What and how can you use to remove foreign paint from a car?

Life situations are different, especially for motorists. When your car accidentally ends up on the spot where a fence has been painted or you drive through a freshly painted tunnel, there is a risk that a gust of wind could blow the freshly painted paint onto the car and leave behind a trail of droplets of the same color. In most cases, this paint is oil or acrylic based, and if it was vandalized, it will likely be spray paint. How to remove splashes of paint from a car - if this case was noticed immediately, then you can try to use gentle cleaning methods in the form of a regular rag and an alcohol-based glass cleaner; they can wipe the paint off the car body before it hardens.

How to remove paint from a car, methods for removing paint

Acetone or a nail polish remover based on it

One option would be to use a regular acetone-based nail polish remover, or purchase acetone itself separately. How to remove foreign paint from a car using acetone - you need to apply it to a rag and wipe the areas with foreign paint. The product must be applied in a certain layer until the paint begins to come off, but you need to be careful, since an excess of this product can have the opposite effect, which will manifest itself in the form of tarnished paint or a change in its color itself, since an excess of acetone can dissolve the varnish and damage the original car paint. After which the restored area must be rinsed thoroughly.

Clay for car cleaning

One of the options for removing paint from a car body is car cleaning clay, it can be purchased at an auto store, it should be sold along with a spray, which is a lubricant for clay, and also includes polish, wax and microporous cloth. If such components are not available, they can be purchased separately. How to remove paint using clay - you need to apply clay to the surface of a microporous fabric, and after removing the foreign paint, you need to rub the car with wax. This method works well as it is designed to preserve the paintwork on the car.

Scratch remover paste will help remove paint

A good analogue is scratch removal paste, which can be purchased at any auto store in your city. You can wash off someone else's paint with scratch removal paste - using a rag or a hard microporous rag with the paste applied, after which you can use the rag to clean the surface of the scratch-scratched paint.

An alternative way to remove paint from a car

As alternative ways to remove paint from a car, there are paint solvents, such as: white spirit, Galosh gasoline, lighter gasoline or kerosene. These substances can easily wash it off, but can also damage the car's paintwork, which will affect the car's paint in the future. There are also special solvents for balloon paints on the market; their price is much higher than their analogues, but the likelihood of a positive effect is much higher than when using improvised means.

Service centers

Taking into account all the potential risks, the best solution to clean and remove paint from a car is to contact specialized service centers. The craftsmen working there know very well what is the best way to remove dirt in a given situation, as well as how to minimize damage to the main paintwork on the vehicle.

Their choice will be based on the nature of the contamination, its volume and the type of material used. Paint can be completely different, having a different base and additional components included in it.

It is dangerous to peel off or remove oil paints with aggressive solvents. Specialized centers usually suggest using a special polish.

Be prepared for the fact that even experts in such matters will not always be able to prevent damage to the base paint layer. Some foreign paints eat into the surface so much that they literally merge with the main coating. Here we have to act more radically, followed by restoration of the damaged paintwork.

In addition to services for removing contaminants, specialists will also give useful recommendations on how to prevent similar situations from reoccurring, or to protect paintwork as much as possible from adhering paint. Polishes and waxing help a lot here. They create an intermediate barrier, thanks to which paint material that accidentally gets on the body can be easily removed, does not eat into the base, and therefore is quickly removed without unnecessary problems.

Video on how to remove paint from a car

If the car is insured, then with its full insurance there should be a section on vandalism, which should be included in the list of risks. Therefore, before you try to remove the paint yourself, you must first contact an insurance agent who can advise you and, if the answer is positive, can direct you to the right workshop, where all costs will be covered by the insurance company. And when asked how to remove someone else’s paint from a car or how to remove paint splatters from a car, professionals will take care of it.

While driving a car, its body inexorably receives damage. These could be micro-scratches, chips or major damage. In any of these cases, you can return the car to its original appearance by painting. But it is not recommended to paint the car body over already applied paint, especially if the paint is distributed unevenly over the parts due to damage. There are several ways to remove automotive paint from a car body, which we will discuss in this article.

Let's sum it up

Any prevention will always be better than cure. In this case, you should take care of a garage or guarded parking lot where such incidents will not be tolerated. As for the garage, here too, in my opinion, everything is clear... Of course, the one who set the task to harm you will find a way to do it, but as popular wisdom says:

"God saves man, who save himself!". If you feel there is a potential danger for yourself or your vehicle, then it is better to take care of it in advance, there are a lot of options, the simplest thing you can do is to insure your car or your health, fortunately there are more than enough willing insurance companies, so problems should not arise .

