Tuning VAZ 2107: how to bleed the engine and carburetor

There is probably no one among the owners of the domestic “Seven” who has never encountered problems with the performance of their vehicle. These problems require not only “prompt” intervention to eliminate identified faults, but also initiate some “revisions” and “improvements”, referred to by experts as “tuning”. In a large percentage of cases, both the “Seven” engine as a whole and its individual elements in particular, for example, the carburetor, are subject to tuning. So, the topic of our article will be tuning the VAZ 2107 carburetor.

Carburetor tuning can significantly improve the performance characteristics of a car, spending significantly less money compared to tuning the entire power unit. Another noticeable advantage of such actions by the car enthusiast is the immediate manifestation of a positive effect.

Tuning the carburetor VAZ 2107

To improve the performance characteristics of their “iron horse”, owners in most cases attempt tuning. Tuning “classics” has become a habit among many Russian drivers - after all, it is almost always possible to improve both the ride quality and the appearance of the car without large financial investments.

Tuning the VAZ 2107 carburetor is one of these opportunities. Often, when modifying a carburetor, tuning the entire power unit is not required, which can be considered a significant saving when working with an old car.

Carburetor tuning is needed for several reasons:

  • savings on engine tuning;
  • reduction in fuel consumption;
  • increase in engine power;
  • giving the car additional traction.

It is worth noting that the car owner can perform most of the procedures with his own hands - of course, if he has practical skills in servicing the car.

Lightweight valves

Installing lighter than standard valves ensures that the valve closes quickly with a spring. For this purpose, expensive light alloy valves are used. This method of modernization provides greater efficiency and normalization of valve timing at high speeds.

When tuning valves, you can install upgraded valves with a special shape of the disc profile.

Sometimes, instead of using light alloy valves, the valve plates are simply lightened. Less weight requires less camshaft effort to operate. Reduced weight rockers can be used in conjunction with lightweight valves. This will give even more advantages when using the machine at high speeds.

A similar effect can be achieved by installing more powerful valve springs. The valves also begin to close more quickly, but this solution has its drawback: stronger springs place additional stress on the camshaft, reducing its durability.

Options for modifying the standard VAZ carburetor

There are two main options for independently modifying the carburetor, which is installed on the “seven” by the factory. The advantage of any of them is obvious - you do not need to buy a new carburetor. However, the owner must know the design of the standard device well in order to be able to competently carry out modifications.

Constructive modification

Structural modification is considered one of the most common ways to “mobilize” all the strength of an old carburetor. This is how the problem of engine power is solved - immediately after modification, the driver will feel dramatic changes in the car’s power traction.

Structural modifications can only be carried out on a carburetor removed from the vehicle. It is recommended to first clean the device body from dust and traces of gasoline.

Modifying the design of the carburetor on the VAZ 2107 involves performing the following actions:

  1. Removing the spring connecting the vacuum pump and the throttle valve in both chambers.
  2. Making a drive from thin wire and connecting the damper directly to the pump levers - that is, replacing the springs with wire.
  3. Replacing the diffuser of chamber No. 1 with a larger one (from 3.5 to 4.5).
  4. Installing a new nozzle on the accelerator pump (nozzle must have a value of at least 40).

At this point, the minimal structural modification of the carburetor on the VAZ 2107 can be completed. However, experienced car owners also recommend replacing the jets - both air and fuel. This will provide the carburetor with more stable flows of the two components of the emulsion (gasoline and air), especially if you install jets with a higher throughput (1-2 sizes larger than the standard ones).

The work performed will not only increase engine power, but also save on fuel consumption. Although in some cases, as car enthusiasts note, replacing springs with wires does not allow the dampers to close on time, which can lead to increased gasoline consumption.

Grinding the diffuser

It is recommended to start tuning a Solex carburetor by reducing the resistance to air flow in the intake tract. The factory-made diffuser has a lot of sagging and protrusions caused by poor casting quality and subsequent surface treatment. Because of this, parasitic air flows and turbulence arise, which interfere with the flow of the mixture into the combustion chamber.

To correct the situation, you should disassemble the carburetor and visually inspect the diffuser. It usually looks like the one shown in the figure below.

Initially, it is necessary to sand all seams and protrusions that have arisen due to imperfect production technology. As a result of the modification, you should get a result as in the figure below.

