What should be the tire pressure in a VAZ passenger car?

The domestic auto industry rarely spoils us with new vehicles, so there is not much variety of Russian cars on the roads. However, many car enthusiasts who own cars such as the VAZ 2107 or 2114 or 2115 do not want to part with them and drive them around the expanses of Russia for many years. No one can explain why Lada is so popular in our time - this is the second name for these cars. Everyone has their own reasons for not parting with their “old friend.”

VAZ tire

Since many VAZ car models have not rolled off the assembly line for a long time, one cannot expect that they will be equipped with the latest functions. Naturally, their safety is a complete disaster; apart from a seat belt, there is no protection. Experienced drivers increase the safety of their lives by always monitoring the tire pressure of their VAZ car. In addition, this allows us to reduce wear and tear on vehicles, which is important.

Lada tire pressure in winter and summer

Automakers do a great job of calculating the optimal tire pressure, so there is no reason not to trust the information written in the car's passport. This issue was approached especially carefully in Soviet times, when the production of Lada cars began.

Although many car enthusiasts have their own opinion on this matter and believe that it is necessary to adjust tire inflation depending on the time of year and the rubber used.

Listening to the opinion of experienced drivers or strictly following the recommendations in the car’s passport is a purely individual matter. One thing is for sure - you cannot deviate too much from the optimal values, no more than 10-15% is acceptable

Review of the best summer and winter tires

It is better to acquire separate sets of summer and winter tires in advance. Pirelli Cinturato P1 Verde tires are ideal for the warm season. Their cost is relatively high (from 3,500 rubles per 1 tire). However, they perform excellently on wet asphalt and are highly resistant to wear.

Choosing suitable tires for the VAZ 2110 is a relatively simple process. However, it is important to familiarize yourself with the intricacies of tire selection in advance. Wheels that are too large can easily damage the vehicle body.

How to measure blood pressure

In cars such as the VAZ 2107 or VAZ 2114, of course, there are no automatic monitoring systems already installed at the factory. Therefore, the driver must take care of himself.

Gas pressure gauge for measuring tire pressure

There are several types of devices that allow you to monitor tire pressure. They have different capabilities, which accordingly affects the cost and ease of use.

Each driver in his lifetime manages to try all types of devices and chooses the most convenient model. Do not forget about the accuracy of the device, not all of them differ in it, as well as the specifics of use.

For a long time to come, VAZs will drive along our roads, deftly maneuvering between proud foreign cars. Indeed, despite the lack of advanced options in most models, they have proven themselves well. And, if their drivers also pay close attention to the pressure in the tires of VAZ cars, then driving safety will be higher.


Tire pressure 2112 r14

a pressure of more than 2 atm is not only not harmful, but also necessary when traveling on the highway or simply at high speed.

Tire wear is increased precisely with insufficient pressure.

and temperature fluctuations in tire pressure are at least somewhat noticeable only on trucks, where the cylinders are larger and the pressure is 2-3 times higher. talking about this regarding 13″ tires and a pressure of 2 atm is simply ridiculous!

but a flat tire that bursts on the highway is a harsh reality that sooner or later any sheep who “protects” their tires from an extra 0.2 atm will face.

Hm. I won’t argue, but car reviewers say that the pressure should be normal, and not plus or minus. And that deviations in both directions are equally harmful. I’m used to trusting them; as a rule, they don’t just preach anything.

What can result from non-compliance with regulatory indicators?

Car enthusiasts often forget about the consequences that are possible when tire pressure decreases (increases) above the nominal.

As a rule, deviation of this indicator can lead to excessive wear and destruction of rubber, deterioration of control, increased fuel consumption, and so on.

Moreover, “side effects” largely depend on whether it is reduced or increased.

Let's look at each of the options:

1. If the criterion is higher than normalized:

  • the tire becomes harder, all vibrations are transmitted to the passenger compartment;
  • the risk of hitting a stone or pothole increases, damaging the tires;
  • the quality of adhesion to the road surface deteriorates. As a result, the pattern on the tire also wears off unevenly;
  • wheel rotation becomes easier;
  • the braking distance increases (due to deterioration of adhesion to the surface);
  • road stability increases.

2. If the indicator is lower than normal:

  • fuel consumption increases;
  • the process of tire wear accelerates due to an increase in the area of ​​contact with the asphalt;
  • the process of driving a vehicle becomes more complicated;
  • the angle of inclination changes, which makes the car less stable on the road surface. As a result, the risk of skidding on the road increases.

How much is the tire pressure of VAZ 2112

For the VAZ 2110 model, the manufacturer recommends maintaining tire pressure at 1.9 kgf/cm3 for front and rear wheels of size 175/70 R13 and 2.0 kgf/cm3 for size 175/85 R14. According to some drivers, in winter the tire pressure should be less than in summer. But it is worth noting that this would definitely be indicated in the Operating Instructions.