Chemical method of removing paint from a body

The chemical method of removing paint involves applying a special composition to the car body, which contains solvents that can soften the paint. The applied reagents soften the enamel, making it easy to remove with a spatula, scraper or other tools.

A means for chemically removing paint from a body can be:

  • Acidic. This product contains aggressive components that, if they come into contact with the paint, corrode it;
  • Alkaline. The principle of operation of such products is close to acid-based options;
  • Organic. Most often these are acetone or turpentine based products that can “soak” the hard paint film.

Please note: In rare cases, when specialized products do not allow you to remove paint from a car body, formic or phosphoric acid is used.

The process of chemically removing paint from a car body is performed in the following sequence:

Paint remover rating

Auto chemical stores offer a wide range of metal paint removers from various manufacturers, with different characteristics and at different prices. However, according to the popular rating based on reviews and tests provided on the Internet, 7 of them are the most popular among car enthusiasts.

    The following is a non-commercial rating that summarizes all of these products, indicating their characteristics, features, packaging volume and price as of fall 2022. If you have used these or similar means, share your experience in the comments to the material.

Universal remover Khimik AS-1

This product 4602666292308 is a universal remover. It is distinguished by its high efficiency and low price, which is why it has gained well-deserved popularity not only among car owners and auto repairmen, but also among specialists involved in various repairs. In accordance with the instructions, it effectively removes old paint coatings based on nitrocellulose (NC), pentaphthalic (PF), glyphthalic (GF), urethane (UR), vinyl (CV) and epoxy (EP) binders, that is, it can be used to remove alkyd, oil and epoxy paints, as well as enamels, varnishes and primers of all types.

It is a liquid that must be applied to the surface to be treated using a brush or spraying from a trigger. Please note that the Khimik universal paint remover is harmful to the human body, so you must work with it wearing personal protective equipment - a respirator, rubber gloves and preferably glasses. Moreover, it is better to do this outside or in a well-ventilated area. Do not work with it near open flame sources! The container with the wash can be stored at a temperature not exceeding +30°C.

Tests and reviews found on the Internet suggest that this universal remover is very effective. It removes even old paint perfectly. Accordingly, it is perfect for processing the paintwork of car parts. Can also be used at home. The paint on the metal begins to bubble and peel after a few minutes of chemical reaction. Removal is carried out using a spatula or similar tool.

Sold in 500 ml glass bottles. In this case, the mass of the liquid is 600 grams. The price of one package as of autumn 2022 is about 170 rubles.



Paint remover ABRO PR600 is one of the leaders in its segment due to its high efficiency, ease of use (aerosol can), and widespread distribution in auto chemical stores. The instructions for the product directly state that it can be used to remove paint, drying oil, epoxy resin, urethane, and varnish.

The Abro paint remover contains no alkalis, and the product itself is easily washed off with water. Removes paint from metal, concrete, wood. Do not use the product on plastic surfaces. As a last resort, it is possible to test the reaction of the plastic to the composition on a small area of ​​the surface. Can be used both for automotive equipment and at home.

It is necessary to apply the Abro paint remover from a distance of about 25...30 cm, then wait 10...20 minutes for the appropriate chemical reaction to occur and the paint to soften. After this, it can be removed mechanically - using a brush, rag, spatula or similar tools. You need to work only in a ventilated area. The product may cause irritation to the skin and mucous membrane of the eye, so do not allow contact with these surfaces.

Real tests show the paint remover's good performance on metal surfaces. After applying the remover, the paint dissolves in approximately 15...20 minutes, after which it can be simply removed from the surface. ABRO PR-600 paint remover is sold in a 283 ml aerosol can. The price as of autumn 2022 is about 350 rubles.


No paint

The product “Paint No” 2617-0 is positioned by the manufacturer as a remover for paints and varnishes. It is a liquid substance that is supposed to be applied to the surface to be treated using a brush or spray. Apply without preliminary surface preparation. The time required to complete the corresponding chemical reaction is about 8...10 minutes.

As a result of a chemical reaction, the paint turns into dry chips, which are removed mechanically. After using KraskiNet paint remover, the treated surface must be degreased. The product is safe for metal and does not lead to the formation of corrosion on its surface. Can be used for processing automotive parts, as well as in everyday life.

Using the KraskiNet remover, you can remove alkyd, polyurethane, epoxy paints, as well as complex coatings applied to the types of paints listed above. The instructions indicate that in one application cycle the product can remove up to 3...4 layers of paint. However, practical tests have shown that it can effectively handle one or two layers. Therefore, instead of the expected 100...150 ml per square meter of treated surface, the consumption will increase if the paint layer being removed is thicker.