At this stage, it is possible to complete the improvement of the passage of the fuel-air mixture, but as you know, there is no limit to perfection. Experienced car enthusiasts recommend not stopping only at polishing manufacturing defects, but giving the diffuser maximum aerodynamic characteristics. You can achieve good streamlining of the surface by giving it a shape similar to an oval or wing, as shown below.

By modifying the surface of the diffuser, you can increase the efficiency of the DaAZ carburetor by up to 20%. Eliminating an aerodynamic error changes the composition of the mixture, so after assembling the carburetor it is necessary to adjust it again.

Installation of a sports modification

Not all owners of “sevens” know that the Dimitrovgrad Automotive Accessory Plant, in addition to standard equipment, also produces sports versions of carburetors.

Thus, the VAZ 2107–1107010–07 “Solex-Sport” carburetor is considered just such a version, capable of giving the car significant acceleration. Its main advantages are that significant improvements have been made to the design of the installation:

  • jets with higher throughput are used;
  • the performance of the accelerator pump has been increased;
  • cold start characteristics have been improved;
  • The design of the chamber opening drives has been changed.

Thus, the “Sport” modification allows you to use all the power capabilities of the engine. However, fuel consumption will be approximately 10% higher than when driving with a standard DAAZ carburetor.

The process of installing a sports carburetor on a VAZ 2107 is no different from installing a standard one - after all, the manufacturer made sure in advance that the new device has the same dimensions and connectors for connections.

The traditional installation diagram looks like this:

    Install a new gasket onto the carburetor seat.

However, not all car owners believe that it is advisable to install a Solex sports carburetor on the “seven”.

you stupidly buy a Solex 21073 from a Niva 1700 and don’t need anything else. rework will require only 200 rubles. and not as they ask for 5800 rubles - this is a scam for suckers. acceleration dynamics can be improved with virtually no significant increase in fuel consumption. and not like these Solex Sport

Popova Natalya


Disassemble and modify

Removing the springs

Initially, it is necessary to remove the springs from the vacuum drive - they are located in the throttle valve of the primary chamber of the carburetor. After removing the springs, the process of accelerating the car will become easier and faster. The original purpose of these springs was to save fuel, but in practice this turned out to be completely different: without springs, gasoline consumption per 100 km will increase by 0.5 liters.

Wire to the rescue

The next step is to replace the throttle valve vacuum actuator. The vacuum drive should be replaced with a mechanical one.

This can be done as follows: take a small, even metal wire and bend one edge into a ring. We look for the nut that holds the throttle valve and put a wire ring on it. The result will be a protrusion, which on the outside of the lever will now be located between the wire and the other drive lever.

We fasten the nut and test the car while sharply pressing the gas during acceleration.

The purpose of this method is to simultaneously operate both chambers of the carburetor.

Air in the carburetor

With proper air flow into the carburetor, its operating efficiency increases. Diffusers marked 3.5 are usually installed on stock VAZ carburetors. They can be replaced with an analogue 4.5 and, thus, improve the acceleration of the car. At the same time, you can also replace the pump atomizer accelerator.

Such modernization does not affect fuel consumption in any way, which is why many tuners modify Ozone carburetors in this way.

Changing jets

The procedure is not easy. After such a replacement, it is possible to significantly improve the quality characteristics of the mixture and achieve higher productivity.

But you shouldn’t do the replacement yourself; it’s better to contact professional workshops that specialize in tuning and repairing carburetors. It is almost impossible to select the necessary jets without experience and knowledge on your own.

Carburetor from a more powerful car

When choosing a carburetor from a more powerful version of the VAZ, you should keep in mind both the engine size and its service life. The carburetor must always match the power unit, otherwise the fast and easy ride that the driver hopes for will not work.

So, on the “seven” you can install more powerful carburetors from the “Niva”, “Lada Priora” and other VAZ models, but installation will require some modifications in terms of fastenings and connections, since the carburetor bodies have a different structure.

Experienced VAZ 2107 car owners do not recommend installing carburetors from imported car models on the car. Such work will take a lot of time, and imported installations are several times more expensive than domestic ones. And the desired result may not appear for one simple reason - some minor mistake was made during the installation process.

Therefore, it is advisable to either simply buy a new domestic carburetor, or install two carburetor units on the VAZ 2107 at once.

DIY repair

If your carburetor suddenly becomes unusable, do not throw it away. Repairing this important “organ” of the car involves replacing faulty parts as quickly as possible. In order to determine which parts need to be replaced, you should disassemble, clean the carburetor and carefully inspect the component mechanisms.