In practice and in theory, it is confirmed that a decrease in tire pressure in winter leads to an increase in braking distance, and in summer to its increase. In any case, reducing the tire pressure of the VAZ 2110 below the declared one leads to deterioration in handling, increases gasoline consumption and reduces the service life of tires by about 20%. With increased tire pressure in winter, the stability of the car decreases, at any time of the year the stiffness of the suspension increases and the service life of the tires decreases by at least 10%. If you want your vehicle to meet all manufacturer specifications, be sure to periodically check and maintain tire pressure in accordance with factory recommendations.

VAZ cars can be considered one of the most famous brands in the post-Soviet space. Today you can find both old VAZ-2106 and 2107 models. Samara 2109 and 21099 are quite common. Fans of the domestic automobile industry today purchase more modern models: VAZ 2110, 2112, 2114 and 2115 . This suggests that even with the appearance on the market of a large number of affordable foreign cars, cars from the Volzhsky plant have not ceased to be in demand among car enthusiasts.

It is important to always know the tire pressure of your car

In order for the service life of the car to be long enough, it is necessary to strictly adhere to all conditions of proper operation. Among the various factors that determine the proper use of a car, tire pressure is very important and significant.


Front-wheel drive cars of the Volzhsky Automobile Plant, such as the VAZ 2110, VAZ 2114 and VAZ 2115, can be equipped with wheels with a radius of R13, R14, R15 and R16, but the standard cars are equipped only with rims and tires of the 13th and 14th radius. The optimal tire pressure depends primarily on the load and weight of the vehicle; much also depends on road conditions and ambient temperature.

If the wheels are poorly inflated, then:

If the wheels are inflated more than normal, then this is also not very good:

Below are three pictures that show how the rubber tread adheres to the road at optimal, low and excess pressure.

Many car owners are wondering what pressure should be in R14 tires on VAZ models. According to technical conditions, the wheels on a VAZ 2114 (2115) car are inflated to 1.9 kgf/cm² (R13), on VAZ 2110-2112 cars it is recommended 2.0 kgf/cm² (R14). Moreover, it makes no difference what axle the wheels are on - front or rear.

Car tire pressure, how important is it?

The manufacturer always gives recommendations regarding the tire pressure of the car. There is a special table where, depending on the model and type of tire, it is indicated what the value should be for different types of cars.

However, we should not forget that it also depends on load distribution, ambient temperature and other factors.

Control measurement of tire pressure on a VAZ 2106 car

With overinflated wheels we observe the following:

When the wheels are underinflated, the following phenomena are observed:

Car pressure gauge - dial and electronic with LCD screen

In both the first and second cases, tread wear increases. In the first case, the middle of the tread deteriorates, in the second, the sidewalls.

Tire pressure table for different VAZ car models

The table below shows what the tire pressure should be for various VAZ car models. We provide an incomplete list, older types, like the VAZ-21099, and newer cars: VAZ-2110, 21111 and 21112.

Table of recommended tire pressure for VAZ cars

In winter, it is customary to lower the wheels a little, although it is officially stated that the degree of inflation does not depend on the season. However, lowered wheels provide the following advantages:

Check your car tire pressure regularly

Owners of VAZ cars, like any other brands, are recommended to regularly check the level of tire inflation - at least once a month. Practice shows that over the course of a month the pressure decreases by 0.4 atmospheres. In this case, it is necessary to pump up the wheels.

To measure, you don’t have to constantly go to a service station - you can do it yourself using a pressure gauge. We do it this way:

Check your vehicle tire pressure regularly

Since temperature can significantly affect the readings, it is necessary to take them before leaving the garage on “cold” tires. Remember that regular monitoring is the key to your safety and long vehicle life.


How to measure the tire pressure of VAZ cars? The measurement can be made using a special dial pressure gauge, but it should be noted that they may have an error of 0.2 atm. The pressure gauge can be either a separate device or as part of a wheel inflation pump.

We measure the pressure very simply:

It is recommended to take measurements at least once a month if the machine is used regularly. It is recommended to check tire inflation before leaving the garage after a long stay.

Pressure may increase when tires heat up. This often happens if the driver prefers a dynamic driving style with frequent and sharp braking. Therefore, measurements are taken on the car before the trip, when the wheels have not yet warmed up.

Which wheels to choose: with or without a tube?

In recent years, tire fitting and car repair specialists have been advising the purchase of tubeless wheels. But just a decade ago it seemed fantastic. Today, the use of tires with tubes is a rare occurrence, and in a couple of years, wheels with a tube inside will probably only be found on bicycles.

A tubeless tire has better wear-resistant characteristics due to increased vulcanization. Due to their lighter weight, their technical characteristics are better due to lower inertia. In addition, a tubeless tire balances better. Their service life is also longer. In addition, in the event of a puncture, the tubeless tube will hold air longer, which will allow you to safely get to the service center.

Also, we will not consider the issue of driving in winter on winter tires with studs and greater tread depth, because... this affects your safety and the safety of not only the car, but the life and health of others. Therefore, in the summer we use summer wheels and no “all-season” tires during other periods, unless you live in snowless Europe. The choice of tire manufacturer brand is your choice; the only thing worth paying attention to is that the radius of the wheels must exactly match that recommended in the vehicle’s service book.

What tire pressure should be?

