Detailed instructions for measuring compression in engine cylinders on a VAZ 2106

Considering the fact that over 4 million VAZ 2106 models were produced, there are still quite a lot of them on our roads. Accordingly, questions regarding the repair of the legendary “classics” still remain relevant. For example, the question of what compression should a working six engine maintain.

How and what to measure

Compression is measured with a special device - a compression meter. It is a pressure gauge with a hose, at the end of which there is a fitting, either metal with a thread for a spark plug hole, or rubber in the form of a cone.

The process of measuring compression using a compression gauge involves placing a fitting in the spark plug hole and cranking the crankshaft with the starter until maximum pressure is reached.

Compression in a cylinder can also not be measured, but checked and compared with other cylinders.

To do this, unscrew all the spark plugs except one, and manually (using a wrench on the generator pulley nut) turn the crankshaft until the piston reaches top dead center.

Then they check the second cylinder, the third and the fourth in the same way, and compare the applied forces. Of course, this method is not comparable to measuring with a compression gauge, but it can help to understand which cylinder has a problem.

What should the compression be in VAZ cars?

The average compression rate for unboosted VAZ engines is 8-9 atmospheres, for forced ones with a reduced combustion chamber - 11-13 atmospheres.

In order to accurately determine the standard compression ratio, use the table that indicates the compression ratio in the cylinders of eight- and sixteen-valve VAZ engines. ru/vaz-2107/vaz-16633-10.m_id-713.m_id2-1656.html proverit-kompressiyu-dvigatelya.html


Now you can proceed directly to the verification.

  1. Warm up the engine until it reaches operating temperature, then turn off the ignition.
  2. Turn off the fuel pump. If it is a mechanical pump, the tubes are disconnected and the fuel supply is cut off. In the case of an electric fuel pump, simply turn off the fuel supply relay and remove the fuse.
  3. Relieve the pressure that is inside the fuel system.
  4. Start the engine. This way the engine will be able to use up all the fuel that remains in the system. Wait until the engine comes to a complete stop.
  5. Now we continue to measure the compression.
  6. Disconnect the ignition module.
  7. Disconnect the spark plugs from the high-voltage circuits, then use a special spark plug wrench to unscrew them from their sockets.
  8. Insert a measuring device into the spark plug socket. On each cylinder, that is, when connecting the device to each hole, measurements are taken separately.
  9. Invite an assistant. His job is to sit in the driver's seat and press the gas pedal to open the throttle.
  10. At the same time, the engine starts for 5-10 seconds.
  11. At this moment you are taking readings from the measuring device.
  12. Using a similar method, you should take measurements on each cylinder, resetting the readings of the previous one on the device. Record your findings.

For VAZ 2110 engines, the normal compression indicator is 10 bar or 1.0 MPa on any cylinder. A difference between the indicators is allowed up to 1 bar or 0.1 MPa, that is, normal data is 11-11-11-11 or 10-11-11-10 and similar test results. If you deviate from them, you should look for the causes of the problem.

Video “Measuring compression in cylinders of a VAZ 2106”

This video demonstrates how to properly measure blood pressure.

An engine malfunction, even the smallest one, is always serious. And then, when you suddenly feel that fuel and oil consumption has increased, the performance of the most important unit of your car has decreased, at this moment it is worth taking care of diagnosing the engine cylinders, which most likely have stopped working in their normal mode. But compared to in-place diagnostics, disassembling the engine into parts and thus checking its condition is still more effective. Experienced car enthusiasts often prefer not to resort to the services of service stations, but rather repair feasible breakdowns on their own. The same is true with diagnostics of the cylinder-piston group of engine mechanisms; it can be carried out on your own. To do this, you need to use a special device, a compression meter, which is similar in appearance to a pressure gauge.