Please note that before use, the remover of old paint “KraskiNet” must be heated to a temperature of +25°C. In particular, keep it at room temperature for two to three hours, or keep the package closed in warm water for 15...20 minutes. The product is harmful to humans, so you need to use body and respiratory protection. If the product gets on your skin or eyes, rinse them with copious amounts of running, clean water.

You can buy it in plastic canisters weighing 1.2 kg. The price of one package as of the above period is about 1000 rubles.


Hi-Gear Quick & Safe Paint & Gasket Remover

Hi-Gear Quick & Safe Paint & Gasket Remover HG5782 is positioned as a quick remover of old paint. At the same time, the instructions on the package indicate that it can be used to remove old dried gaskets, glue, and sealants. It is sold in the form of an aerosol, so it is convenient to use. However, it is noted that often one application to dissolve the paint is not enough; accordingly, after 5...10 minutes it is necessary to apply another layer of Hi-Gear paint remover. Given its relatively expensive price, this leads to overspending.

However, in general, the effectiveness of the product is at a fairly high level. Tests show that the paint bubbles evenly on the treated surface and is quite easy to clean. Therefore, it is quite possible to recommend the quick removal of old paint Hi-Gear Quick & Safe Paint & Gasket Remover for use not only in automotive equipment, but also in everyday life when performing various repair paint jobs.

Hi-Gear Quick & Safe Paint & Gasket Remover is sold in a 400 ml aerosol can. The price of the package is about 450 rubles.


Cleaner SP-7

A product for removing old paint called “SP-7” 875531547 is produced in the Russian Federation and Ukraine. It is a gel-like preparation based on organic solvents, surfactants, evaporation retardants, methylene chloride, thickeners, activators and ammonia solution. Paint remover is designed to remove multi-layer paint marks (applied in three to four layers). It can be used to remove the following types of paints: alkyd, acrylic, oil, melamine, epoxy, polyvinyl acetate. Does not damage the metal base, in particular, does not lead to corrosion.

Apply to the surface to be treated using a brush or roller. Next, you need to wait a few minutes so that the paint begins to bubble, after which it must be removed using a spatula or other mechanical method. Usually the procedure is repeated three to four times (depending on the age of the paint, surface material, conditions of use).

It is noted that the paint remover “SP-7” can be applied at temperatures from +5°C to +50°C, but in practice it is better to narrow this range to values ​​from +20°C to +50°C. The approximate consumption of the product is about 350 grams per square meter. It can be used on inclined and even vertical surfaces, since the product has a thick consistency.

Depending on the manufacturer, the volume of packaging will vary. The approximate price of a metal can weighing 1.1 kilograms is 200 rubles.


BODY 700

The full name of the product is BODY 700 REMOVER 5210000000. It is positioned by the manufacturer as a liquid for removing varnish, paint, various surface coatings, as well as for cleaning tools and devices. The composition is based on paraffin and organic solvents. Can be used with stainless, chrome, aluminum, galvanized steel, fiberglass, and plastic. Apply to the surface to be treated with a brush. It has a thick consistency, so it does not flow down from inclined surfaces.

The instructions indicate that the Body 700 product dissolves the paint in approximately three minutes, but real ones show that the working time is about 20...30 minutes. When applying paint remover, the ambient temperature should be between +5°C and +35°C, and its relative humidity should not exceed 80%. Do not leave the product on the surface to be treated for longer than 30 minutes. The dried surface should not be left in direct sunlight.

Real tests and reviews of BODY 700 REMOVER indicate good, but not the best, paint remover performance. For example, you can clean the hood of a car only after the third application. It is sold in metal cans of two sizes - 500 ml and 1 liter. The price of a smaller can is about 200 rubles, and a larger one is 350 rubles.


BOSNY Paint Remover

BOSNY Paint Remover 228 has a gel consistency, so it can be applied to inclined and vertical surfaces. Can be used to remove the following types of paints: synthetic enamels, oil, acrylic, alkyd paints and other durable coatings, including varnishes. It can also be used in everyday life, for example, during construction or dismantling work. It is applied using a brush that comes with the package, or using an aerosol gun. It has virtually no odor and is convenient to work with.

As for effectiveness, it can be assessed as average, however, if the paint is not old, then the product can be completely used to remove paint and varnishes. Tests show good results. Sold in a 400 ml jar, the price of which is approximately 400 rubles.