You don’t need to be a professional to answer the question: “How to measure tire pressure?” The pressure in car tires is measured with pressure gauges, which can be dial, mechanical and digital (electronic). For the best result, it is necessary to measure on a cold car, before driving, because... During operation, the wheels heat up, and therefore the pressure increases. You need to measure all four wheels with a pressure gauge, because... pressure can be different everywhere. Very often, the pressure gauge function is installed in pumps (compressors) for inflating car tires. Compressors are connected either to the car's cigarette lighter or to the battery terminals.

Tire pressure is indicated in atmospheres. The atmosphere is the value of kilogram per square meter. Typically, recommendations on what pressure in the tires of a car should be indicated in the car’s service book. Also, recommended atmospheric pressure values ​​can be placed on a sticker located either on the gas filler door or on the pillar next to the driver.

Tire pressure table for VAZ car

If you do not find the recommended parameters, then it is better to call any dealership of your car brand. There are no alternatives to the values ​​defined by the manufacturer, so the specified values ​​must be adhered to. There are recommendations on the tires themselves, but they are not relevant, because... A certain brand of wheels can be installed on different cars.

How much should the tire pressure be for r14 tires? It is generally accepted that the pressure in r14 tires or tires of any other radius should be within 2-2.2 atmospheres. And at full load up to 2.4. But this is not entirely correct. Each car has a different weight. Yes, and the radius of the wheels may vary; in addition, the recommended pressure density is influenced by weather conditions and the road surface. They also make different settings for tire pressure on the front and rear axles of the car. It depends on the type of drive wheels.

When you determine the required tire density range, it is better to inflate to its minimum value, because... at this level, the grip of the wheels on the road will be maximum, therefore, it will be easier to drive the car.

What non-standard sizes can be supplied?

Installing wheels with a diameter or width larger than the standard size may cause a malfunction. Before purchasing, you must ensure that the installation is safe. A good solution is a preliminary “trying on”. You should install the wheels before purchasing. It is especially important to check the front tires: they should not touch the fender liners or the car body.

Often, too high a tread height leads to contact with the fender liners. This can have serious consequences:

  • damage to the plastic of the wheel arches;
  • mudguards become damaged and cease to perform their function;
  • Cavities and rust appear at the points of contact between the tread and the paintwork.

The latter is especially dangerous. Since unprotected metal rots quickly, literally within 1 winter. AvtoVAZ cars have never been famous for their high-quality anti-corrosion treatment. Also, increasing the weight of the wheel by literally a few kilograms will lead to accelerated wear:

  • wheel bearings;
  • shock absorber struts and other suspension elements.

The manufacturer allows the installation of the following non-standard tire diameters on VAZ 2110 vehicles and modifications:

  • R15;
  • R16;
  • R17.

The diameter of R14 is typical and relatively small. It is allowed to use tires with a tread width of up to 185 mm and a height of up to 75-80. Tires with a diameter of 15 inches are also usually installed on this car without any problems. R16 is a tire that requires some driving skill. Since this diameter is not standard, the machine is not designed for this weight and size.

R17 and R18 can only be installed after some modification using a special roller - the wheel arches simply “roll out”. This will avoid contact between tires and body parts. Also, constant friction of the tread on the fender liners will cause the pattern to quickly wear off and lead to deterioration of the wheel’s grip on the road.

Features of tire inflation in winter and summer

As mentioned above, you need to check the density of tires on a cold car. It is also better to inflate tires, especially in winter, not immediately after using the car, but when the wheels “cool down” a little. This rule applies to both winter and summer maintenance. In winter, we measure the pressure and pump up the tires no earlier than 2 hours after stopping. In summer, due to the high ambient temperature, cooling occurs much more slowly, this should also be taken into account. In winter, the ideal option would be to inflate tires in a warm box or tire shop; this will help to avoid differences in pressure, and in this case the indicators will be close to ideal.

Please note that if the car is fully loaded, the pressure in the tires will increase significantly, this should also be taken into account. Significant changes will also occur when the ambient temperature fluctuates greatly. Therefore, when the weather changes, you need to measure the tire pressure more often.


The pressure in VAZ tires in summer should, in principle, be the same as in winter. But in practice in winter it is made a little lower for a number of reasons:

It is necessary to take into account the fact that after a temperature change (after leaving a warm garage on a frosty street), the pressure in the R14 tires will become less due to physical factors. Therefore, you should check it before you hit the road and, if necessary, pump up the tires. Also, when it gets warmer after winter, pressure measurements should be taken.

The pressure in R13 tires in summer is usually maintained at 1.9 atm, but this level is designed for an average vehicle load (two or three people in the cabin). If the car is fully loaded, then the pressure should be increased on the front axle to 2.0-2.1 atm., on the rear axle to 2.3-2.4 atm. The spare wheel is inflated to 2.3 atm.

Russian roads are not of good quality, and therefore many car owners deliberately lower the tire pressure somewhat so that all the unevenness of the road surface is not so noticeably felt when driving. Typically, in summer the wheels are lowered by 5-10%, and in winter by 10-15% of the norm. On flat roads you can stick to the factory standard.

For example, a table of car tire pressures:

For example, a table of car tire pressures

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