Experts recommend purchasing for personal use a device with a threaded tip so that the compression gauge is screwed into a special hole in the spark plug, rather than pressed into it, then its readings will be more accurate. Compression is the degree of gas compression under the pressure of external forces in the cylinder. Normal engine compression is calculated approximately as the compression ratio multiplied by 1.3. So, measuring engine compression allows you to detect a cylinder that is malfunctioning.

A decrease in pressure in the cylinder is associated with its leakage, which can occur for several reasons: clearances in the valves. First of all, make sure that the valve clearances are in place. If necessary, adjust them to the correct position. Warm up the engine to a temperature of 70-90 degrees. For correct diagnosis, the unit must be warm.

At the same time, limit the flow of fuel to the mechanisms you are diagnosing, for example, disconnect the fuel pump. Next, unscrew all the candles and place them in a dry, clean place for a while. In order not to forget which spark plugs are connected to high-voltage wires, make some notes on the caps. Open the air valve and throttle. Insert the tip of the compression gauge into the corresponding passage of the spark plug, and use the starter to turn the motor shaft until the pressure in the mechanism stops increasing. Monitor the crankshaft speed, it must be at least 190-200 revolutions per minute.

Checking engine compression is carried out provided that the battery is fully charged and the starter is working properly. With a properly functioning engine, the pressure rises in seconds, but if you observe a slow increase in compression, this indicates wear of the piston rings, or their combustion. If the pressure does not rise at all, then the cylinder head gaskets may be worn out. The minimum compression level is acceptable at 10 kg/cm.


A more complex, convenient, but not much more effective device. The main difference is the ability to record the received data on plastic cards or paper at different periods of time and subsequently analyze them.

But if you want to track the increase in pressure over time, it will be difficult with this device. This is the main disadvantage of the compressograph.

They are the most modern instruments for measuring engine compression.

Their operating principle is not based on fixing the pressure in the cylinders, but on measuring the pulsation of the current consumed by the starter.

The strength of the current consumed is directly proportional to the increase in compression in the cylinders and the increasing load on the engine crankshaft.

The main advantage of this device is that in just a few minutes you can take readings from all cylinders without unscrewing the spark plugs.

Recovery methods

To increase the compression in the engine, if you are sure or suspect that the rings are stuck, you can pour 100 grams of clean oil into each and give them time to “throw away”. Sometimes turning the crankshaft in both directions a few degrees. The procedure can be repeated.

The second, more effective method, you need to take: 1 part clean motor oil, 1 part acetone and 1 part kerosene. Stir and pour 50 ml into each cylinder, tighten the spark plugs and leave for 10 hours. Unscrew the spark plugs and crank the engine with the starter for a few seconds. We install the spark plugs, start it and heat it up to 40 degrees no more. Drain the oil, flush the system, change the filter and fill in new oil.

There are also special means that are also used to combat increased compression, which occurs when there is more carbon deposits on the piston and in the combustion chamber.

The second method is to restore pressure by adding additives to the oil. There are quite a lot of them on the market with varying effectiveness. I wrote about the use of the Suprotek additive, the effect of its use is positive.


Below you will learn how to correctly measure compression in a VAZ 2114 engine with injection type power.

If in at least one cylinder the pressure gauge shows a pressure below 10 barrels, then we need to look for the reason for such a low indicator. Otherwise, very soon it will fall in other cylinders.

Fill a medical syringe with about 10 milligrams of oil and spray it into the cylinder. Take the measurement again. If the pressure gauge readings increase, it means the piston rings are worn out and require replacement. If it remains at the same low level, then it is necessary to adjust the clamped valves or replace the burnt valves.

Characteristics of oils for VAZ

The service life of the engine depends on the correct selection of oil for injection VAZ 2107. The recommended quality standard for the lubricating fluid is given by the manufacturer. Any type of oil that meets API SJ/CF, SG/CD quality standards can be filled into the car.

The abbreviation API means that a lubricant meets the following basic criteria:

  • cleaning properties;
  • temperature regime;
  • indicator of deposits on engine components before the first oil change;
  • release of harmful substances;
  • corrosive properties;
  • effectiveness of protecting components from friction.