How to remove a carburetor

The carburetor is removed if a malfunction is detected in it, but there is no way to do this by partial disassembly. The carburetor is also removed to replace, adjust and clean it.

It is removed as follows:

  1. To begin with, all kinds of hinged parts and damper drive cables are removed.
  2. The air filter housing is removed from the studs. To do this, you need to unscrew all the nuts that secure it to the carburetor. The clamping nut is pulled back and the choke cable sheath is pulled out from the mounting bracket.
  3. The outer surface of the parts is cleaned of dirt.
  4. The choke drive cable is loosened and the fuel supply and crankcase gas exhaust hoses are removed.
  5. The hose between the economizer and the pneumatic valve and the hose of the vacuum ignition distributor are disconnected.
  6. Then the nuts that secure the carburetor to the intake manifold are unscrewed.
  7. The carburetor body is removed and the intake manifold hole is plugged with a clean rag to avoid clogging.

Don't forget to check the integrity of the sealing gasket, which is located between the carburetor and the intake manifold. Replace it if necessary.

How to install two carburetors on a VAZ 2107

Two simple standard DAAZ carburetors will give the car more power. In addition - and this should be emphasized - two carburetors working in pairs significantly reduce fuel consumption. It is this factor that is extremely relevant in our time, when gasoline prices are rising every month.

It is recommended to install two carburetor units in the following cases:

  • it is necessary to increase the power characteristics of the car;
  • it is necessary to reduce fuel consumption;
  • there is no dynamics during acceleration and overtaking;
  • there is a need to reduce the toxicity of emissions.

The installation process is best carried out in a car repair shop, as the work is considered difficult. If you make a mistake, you can damage the power unit.

To work you will need the following tools and parts:

  • two carburetors of the same model (DAAZ);
  • two collectors (preferably from an Oka car);
  • set of wrenches;
  • pliers;
  • drill;
  • angle grinder (“grinder”);
  • vice.

In addition, it is better to stock up on various auxiliary materials in advance: hoses, tees and antifreeze.

Operating procedure

The installation of two carburetors on a VAZ 2107 begins only after the antifreeze has been completely drained from the system and the old carburetor has been removed:

  1. Unscrew the manifold fasteners and remove it.
  2. In place of its fixation, install two manifolds from the Oka, screw them with nuts. To do this, cut the threads on the cylinder block in the appropriate places.

Video: two carburetors on a “classic”

In most cases, the carburetors will need to be adjusted to ensure they perform the same.

On the VAZ 2107 you can use different types of carburetors. However, when tuning yourself, do not forget that the best equipment of the car is what is installed at the factory.

Owners of the domestic “Seven” have certainly encountered problems more than once when the vehicle does not want to work as the driver wants.

If over time you increasingly begin to notice the lack of an instant response after pressing the gas pedal, a very slow increase in speed reaching maximum power, then it’s time for you to intervene in this process, directing efforts to improve some mechanisms.

Among motorists, the process of improving or modifying individual devices and mechanisms is called tuning.

Of course, you can take your “horse” to professional craftsmen who will be able to do any tuning for a decent amount of money.

However, it will be much better if you are the one who makes the effort; it is you who can modify certain mechanisms with your own hands in order to improve the performance of the car.

Experienced craftsmen recommend starting such actions by tuning the VAZ-2107 carburetor with your own hands. This will allow you to instantly feel the positive effect, while spending a small amount of financial resources.

Possible breakdowns of the second camera and their diagnosis

Malfunctions of the second chamber of a Solex carburetor or a unit from another manufacturer are not uncommon. To neutralize these, it is necessary to identify the exact cause of the breakdown, which means clearly answering the question - “Why doesn’t the second chamber of the carburetor work or does it do it completely incorrectly?” In fact, there may be many answers to this question, because the design of any carburetor is not very simple. In any case, all breakdowns can be “treated”, so let’s pay attention to ways to diagnose them.