Mechanical method of removing paint from a body

The simplest and most common way to remove paint from a body is mechanical. The work is performed as follows:

You must wear personal protective equipment;

  • Next, the process of removing the top layer of paint begins. To do this, use an emery wheel with a grit of 220;
  • Once the top paint is removed, you can move on to the sanding process. To do this, use a 400-grit sanding wheel;
  • Dust and dirt remaining on the car must be removed with water. If necessary, you can degrease the surface.
  • The disadvantages of the mechanical method of removing paint are large labor costs and the difficulty of working with hard-to-reach surfaces. You also need appropriate equipment, which not every garage has.

    Please note: Usually the mechanical method is combined with the chemical method, that is, the main surface is cleaned mechanically, and hard-to-reach places using chemicals.

    What to look for when choosing

    Choosing the best product to remove paint from metal surfaces is always a compromise decision. So, before purchasing, be sure to analyze the following composition parameters:

    • Specialization . Thus, paint removers are: universal, for oil-based coatings and water-based coatings, express removers, for powder paints. A universal composition is best suited for a car.
    • Presence of odor . Often, cheap paint removers have an unpleasant, “chemical” odor, which is not only unpleasant for a person’s sense of smell, but also harmful to his body. Accordingly, it is advisable to choose formulations whose instructions clearly state that they are odorless. This is especially true if the work is supposed to be performed indoors without forced ventilation.
    • Paint remover consumption . Everything is simple here - the larger the surface that can be treated with a certain volume of product, the better.
    • Application method . Small metal parts can be immersed in a container that has previously been filled with liquid paint remover. If we are talking about a large part (as is the case in most cases), then manual application takes place using a brush, roller or spray gun.
    • Adhesion and thixotropy (the property of sticking to an inclined surface). These properties are relevant if it is intended to process, respectively, inclined or vertical surfaces. For horizontal surfaces this does not matter.
    • Corrosivity . If a rust remover is highly corrosive, there is always a risk that the product may damage the thin-walled product. Accordingly, it is advisable to choose a remover with a low rate of corrosiveness and strictly control the residence time of the substance on the treated surface (no more than half an hour).
    • Safety . In this case we mean fire and explosion safety. This factor is important for large-volume containers, for example, those stored in a car service center. They must be provided with the correct storage conditions, in particular, away from open sources of fire and heating devices.
    • Application temperature . This indicator is important if paint removal is planned in winter in an unheated room. In particular, you need to pay attention to the information on the packaging about the temperature range of operation and storage (use is allowed only at positive temperatures).

    Please note that there are special products on sale for removing so-called graffiti (writing on the body of a car or garage door). With their help, you can only get rid of the design directly without damaging the paint on the main surface.

    Thermal method of removing paint from a body

    If the paint on a car is heated, it will be removed from the body no worse than when treated with chemical compounds. This is the essence of the thermal method. To heat the paint, you can use a hair dryer, blowtorch or gas torch.

    Important: Before using these heating agents, be sure to read the instructions for using them, otherwise there is a high risk of getting a thermal burn.

    The thermal method of removing paint from the body is used for individual removed parts. It is not recommended to use it on a prefabricated body, since there is a high risk of damage to plastic, glass, rubber and other elements.

    To remove paint from a car body using the thermal method:

    1. Take care of personal protective equipment and carefully read the instructions for the device used for heat treatment;
    2. Remove the part from the body. If there are plastic, rubber or glass components on it, remove them;
    3. Heat the part in a dotted manner at intervals of 3-5 cm;
    4. The paint will swell and can be easily removed with a scraper;
    5. When the work is completed, rinse the part that has been cleared of paint.

    If necessary, the thermal method is combined with the chemical method to remove paint from hard-to-reach elements.

    Useful tips

  • The use of chemical solvents may damage the paint surface. If this has already happened, correct the problem by polishing.
  • Do not apply solvents to plastic or rubber parts of the machine, otherwise they will damage them.
  • Chemical solvents are flammable, so be careful when using them and follow the instructions exactly. Also, do not allow them to come into contact with your skin, eyes or respiratory tract, otherwise they may harm your health.
  • Initially, test the effect of the cleaning agent you have chosen on an inconspicuous area of ​​the body. Examine the treated area under different lighting conditions. If the paintwork has not faded or darkened, move on to visible areas of the surface.
  • Paint applied in a thick layer to the surface can be carefully scraped off with a plastic spatula or spatula.
  • We hope that our article was useful to you and you now know how and with what you can remove unnecessary paint from your favorite car.