It is recommended to use the following types of oils.

Oil brand for VAZSAE viscosity groupsAPI standard
TNK SUPER OIL5W-40, 10W-40, 15W-40, 20W-40SG/CD
LUKOIL LUX5W-40, 10W-40, 15W-40SJ/CF-4
CONSOL5W-40, 10W-40, 15W-40SG/CD
LUKOIL SUPER5W-40, 10W-40, 15W-40, 10W-30CF-4/SG
LUKOIL SUPER5W-30, 5W-40, 10W-40, 15W-40SG/CD
ANGROL-SUPER5W30, 5W-40, 10W-40SG/CD
LUX5W30, 5W-40,10W-30, 10W-40, 15W-40, 20W-40SG/CD

How to correctly measure compression in Lada car engine cylinders

How to quickly and accurately determine the condition of the engine? Check the compression in the cylinders! Is the engine running rough, you feel a loss of power, the consumption of engine oil or fuel has increased and the car has become difficult to start in cold weather? All of these problems may be caused by low compression in one or more cylinders.

How to measure compression in cylinders

A device for checking compression in cylinders is called a compression gauge. There are many varieties of them, but the differences between them are only constructive. Great for self-diagnosis.

At service stations you can find more complex devices that use a recorder instead of a dial pressure gauge that records the compression on a form or display.

To ensure that the compression test gives accurate results

Compression depends not only on the technical condition of the engine, but also on the conditions under which it is measured. Make sure that during the check:

  • the compression gauge was working properly;
  • the engine has been warmed up to operating temperature (up to 90 degrees);
  • the throttle valve was fully open;
  • spark plugs in all cylinders must be turned out;
  • the starter was fully operational;
  • the battery was fully charged;
  • The engine air filter was clean.

Procedure for checking compression in cylinders

  1. Remove the ECU fuse or wire from the ignition coil;
  2. Screw the compression gauge into the spark plug hole;
  3. The throttle valve is fully opened (press the gas pedal all the way);
  4. Turn on the starter for 5-10 seconds so that it turns the crankshaft;
  5. Check the compression gauge readings;
  6. Repeat steps 2-5 for other cylinders.

How to measure compression in cylinders on video:

What are the cylinder compression standards for VAZ engines?

Engine specifications must indicate “minimum cylinder compression values.” If you cannot find such data, determine the compression standards yourself using the formula:

Compression (kgf/cm2) = compression ratio (see technical specifications of internal combustion engine) * coefficient (for VAZ min 1.2, max 1.3)
  1. The compression ratio of modern VAZ 21126 and VAZ 21127 engines installed on Granta, Kalina and Priora is 11. We multiply the values ​​using the formula and get the compression standards: 13.2..14.3.
  2. For the Vesta engine (VAZ-21129) the compression ratio is 10.45, the compression standards will be: 12.5..13.6.
  3. For Niva (VAZ 21213, 21314) - 11.3..12.2.

If the compression gauge values ​​in all cylinders are within the normal range, this does not mean that everything is fine. Different compression in the cylinders is also bad

It is important that the difference between all readings is minimal. Compare the minimum and maximum compression values ​​in the cylinders

According to technical standards, the difference should be no more than 1 kgf/cm2 or 10%.

Reasons why there is no compression in the cylinder

Poor (small) compression in one or all cylinders indicates engine wear. There is an old and simple way to determine why compression has disappeared. You need to pour a tablespoon of engine oil into the spark plug hole and repeat the measurements:

  • if the pressure has increased noticeably, it means the piston rings have poor sealing;
  • if the pressure has not changed, then there may be several reasons (for example, leaking valves, broken gaskets under the cylinder head, there is a crack or burnout in the walls of the combustion chamber, in the piston bottom).