You can familiarize yourself with all kinds of malfunctions in the following list:

  • The carburetor chamber is flooded. Perhaps the most common cause of malfunction of this part of the assembly. It can manifest itself either as an independent breakdown or as part of a full-fledged problem when the carburetor begins to mercilessly “spill” fuel and richen the mixture. The unit often leaks gasoline due to contamination of the fuel channels, which is expressed in the appearance of typical symptoms of an enriched mixture: black smoke from the exhaust pipe, dips, lack of traction, fuel in the air filter, and so on;
  • The clearance of the second carburetor chamber is set incorrectly. Everything here is extremely simple - the valve of the second chamber violates its normal position and cannot open as before, as a result of which the problem described above appears (the unit overflows gasoline or openly floods the cylinders with it);
  • The damper doesn't bother to open at all. In such a combination of circumstances, as a rule, fuel overflows in the second chamber and the same symptoms of an overly enriched mixture begin. In this case, we first check the proper functioning of all throttle valve actuators; if they are normal, then the second chamber does not come off for other reasons;
  • The proper amount of fuel does not flow into the second chamber of the carburetor. The symptoms in such a situation will be those that appear with a lean mixture. The motor suffers especially often, as it overheats greatly when operating at medium to high speeds. It is precisely when the second chamber of the unit should come into operation. The cause of this problem may be either clogged carburetor channels or incorrect settings;
  • Specific components of the part necessary for stable operation of the second chamber have failed (forced XX economizer, diffuser, jets, etc.). If something like this happens, then the operation of the carburetor becomes extremely crumpled, unstable and, in general, incomprehensible, with the manifestation of either symptoms of enrichment of the mixture above the norm, or depletion. To organize repairs under such circumstances, you will have to carry out a comprehensive diagnostics of the unit.

As you can see, there are many reasons for the breakdown of the second chamber of the carburetor. Diagnosing them, of course, is not always easy, but if the exact “culprit” of the problem is found, then repairing it will not be particularly difficult.

Options for tuning the “Seven” carburetor

So, if you decide to try your hand at improving the performance of your car, it is advisable for you to start by improving the performance of the carburetor.

First of all, this will allow you to fill your hand, and also make sure that all actions were not carried out in vain. The maneuverability of the vehicle is significantly improved, and fuel consumption is reduced.

How could this not impress some car enthusiast? Probably, every owner of not only a “Seven”, but any car, only dreams of increased performance, and the need to spend money on refueling less and less often.

Increasing cylinder diameter

Such modernization requires special equipment and the work of a qualified specialist. Boring the cylinder and replacing the pistons with parts with a larger diameter allows you to get a significant increase in power. However, such tuning is usually used only on an old engine with worn out inner surfaces of the cylinders.

Adjusting the float mechanism

The operation is carried out in three stages. First, the float is checked to ensure its correct location in relation to the walls of the chamber and its lid. This procedure makes it possible to achieve “ideal” immersion of the float by eliminating the phenomena of deformation of the bracket on which it is mounted. Deformation can be eliminated simply by straightening the fastening element with your fingers.

Secondly, close the needle valve and begin to adjust the 2107 carburetor: put the lid in a vertical position, move the float to the side, and bend the bracket tongue (using a screwdriver). All these operations are performed in order to achieve a gap between the float and the cover at a level of 6–7 mm. Thirdly, open the valve, move the float to the side, and achieve a gap of 15 mm between the needle seat and the float.

Unusual all-terrain vehicle - fracture

Tuning comes not only with a sporting bent, but also with an off-road focus. In the village, as in 60% of the territory of our vast homeland, there is complete impassability. It may be impossible to drive there not only in a limousine, but also in an unpretentious civilian sedan. What can I say, and the “Nivas” sat up to their bellies in the mud. Here an unusual all-terrain vehicle with low-pressure swamp tires, made on the basis of the VAZ-2107, can come to the rescue.

To be precise, not entirely based on the “Seven”, but only using some body elements, such as the front part with the engine compartment and hood, radiator grille and head optics. Everything else is individual modifications to the required criteria for all-terrain capability, functionality and safety.

The engine used is a reliable 2-liter 75-horsepower Nissan diesel engine with a Japanese automatic transmission and our transfer case from GAZ-69. For the driver and passengers in the harsh Russian winters, special comfort is provided with the use of a Webasto heater, a dry hair dryer in the booth, a winch, and an additional stove with a pump.

Solex, Ozone or Weber?

Indeed, why not install a Solex? Yes, it really does provide better dynamics. Nevertheless, with the “Weber” and the converted “Ozone” the car drives better and more reliably, and most importantly, you don’t have to invest money. Samar owners can talk for a long time about the capriciousness of such a unit, since it is very difficult to get rid of jerks, jerks and failures on it. What about the malfunctioning solenoid valve and the always-unscrewing cap? But both “Ozone” and “Weber” are tuned once a year during everyday driving.

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