    How to make a composition for removing paint from a car body

    There are several folk recipes for compounds that can replace auto chemicals available in specialized stores. Here are some of them:

  • A solution of 30% caustic soda. Suitable for processing individual parts, since the composition does not act very quickly - it will take about 12 hours to dissolve the paint. If you use it on vertical surfaces, the composition drains quickly and is not as effective;
  • A solution of wood alcohol, benzene and paraffin in a ratio of 1:8:1. The solution must be applied to the surface to be treated for 2-3 hours.
  • How to avoid pollution?

    Of course, no road user is immune from the appearance of paint stains on their car. However, there are a few simple rules that will help minimize risks.

    • First of all, you should not abandon your car in a turbulent place.
    • To spend the night, you should get a garage or find a place in a guarded parking lot.
    • It is advisable to store a universal stain remover in the trunk, which you can use immediately if something happens.
    • It is necessary to periodically inspect the car and if traces of paint are found, do not delay removing them.

    Basic methods for removing paint

    Three main ways to get rid of old paint are widely known:

    • Chemical;
    • Mechanical;
    • Thermal (we can say that this is a technical process used before mechanical processing of metal).

    Most often, motorists, despite the high cost of work, choose the mechanical method. The technology for this method of metal cleaning is quite simple; this method is effective, but requires a lot of labor. The car is treated with a metal brush or sandpaper, or a drill or angle grinder can be used. The painted surface of the car is cleaned to a shine, and then washed and degreased before painting. Sometimes sandblasting is used, but when using it, you must remember to additionally sand the surface of the car, since grains of sand may remain in the upper layers of the metal.

    The thermal method of removing paint from metal is that the paint-coated surface of the machine is heated using an industrial hair dryer, a blowtorch or a gas torch. After the paint has softened, it is cleaned off with special scrapers, brushes or other tools. This is a fairly simple and effective way to remove paint, but it is not very practical when you need to treat the surface of the entire car. It is best suited for cleaning individual parts.

    The chemical method of removing paint from a car involves cleaning the metal surface with caustic substances. When using them, you need to remember - the more layers of paint applied to the car, the more remover you will need. In addition, it is necessary to take into account vertical surfaces from which liquid flows, and this also does not contribute to saving material. It is worth saying that with the correct selection and proper use of reagents, this method is the simplest and most technologically advanced. Having softened the paint using special means, then removing it is not difficult.

    Other methods

    Using a laser

    An equally popular option is to remove paintwork using a laser. With its help, specialists will remove not only paint, but also resin and other substances. The equipment can be set to remove one layer of coating. Among the advantages of the laser method are the following:

    • ease and high speed of paint removal;
    • high-quality removal of any coatings;
    • silent procedure;
    • absence of unpleasant and harmful odors, as well as dirt and dust;
    • safety for humans and the environment.

    Important! The speed of the procedure directly depends on the color of the car. So, a dark coating is removed much faster than a light one. As for the disadvantages of laser body processing, the only thing we can highlight here is the high cost.


    This method is used in specialized workshops. Washing off old paint is carried out by dipping a completely disassembled body or individual parts into a special container filled with acid. Hydrochloric acid is ideal for paint. With its help, you can easily and quickly carry out such a procedure for removing paintwork.

    At the end of dipping, the body and parts are thoroughly washed and blown. Next, the metal is treated with a primer, which avoids the formation of corrosion.

    Now you know how to remove paintwork from a car using various materials and tools. If you carry out the operation according to our advice, the process of removing the dye will go quickly and without harm to your health.

    Recommendations from experts (2 videos)

    Body treatment before painting (22 photos)

    Features of surface cleaning using chemicals.

    If you have a penchant for chemical experiments, you can make paint stripper in your garage. The following methods are widely used among people:

    • For ethylene paint, use sodium hydroxide 10% (regular caustic soda);
    • A solution of hydrochloric acid (25%) with water (50%) and white clay (25%) dissolves paint perfectly, but then you need to use quicklime to neutralize it;
    • A composition of acid-resistant clay (50%), sodium hydroxide (15%) and water copes with a layer of 5 millimeters in about half an hour;
    • Caustic soda with sovelite and water will successfully clean the surface of your car down to the metal;
    • Paraffin (10%), wood alcohol (10%) and benzene (80%) will destroy paint in 3 hours;
    • Solvent N648 “specializes” in acrylic enamel;
    • Solvents containing xylor will remove oil paint from iron.
    • Many craftsmen use caustic soda the old fashioned way, apply a 30% solution to the metal surface, leave it for several hours, and then wash it off. This method is not bad, but it takes a lot of time.
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