There is another, more accurate way to find out why compression has disappeared. To do this, you will need to modify the spark plug. We remove the insulator from it, and weld the valve of the car camera to the metal body. Next, set the cylinder piston to the ignition timing position, remove the radiator caps and oil filler neck, screw in the manufactured adapter and pump air into the cylinder using a pump (create pressure in it):

  • if air enters the exhaust pipe, it means the exhaust valve is poorly sealed;
  • If air goes into the intake manifold, there is a problem with the intake valve.
  • if bubbles appear in the expansion tank, then check the cylinder head gasket;
  • If there is a hissing sound in the oil filler neck, it means that the piston rings are not properly sealed.

Engine diagnostics using compression measurements in the cylinders allows you to quickly and accurately determine its condition without disassembling, and in some cases will help avoid major repairs of the power unit. Have you ever experienced a lack of pressure in the cylinders? What was the cause of the malfunction? If engine problems persist, check the fuel rail pressure.

How to use measurement results?

If the measurement indicator ranges from 11 to 12.5 kgf/cm 2, then this is a normal working VAZ 2106 engine. It is important that the compression in all 4 cylinders is the same, a difference of more than 0.5 kgf/cm 2 indicates a malfunction in one of them. As a rule, this is a burnt valve; this problem occurs when driving on low-quality fuel and high loads.

The measurement results, which showed pressure from 10 to 11 kgf/cm 2, indicate an imminent engine repair. These results may not be entirely accurate when the engine is breathing. This is the name for the phenomenon in which engine oil begins to flow through the crankcase ventilation hose from the breather into the carburetor along with crankcase gases. The reason is simple: due to wear on the piston rings, excess pressure appears in the crankcase space, which pushes oil droplets through the breather into the carburetor.

The lubricant, along with the fuel, enters the combustion chamber and, after combustion, forms carbon deposits on its walls and the spark plug. When a lot of oil gets in, it begins to fill the gap between the worn rings and the cylinder surface, the compression readings will then be higher and you cannot rely on them. That is, if the engine is breathing, then it’s time to replace the piston rings.

A compression value of 9-10 kgf/cm2 indicates wear of the cylinder-piston group or valves. In both cases, engine disassembly is required. Such a motor usually consumes oil and fuel, operates unstably, and loses some power. Nevertheless, it can continue to be used for some time, the main condition is that the compression in all cylinders must be the same. If a valve in one of them completely burns out, the pressure in it will drop significantly and the cylinder will fail altogether.

The same fate awaits the unit, the compression in which is below 9 kgf/cm 2. Such pressure indicates the need for its overhaul. In such cases, if possible, remove all attachments from the engine, unscrew it from the gearbox and completely remove it from its supports in order to carry out disassembly and repair in more convenient conditions.

At the same time, the condition of the rubber parts of these supports is checked; the cushions may need to be replaced. Many car enthusiasts disassemble the engine directly on the car; this option also has a right to life, especially if only the piston rings need to be replaced.


2.4. Compression check

Checking the condition of the engine can be done by measuring the compression in the engine cylinders. If this check is carried out regularly, then you can find out in advance the beginning of engine wear, without waiting for the moment when wear manifests itself in low engine efficiency.

Warm up the engine to operating temperature. In this case, the battery must be fully charged. Remove the spark plugs.

Disconnect the ignition system by disconnecting the low voltage supply wire (+ 15) from the ignition coil.

Install a compression gauge into the spark plug hole of the first cylinder.

An assistant must press the accelerator pedal all the way and crank the engine with the starter. After turning the crankshaft one or two revolutions, the compression pressure should increase to a maximum and then stabilize. Record the maximum result obtained.

Check the compression in the remaining cylinders in the same way.

Compression in all cylinders should not differ by more than 1.0 bar

Please note that the compression value should increase quickly on a healthy engine. Low compression on the first revolution of the crankshaft, accompanied by a gradual increase in pressure on subsequent revolutions of the crankshaft, indicates wear of the piston rings

Low compression on the first revolution of the crankshaft, which increases slightly thereafter, indicates a loose valve fit, a broken cylinder head gasket or a crack in the cylinder head. Worn valve stem ends can also cause low compression.

