisely because the volume of liquid in the system is insufficient, and insufficiently cold air may flow from the deflectors into the cabin. However, in reality this is not always the case. Of course, such owners are right that it is always necessary to maintain the optimal level of oil and refrigerant in the system, but this may not in all cases cause a malfunction. For example, if there is a problem with the compressor and it cannot maintain optimal pressure, then you should not expect cold air. The Chevrolet Lacetti air conditioning compressor is a very expensive part, so we always try to repair it rather than replace it with a new one. It costs much less, and usually the faults are not critical. Compressor bearings often fail.

Very often, cars are brought to us with damaged air conditioning pipes. Their integrity is important since air from the environment should not enter the system. In addition, damage leads to loss of pressure. We usually restore tubes using argon welding. If the damage is critical, then we simply replace them with new ones. The cost of these spare parts is not too high, so such repairs will not hurt the owner’s pocket.

Another possible breakdown is a malfunction of the air conditioner clutch. This is a fundamental component, without which the air conditioner will not start at all, but it is also susceptible to damage. Often the problems are related to the bearing, although sometimes the cause may be hidden in the coupling itself.

How to prevent air conditioner failure

A properly functioning air conditioner on a new car still requires inspection every 2–3 years. This requirement is explained by the fact that even a perfectly sealed system annually inevitably loses up to 15% of the freon circulating in it. A car that has reached 6 years of age is subject to an annual inspection of its climate system, since during operation the gaskets in the connections wear out, and small cracks appear on the main pipes. In addition, as a preventative measure, experts recommend:

  1. Install an additional mesh on the bumper to protect the air conditioner radiator from debris and small stones. This is especially true for cars with large-mesh radiator grilles.
  2. Turn on the air conditioning regularly even when the car is idle for long periods, and even in winter. Running the device for 10 minutes a couple of times a month will help avoid drying out of the main elements.
  3. Turn off the climate control device shortly before the end of the trip with the heater running, which allows warm air to dry the air ducts, leaving no chance for microorganisms to multiply in them.

Air conditioner diagnostics

It may not always be clear whether the Chevrolet air conditioning compressor really requires repair or whether the problem lies in completely different parts. This is why we carry out air conditioner diagnostics, thanks to which we can easily detect the unit that needs to be repaired. Only after this we begin work, but we are always sure that we are repairing exactly what is needed.

Of course, the technicians already guess their causes based on the “symptoms” shown, but we always measure the pressure in the system to determine whether the air conditioning compressor is working properly. Sometimes the air conditioner does not work due to a broken fan, and the efficiency will also be low if the radiator is dirty or broken. A freon leak causes an unpleasant odor in the car interior (with the air conditioning on).

Does the air conditioner turn on when you start the engine?

Will not be. We carefully read the manual.

In the settings there is an item for climate control control. There you can choose in what situations to turn it on. Looks like there are three options. Always on, off, and Last setting (i.e. it will do as it was before the car was turned off).

The revs jump like when you turn on the air conditioner)

I don’t know how it is in the climate, but with a simple air conditioner you can try the following. You start a cold engine, turn on the air direction only to the windshield. After you open the hood and look at the radiator fan, it periodically turns on and off (which is necessary for the functioning of the air conditioning system). After a couple of minutes, you raise your hand to the air duct, a chilling stream of air should come out.

with winter operation? Below zero the air conditioner does not turn on at all.

I don't see the connection! If the air conditioner does not turn on, the climate control does not work; the fan (on a regular air conditioner) does not blow.

PS Why argue, do an experiment.

Spent it. The air conditioning and the windshield airflow have nothing to do with me. I started it (the climate control was turned off), turned on the windshield blower. The air is blowing from the street. The air conditioner doesn't work. By the way, the operation of the air conditioner can be clearly seen by the instantaneous consumption. Without air conditioning I have 0.8-0.9 l/hour, with air conditioning 1.1-1.2 l/hour. The readings change within 1-2 seconds after pressing the air conditioner button.

Please don't write nonsense. There are such concepts as the temperature at which the thermostat begins to open and the temperature at which the cooling fan operates. When starting a cold engine, the coolant circulates in a small circle, upon reaching the temperature at which the thermostat begins to open, part of the coolant begins to flow in a large circle, upon reaching a certain temperature (the thermostat is fully open) the coolant flows in a large circle, when the engine temperature reaches a certain value , the engine control unit sends a control signal to turn on the cooling fan, when a certain engine temperature is reached (taking into account that the engine is being cooled), the engine control unit turns off the fan, etc. and so on. If it's in your engine cooling system! the fan operates 1-2 minutes after starting from a cold state, contact the OD. The process of warming up the engine until the cooling fan starts to operate takes a much longer period of time than 1-2 minutes. Regarding the air conditioner, the fan turns on almost immediately after starting a cold engine with the direction of the air being only the windshield.

I repeat, I don’t know how the climate is, I’m only saying about a simple air conditioner.