If the compression in one cylinder is low, then perform the following test. Pour some engine oil through the spark plug hole into the cylinder and check the compression.

If pouring oil into the cylinder increases compression, this indicates that the cylinder or piston rings are worn.

Low compression in two adjacent cylinders indicates a burnt gasket between the cylinders.

If the compression in one cylinder is 20% less than the others and the engine idles rough, this indicates a worn camshaft cam.

If the compression pressure is too high, this indicates that the combustion chamber is coated with a thick layer of carbon deposits.

After this check, screw in the spark plugs and connect the wire to the ignition coil.

The concept of compression, its measurements

There is no such characteristic among the technical data specified in the vehicle’s operating manual. There is a slightly different concept - compression ratio. There is no direct relationship between these two parameters; they are united by only one thing - in both cases we are talking about pressure.

  1. The compression ratio is a calculated constant value; it has no dimensional units. For the VAZ 2106 engine and its modifications it is 8.5. This figure is the result of dividing the total working volume of the cylinder by the volume of the combustion chamber. In simple words, the air-fuel mixture entering the cylinder space is compressed 8.5 times by the upward moving piston.
  2. Compression is a variable value; its value depends on the technical condition in which the engine is located. This parameter shows what pressure occurs in each individual cylinder when the crankshaft rotates using the starter. It is measured with a pressure gauge, which is screwed in instead of a spark plug, the unit of measurement is 1 kgf/cm2 or 1 Bar, which is almost the same (1 kgf/cm2 is equal to 0.98 Bar).

Compression is measured to determine the degree of wear of the cylinder-piston group. Its values ​​were obtained experimentally, in practice. The measurement is performed as follows: all 4 spark plugs are unscrewed, and in their place, a pressure gauge with a check valve is screwed into each cylinder one by one, and by rotating the starter, the maximum pressure that can be pumped by each piston is determined. In the VAZ 2106 engine, the ideal figure is 13 kgf/cm2, but this is a rare case; such pressure is found on new, only run-in engines.

Compression rate

The compression (pressure) indicator plays an important role in detecting faults in the VAZ 2106 engine without disassembling it. The word compression in Latin means compression. Compression refers to the pressure in the cylinders at the extreme point of the compression stroke. A significant decrease in pressure indicates wear on the piston rings of the cylinders, as well as the cylinders themselves. If the valve clearances are incorrectly adjusted, the required amount of air does not enter the combustion chamber.

If compression is low, engine response decreases and fuel and oil consumption increases. With low cylinder pressure, engine power drops and the car cannot reach maximum speed. What compression is needed is indicated in special manuals for measuring it. The average compression rate for a gasoline engine is 9.5 - 10 atmospheres. In this case, the difference between the pressures in each of the cylinders should not exceed 10%.

Engine compartment of VAZ 2106

The following factors may affect the maximum cylinder pressure:

  • degree of throttle valve openness: the less it is closed, the greater the pressure;
  • Air filter contamination;
  • incorrectly set valve timing;
  • incorrectly adjusted valve clearances;
  • motor temperature;
  • wear of parts sealing the combustion chamber causes air leakage, which reduces pressure;
  • the entry of oil into the combustion chamber acts as a seal, which increases the compression value;
  • lack of tightness of the check valve or compressometer hose.


Is it possible to measure compression without a device? Practice shows that yes, it is possible. But this method will give relative and approximate readings. To measure the compression indicator without instruments, remove the spark plugs from all cylinders except the one being tested. Manually rotate the crankshaft until the compression stroke ends (watch the marks - they should match). Perform this operation on all cylinders one by one. Where the pressure is low, it will take less effort to turn the crankshaft. In this way, of course, you will not get accurate compression readings in the engine. But it is possible to understand the presence of problems.

Compression and compression, what's the difference?

In everyday life, when we talk and say compression, we mean compression; in reality, they are not the same thing. So what is the difference between compression ratio and compression?

The most obvious way to prove this is a mathematical calculation. Look at the figure below as you can see from here that the compression ratio in the simplest interpretation of the formula is the ratio of the working volume to the volume of the combustion chamber.

In reality, for a more accurate measurement, the formula looks like this:

where v3 is the volume of the compression meter. For the calculation, the coefficient 1.2 ‒ 1.3 is used (determined by the Poisson equation) and the formula has the form P=ε*1.2. From here we have that with a compression ratio of 10 kg/cm 2, the compression should be in the range of 12-13 kg/cm 2. Ideally, the values ​​obtained by the compression meter should coincide with the calculated ones.

What compression should be on a VAZ 2103

Compression is the maximum pressure in the cylinder created when the engine is idling with the starter. Compression in the engine cylinders is a fairly important factor in the proper operation of the engine. If your car doesn’t start well, the previous power has disappeared somewhere, then in this case it would be a good idea to measure the compression.

To check compression you will need a compression gauge. This is an inexpensive device, which is a pressure gauge with a check valve, thanks to which it records the highest compression in the cylinder.

For diesel engines, compression meters are designed for higher pressure and always have a threaded tip.

FOR VAZ 2103, the compression value must be at least 1 MPa (10 bar). The compression difference between the engine cylinders should not exceed 0.1 MPa (1 bar)

When purchasing, preference remains with the first type, as this allows you to make more accurate measurements, where you do not need an assistant, and there is not much difference in price. In the second case, you simply cannot do without help.

If you purchased a compression meter or have had one for a long time, then you can go directly to the measurement. But before measuring compression in the engine cylinders, two conditions must be met:

The battery must be well charged, the starter must turn the engine at a frequency of at least 200 rpm, otherwise we will not get real results. Immediately before starting compression measurements, it is necessary to warm up the engine to an operating temperature of 80 - 90 degrees. After the preliminary procedures, we move on to the main part: Remove all the spark plug wires. We turn out all the spark plugs, remembering which one is from which cylinder, it is advisable to then twist them all into place. Some people unscrew only one spark plug, only in the cylinder where the compression is being measured at the moment. In fact, this is a misconception about the measurement, and as a result we will get incorrect, underestimated compression readings. Since the speed will be lower due to the compression created in those cylinders where the spark plugs are not unscrewed. We disconnect the low-voltage wires from the coils so that they do not break through. We prevent the supply of fuel to the cylinders. By disconnecting the fuel hose if you have a mechanical fuel pump, if the pump is electric, you can pull out the pump relay, fuse, or remove the power wires from all injectors. Having completed all the preparatory work, we proceed to the measurement itself. Let's consider the case if we have a compression gauge with a rubber tip. Insert the compression gauge into the spark plug hole, pressing it tightly. The partner gets behind the wheel, depresses the gas pedal (thus opening the throttle) and turns the engine with the starter until the readings on the device stop increasing. Record the pressure in this cylinder. We reset the reading on the device. And we carry out this procedure in all other cylinders. By measuring the compression in the engine. We put everything back together in reverse order. After assembling the engine, we go to analyze our results. Analysis of the obtained data.

Pressure measurements

We have already answered what the normal compression for a VAZ 2114 should be. Now let's look at how to actually measure it? First we need a special device called a compression meter.

All measurements using it are performed in the following order:

  • Fully charge the battery.
  • Warm up the engine to 75-90 degrees. WITH.
  • After the engine warms up, remove all spark plugs.
  • Disconnect the fuel supply hose.
  • Insert the measuring device into the first spark plug hole.
  • Press the gas pedal and hold it (to do this, two people need to take measurements).
  • Start the starter and turn the crankshaft with it.
  • Wait until the readings on the dial (monitor) of the device reach the maximum - this will be the compression value in a particular cylinder.
  • Move the compression gauge to another spark plug hole and continue measurements.