PS Judging by the signature, you are from St. Petersburg. I can demonstrate it on my car. of course for argument)


Repair stages

It was already mentioned above that the air conditioning compressor is the main part without which the system will not work. It is more expensive than other components, and working with it involves some nuances. For example, dismantling a compressor.

To remove it, it is best to lift the car. In addition, before this it is necessary to remove all freon from the system. The compressor on an old car is most likely dirty, so it also needs to be cleaned. After this, you can begin repairs. Our specialists disassemble the compressor and replace spare parts that are out of order. In addition, disassembly of the compressor unit itself is often not required. The fact is that the most common malfunction is the compressor bearing, in particular its pulley. Due to its breakdown, unpleasant sounds and grinding noises may be heard from the engine compartment. In addition, continued use of such a part can lead to very serious damage.

Replacing a faulty bearing is quite difficult. Firstly, to do this you have to dismantle the compressor. Secondly, it can be quite difficult to disconnect the bearing from the compressor because due to lubricant leakage, friction increases, causing it to overheat. This causes the bearing to stick to other parts, making it very difficult to remove. We often have to use a press, and the pressure can sometimes reach several tons. Naturally, it is almost impossible to remove the old bearing at home. We almost never repair bearings - it is better to install new ones to extend the life of the air conditioner. Actually, this is exactly the next step of the repair - installing a new bearing. In order to put it in the right place, we also use a press, but with less pressure. The fact is that a uniform load will avoid deformation of the part during installation.

After this, the system is refilled with freon and oil. We check that there is a sufficient amount of lubricant on all parts, as well as tightness - this is very important. All this will allow the owner to enjoy a properly functioning air conditioner, which will very quickly cool the interior (after these measures, the air conditioner is as effective as in a new car). In addition, he can be sure that the entire system will last a long time and will not bring unpleasant surprises.

Methods for solving the problem

As can be seen from the reasons, the entire malfunction lies in the vehicle’s electrical system. In this case, many car enthusiasts go “where they’re not asked” and get additional damage. Therefore, if a motorist is not sure that he can cope or does not have sufficient knowledge to diagnose and fix problems, he must contact a professional auto electrician or a car service center.

Power button

First of all, you should check the heating on/off button. Historically, the Chevrolet Lacetti has a weak and vulnerable spot, especially on later models, so checking the element should be done first; besides, it can be easily removed.

Control board

One of the most difficult places to diagnose is the control or control board for the heated glass and air conditioner. Firstly, to get to this element you will have to disassemble the instrument console. Secondly, in order to carry out diagnostic operations, you need to have some experience in repairing radio equipment.

Having studied the forum and the stories of experienced car enthusiasts, we can come to the conclusion that cracks, microcracks, desoldering or other damage usually form on the board. If this type of failure is detected, there are two options: 1 - replace the element, 2 - resolder the board itself. Of course, the first option is better and recommended, since there is a 100% guarantee that the part is intact. In the second case, if you solder elements, you can either carry out the process incorrectly or miss something. But, nevertheless, most experienced car enthusiasts recommend contacting a car service to eliminate such breakdowns.


Repeatedly, the reason for the sudden lack of heating of the rear window was the wiring, especially in the winter season. So, in order to carry out diagnostic operations you will need a multimeter. All diagnostics come down to a simple “ringing” of the wires and determining the area where the contact has broken. Of course, the manufacturer recommends replacing the wire completely to avoid a short circuit, but our car enthusiasts do it much easier: the wires are exposed, fastened together and insulated with nice electrical tape. Simple, cheap, cheerful.

Heating panel

The last main element is the heating panels. A broken filament in the support group can cause the entire system to short out and fail. A broken element will be immediately visible, so in this case, you will still have to contact a car service to fix the problem.


A blown fuse caused by a short circuit causes the rear window defogger to stop working. To troubleshoot the problem, you need to find and look into the mounting block, and then remove the damaged element. Perhaps this is the easiest operation in repairing heated glass and other faults.

On new car models, the wiring ring can go into the electronic control unit, which controls all processes of the vehicle. So, the presence of errors or a minor malfunction can lead to the heated rear window no longer functioning.

To troubleshoot the problem, you will have to connect to the electronic control unit using a special OBD II automotive cable and diagnose the condition of the ECU. Usually, as practice shows, a simple error reset helps. At the same time, you can carry out diagnostic work on other vehicle systems.


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Driving with a broken bearing

Despite the fact that replacing a bearing is a fairly quick and inexpensive procedure, some car owners prefer to drive with an unpleasant sound and inoperative air conditioning, constantly postponing a visit to the service center. This is very dangerous, since the Chevrolet Lacetti air conditioning compressor may simply collapse. Excessive heat and improper rotation of the bearing, which will destroy everything in its path, can seriously damage the compressor. In addition, this can lead to a break in the belt that connects the compressor pulley to the clutch, and this can cause damage to a large number of parts located under the hood.

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