After the pressure is measured in all cylinders, conclusions can be drawn about the general condition of the engine and the need for its repair/restoration.

If the compression is not normal, then you should stop driving the car and try to solve this problem first. Otherwise (especially if the pressure is very high), the engine may completely fail, after which it will need to be completely restored.

Signs and causes of disappearance

There are actually quite a few signs and reasons why there is no compression in one, two or all cylinders at once. Therefore, for users of our resource, materials have been collected that can help determine a decrease in the pressure level in the system.


If the sealing gasket burns out, the tightness of the cylinder itself is immediately compromised. This can be seen if exhaust gases begin to escape through the resulting gap. At this moment, the rings become stuck, which entails increased consumption of motor fluid and gasoline. In addition, in some cases, the engine power may increase, and smoky exhaust will come out of the exhaust pipe.

Cylinder operation diagram

If your car has lost compression in all cylinders at the same time or in just one of them, then the signs may be as follows:

  • the engine became much more difficult to start;
  • the engine is unstable, both at idle and while driving in gear, at all speeds;
  • you noticed that your “iron horse” began to consume much more fuel;
  • problems also began with the cylinders;
  • if your car is equipped with a diesel internal combustion engine, then while the engine is running you will hear frequent popping noises;
  • The pressure in the cooling system pipes increases.


Checking with a compression gauge

What could be the reasons? There are a lot of them, but we will look at them all:

  • cracks have appeared in the exhaust valve device, as a rule, this is caused by wear of the motor;
  • the exhaust valve fits very poorly, which entails leakage through the place where the valve comes into contact with the “seat”;
  • the valve “seat” itself is completely destroyed or has mechanical damage;
  • The cylinder head gasket has burnt out. This could happen due to wear and tear. In addition, the cause of gasket wear may be contamination on the contact surfaces of the gasket. It can also burn out as a result of engine overheating, which will subsequently lead to cracks on the block or deformation of the cylinder head or the block itself;
  • due to engine overheating, cylinder scuffing may occur;
  • the cylinder-piston group in your engine is worn out;
  • the inter-ring bridges of the piston have failed, that is, they have collapsed;
  • in addition, the reason why there is no compression in one or two cylinders may be a failure of the intake valve;
  • a crack has formed in one or more cylinders or on the pistons themselves;
  • carbon deposits have appeared on the oil seals and piston rings, which reduces the pressure in the system;
  • there are malfunctions or malfunctions in the operation of the gas distribution system;
  • broken chain or timing belt. If it breaks while driving a car, then this may well be the reason that the valves are bent;
  • the valve has stopped closing or there is a large gap when closing it. If the gap is too large, then the valve most likely does not open enough, which may be caused by incorrect adjustment or wear of the elements. Additionally, if there is not enough air flowing to one or more of the cylinders, you will hear a knocking sound under the valve covers.

Carbon deposits inside the engine

Typical motor malfunctions

Unlike the standard, the 21011 engine is designed for a medium octane number; A-76 gasoline, like the 2101 engine, is not recommended. When the timing chain breaks, the piston usually bends the valve, which is a common problem for AvtoVAZ internal combustion engines, with rare exceptions (for example, 2105). The main faults are:

Blue smoketearing of cylinder head gaskets, valve seals or bushings, wear of ringsreplacement of seals, rings and consumables
Engine overheatingbroken thermostat or faninstallation of new attachments
Oil consumption increasesexhaustion of pistons/cylinders, leaks in valve coversinstallation of the next repair size of pistons and rings, replacement of gaskets
Knockconnecting rod bearings, crank bearings, increasing valve clearancereplacement of consumables after diagnostics

In principle, the engine circuit, which is simple for today’s level of internal combustion engine development, facilitates independent maintenance of the 21011 drive model. The manufacturer’s instructions clearly indicate which oil is recommended for use and a description of the internal combustion engine parameters.

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